A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Bug in Imperium?
It lets you retreat to regions that had a bounce in them
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fasces349 (1007 D)
05 Feb 11 UTC
Live 100
Whos up for a live 100 years war?
2 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
Chaos Again: EoG Statements
Ok, the first Chaos Game on the site has ended in a 5-way draw. Now, players can post their statements and discuss here.
14 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
So who wants to play 1897?
10 replies
papamac (1046 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
Modern Game

6 more players needed in the next 40 minutes...
0 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Critique of variant "Hundred"
Premise: While "Hundred" is an interesting concept for a Diplomacy variant, its geography and number of players reduce the number of potential outcomes such that the variant is not worth playing.
The critique of "Hundred" is very simple. The geography and number of players combine to present a terribly short range of options for potential outcomes.

The map has seventeen supply centers and a nine-center win condition. As anyone beyond second-grade arithmetic can tell you, seventeen is an odd-number; therefore, splitting the centers two ways is impossible. Thus, the game eliminates the possibility of a two-way draw; the closest split is 9-8, but obviously this means one player wins.

So the only options now are a three-way draw, a win with one survival and one elimination, and a win with two survivals. But since the game starts with three players, a three-way draw is ill-advised. What is the purpose of playing if you will end up drawing with all parties included? For the same reason a seven-way draw is undesirable in the classic map, a three-way draw is absolutely reprehensible in Hundred. The game might as well be cancelled, though I suspect we'll see players draw for the sake of completing games. (As they should. I suspect the statistics will prove this critique stronger.)

Removing the three-way draw, then, we see that a win is the only possibility, with the only choice being an elimination or two survivals. The only logical solution for the players who are out of contention for winning is to play for two survivals. The rationale for this argument is the same one John Rawls uses in his arguments concerning the veil of ignorance. Because the players ultimately do not know if they will be the one eliminated or the one who survives, they should play to have all other parties survive. That way, if in the one-survive-one-elimination model they were destined to be eliminated, they have improved their stock by surviving; and, if they were to survive, their position is no worse affected by the survival of the other party.

Given all of this, the Hundred variant is a spectacular waste of time because there should only be one result at all times: a win with two survives. This is because, as soon as one power's chances of winning are inevitably ruined, that power will always actively seek to carry another power to a victory as quickly as possible to ensure his own survival; and, in the face of this alliance, there is no diplomacy, as the winner cannot be dissuaded from his inevitable victory nor can the junior partner be dissuaded from surviving. The third player can then continue trying to win, but unless his tactical position is extraordinarily sound or he is significantly more skilled than the other two players, the leading power's victory is almost inevitable.

For a case study in this, see the public press live game that Candelarius, raapers2, and I just finished: gameID=418 In it, I was England, and consecutive stabs by France and then Burgundy made it impossible to win. I therefore had to resort to throwing the game as quickly as possible to avoid being eliminated. I tried to throw it to Burgundy, but Burgundy spurned my advances; so, I went to France, who happily agreed. The result: France, 9-center win; Burgundy, 7-center survive; England, 1-center survive (in bloody Scotland, no less!). After Burgundy stabbed me the very turn I tried to give him the win, I literally had no diplomatic option BUT to give France the win. I could not play for a draw, as discussed before, and the only player willing to take the win on a silver platter was France.

Hundred discourages the win-draw-survive paradigm that has come to be THE set of victory objectives in Diplomacy, instead encouraging the very vassaldom and unbreakable alliance syndrome that is counter to the spirit of Diplomacy. I therefore propose that any true lover of the hobby avoid this variant until it is further modified. I know I will be.
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
so in short, that variant sucks, right? I agree.
Graeme01 (1224 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
I would agree only in part. I've only played one game of this variant in which there was any kind of diplomacy.`The rest have been effective gunboats, since the players agreed to not do alliances (2 on 1 is stupid in that map, as you said). However as a purely tactical map, it`s kind of fun if you only have 3 players available. France is a bit gimpy in gunboats though.
Shep315 (1435 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
ive been in three matches on this variant two on here and one on the old site and we did alliances, i find that it is actually pretty good diplomatically and in all fairness a two-way draw just doesnt seem fair in a three player map, although i might be a bit biased seeing as how i won two of my three games of this variant
Shep315 (1435 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
plus the match you described was different than the ones i was in, the players knew only one could win and played in that fashion, each player did what was best for himself
Shep315 (1435 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
oh course i really dont care for anything less than 4 or 5 player maps
Gunmaster G-9 (1111 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Perhaps this version should only be played as a gunboat.
I've played Hundred only twice & won both games so naturally I don't mind it. I'm interested in others thoughts though as I was planning a similar size variant (at some stage in the future) based on 3 players similar number of SCs (the variant is 1066 so English vs Normans vs Norse)

If players have ideas on how to improve hundred's gameplay I could build it into 1066.
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
see doesnt this come down to an argument about how diplomacy should be played? because it sounds like the lack of draw ability is one reason to complain about hundred, but some people say its not really diplomacy unless someone wins and doesnt quote "carebear", although hundred i will admit is balanced more in the favor of burgundy of all three games i was in burgundy won every time
It's not a matter of whether drawing is "carebear." Frankly that's a stupid assertion that I find is often made by players in a winning position whining about the fact that the remaining players have decided they don't want to lose and have stalled the leader.

Two-way draws on a 3-player map aren't even "carebear" because it's the only resolution that sees a player eliminated without one of the two remaining players having to lose as well.

The problem is moreso that you CAN'T 2-way draw. 17 centers, 9 to win, broskis.
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
yeah the whole carebear argument is what i hear from people that care more about winning than actually having fun with the game, i mean you could add an sc in ireland, that would largely fix that then you would have 18 centers
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
and if i was to make a variant based on the hundred years war, id make it much bigger and make castile a playable country
Ok lovely carebear arguments. Let's put that aside for the moment. Any other feedback?
SacredDigits (978 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
You can two way draw it if you and the other draw partner fail to take one of the centers, setting yourselves up for a perennial bounce there.
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
like i said before burgundy is the most powerful
@SD: No, if you do that the other power is still included.
@Ambassador: I think the main issue is the 17 SCs. Add or subtract a center somewhere and my main critique is gone, because a 2-way draw becomes legitimately possible.

I don't think that the countries themselves are imbalanced, necessarily. I definitely feel like all the home centers bordering one another is a bad idea, but putting the necessary border provinces would probably make the game take far too long to finish for a 3-player variant.
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
see thats why one should be added in ireland, and on the home center thing, i usely hold the first turn to see what happens
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
my burgundian empire :P
Pman's last moves there look pretty stupid.
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
not really much either could do unless they worked together and england wouldnt want to revive france, what went down was i helped england, until he was within one sc of the win, then stabbed him for france, and then stabbed france for the win, if they had cooperated the last turn they could have turned me back
Yeah. But he supported an attack of France with one army, and not with a second.
SacredDigits (978 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
I think you're misreading me, PE.

Spain has four bordering provinces and starts life as a neutral SC. It is feasible for two powers to get two units on it and bounce it enough that they become sick of it and call it a draw at 8 a piece.

Likely? No. Possible, yes.
Frankly, that scenario is so rare as to be not worth considering. You'd have to arrange that almost from the beginning and actively steer people to avoid Castile until it could be bounced later... doesn't make any sense.
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
plus this map gets predictable, granted the three i played on were all full press, but they followed the same basic pattern, two people manage to ally, one comes close to winning, then he is stabbed by his ally who helps the other one who was almost defeated, who then eventually stabs the both of them for the win
SacredDigits (978 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
Hey, you said it was impossible. It's not. It's highly unlikely and possibly insane.

Anything is possible.

25 replies
So, who would like to start the next Chaos Game?
22 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
This is the one where every unit has a range of 2. I have a feeling it's going to be a headache but I'd like to try it anyhow.
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mace (1262 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
hey... looking for two oponents in to livegames... just join me :)
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
Grey Press Variant
Is there any way to have an option for only grey press? Specifically, only global grey press?
17 replies
mace (1262 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
join now... live game
0 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Please Pause game
Ruud said he was going to leave for a few days and is in one of my games:
His enemies are refusing to pause and I would like to make sure the pause happens.
4 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
12 Jan 11 UTC
Rinascimento: Strategies, openings, observations & innovations
A thread dedicated to discussing this intriguing variant.
20 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
20 Jan 11 UTC
1880s treaties
We will use this thread to keep track of the war declarations and treaties in the 1880 war declaration game, current wars and treaties are:
Franco-German War
Austro-Italian friendship pact
24 replies
Imperial Civilization (760 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
I have a question
See below...
130 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
question regarding a variant.
How hard would it be, If there isn't one already, to make a variant where Switzerland is passable? I would like to see how that would play out, and would love to see such a thing implemented here.
33 replies
Oli, I think this game is stuck
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Daiichi (1339 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
Bugs, s hold in a different coast.
Ok, so this is a bug, which in this case has benefited me, but it's still a but.
The fleet at GoB should NOT be able to s hold the fleet in st Pete (nc), should it?
5 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
4 replies
John (962 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
Mod to Unpause "I Hope I get Holland"
Hi there, can a mod please unpause this game: ?

China fell into CD as we were pausing, and doesn't seem to be coming back. All other players have voted for the unpause. Thanks.
2 replies
Rancher (1261 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
Da plane, da plane Boss!!
Fantasy Island! Join up cheap, full press, fantasy island world map ...
1 reply
canaduh (1293 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
A simple game - building dykes
gameID=404 - Dutch revolt. Only 20 D, but may be a challenging game. Looking for reasonably experienced players, but it is anonymous, so .....
2 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
31 Jan 11 UTC
Haven: Discussion about the custom-icons...
What do you think about the custom icons for the Haven variant?
Each power has it's very different icons for it's armies and fleets (and there's a small overview in the upper right corner).
Can you recognize the different powers by it's icons? Or would you like a "flag" for the units in no-sc and sea areas?
16 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
another italy
i know i probably wont get enough to join but heres another rennaisance, i still want to try this map and i got a bad start due to my internet failure
19 replies
Rusty (1255 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
Finished Australia Gunboat Game
Dammit guys, I really thought I had that one. In hindsight I should have taken more risks/moved faster against Western Australia around 1986. I dawdled along and you guys got a line set up. Well done, and good game.
0 replies
ostapbender (988 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
Ancient Mediterranean
Hi Folks, prove that you are the new Caeser and join the violent and most special game "Alea jacta est!", it will be bread and circus for all:
31 replies
KalelChase (1344 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
i hate cheese - stuck and need Moderator help
Moderator - we're having issues with the orders loading. It seems all players are having the same problem.
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
internet problems
i jsut wanted to apologize to anyone i was working with in any of my games, my internet has been down for the past 36 hours or so due to some problem the provider was having, hopefully it is all fixed now
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airborne (970 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
Weekend Gambler (Black Ops Reference :P)
1880 50 buy in PPSC a week join period and 1 1/2 day phases
3 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
Orders aren't loading
4 replies
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