A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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I need a sitter.
I need a sitter to play in several anon and gunboat games where i cannot get a pause. No trolling. post and PM if interested. from tuesday the 16 to the following tuesday. please help.
7 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
12 Nov 11 UTC
replacement needed (startup)

for Turkey.
0 replies
rl7040 (1064 D)
12 Nov 11 UTC
Need someone to join as England!
I really need an ally to join as England in the game below- there are four players left, and England is currently in a good position with 9 SC's. I need YOU to join now!
3 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
10 Nov 11 UTC
Russia Needed!
Come and play as Russia!
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
10 Nov 11 UTC
live game
someone online? :)
5 replies
siemaskoIam (1057 D)
09 Nov 11 UTC
Why is this game over? It should be 15 scs for the solo win.
7 replies
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
02 Nov 11 UTC
Haven Gunboat! choose your Nation!
31 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
09 Nov 11 UTC
Need Quality Opponents
Modern Map, with low bet and anonymous
0 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
09 Nov 11 UTC
Odd glitch
We've seen this before
2 replies
I lost the game!
Time to tick everyone off again. I lost the game and so did all of you.
24 replies
kaug (1220 D)
07 Nov 11 UTC
If I support someone else's fleet into a territory occupied by one of my own fleets, do I dislodge my fleet?
14 replies
Otto Von Bismarck (996 D)
04 Nov 11 UTC
War in 2020
Beautiful looking map there.
13 replies
EvW (1771 D)
07 Nov 11 UTC
Known world bug (?)
As Arabia, I'm unable to retreat Mecca to Damascus (not anon game). I think this could be a bug?
1 reply
G (966 D)
07 Nov 11 UTC
New Game
0 replies
OstrichFace (1265 D)
04 Nov 11 UTC
Need 3 More
Looking for 3 more players for a Modern Diplomacy 2 Game (anon, 1 day phase). Looking for serious players who won't CD if they start losing.
2 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
04 Nov 11 UTC
Simmer Down Now!
Here's another option for the community...
6 replies
acmac10 (923 D)
05 Nov 11 UTC
Public press game here. Try!
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
05 Nov 11 UTC
Mate against Mate
Who owns East Timor? for reference.
1 reply
Jasper (832 D)
04 Nov 11 UTC
Very unfair!
Ive found something very interessant... In this game:http: // and this game is anonymous and without any messages, all orders of Turkey should help France.... I don't think, that this is random, because Turkey have to know what France do. So....
5 replies
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
05 Nov 11 UTC
USA variant Bug?
In a game I'm playing as england, the US just retreated from Lvp to Edi with a fleet. This seems to me like it's a bug, and a serious hinderance for me as england (as if england didn't have enough problems on this map).

2 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
05 Nov 11 UTC
replacement needed (startup)
0 replies
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
04 Nov 11 UTC
Dumb Mate against mate question....
Are the SCs all occupied, ie, do you need two units to enter them?
2 replies
airborne (970 D)
05 Nov 11 UTC
First USA map victory
6 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
03 Nov 11 UTC
I need people
3 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
04 Nov 11 UTC
Crazier People
the game "Crazier people" is gunboat, yet I see that I have a new global message. also, Russia has left before any orders have progressed. atop all that, everyone is readied, yet we are still stuck in spring 1901.
Has this "extend phase until we get a new player" thing been initiated? or perhaps he was a multi and was banned, hence the message and the left. if it is the latter, than we are still have issues with the lack of progression.
6 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
02 Nov 11 UTC
Anonymous vs. Non-Anonymous Games
Do you guys find there are nearly automatic alliances in non-anonymous games, or do you think there's no difference between anonymous and non-anonymous games?
19 replies
nekudza (1063 D)
30 Oct 11 UTC
Known World 901- may be a bug
army from Walata has no option 'Tiraqqa' for 'move' order.
if it is a bug - could it be fixed? If not, what's then?
13 replies
Give all developers without them donator tags
i think this is a good idea, they donate their time to the site and thats as valuable as some money.
2 replies
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
03 Nov 11 UTC
Diplomacy AI
I'm doing a thesis involving adaptive dynamic programming (essentially machine learning), so I've got this idea running around in the back of my brain about an AI that is even capable of playing the 'diplomacy' aspect of the game.

OstrichFace (1265 D)
03 Nov 11 UTC
I am actually thinking of the same thing, and I do think it is possible, although it would be very difficult for it to converse smoothly with natural language.

You can set up an unsupervised learning scenario where you build a dictionary of words and relate them to the probability of being honest based on the current set of position on the board and the set of positions on the board after the communique. If the machine determines that the players are being honest, it may "trust" them and make moves accordingly.

You could feed the AI data from games played on this site during a supervised learning phase to get some good seed values.
OstrichFace (1265 D)
03 Nov 11 UTC
There's a project dedicated to building diplomacy AI here: (although, I must admit, I haven't given it a thorough look over). It appears to be solely related to determining optimal moves outside of the 'talking' part of diplomacy (essentially a gunboat AI).
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
03 Nov 11 UTC
I see two sticking points though in coding an AI that can play the diplomatic aspect of the game.
First I need a huge set of training data for the algorithm, thus I'd need access to a huge number of games (which both this site and webDip have). What isn't straight forward is that I need to be able to see all the press for all those games (which isn't available to the general public at this point).
Second I'd need to figure out how to cull and parse that press data for relevant press and somehow categorize/classify the wide variety of press into a list of diplomatic "moves" an AI could make and a way to interpret a player's press to the AI.. Obviously this is an immense task that I'll never be able to finish or tackle myself, so I envision an incremental method, the AI would have some very rudimentary diplomatic options and be coded to give a small set of predefined queries (and to accept those same queries) analyze what 'choice' it wishes to make in light of that diplomacy and then to issue (or not) a valid response (and either act in opposition to the agreement or in support of the agreed interaction). Examples would be: 'Let's bounce in <territory X>', 'Can I have <territory X>?', '<Territory X> is yours', 'Let's DMZ <territory x>', 'Support me to <territory X> from <territory Y>', 'Team up to work against <country X>?'

My first step though would be to create a tactical AI, which knows how to play gunboats. This could be used to fill in if players CD so as to minimize the game changing effect that CD's can have. I don't see a huge issue in attempting to code this up.

Anyone else have experience with learning based algorithms that might want to collaborate on this?
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
03 Nov 11 UTC
Thanks for the link. Being in the middle of the thesis, I haven't really looked into anything yet..
OstrichFace (1265 D)
03 Nov 11 UTC
Obviously, if the training set is large, you'll have better results with the diplomatic piece. But you can probably get away with a small sample to start things. I wouldn't worry about culling irrelevant things too much - while it would help, I don't think it'll be totally necessary. You'll want to build something very similar to a SPAM filter and train it to classify communiques (you should be able to train it to classify a message, or parts of a message, as irrelevant, so it can do the culling for you).

Pulling the diplomatic 'moves' out of the text can be tricky, and it does seem like a better interface would be a move suggester or a separate syntax outside of the free-form press box.

I'm pretty new to learning-based algorithms, but I've been thinking about working on a similar project myself. I'd be interested in collaborating on something open source.
OstrichFace (1265 D)
03 Nov 11 UTC - This AI responds to rudimentary press agreements.
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
03 Nov 11 UTC
So first step is probably to head on over to DAIDE and see what they are doing so we don't have to relearn everything they've already figured out. Second step would be to see if there is any interest in having such an AI on this or the webDip sites and get approval from Oli or Kestas. Then we need to decide how much we are going to redo ourselves and how much we want to borrow (if open source) from DAIDE.
OstrichFace (1265 D)
03 Nov 11 UTC
Right. What languages are you strongest in? I come from a C/C++/C# background, but can pick up just about anything. webDip is in php right?
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
04 Nov 11 UTC
I have some php/mysql background, and C/C++/Python/VB/(matlab?) are my languages. Really I do everything in matlab and adapt it to C/C++ or python...
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 11 UTC
I wish you the best of luck!

10 replies
Live game 3+ players.
Looking to ply one. Post here if online and interested.
4 replies
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