A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Triskelli (735 D)
03 Jun 14 UTC
Slobbovia Seeking Help
Hey! I've been trying to bring this variant back to life for years now, and I am so very close. I just need someone to give me a hand with touching up the map I managed to find. Please see the development forum if you're interested.
1 reply
Eric Wolcott Jr (696 D)
06 Jun 14 UTC
Anyone want to 1v1 game is already posted,
0 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
22 May 14 UTC
Cold War!
Hello people of vdip! Safari and I are getting close to finishing up our 2 player variant: Cold War. It's on the lab right now, but as you know, as a two player map its very important we get the balance right. It'd be great if you guys would create some games and play them out for us. The more data we have the better. Much appreciated!
5 replies
Anon (?? D)
06 Jun 14 UTC
Quick Classic Game Needs You
Hey all -- I've always to try a game that ends in a certain number of turns (in this case, 7). "Winning player is decided by who has the most SCs after that turn's diplomacy phase." If you're up for playing a game with a ticking time bomb, please join.

0 replies
Retillion (2304 D (B))
25 May 14 UTC
Please, new request : new game not beginning before a specific date.
Please read below.
33 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
02 Jun 14 UTC
Hey hey
Hey all, I wanted to see if there is any interest in a low-bid Zeus game.
2 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
02 Mar 14 UTC
Trapped! SRG
Hi all,

This SRG (Special Rules Game, although in this case it's a little more like a Special Rules Tournament (SRT) as there will be multiple games involved) is an idea I had a while ago, which is based on an old children's TV show here in the UK (called Trapped!). I've adapted it to work in a Diplomacy setting so I could try it out here.
48 replies
Phil1986 (1574 D)
01 Jun 14 UTC
Support Question
For a territory with two coasts. If a fleet is moving to one coast. Can a fleet which can only move to the opposite coast support it in?
1 reply
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
30 May 14 UTC
Atlantic Colonies
Great work Safari - a wonderful looking map!
13 replies
ChrisVis (1553 D)
01 Jun 14 UTC
Moderator policy on resuming paused games
Does anyone know the policy on paused games - do moderators force a restart if a unanimous resume vote cannot be reached?
1 reply
Eric Wolcott Jr (696 D)
29 May 14 UTC
My game needs three people to join in the map mars, a six player map
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KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
24 May 14 UTC
Finally life has allowed diplomacy back.
Greetings to everyone who I have not talked to in a good 3 months!!
I'm ready to start losing again! ;D
2 replies
Phil1986 (1574 D)
24 May 14 UTC
Support Issue
On GobbleEarth, I am trying to move Honduras (North Coast) to Caribbean. When I order it supported by Cuba. When I look at the move preview, it does not show the yellow support line from Cuba attached to the red movement line from Honduras (North Coast). It has it attached to another gray line also going from Honduras to Caribbean.

Why is that?
3 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
24 May 14 UTC
Finally life has allowed diplomacy back.
Greetings to everyone who I have not talked to in a good 3 months!!
I'm ready to start losing again! ;D
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
23 May 14 UTC
Takeover stats
It would be nice if games takeover stats were displayed on the profiles
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DoubleCapitals (736 D)
18 May 14 UTC
Max no. of games (Reliability)

What's the formula of the number of games I can join based on my NMRs/CDs?
6 replies
ELO rating
Only the top 100 Elo rating can be seen. How can i see my own?
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
30 Apr 14 UTC
Mafia! Game starting on WebDip
Hi all,
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
11 May 14 UTC
I am looking to play a Known World WTA Full press game. I am looking for established payers to join me in what I would hope to be a competitive and fun game. Post your interest here or PM me.
5 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
12 May 14 UTC
Alternate History Simulation
Hey all! I stumbled across this ( on r/althistory and I sort of fell in love with the idea.
1 reply
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
11 May 14 UTC
How to start a pick your country game
I'm trying to start a pick your country game, but can't find a "classic - pick your country" option.. does it exist under another name, or should I just use "classic" plus the special rules for game title?
6 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
10 May 14 UTC
wicked sweet WWIV old school game
I have been checking the games and havent found an old school WWIV game in a while. Anyone want to sign up for an anon WWIV (original) game?
1 reply
tricky (1005 D)
06 May 14 UTC
I recently attempted to join a game but was 'blocked' from doing so. Why is it possible for one player to be able to block another without that other player from knowing why? Strikes a little of exclusion / bullying to me. Thoughts?
46 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
07 May 14 UTC
The Game ends in the wrong turn
Hey guys,

I noticed that when a solo is proclaimed by the Game, it is done so in Autumn. That is before retreats.
1 reply
KingCyrus (1258 D)
06 May 14 UTC
Winning Civil War
How does one win the Civil War variant?
4 replies
Eric Wolcott Jr (696 D)
06 May 14 UTC
Have an opening in a six player private match, need one player that plays often enough to be on it a few times a day, anyone who wants to join, send a message to kalzar, tell him who I am and ask to join.
1 reply
ildavid (970 D)
23 Apr 14 UTC
cercasi giocatori che scrivono in italiano...
Ho avviato due partite, la prima e' InGioco la cui passw e' ALBA, la seconda e' free si chiama italiano-inglese ed e' per sette giocatori. preferibilmente per chi scrive in italiano. Ho visto che la mappa zeus e' poco giocata, mi sembra molto carina.
12 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
04 May 14 UTC
New gamecreation feature: SO not process on specific days of the week...
There is a new feature available in gamecreation:
If you do not want this game to process on specific days of the week, then check the appropriate day or days to restrict processing.
If a current phase falls on any of the selected days it will be extended by 24 hours until a day that is available for processing. However if all players 'ready' their orders the game will process as usual regardless of whether or not the extended 24 hours has been reached.
Days are processed according to standard CET time.
Anon (?? D)
05 May 14 UTC
And I am using No Process Sunday in this new game of the new variant "Chromatic":

Kodacrome --

1 reply
Mercy (2131 D)
04 May 14 UTC
Probably a bug in creating games
I can't start a new game. When I try to start one, I get the following message:
'The variable "noProcess" is needed to create a game, but was not entered.
Two of my friends have exactly the same problem.
3 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
02 May 14 UTC
New addition to the Mod Team
Hi all,

I'm happy to announce that GOD will now be working with us on the Mod Team. His mod flag isn't appearing yet - probably due to a bug - but he is now a moderator :)
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