A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Synapse (814 D)
26 Aug 13 UTC
Napoleonic variant
Any suggestions thus far?
29 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 May 13 UTC
Spartan's Summer Fun series
Hello all! I figured I should continue this after a friendly reminder... so here you go! The next game in my series!
Celtic Britain, 1 day phases, 13 pt bet
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
26 May 13 UTC
Essentially my goal is to have played every variant on the site by the time summer is over :D
Mapu (2086 D (B))
26 May 13 UTC
Wow look at poor Brigantes in that variant's stats.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
26 May 13 UTC
Anyone interested in a Celtic Britain game to give it a shot?
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
26 May 13 UTC
Bump, no one is interested? :'[
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
26 May 13 UTC
I would be interested!
Anon (?? D)
26 May 13 UTC
Please join! :D
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
27 May 13 UTC
Anyone want to play a Celtic Britain game?
Anon (?? D)
27 May 13 UTC
Here is the list of variants I have left to play so these gaems will hopefully get started at some point.
Classic- 7 islands
Classic- Chaoctopi (may be difficult)
Classic- FGR
Classic- Grey Press
Classic- No Neutrals
Classic- pick your countries
Classic- pilot
Classic- Fleet in Rome
Hussite wars
Sail Ho II
South America (4 and 5 and Supremacy)
Ancient Med
World Diplomacy IX
Youngstown- World War II

Also, the Celtic Britain game still needs some players!
Firehawk (1231 D)
27 May 13 UTC
I joined Celtic Britain!
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
27 May 13 UTC
thanks! :D
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
02 Jun 13 UTC
Hey guys, this isn't one of my games from the series, but it is a map that I was planning on playing. King Atom made the game as part of his Tour of Vdip, but feel free to join if you are interested in a Maharajah game.

Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
05 Jun 13 UTC
Still to Play:
Classic- 7 islands
Classic- Chaoctopi (may be difficult)
Classic- FGR
Classic- Grey Press
Classic- No Neutrals
Classic- pick your countries
Classic- pilot
Classic- Fleet in Rome
Colonial 1885
Hussite wars
Sail Ho II
South America (4 and 5 and Supremacy)
Ancient Med
World Diplomacy IX
Youngstown- World War II
Anon (?? D)
05 Jun 13 UTC
A couple interesting variants coming up next:
Interested in a 4 player Sail Ho II game,
Interested in a 7 players Pure game (im really interested to try this one...),
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
05 Jun 13 UTC
Bump. Sail Ho II or Pure anyone?
Mapu (2086 D (B))
05 Jun 13 UTC
I played Sail Ho once and all I wanted to do was swim in the Lesbian Sea, so it didn't go so well for me.
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
06 Jun 13 UTC
*ba dum tiss*
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
06 Jun 13 UTC
I would, but I don't want to burden my sitter with two more games. Create them in a week or so and I will join!
Anon (?? D)
06 Jun 13 UTC
If you guys really want, I can always make another Sail Ho game in a week. It just started so I have to get to my press and see how things work out. As for Pure, still plenty of spots available!
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
20 Jun 13 UTC
It's about time to reboot this... The Pure game was canceled due to lack of interest, but I will remake it and hopefully get some more people interested! I will also make a 7 islands game for anyway interested! I will post them shortly :D
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
20 Jun 13 UTC
Variants left to play:
Classic- 7 islands
Classic- Chaoctopi (may be difficult)
Classic- FGR
Classic- Grey Press
Classic- No Neutrals
Classic- pick your countries
Classic- pilot
Classic- Fleet in Rome
Colonial 1885
Hussite wars
South America (4 and 5 and Supremacy)
Ancient Med
World Diplomacy IX
Youngstown- World War II
Anon (?? D)
20 Jun 13 UTC
Pure- Essentially a circle with 7 pie slices and all are connected.. JOIN!

Classic- 7 Islands- the classic map with various Mediterranean/British islands included as SC's
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
20 Jun 13 UTC
Just a couple more needed for 7 islands and pure!
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
28 Jun 13 UTC
I feel like trying out a couple gunboats, so i am going to make a South America 4 and 5 game as gunboats for those interested. Also, as a quick game I'll make an FGR for the first two who want to try it out. Links coming soon...
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
28 Jun 13 UTC
I don't know why I have it as FGR but its actually FGA...
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
28 Jun 13 UTC
Variants left to play:
Classic- Chaoctopi (may be difficult)
Classic- Grey Press
Classic- No Neutrals
Classic- pick your countries
Classic- pilot
Classic- Fleet in Rome
Colonial 1885
Hussite wars
South America Supremacy
Ancient Med
World Diplomacy IX
Youngstown- World War II
Anon (?? D)
28 Jun 13 UTC



All are Gunboat just as a warning. Please join :D
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
01 Jul 13 UTC
Should we start a sign-up sheet for Chaoctopi now?
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
01 Jul 13 UTC
That's a good point, I'll create a signup thread.
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
20 Jul 13 UTC
Variants left to play:
Classic- Chaoctopi (may be difficult)
Classic- Grey Press
Classic- No Neutrals
Classic- pick your countries
Classic- pilot
Classic- Fleet in Rome
Colonial 1885
Dark Ages
Hussite wars
South America Supremacy
Ancient Med
World Diplomacy IX
Youngstown- World War II
Anon (?? D)
20 Jul 13 UTC
Variants left to play:
Classic- Chaoctopi (may be difficult)
Classic- pick your countries
South America Supremacy
Ancient Med
World Diplomacy IX
Youngstown- World War II

Games created: all are WTA and Anonymous with 36 hour phases. Buy in is equal to the number of players per variant (all 7-9). Press will be specified.

Classic GreyPress (full press): gameID=15255
Classic No Neutrals (gunboat): gameID=15256
Classic Pilot (gunboat): gameID=15257
Classic Fleet in Rome (gunboat): gameID=15258
Colonial 1885 (full press): gameID=15259
Dark Ages (full press): gameID=15260
Hussite Wars (full press): gameID=15261
Karibik (gunboat): gameID=15262

Join as many or as few as you would like :]
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
21 Jul 13 UTC
bump, plenty of variants to try out!
Anon (?? D)
22 Jul 13 UTC
Classic GreyPress (full press): gameID=15255
Classic No Neutrals (gunboat): gameID=15256
Classic Pilot (gunboat): gameID=15257
Classic Fleet in Rome (gunboat): gameID=15258
Colonial 1885 (full press): gameID=15259
Dark Ages (full press): gameID=15260
Hussite Wars (full press): gameID=15261
Karibik (gunboat): gameID=15262
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
23 Jul 13 UTC
anyone up for trying new variants? Join up!
Anon (?? D)
31 Jul 13 UTC
Hussite Wars (full press): gameID=15261

Still looking for a few more brave souls!
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
31 Jul 13 UTC
Variants left to play:
Classic- Chaoctopi (signup thread in forums)
Classic- pick your countries
South America Supremacy
Ancient Med
Colonial 1885
World Diplomacy IX
Youngstown- World War II
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
12 Aug 13 UTC
Just a quick update for this, I will be gone for a week or so and then I only have 3 days before I move back to school! So, in those three days my goal is to have all of these (maybe not Chaoctopi) started up before then. Keep an eye out of you're interested in any of these variants!

Variants left to play:
Classic- Chaoctopi (signup thread in forums)
Classic- pick your countries
South America Supremacy
Ancient Med
Colonial 1885
World Diplomacy IX
Youngstown- World War II
Anon (?? D)
27 Aug 13 UTC
Left to Play:
Chaoctopi (signup thread in forums)

Feel free to join:
4 Players- Classic- pick your countries: gameID=15691
8 Players- South America Supremacy: gameID=15692
5 Players- Ancient Med: gameID=15693
10 players- Colonial 1885: gameID=15694
8 players- USA: gameID=15695
17 players- World Diplomacy IX: gameID=15696
6 players- Youngstown- World War II: gameID=15697
3 players- 1066 V3.0: gameID=15698
7 players- Classic Layered: gameID=15699

Join some fun new variants :]
Anon (?? D)
27 Aug 13 UTC
Want to try some new variants you haven't played before?

Feel free to join:
4 Players- Classic- pick your countries: gameID=15691
8 Players- South America Supremacy: gameID=15692
5 Players- Ancient Med: gameID=15693
10 players- Colonial 1885: gameID=15694
8 players- USA: gameID=15695
17 players- World Diplomacy IX: gameID=15696
6 players- Youngstown- World War II: gameID=15697
3 players- 1066 V3.0: gameID=15698
7 players- Classic Layered: gameID=15699
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
29 Aug 13 UTC
Bump! Games still open to join!
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
30 Aug 13 UTC
Join up if you want to try some new variants you may have never played!

40 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
27 Aug 13 UTC
LabDip down?
Can anyone access LabDip these days or is it just me can't?
13 replies
adalephat (733 D)
02 Aug 13 UTC
Is the WWII map unbalanced?
I was pondering the statistics when I realised, that France soloed only once, while the Soviet managed it 10 times. Is this because the map is unbalanced, or because the Soviet players are that good?
11 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
27 Aug 13 UTC
1648 game just gone final
impressive all blue map
13 replies
tiger (1653 D)
16 Aug 13 UTC
Random Question
If you CD in a game and get taken over by someone, can you rejoin that game if someone else CDs by taking them over?
19 replies
SLOTerp (0 D)
24 Aug 13 UTC
Forum-based standard @ Redscape
Weekly turns. Good maps. If you haven't played a forum game w/ a human GM in a while (or ever), here's your chance to jump back in.
13 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
18 Aug 13 UTC
Chaoctopi Signup Thread
As part of my summer series, I am trying to get a chaoctopi game started. I figured I'd make a new thread because the other lost traction. So signup here if you're interested!
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
22 Aug 13 UTC
Spend your dimoolah!
Come one, come all! Spend your dip points!
I am currently hosting a decent high pot game at the low price of 99 D! Global chat to really test your skill on the classic map! Join if you dare!

18 replies
mendax (1260 D)
26 Aug 13 UTC
Is there any way to force someone to accept a stalemate position.
2 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
05 May 13 UTC
Tour of VDip: Extension
A while ago, I started the Tour of VDip! With the intention to play every game on the site. We are currently on round three. After evaluating my summer schedule, I have notices that I have exactly fifty free days (excluding seven for band camp, twelve for a missions trip, and ten for vacation days). Anyway, from this conclusion...Actually, hold on, I have a lot to say...
21 replies
Amwidkle (1351 D)
01 Aug 13 UTC
Opening strategy guide, WWIV
Spinning off bluecthulhu's excellent idea into a new thread.
93 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
22 Aug 13 UTC
Is the phase there yet... T__T
So of all the games I am in, the next phase processes in approx 12 hours, I go through diplomacy withdrawls...keep checking the site for information etc. Do YOU go through withdrawls too? Or is it just me?
13 replies
Synapse (814 D)
17 Jul 13 UTC
Playtesting (WWII, version 2)
I've made some improvements to WWII and would like some help testing balance issues. The first game is here:
22 replies
Synapse (814 D)
19 Aug 13 UTC
Wiki article on balancing variants
I don't know TOO much diplomacy theory, can anyone help me out with this?
5 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
18 Aug 13 UTC
1066 V3
do the Normans start with a fleet in CI?
Because it says nothing about that in the the Vikings have some fleet in the sea too?
4 replies
Synapse (814 D)
16 Aug 13 UTC
Test group
There's a real issue with testers for the lab.
12 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
15 Aug 13 UTC
Another Test for the First Crusade
My First Crusade map has gone through a few changes and I'd like to test them. Here's the link, feel free to tell me what u think of the map also.
7 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
17 Aug 13 UTC
Phases Played?
in keeping with the % thread
9 replies
Tristan (1258 D)
17 Aug 13 UTC
anyone for a fast one?
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Aug 13 UTC
Small 1066 error fixed.
But I needed to cancel the 2 games that started already.
0 replies
Safari (1530 D)
11 Aug 13 UTC
Testers Needed for New 4 Player Variant
Hi Everyone! I'm looking for players to test my variant Atlantic Colonies on the vdiplomacy lab. Ideally I'd like to have more than one game going so that glitches and balance issues can be rooted out as quickly as possible and it can go live!
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Aug 13 UTC
Two needed for New Game.
0 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
01 Jul 13 UTC
Spartan's Summer Fun- Chaoctopi Signup Thread
Hello all! As part of my summer series of trying to play all variants, I want to play Chaoctopi. Considering that is a large undertaking, I figured I would make a signup thread. Post here if you are interested!
62 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
21 Jul 13 UTC
WW4 Gunboat Anon 3 point bet! WTA ca caw!
16 hour phase, random country assignment, target sc: 40, NO min rating or # of phases
16 replies
Anon (?? D)
08 Aug 13 UTC
Classic gunboat
1 reply
Amwidkle (1351 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
WWIV Opening Strategy -- Illinois
New opening article.
7 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
08 Aug 13 UTC
Just checking: drawing and left players
Hi all. In a game where 2 players have left and the remaining 3 players want to draw. Just checking that the left players (still on the board) don't get a share of the pot if the 3 of us draw. Or do we have to wait until we've taken all their SCs?
4 replies
Synapse (814 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Colonial 1885 - Britain always wins
15 replies
caliburdeath (1013 D)
06 Aug 13 UTC
New rough map- "Fall of the Carthaginian Empire"
I've made a rough alternate history map, and I want some critiques.
15 replies
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