A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Synapse (814 D)
27 Jun 13 UTC
Sitter needed
From tomorrow until 11th July
4 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
27 Jun 13 UTC
Sitter Needed June 30th-July 6th
Hello all. I'm gone on a trip from June 30th- July 6th. If anyone could watch over my account I would be very grateful. I'm in 6 games, pretty solid position in each. I hate to ask for an extend in all these games, as I see it unfair to the players. The reason I'm in many games (I've known about this trip) is because I thought where I was going had internet. This is not correct!
16 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Jun 13 UTC
Seeking sitter(s) for Known World 901 anon gunboats
Friday through Monday morning. Great positions! PM if interested.
1 reply
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
26 Jun 13 UTC
Aussie politics
Been quiet of late...

(More below)
22 replies
fadethru (1125 D)
26 Jun 13 UTC
World Wide Gunboat looking for 17 players. Quick turns. no meta....
0 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
17 Jun 13 UTC
Competitive Gunboat
Looking for some experienced players who want to play WTA gunboat game. Post if interested, will select variants based on responses.
15 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
24 Jun 13 UTC
Leif not a cheater as far as I know
In a now closed and locked thread Leif replied to something I said.
11 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
26 Jun 13 UTC
Go Rudd!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
19 Jun 13 UTC
Chaos anyone?
1 reply
Utom (1310 D)
25 Jun 13 UTC
High Stakes Star
Why are all the games I am playing in marked with a High Stakes Star .. even though they are all relatively low stakes including one of 3 DPoints?
4 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
24 Jun 13 UTC
How many games you playin?
The number of games Sandgoose is too damn high!
23 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 Jun 13 UTC
WTA Gunboat gameID=14966
-buck the tiger's odds-
Fall of the American Empire, 35 D buy-in, 16 hour phases
experienced and reliable players- join up!
0 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
25 Jun 13 UTC
Featured Games
Can someone explain to me why every single game I'm in is starred as a featured game? Some are like, 5 point buy ins.... Is anyone else seeing this?
3 replies
Gumers (1801 D)
21 Jun 13 UTC
MODs protecting cheaters! And punishing the victim´s (ME) - revealed
76 replies
Anon (?? D)
23 Jun 13 UTC
Buttergoose Tournament - Urgent Announcement
A player has been banned so Iran is in CD in the Round 1 game (gameID=14592) of the tournament. in order for the tournament to progress fairly, we strongly desire a replacement for Iran. Rules to the tournament are here: thread=41653
3 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
22 Jun 13 UTC
New feature proposal: No-contest voting option
In Gumers's thread I proposed a no-contest vote option, which would essentially act as a cancel which keeps games on the record for later review. Oli and/or other devs, how feasible would it be to get such a voting option?
15 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Jun 13 UTC
Sitter wanted
On Monday I will be leaving on vacation and may not have internet access. I'm not doing particularly well in any of my games but if anyone wants to take over my spots for whatever reason, PM.
0 replies
Gumers (1801 D)
21 Jun 13 UTC
MODs protecting cheaters!
I cant believe this is actualy happening and I´ll wait for their answers and final decision before exposing the facts here!
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
21 Jun 13 UTC
5 out of 8 have joined now. We need 3 more to join. The bet is set to 100. COME ON NOW, join what surely will be a quality-game!

0 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
19 Jun 13 UTC
1st Crusade
I need a few more testers for the second test of the first crusade map.
Thanks! :)
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
20 Jun 13 UTC
Anyone care for a historical RP game?
Such as this gameID=14905
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Rock Stone (1054 D)
19 Jun 13 UTC
Won't you be my neighbor?

Need 4 players for American Conflict. gameID=14886
0 replies
Rock Stone (1054 D)
18 Jun 13 UTC
New game, first game
My first game on this site. South America for 4. Won't you join me? gameID=14875
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
16 Jun 13 UTC
My new game
3 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
10 Jun 13 UTC
My 200th game!
Hello all! Since I've joined the site, I have played a large variety of games and have started or finised 199. I want to invite anyone who is interested to play in my 200th game on the site :)
35 replies
TomTom (776 D X)
18 Jun 13 UTC

Can you guess the PW??
Ans : CanYouGuessThePassWord
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
23 Apr 13 UTC
VDip Players Map!
I think they have one of these for WebDip, so I figured I might as well make one for VDip too. Post on this thread or send me a PM with your location (no need to be precise with this - you can just give a nearby city if you want to) and I'll add you to the map. - This link is also on my profile page, so it can still be found when this thread dies.
120 replies
Amwidkle (1351 D)
17 Jun 13 UTC
Question about Civil Disorder rules
Confused about CD rules...
Amwidkle (1351 D)
17 Jun 13 UTC
So when you make a new game, you are asked to set an NMR policy. This policy has two values, Turns and Delay. I think I understand basically how "Delay" operates: When a country NMRs, then the Delay value sets the amount of phases the current phase will extend by if a replacement player is not found. For example, a value of "1" in Delay will simply extend the current phase by one phase (then proceesd as normal even if a replacement is not found), while a value of "infinity" in Delay will keep extending the game forever until a replacement is found (if this is incorrect however, please correct me).

My question is about the value for Turns. What does this value do exactly? I do not find the explanation given at the New Game screen helpful. To me, it seems like when a country falls into Civil Disorder, then as long as the player originally in charge of the country when the CD took effect does not return and reclaim his country, then the country will always be available for another player to claim unless and until it is eventually defeated. Therefore, it would seem to me Turns (which says it controls the amount of turns the CD action is in effect for) is always "infinity." But this can't be right... I must be interpreting the explanation for Turns wrong.

What I would really like to have is an NMR policy that does nothing if a country NMR's once, but if a country NMR's twice in a row over two consecutive phases (say, diplomacy and retreats for Spring), then the country goes into Civil Disorder and therefore becomes available for another player to take over. I don't want the phase to extend so I would set Delay for "0". But what would changing the value for Turns do?

Also, is "Civil Disorder" the same thing as when it says "Left" beside a country's name? I'm pretty sure it is, just wanted confirmation.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Jun 13 UTC
Hi Amwidkle,
what follows is how I understood it. If I'm wrong, I hope some mod is reading and will correct me.

To begin with:
"What I would really like to have is an NMR policy that does nothing if a country NMR's once, but if a country NMR's twice in a row over two consecutive phases"
Well... this is what happens when you set turns=0 (Feature is "off").

So with this in mind, the number of turns you set is how long the "CD after only one NMR" will work. Btw, a turn is the group of phases (from 1 to 3, depending on *if* there are retreats and builds after diplomacy) with the same time-name, so it's usually a season. After that number of turns, feature will be turned off.
IE, in a Classic:
Turns=1 - you go CD if you miss even only one phase in Spring 1901; from Autumn 1901 on, you go CD only if you miss 2 consecutive phases.
Turns=2 - you go CD if you miss even only one phase in 1901; from Spring 1902 on, you go CD only if you miss 2 consecutive phases.
Turns=3 - you go CD if you miss even only one phase in 1901 or in Spring 1902; from Autumn 1902 on, you go CD only if you miss 2 consecutive phases.

What happens now if the feature is on and NMRing players are sent in CD?
Active players' orders get unreadied (switched to "saved"), the game doesn't progress and the last phase restarts. But this means that if all active players "finalize", then the game will progress, no delays, no matter if a replacement was found or not, because the CDed player is not an active player.
Well, the delay number is just how many times that single phase will be repeated because of NMRing players. After that number of times, the phase will progress anyway, whether there are NMRs or not.

And yes, when you go CD your current result for that game is "Left" and it will appear both in the results' list of the game itself and in your personal stats.

If I may suggest you a thing, this would be certainly to keep in mind that the result you got from the Feature can substantially change depending on what are the other parameters in the game, so there's not a "perfect" NMR-setting that's good for every game.
IE, you could expect a big difference in how a NMR ∞/∞ would work in:
1 - a passworded 7-10 players game in which only well-known reliable players were invited;
2 - an open game on a large map without RR requirements.
In the first case you wouldn't even notice the Feature is on, unless a player has some serious sudden issue and disappears without even ask for sitters/pause/extend.
In the second, you would very likely have in it any sort of unreliable players, quitters, sore losers, newcomers losing interest in the site after a few days, etc... and so... oh! you'll notice the Feature is on! If you're unlucky enough, your game could soon become a nightmare of delays.
So my advice for you when you join/create games is to not focus only on NMR setting, but to check also the other parameters, especially RR requirements and number of players.

Lastly. While I search for games to join, I notice this feature is often misused. If it was used properly, it'd be a great help to have enjoyable games.
I believe there are many players like you having doubts about it, but unfortunately explanations are not cristal-clear and many players just prefer to turn it off than to learn to use it.
Happy to hear there's someone bothering to ask, instead.

Hope this helped you. :)

2 replies
brainbomb (662 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Westeros Diplomacy??

Is there no mod for westeros? seems like this is a no brainer. you could easily make it a 12 faction mod.

starks, lannisters, tully, renly baratheon, aaryn, greyjoy, targaryen, the others, wildlings, joffrey, stannis, and throw in house frey.
29 replies
Rock Stone (1054 D)
16 Jun 13 UTC
Hello. Just signed up because I wanted to ask some questions.

What are the differences between vDip and webDip? Why do they look so similar? Was there a schism somewhere along the way? Are they two separate sites; can I have an account at each? Opinions of webDip?
5 replies
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