A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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New Variant Idea
I was thinking of a Cold War variant, but it would not just be a variant of Diplomacy, but in order for it to work, the Cold War itself would have to be changed. To start, it would have to be in just Europe, to keep a bit of simplicity. Also, the Soviet Union and the US would be too scared to start a nuclear war, despite the war becoming "hot." (More to come in next post)
89 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
26 Mar 11 UTC
Unpause please?
We have messaged the person who doesn't want to unpause multiple times, and they havwen't replied despite being online most of the day. Could you please unpause this game, Oli? Thanks!
5 replies
Rancher (1128 D)
30 Mar 11 UTC
Colonial - Raj Rulers
Dominate the commoners in Asia, join soon for free opium ...
3 replies
Possible error in Chaoctopi
I convoyed Trieste to Ankara and it got bounced, but no one else moved there. Was it an error?
3 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 Mar 11 UTC
Fog of War- Whos finalized
Whats the point in showing who has finalized and who hasn't in FoW, we find out who missed phases at the end of phases and its more of a pain then an asset when trying to find out who is slowing down the bloody game.
11 replies
TAG, you're IT!
Everyone look out, Butter is the BLOB. Flee while you still can!
36 replies
Neil (957 D)
28 Mar 11 UTC
World War IV Convoy not working
I've been trying to do a convoy, but the order won't load fully during the diplomacy phase.
6 replies
IKE (1179 D)
04 Mar 11 UTC
New world gunboat
20 D 2 day phase join & enjoy
49 replies
NumberZero (832 D)
28 Mar 11 UTC
Looking for a replacement!!! asap
Oli, please help. i can't enter moves. i want to quit this game. Players refuse pause. Anyone that could replace me in it?
1 reply
Geforce (699 D)
27 Mar 11 UTC
enjoy to live game, go go go. now
0 replies
Avram (1391 D)
27 Mar 11 UTC
Fog of War
Need a few more players for a Fog of War game. Game can be found here:

join if you are interested!
0 replies
Another Chaos Game
Here is another because I want to return to the chaotic setting:
9 replies
Geforce (699 D)
27 Mar 11 UTC
enjoy to live game, go go go. now
2 replies
Geforce (699 D)
27 Mar 11 UTC
enjoy to live game, go go go. now please
0 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Only Grey Press?
Anyone interested in playing an Only-Grey-Press game?

We'll have to figure out a way to
15 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
26 Mar 11 UTC
Big code changes in 1066...
Did some changes to the 1066 FoW code and the neutral units.
Message here, if there are any problems...
6 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Seem to me like the Normans are at an advantage and the English at a disadvantage.
SacredDigits (978 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
That was a fun game. I dunno, I think the problem was that both other powers opened at England. If Norway had gone towards Flanders faster, it might have been different.

I was shocked when I sailed into the Irish Sea and saw there were still neutrals.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Sorry,m I should have qualified my statements. I do think that was a good game. But if you look at the results on the stats page, Normans have soloed 5 times vs. the other two only once each.

But I also don't think that there are real lines for Normandy or Norway to follow to get at one another. And England doesn't really have access to the neutrals.
tt612 (1404 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
each side have different advantages and disadvantages.

However, with all the Normandy wins, I believe future players will take that as a sign, similar to how Russia can be typically seen under fire nowadays despite earlier being seen as the best power.
SacredDigits (978 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Huh, didn't realize Norway started with an army at Hadrian's Wall.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Makes life as England even more difficult.
SacredDigits (978 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
That army serves no purpose but to annoy England, I think it should be reconsidered.
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Just gonna jump in here...
Norway has a HUGE advantage if he gets along well with England. lol. I am playing one right now, England gave me ALL of Scottland, and is offering me Flanders... after this year, I will be at 8 centers. I have a shot at winning, and its only the third year.
JoGa (962 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
im the only person to have own as england, huzzah!
RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
I think the only bad thing is, that England and Norway have a big problem in not getting into fight because of this Wall Unit....
It's much easier to peace with normans and fight with england for norway, so it will often get a sandwich?
SacredDigits (978 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Upon playing it again, I really do agree that the Normans are unbalancedly good. There was good English play, and Norway was a little sloppy (at game's end, Sweden was still neutral, maybe he didn't realize the neutral forces needed dislodging), but there's not much you can do against Normandy.
RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
I will report soon :)
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Normandy is extremely over powered.
SacredDigits (978 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
I'd like to try it again and hopefully not be Normandy again, anyone in for a gunboat?
butterhead (1272 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Cough Cough. 7 center, about to be 9 center if all works out, Norway saying, Normandy can get his ass kicked on this map, all it takes is a smart England and smart Norway.
SacredDigits (978 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Yeah, as I look at it, the main way Normandy gets pwned seems to be if Norway decides not to be immediately aggro'ed on England.
fasces349 (1007 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Its possible, but not when Norway comes at England full force and England is forced to divide her units leaving 2 for the 4 man Norway and 2 for the 4 man Normandy. (after first year)

Normandy has the advantage with so many English sc in close proximity guaranteeing the capture of a second capital.

For Normandy to loose its all reliant on Norway offering an alliance to England,
Hi all. Glad you're all enjoying the variant, although the outcomes in different measures.

Without giving things away I'm currently playing 3 games of 1066 at the moment and have drawn all 3 nations. This has been good as I've been able to test certain strategies and found what's been said here to be true.

When developing the game with Tadar we decided it was important to give an opportunity for anyone to equally win. In real life 1066, there was no "Free Cities Passage" and it would've been next to impossible for the Normans and Norwegians to go to war. But with FCP and the various sea territories its very possible (and in fact I've seen in two games so far Norwegians shooting down FCP for attacks on Flanders which have really put the Normans on the back step.

The game is designed to give good balance. I think tt is right. Normans are considered more 'powerful' now, but as English and Norwegian players wise up to this I see the odds falling for the Normans (just like Russia in Classic.)

Of course though, if we get 3 months down the track and the Normans are still consistently whipping butt, I expect we'll revise the variant to improve gameplay (I did this for Mate Against Mate when it became obvious one player was way too weak and two players way too strong - its got a much more balanced interface now as a result.)

But thanks all for the feedback. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
thank you all for your feedback, it means a lot to us!
it's true England starts with little options but Diplomacy-ing, and Normans have a slight advantage..
but I agree with tt612 and TheAmbassador, let's wait and see what happens: sometimes being the power in the strongest position is not an advantage as you have the board against you.
the only way to discover it.. is playing it!!
butterhead (1272 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
I like this variant. its pretty fun. now I just need to get something besides Norway...
SacredDigits (978 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Heh, butterhead, I keep drawing Normandy. So I like to think the stats actually show how awesome *I* am, not Normandy as a power.

We should play, so you could be Norway and me Normandy...again.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 Mar 11 UTC
I played Norway three times in a row and headed straight at Normandy every time and it never worked out for me. But the HW unit constantly tempted me into splitting as Norway and Normandy came straight at me guns blazing every time.
fasces349 (1007 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Anyone up for one?
mongoose998 (1344 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
ill join
Eliphas (926 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Moi aussi.
fasces349 (1007 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Well Normandy is still winning most games, but we're now seeing both the Norwegians and English winning a few games, which is great. (especially the game I just had against gun master and butter head which became of England vs Norway with the Normans knocked out!)
Shah (1992 D)
26 Mar 11 UTC
Hopefully this trend continues. It is a fun map, but I do think the English player has it the toughest. Particularly in gunboat games.
fasces349 (1007 D)
26 Mar 11 UTC
The last 3 games I have played has lead me to believe that Norway is the strongest player followed by Normandy in a tight second.

The only thing that separates Norway and Normandy is that Winchester is closer to Normandy.

However if it comes down to a 12 sc Norway and an 8 sc Normandy, then with or without Winchester, the game goes to Norway eventually.
RoxArt (1732 D)
26 Mar 11 UTC
I think England can win here :)
But it was a though diplomacy thing... :)

29 replies
Geforce (699 D)
26 Mar 11 UTC
enjoy to live game, go go go. enjoy to live game, go go go. enjoy to live game, go go go.
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
23 Mar 11 UTC
Pots doubled
For these games: 990, 991, 997
3 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
GB gameID=678
Turkey It's been several years now. The only way you can get 18 is if we CD or NMR. Be a good sport and just draw.
14 replies
UnknownHero (1057 D)
26 Mar 11 UTC
Mate against Mate, Global Messaging Only

Just needs one more person to join. There's only a few hours before it expires, so join quick if you want to play.
0 replies
Benibo (1143 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
True Diplomacy
8 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
Live TenSixtySix
anyone up for it?
8 replies
Who Controls America
I'd like to get in on oli's offer, anyone feel like a couple games of this variant?
22 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
Pure Chaos- In the making.
Hey guys, I have begun working on the Pure Chaos map we talked about(32 player Pure)(34 was not conducive to the symmetry of the map), and wanted to ask if there was any opinions you had on it.
21 replies
OlympicTorch (835 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
New Variant?
I developed a potential map for my own group to play Diplomacy. Is there a way to send it to vdip as a working variant?
6 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
5 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
next post
10 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
17 Mar 11 UTC
Treaties Game
Does anyone want to play a treaties game on the original map or any other map?
54 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Anony Gunboat Fantasy?
Super fun for everyone! Well, except the losers.
1 reply
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