A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Soundwave88 (488 D)
19 Oct 11 UTC
Join to play a WWIV game that you can choose what nation you play as
8 replies
Anywhere to download Classic map files?
I've looked around a bit and I can't find anywhere where I can download the original diplomacy map files and borders for creating a variant based off the classic map. I'm thinking of creating a variant and if I could get these it would save a ton of work.
4 replies
About creating Variants.
Hey.. would anyone be nice to introducing me the first steps on creating variants? I don't know where to start.
5 replies
MasterEddie38 (996 D)
21 Oct 11 UTC
USA issues
been having some issues giving orders in this: gameID=3968
1 reply
thatwasawkward (1464 D)
21 Oct 11 UTC
The War to REALLY End All Wars
World War IV map, 15 point bet. Anonymous players, but full press. 10 days to join, 34 more needed. Let's do this.
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
21 Oct 11 UTC
is it working?
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Oct 11 UTC
Vdip Cup FInal Results
The closing ceremony for Vdiplomacy's first tournament.
5 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 May 11 UTC
Vdip Cup games and results
If you are one of the 16 players who recently signed up for the 1 v 1 tournament I am hosting, then you are required to post all the games you play in here. First when they start, to allow a moderator from changing you to the right team, and second at the end to post results.
576 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
05 Oct 11 UTC
Occupy Wall Street/Indignatoes
What issues do you believe that these people believe that they are protesting?

What specific solutions to specific problems do you believe that they believe that they are advocating?
129 replies
The Ambassador (2267 D (B))
19 Oct 11 UTC
Did I miss something?
Been busy of late, and didn't pick this up on the forum threads, but for new games can you now select what country you want to play?
5 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
17 Oct 11 UTC
Modern / Diplomacy Encouraged / 2-Day Moves
If you like a lot of diplomacy, the challenge of 10 players, a phenomenal map, Standard rules with build in any center you own, and are in for the long haul... join Double Gorilla Press Piledriver: gameID=3926

2nd in the Cloak & Dagger series
20 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
18 Oct 11 UTC
Group that ACTUALLY plays...
See inside...and be patient, it takes awhile to type on a phone.
28 replies
EvW (1771 D)
17 Oct 11 UTC
Need replacement WW4 team game
This is a team game. We're searching a replacement...

USA went in CD just after the game started. There's only the first spring phase missed, so it's not a too bad situation, and with a bit of help from your teammates, it would be possible to become a great power...
2 replies
myLAAN (1109 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Hussite Wars: New variant playtest
Variant page:
Game link:

Further info follows.
myLAAN (1109 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Hello, everybody! The name's myLAAN and I proudly present you the newest addition to the already numerous family of vdip variants - Hussite Wars! If the word Hussite doesn't ring a bell, here's a brief summary of their badassness:

They thought Catholic Church was too rich and corrupt and therefore lost it's cool and hip nature. It was also led by an Antichrist.
Favourite pastime includes pillaging churches, singing battle hymns and throwing Catholics out of windows. Few thousand silver coins of ransom might convince them to enjoy these activities somewhere else than in your hometown.
Showed late Medieval Europe that a bunch of underfed peasants and yeomans can easily defeat elite mounted knights several times in a row.

Now that we all know with whom we have the pleasure, we can focus on the actual variant. It's a 9 player variant starting in Spring 1421, each country starts with 3 SCs except for one that starts with 4. It's build anywhere and as in other variants, there are neutral SCs on colored territories to reflect the history better.

The remaining difference from standard Diplomacy rules is the most profound one - fleet mechanic. Fleets can move only between SC provinces whose SC dots are situated on a river (which are all except of Grünberg - did I mentioned the names are in German?). Fleets cross this distance in one move so while an army gets from Frankfurt to Breslau in 3 moves, a fleet needs only 1. Supports may also be provided at this distance. There are no convoys. And yes, I'm well aware of the fact that this river warfare is a science-fiction :)

Regarding gameplay, I would appreciate the feedback on the Brandenburg/Saxony dynamics, possibly overpowered Brandenburg's position, whether Bavaria isn't too isolated and fun factor of the fleet mechanic for which I don't have a good alternative as of now.

There's also a spot-the-difference Easter Egg (it's not a bug, it's a feature!) hidden somewhere in the largemap. Go find it ;)

Special thanks to Oliver, without whom I would get nowhere, and Tadar whose unit icons this variant uses.

Let the Hussite Wars begin!

P.S.: Yet another variant goes live next week, this time for 3 players... so stay tuned.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Where is Austria's third SC?
airborne (970 D)
30 Sep 11 UTC
I been watching Hussite Wars with excitement, looks to be great fun
Neil (957 D)
30 Sep 11 UTC
Can you give us a hint on the second variant? :) And I'm looking forward to try this out!
myLAAN (1109 D)
30 Sep 11 UTC
Austrians weren't worthy of 3 SC ;) Especially since they are only an unplayable playground for other powers.

The second variant will be a tragic story of three sons who completely ruin their father's empire!

And thanks for the kind words, airborne and Neil.
Neil (957 D)
30 Sep 11 UTC
I dream of a shattered Mongolian empire diplomacy...
Neil (957 D)
30 Sep 11 UTC
Based on something like this -
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Sep 11 UTC
I did not recognize that Austria was not one of the 9 powers. I was concerned that they might have a unit way up North.
ezpickins (1717 D)
01 Oct 11 UTC
snorri (1504 D)
01 Oct 11 UTC
Hey, i'm taborite in and I just can't save nor finalize muy orders. Nothing happens...
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
01 Oct 11 UTC
Strange. I'll see check what's going on...
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
01 Oct 11 UTC
Looks like there is a problem with all the rivers.
We had this some time ago with the dutch-revolt map. So I know what to do, but I have not much time at the moment. I'll fix this later today and have paused the game till the issue is fixed.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
02 Oct 11 UTC
Sorry, had to cancel both ongoing games.
Games should start without problems now, and if more errors occur let me know.
LoveDove (1368 D)
02 Oct 11 UTC
No problem. Thanks for all you do.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
02 Oct 11 UTC
Just my luck. I'm actually on and paying attention when a new variant is debuted. I get to join the very first game and be one of the chosen few and Oli shuts the game down with technical difficulties.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
02 Oct 11 UTC
That's the beta-experience.. :-)
myLAAN (1109 D)
03 Oct 11 UTC
Sorry for the inconvenience everyone, hope you didn't got attached to your position too much! That's what one gets when the beta is a little half-baked ;)

And ezpickins might be on to something :)

Anyway, there's a positive chance that others bugs roam freely in the Hussite variant as we speak, so here's another test to find them:
Hey, myLAAN. I think this map is great even without the nodes! Could you perhaps create this map without nodes? Fleets would still be useful; allowing fast convoys around the map. But maybe consider allowing builds only for home centers if you were to make such a version. To be honest, this map looks brutally aggressive from the beginning. That's why I'm excited about it. hehe :)
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
03 Oct 11 UTC
You can't convoy at all, because the fleets are not "at sea", but on a coast.
myLAAN (1109 D)
03 Oct 11 UTC
Oli is right, implementing convoys would require a serious revamp of the map, e.g. the rivers would be turned into separate sea provinces. Fleets may be scraped altogether and replaced by something else like the knights from 1648 but I didn't find a solution that wouldn't make such unit overpowered yet.

And I'm glad you find the map aggressive, that's what I wanted to create :)
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
17 Oct 11 UTC

Orange retreated two spaces with an army.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
18 Oct 11 UTC
Oli and myLAAN, please note the bug mentioned above.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
18 Oct 11 UTC
bumping for a reply
when is your next variant coming out myLAAN. i liked the first two. though i know coding is a slow process.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
18 Oct 11 UTC
already fixed

25 replies
Anyone for Sushi?
We need 2 more players in a Sengoku:

1 day turns -- get in there!
0 replies
Please unpause this!
Mr. Oli, please unpause this game.
0 replies
tricky (1005 D)
16 Oct 11 UTC
Problems loading games
Is anybody else having problems loading up their games?
2 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
05 Oct 11 UTC
WW4 Team Game
Teams are set in stone once game begins. This was done randomly using a random digit creator on a Calculator with each region being divided up equally among teams.
17 replies
I can't make my orders there is only:
Loading order...
26 replies
Lannister (874 D)
14 Oct 11 UTC
Public Press Greek Diplomacy
Is there enough interest to get one of these games going? Greek Diplomacy would be a very neat setting to try this in.
3 replies
kaug (1220 D)
13 Oct 11 UTC
game limit
I thought 2 player variants did not count against the game limit? I have a 9 game limit and currently have 7 non 2player matches and I cannot start a new one because the 2player games take me over the top
2 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
12 Oct 11 UTC
can someone explain the stats for ClassicVS for me?
8 replies
Taft (1008 D)
13 Oct 11 UTC
New Variant Idea Discussion: Turn Limit
Awhile back, I pitched an idea for a variant (threadID=13006): a Dip game that in a certain number of turns, and the person with the most SCs at the end of that period wins...
4 replies
tricky (1005 D)
13 Oct 11 UTC
Fast Game
5 min turns Classic and starts in 80mins. Should be fun!
2 replies
Venetia (1587 D)
08 Oct 11 UTC
ItalianJob wants you!
Come on, we are waiting for ather players. gameID=3741
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
12 Oct 11 UTC
Duo-variant got some improvements...
The transform-command now works in this variant as expected.
Will try to code the neutral-armies movement next.
18 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
12 Oct 11 UTC
7 Islands --- "Island Warfare"
join up classic island fans gameID=3842
4 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
07 Oct 11 UTC
Skip a word word association thread
This is like normal word association but don't write down the first word you think of. Write down the first word that word makes you think of. So, skip a thought.
I'll start with "mosquito"
26 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Oct 11 UTC
Is the site loading slowly for anyone else?
The last few days the site has been painfully slow loading. I've tried 4 different browsers to no avail. Nothing else seems particularly slow in my daily surfing..
6 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
12 Oct 11 UTC
I need some peoples
JUG and Central POwers.
0 replies
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