A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Bug in Imperium?
It lets you retreat to regions that had a bounce in them
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fasces349 (1007 D)
05 Feb 11 UTC
Live 100
Whos up for a live 100 years war?
2 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
Chaos Again: EoG Statements
Ok, the first Chaos Game on the site has ended in a 5-way draw. Now, players can post their statements and discuss here.
14 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
So who wants to play 1897?
10 replies
papamac (1046 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
Modern Game

6 more players needed in the next 40 minutes...
0 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Critique of variant "Hundred"
Premise: While "Hundred" is an interesting concept for a Diplomacy variant, its geography and number of players reduce the number of potential outcomes such that the variant is not worth playing.
25 replies
So, who would like to start the next Chaos Game?
22 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
This is the one where every unit has a range of 2. I have a feeling it's going to be a headache but I'd like to try it anyhow.
2 replies
mace (1262 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
hey... looking for two oponents in to livegames... just join me :)
2 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
Grey Press Variant
Is there any way to have an option for only grey press? Specifically, only global grey press?
17 replies
mace (1262 D)
04 Feb 11 UTC
join now... live game
0 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
03 Feb 11 UTC
Please Pause game
Ruud said he was going to leave for a few days and is in one of my games:
His enemies are refusing to pause and I would like to make sure the pause happens.
4 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
12 Jan 11 UTC
Rinascimento: Strategies, openings, observations & innovations
A thread dedicated to discussing this intriguing variant.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
12 Jan 11 UTC
I'll start with some observations:

there are 4 provinces on the the board that are bordered by only 2 other, these provinces are:

Following this provinces that have 3 adjacent are:
East Gateway

It makes sense that these provinces are more easily 'defensible' than other provinces.

On the other end of the scale are:
Bacino del Giglio (12)
Channel of Corsica (11)
East Thyrrenian Sea (9)
Channel of Sicilia (9)
Laguna di Venezia (9)
Foggia (9)

All of which are sea provinces except Foggia.
Rancher (1261 D)
13 Jan 11 UTC
I have found in playing this 2 or 3 times that Foggia is a very important province
Shah (1992 D)
13 Jan 11 UTC
I actually think that this map should be one of those where you can only bet 1. I think it's unfair that Turkey, France, Pisa, Ferraro, have to make the same wager as Venice, Milan, Napoli, etc. There chances of winning are significantly lower...
Rancher (1261 D)
13 Jan 11 UTC
I did very well in a game with Turks before the crash
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
13 Jan 11 UTC
@shah: That's why it has a different pot distribution system.
Foggia is an important province, but it is rarely a point of contention late enough in the game for a 9-way battle to be possible.

Interestingly enough, most of the wide-open territories are Neapolitan or in the Neapolitan sphere. Naples, therefore, MUST expand to envelop them, or they'll have them as poor defensive lines.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
13 Jan 11 UTC
Why Sienna should be Stato's best friend:

Sienna sits in a very precarious position. Firenze looks hungrily at the SC's there for grabs, whilst relishing the idea of finishing off a potential competitor early on in the game. Surprisingly enough Stato seems (often) quite willing to allow for Sienna to be eliminated early on in the game. But consider this, should Stato step in an assist Sienna in survival against a more strategically blessed state then:
a) Sienna would be beholden to Stato for its very survival
b) The Firenze war machine would be stalled (those clumped clusters of SC's would be a long time in breaking open for any would be invader)
c) By assisting Sienna westwards Stato creates an obviously neutral zone, with Sienna's forces gathering momentum moving westwards and northwards. Whilst the opposite is true; if Stato either turns a blind eye or actively assists Firenze against Stato then Firenze gains momentum in precisely the direction Stato least desires it, eastwards.

Now whilst good diplomacy creates interesting alliances, I am surprised that (to date) Stato often seems willing for Sienna to bite the dust early on...

As always further discussion will be most welcome.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
13 Jan 11 UTC
Regarding open arena's, it is in Genovan/Pisan waters that the highest areas of adjacent territories occur - namely Bacino del Giglio (12) and Channel of Corsica (11).
principians (963 D X)
13 Jan 11 UTC
totally agreed with what you said about sienna, kanner
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
14 Jan 11 UTC
Here is a rundown of Provinces:

Number of.Adjacent Provinces - Name (Number of SC's adjacent)

12 - Bacino delGiglio (6)

11 - Channel of Corsica (4)

9 - Laguna di Venezia (3), Eastern Thyrrenian Sea (3), Channel of Sicilia (4), Inner Ionian Sea (3), Foggia (4)

8 - Gulf of Genova (4), Western Thyrrenian Sea (1), Bacino Avventura (2), Terrazzo delle Tremiti (2), Catanzaro (3), Adria (4)

7 - Eastern Ligurian Sea (3), Northern Sardinian Sea (2), Arcipelago di Spalato (2), Litorale Adriatico (3), Dalmatian Sea (3), Aosta (3), Cremona (4), Milano (3), Spoleto (3), Chiusi (3), Sulmona (3), Torino (2)

6 - Western Ligurian Sea (3), Western Mediterranean Sea (1), Terrazo delle Lipari (1), Gulf of Taranto (1), Coast of Bari (2), Saluzzo (3), Asti (2), Vercelli (4), Casale (3), Lodi (4), Bobbio (3), Genova (1), Brescia (2), Verona (2), Vincenza (4), Chioggia (2), Mantova (4), Ravenna (2), Sarzanna (5), Ancona (0), Viterbo (3), Roma (1), Potenza (3), Messina (2), Catania (1), Oristano (2), Fiume (4), Pisa (1), Rimini (3)

5 - Southern Sardinian Sea (1), Fossa di Pantelleria (2), Coast of Amalfi (2), Stretto di Messina (2), Channel of Otranto (2), Central Adriatic Sea (0), Briancon (3), Nizza (1), Novara (2), Savona (2), Alessandria (2), Pavia (1), Sondrio (4), Arco (3), Piacenza (2), Treviso (2), Aquileia (2), Trieste (1), Ferrara (4), Comacchio (2), Forli (3), Castel del Rio (2), Firenze (2), Piombino (3), Siena (3), Frosinone (3), Napoli (1), Amalfi (1), Taranto (1), Reggio Calabria (0), Palermo (0), Argrigento (2), Aleria (2), Ventimiglia (1), Padova (1)

4 - Pantelleria (0), Eastern Mediterranean Sea (1), Outer Ionian Sea (0), Siracusa (1), Catanissetta (2), Brindisi (1), Benevento (0), Spalato (1), Zara (1), Bastia (0), Pescara (2), Fabriano (2), Urbino (0), Bologna (3), Modena (4), Parma (3), Bergamo (2), Grosseto (2), Arezzo (2), Livorno (3), Prato (3), Como (1), Sion (2), Geneve (1), Annecy (3), Chambery (3), La Spezia (1)

3 - Malta (0), East Gateway (0), Bari (0), Cagliari (0), Sassari (0), Ajaccio (0), Ragusa (1), Pola (1), Udine (0), Trento (0), Domodossola (1), Lucca (1)

2 - Africa (0), L'Aquila (0), Perugia (0), Venezia (0)

It would be interesting to speculate on some of the ratios of the provinces, For instance Modena has 4 provinces surrounding it - each with an SC on them does this make Modena a more or less desireable grab early on? Also Sarzanna has 6 SCs currounding it - with a sea province - should one expect this to be a strategic bottle kneck or a strategic corridor?
Let's talk strategy for the two doomed powers, France and Turkey?
Or would the thorough discussion end up making it MORE difficult to play them?

France, obviously, needs an ally, preferably in Milan, but potentially in Genova. (I'll get to that).
Taking Geneve is an obvious choice, but it leaves you trapped. You could try, afterwards, to squeak out via Briancon or Novara to either Nizza or Como (this is where having friends helps).

OR, you could, at the get-go, just book it to Nizza and Como. This has the added bonus of menacing Savoy's home SC of Torino, and their easy expansion (and frequent Spring move) of Aosta at the same time. This is a move I'm not sure I've seen tried, but it's what I'd do.

kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
14 Jan 11 UTC
I haven't played France - but the options seem limited from the start.

Is it possible to ally effectively with Saviona? should France become an affective Vassal state to either Milano or Saviona - remembering of course that this variant has been designed for PPSC.

It seems to me that should France vassal itself to Milano it will eventually run out of room to expand - at which point Milano could quite easily take whatever meager gains France has made away from him.

On the other hand working with Saviona seems to offer more opportunities particularly in the assisting in the expansion Eastwards.

I have seen in the first build season France with an army in both Torino and Aosta - but I imagine that this would be reliant of some extremely fancy diplomacy.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
14 Jan 11 UTC
@ Rancher - could you share what country you were playing and why Foggia was such an important province for you?
Turkey, the other doomed power, has FAR more options.

They are guaranteed 3 unchallengeable SCs for the first year. Malta, Catania, in the south, and Pola in the north (in venetian territory).

They can attempt (but likely be bounced from) Channel of Sicilia, and from there attempt Pantelleria or Palermo, but that doesn't get any more SCs,

There are two real issues: What to do with the fleet in East Gateway, and what to disband.

The conservative route is to disband your northern fleet, and attempt to press your advantage in Sicily. You should at least fleet-even locally to Naples if you send East Gateway south to Inner Ionian. OR try to bounce Naples in the center for either Taranto / Brindisi, and perhaps score a build.

I can't really think of a scenario that goes much better with a Naples player that has half a brain for tactics.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 Jan 11 UTC
This is assuming that Turkey is going to battle with Naples regardless - could there be an agreement reached between the two nations that doesn't include conflict?
Shep315 (1435 D)
21 Jan 11 UTC
ive only played on this variant once, but wouldnt naples want to make peace with the turks so he doesnt have a distraction on his southern flank?
Rancher (1261 D)
21 Jan 11 UTC
@kaner406 -- in games I played as both the Turks and as Papal States Foggia was a critical province for supports and holds and helped me immensely to control it; in each game Naples ended up decimated at my expense
Rancher (1261 D)
21 Jan 11 UTC
specifically, Foggia is a key to sc's in Bari, Taranto and Brindisi and if you are the Pope it works well with the fortress support in Benevento ... it is also within two moves of sc's in Amalfi, Reggio Calabria, Naples, L'Aquila and Ancona
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
03 Feb 11 UTC
principians (963 D X)
03 Feb 11 UTC
what about this strategy for France?
instead of trying to fight Savoia, or trying to create conflicts betwen Savoia and Milano, why not to offer both of them, as a mercenary power, to help them against Genova and Venice respectively, attempting to take Como and Nizza the first year. You might try to convince Milano, that Venice is too strong and the best thing he can do is to try to create a league against Venice as soon as possible...

20 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
20 Jan 11 UTC
1880s treaties
We will use this thread to keep track of the war declarations and treaties in the 1880 war declaration game, current wars and treaties are:
Franco-German War
Austro-Italian friendship pact
24 replies
Imperial Civilization (760 D)
25 Jan 11 UTC
I have a question
See below...
130 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
question regarding a variant.
How hard would it be, If there isn't one already, to make a variant where Switzerland is passable? I would like to see how that would play out, and would love to see such a thing implemented here.
33 replies
Oli, I think this game is stuck
3 replies
Daiichi (1339 D)
02 Feb 11 UTC
Bugs, s hold in a different coast.
Ok, so this is a bug, which in this case has benefited me, but it's still a but.
The fleet at GoB should NOT be able to s hold the fleet in st Pete (nc), should it?
5 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
4 replies
John (962 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
Mod to Unpause "I Hope I get Holland"
Hi there, can a mod please unpause this game: ?

China fell into CD as we were pausing, and doesn't seem to be coming back. All other players have voted for the unpause. Thanks.
2 replies
Rancher (1261 D)
01 Feb 11 UTC
Da plane, da plane Boss!!
Fantasy Island! Join up cheap, full press, fantasy island world map ...
1 reply
canaduh (1293 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
A simple game - building dykes
gameID=404 - Dutch revolt. Only 20 D, but may be a challenging game. Looking for reasonably experienced players, but it is anonymous, so .....
2 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
31 Jan 11 UTC
Haven: Discussion about the custom-icons...
What do you think about the custom icons for the Haven variant?
Each power has it's very different icons for it's armies and fleets (and there's a small overview in the upper right corner).
Can you recognize the different powers by it's icons? Or would you like a "flag" for the units in no-sc and sea areas?
16 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
another italy
i know i probably wont get enough to join but heres another rennaisance, i still want to try this map and i got a bad start due to my internet failure
19 replies
Rusty (1255 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
Finished Australia Gunboat Game
Dammit guys, I really thought I had that one. In hindsight I should have taken more risks/moved faster against Western Australia around 1986. I dawdled along and you guys got a line set up. Well done, and good game.
0 replies
ostapbender (988 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
Ancient Mediterranean
Hi Folks, prove that you are the new Caeser and join the violent and most special game "Alea jacta est!", it will be bread and circus for all:
31 replies
KalelChase (1344 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
i hate cheese - stuck and need Moderator help
Moderator - we're having issues with the orders loading. It seems all players are having the same problem.
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
31 Jan 11 UTC
internet problems
i jsut wanted to apologize to anyone i was working with in any of my games, my internet has been down for the past 36 hours or so due to some problem the provider was having, hopefully it is all fixed now
0 replies
airborne (970 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
Weekend Gambler (Black Ops Reference :P)
1880 50 buy in PPSC a week join period and 1 1/2 day phases
3 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
29 Jan 11 UTC
Orders aren't loading
4 replies
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