A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
31 Aug 12 UTC
.....I will be winning forever.
22 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
04 Jul 12 UTC
Blind Diplomacy important notification!!!
Since the old blind diplomacy thread got knocked down... Important notice!
24 replies
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
About "Battle of the Sexes Variant"
Hi people, :) I've subscribed also here like I was advised:
There, my nick is: Odd Creator (that fits to me better)
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
I'm planning to post the Map as soon as possible, but what about rules against bad adult humour? LOL
My map contains just very strangely shaped provinces: 2 hills looking like boobs, a warhammer really looking like else, and a lagoon looking like a medical radiography.. ehmm... LOL
I'm ready to change these too naughty provinces if necessary, but would I be in trouble if I yet post there the "not yet approved" map?
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
I want to see this map, lol
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Will I dare to post? :D I only fear I could be banned from there... errrkkk... Or they let me time to delete it (just in case) without banning? :| awful doubt...
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Well I dared! LOL map is visible (waiting to be approved or deleted) here:
G-Man (2466 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Spectacular map!
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
great map, I think its fine the way it is.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
12 Jul 12 UTC
Very nice! Go on!
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
I'm correcting the "double pixel" unestetical bug into the Large Map now :D
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 Jul 12 UTC
You may be telling us a bit too much about your life in that there is clearly a hand next to your penis. But leaving that aside, I think that I would prefer not to play on a penis map.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
gopher, that is a stylized warhammer, surronded by hands punching out! >=)) LOL
who could see a penis with that sharp edged balls? >:))
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
lol gopher
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Take a look people in "Testosteronia"....."Stylized warhammer" or penis with balls?

Had you called it a club or some sort, I might be able to see it, but I do not see a hammer at all.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
12 Jul 12 UTC
I think you shouln't call this battle of sexes, as males clearly do not have a place on this map.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Oli, why? :?
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Paladins, into their Shield-shaped kingdom are the most representative I think; Ultramages are of course the most wizard-like savants... Testosteronics are ok the less serious, a band of savage barbarians LOL
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
gopher I can change anyway FDB province to have it looking better a warhammer, LOL
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
The proud and bold knights of Paladinland are efficient and well organized warriors; they would have already conquered their neighbours if the Witches on the north would have not been so well skilled with magic, or if the Matrons on the south wasn't so skilled into housewife quick techniques with can-openers; the fear of losing their precious armours and stuff has made many bragging Paladins to be prudent on the battlefield, thinking about rational strategy more than launching into reckless assaults like their Testosteronic buddies are used to do.
As the elite stuff like armours and horses is not enough to equip all, the most Paladins fight with lesser equipment like leather armours and ringstaffs, grouped into battalions similar to our world's pikemen; a well-organized meritocracy chooses who among the common soldiers can become Knight when an old one retires for age to the peace of Concordia Island Core.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Testosteronia's description is far less serious, if you want to read it now LOL
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
Uh yes the general background, to see better the general situation:

The Lost Islands of Discordia and Concordia are a place of strange traditions and sociological attitudes: instead fighting by standart cruelty and killing instinct, their inhabitants have developed since centuries a code of behaviour very unique and stunning.
While old people, children, and everyone wanting a quiet lifestyle like them are let in permanent peace into the core of Concordia Island, the most adult women and men of the archipelago delight fighting each other to get the supreme privelege ever: to be the one allowed to stay up in the bed.
Organized countries and strongholds have developed to build and maintain armies and ships in order to wage war on the other sex during the hottest 30 days of each summer, until the total subjugation of the losers taken prisoners and the triumphant joy of the winners having a good war booty to play with...
The summer has come, and armies of women and men are ready for battle and will have no mercy for prisoners' whining nor headaches! Who will be, at last, the one to be tied down in the bed?
Lord Ravager (988 D)
12 Jul 12 UTC
New Idea of Shape for FDB Province.PNG posted! Let's see if it looks better a warhammer now LOL
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
I liked the club shape better, its more of a representation of a barbaric testosterone prone people.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
fasces, I could organize a votation then :D LOL
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 Jul 12 UTC
what's so LOL about a votation LOL ?
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 Jul 12 UTC
Personally I don't really like Symmetrical maps. I know many do, but I don't. The closest I've come is an Asymmetrical map.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
kaner, because I have no idea about how to start a votation: I am N-E-W :P
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
13 Jul 12 UTC
I recommend downloading GIMP ( found here: )

and following the commentary found here:
Lord Ravager (988 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
uh ok... tomorrow I will... now I must go, 5:23 am here, again a night on computer hehe
Lord Ravager (988 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
kaner, very interesting example of map making! :) (No LOL, ok? :P ) I'm learning some details I couldn't imagine :)
Lord Ravager (988 D)
18 Jul 12 UTC
map.PNG and smallmap.PNG, plus smallmapNames.PNG are finally ready :)
Lord Ravager (988 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
Just a great question now: is there problems if a country name begins with "M"? I've heard it can cause conflicts with that letter being assigned to Game Master...
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
19 Jul 12 UTC
??? I don't think there is a problem with the letter M. Where did you here this?
Lord Ravager (988 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
Around in the net when I ran a program called Mapmaker, which allowed me to creat a strange and I bet unuseful poligonal map
amisond (1280 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
In the variant I am making there is a country called Merseyside, there doesn't seem to be any problems.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
I am compiling the text strings about provinces now, example:
array('CWW' , 'Coast' , 'Yes' , 845,170, 338,68, 'Ultramagicfiords' , 'No' ),

My doubt: the two exact points (in the Large and in the Small map) state the positions of the province names, long or short, but not the position of the unit... right?
Lord Ravager (988 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
good for the "M" then :)
amisond (1280 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
Co-ordinates are the unit positions. On the lab there is a map editing tool that can be used for the coding of the text strings about provinces and movements.
amisond (1280 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
Lord Ravager (988 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
the lab, is ?
Lord Ravager (988 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
aaahhhh I see now! :D thanks amisond!
amisond (1280 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
The lab is the site the maps are uploaded too and tested before they are but on this site.
amisond (1280 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
This: is an example of the files needed for a variant. I would suggest you work on the variant.php for now and ask oli put your maps up on the lab.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
19 Jul 12 UTC
As the maps are ready I can upload the variant on the lab if you want. Or if you have some PHP knowledge Ou can setup your own test server.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
Yes, now I see the general plan! :) thank you very much!
so now I've ready only: map.PNG, smallmap.PNG, mapNames.PNG, smallmapNames.PNG
Lord Ravager (988 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
I work to creat my variant's /install.php file now :)
amisond (1280 D)
19 Jul 12 UTC
You can create install.php with the edit tool on the lab.
Lord Ravager (988 D)
20 Jul 12 UTC
uhi... sorry but I still don't find that edit tool ... unless it is this (too complicated for me) :(
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
20 Jul 12 UTC
It's actually found here:

but you will need Oli to upload your *.png files before you can use it. You can explore the site here:
Lord Ravager (988 D)
20 Jul 12 UTC
ok kaner! :)
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
15 Sep 12 UTC
Any updates here...?
As far as I remember the map is ready, just the winning condition needs to be settled...

50 replies
Devonian (1887 D)
14 Sep 12 UTC
Tactical Question
See below.
3 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
14 Sep 12 UTC
What happens when you order build Army and fleet to come out from the same supply center?
the answer is a fleet.
It may be the case that the system builds in line with the order box.
though i cant recall if i ordered first Fleet and then Army in the next order box
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
21 Mar 12 UTC
Honor & Prestige
Come here to see your rankings from both systems.
66 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
11 Sep 12 UTC
Issue entering orders
So I am having an issue when I attempt to enter a "Support Move" order in a game, I am able to select where to move is going to but not where the move is coming from. It ends up reading ____ support move to _____ from ...
Anyone experience this issue before?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Sep 12 UTC
30 years is not long enough! Bet is 30.

If you are interested in something more than a quick 1v1, try this one.
0 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
07 Sep 12 UTC
2 curious proposals about... TIME!
Before I ask Oli if they would be feasible and how hard to do, I'd like to hear if there are any suggestions or comments about them.
10 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
27 Aug 12 UTC
user stats
I remember this past discussion about improving the user stats page and I've found back the link:
is there still interest in the topic?
61 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
09 Sep 12 UTC
Concede to a draw
Details to follow.
11 replies
Raro (1449 D)
06 Sep 12 UTC
Hi everybody
...and sorry
6 replies
G-Man (2466 D)
06 Sep 12 UTC
VDip Tablet Functionality
It appears I can do everything here at VDip on my iPad... except enter orders. Is this because of Flash, or is this functionality still in development?
10 replies
AgentOrange (956 D)
07 Sep 12 UTC
No Confirmation Email when registering
A friend of mine is trying to register for the site, but he's not receiving the confirmation email required to activate his account. Since he can't register, he also can't post on the forums so I'm posting for him. Is there something wrong with the server or some other step we're missing in the confirmation process?
4 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
03 Sep 12 UTC
23 replies
Muscle (1213 D)
04 Sep 12 UTC
How to give away games. Help!
I have a game I would like to give to a friend. How do I do this? I see there's an option in the settings, but it doesn't do anything
7 replies
achillies27 (1068 D)
27 Aug 12 UTC
Low bet Haven match!
I'm looking to start a high quality haven game, preferably around 20 bet, as I don't have as many points here then on webdip... Also, Ppsc anon
139 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
05 Sep 12 UTC
WWII (Team Game) EOG

good game all!
0 replies
equator (1514 D)
31 Aug 12 UTC
google chrome
Someone can help me? I just installed google chrome, and I see it has some adventages over firefox, but when I open world variant game, the map appears big (just a portion of it) and when I slide the mouse over it, it doens't turn to the magnifying cursor anymore, so I can't zoom out the map. Thanks in advance.
10 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
04 Sep 12 UTC
need 1 more player!
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
01 Sep 12 UTC
EoG: gameID=9531, Sack of Rome gunboat
Another solitary walk to the solo. My congrats to Orpheus.
5 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
07 Aug 12 UTC
Some abbreviations we use here:

30 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
01 Sep 12 UTC
1 vs 1 Cancels don't work?
I was playing a 1 on 1 game and I know my opponent lost his internet access (he warned me it was spotty)
4 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
25 Aug 12 UTC
Most Super Awesome variant GO
Favorite variant to play on? and why?
12 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
29 Aug 12 UTC
High Bet Haven Match
I wish this person good luck in finding 18 more ppl to buy-in @ 200 each.

0 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Aug 12 UTC
Spain needed
0 replies
Cunnilingus (1603 D)
24 Aug 12 UTC
noob question
if youre in bulgaria and are going to be taken by serbia/rumania and know it's coming, can you submit an order to go after one of them and cancel the attack by killing the support/move?
7 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
17 Aug 12 UTC
The British Empire Tournament!
Details to follow...
(and I'm a slow typer, so it may be a while before they show up...)
34 replies
How many vDiplomacy players are at Rose-Hulman institute of Technology?
Hey, I am a new freshman and I was wondering if anyone else is going there.
0 replies
javidtl (976 D)
23 Aug 12 UTC
Join this game
Hi we need more players to start the battle, does someone want to join in? It's a WWlV and we need players, here is the link:

0 replies
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