A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Devonian (1887 D)
16 Sep 13 UTC
Background color problem
I am using Chrome, and have been for a long time, but recently, I have had a problem with the background graphics. The background initially displays the normal brown with shading of the diplomacy map, then after a second or two, it disappears, and turns white with no map.

Any suggestions?
9 replies
MustLoveCats (820 D)
15 Sep 13 UTC
Drawing Softwares for Windows 8
I am interested in making a variant or two, and I am using Windows 8, The Worst Computer of All Computers, so basically I have no idea what virus-infested drawing software to download to make a variant, any tips?
4 replies
Dignitary (1028 D)
14 Sep 13 UTC
Question about Known World Map
Hey guys, super noob question, but I wanted to know if I had to keep a unit inside a neutral territory that has been converted into my own in order for that territory to remain mine in the Known World Variant, or can I leave it unoccupied?

Thank you!
2 replies
B-RICH94 (1859 D)
12 Sep 13 UTC
Game listed as "Crashed"

This Known World 901 gunboat game apparently crashed during the most recent phase. Can any of the mods explain what happened in more detail?
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
12 Sep 13 UTC
New mod/admin team (and me stepping down)
Hi everybody I have to announce a big change in the mod/admin team.
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Anon (?? D)
10 Sep 13 UTC
New Haven game! WTA gameID=15870
details below
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Jimbozig (1179 D)
12 Sep 13 UTC
What happens if two powers get to the VC on the same turn?
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Firehawk (1231 D)
01 Sep 13 UTC
1 Last Test
I'm hopefully starting my last test game on the lab for my variant, The First Crusade. Join up testers!
6 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Sep 13 UTC
Australia's long national nightmare of Queenslandian oppression comes to an end
Awaiting Amby's response.....
16 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Sep 13 UTC
New WWIV game -- Anon and public press
0 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
05 Sep 13 UTC
PBEM Diplomacy Tournament
I guess my tumbleweed effect is growing here...
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
09 Sep 13 UTC
Twilight Struggle
So I'm expecting this game to arrive by post soon (and pretty excited!) - any advice from anyone who has played this game?
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Anon (?? D)
08 Sep 13 UTC
modern gunboat: strong, open position as Turkey
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non-diplomat (922 D X)
07 Sep 13 UTC
Economics-Constrained Maximization
Plz join
1 reply
Chaqa (1586 D)
08 Sep 13 UTC
Bug report for Layered Map
So I'm trying to convoy an army from map 2 to map 1. I have fleets in the bordering sea territory in maps 1 and 2, and a fleet in the destination bordering in map 2. It SHOULD work, but when I try to enter it the convoy orders all disappear and it gives me an error.
1 reply
Synapse (814 D)
05 Sep 13 UTC
Take over
Someone want to take over China in this game? I'm really not feeling it. You are in a decent position though
6 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
05 Sep 13 UTC
the moment you want to punch someone
because he steals your vital center in a gunboat game. dude, we have different enemies, we are both small powers why did you attack me again and again ..selfish egoistic player. Cant wait to reveal the anonymous name and bitch slap you
4 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
23 Aug 13 UTC
Competitive Dip Round 2
So the first "Competitive Dip" game has finished, with Ruffhaus, Mapu, and myself ending in a 3 way draw. So I'm back, calling for Round 2! Who wants in? Personally, I'm hoping to try out Rinascimento as a "competitive" game just to see how it plays out!
20 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
05 Jun 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent 100% VCs
Usually, if you put a game on 100% Victory Conditions, it becomes rather boring - nobody ever fights for a solo, as it is almost always impossible, so everyone aims for a draw from the start.
148 replies
Anon (?? D)
03 Sep 13 UTC
Need 4 more players for Sengoku map
as the thread title says, im searching for four more players to fill my "Japan United" game on the Sengoku map. Since creating a game alone does not seem to yield the required number of enthusiastic participants, ill try it via the forum. Only requirement is, that those people stay in game, even if shit starts to get serious for them ^^
1 reply
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
03 Sep 13 UTC
Gunboat game: obvious coordination outside the board
wondering how to react on a supported move in a gunboat that is either extremely unlikely to be guessed out of the blue by the supporter, or coordinated off-board, which should not happen in gunboats.
if my opponents coordinate off-board, this game is totally ruined for me and i can give it up right away, as i can't stand a chance against them if they are that well coordinated.
4 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
02 Sep 13 UTC
Sorry Folks
I am embarrassed to state that in the time since I lost my Internet Connection at home last Wednesday or Thursday, I have so far missed 22 turns, increasing my total from 5 and reducing my reliability rating to 90%. I apologise for this and hope to get my line fixed tomorrow.
3 replies
Elm (992 D)
31 Aug 13 UTC
Known World
Hi all!

Could someone explain to me more clearly how neutral standing armies are rebuilt in Known World 901? I always thought that if you did not have an army in a territory, the neutral standing army got rebuilt, even if you owned that territory. However, I am in a game where it seems a person owned a territory, left it unoccupied for the fall, but the standing neutral army was not rebuilt. It was not formerly anyone's home center.
5 replies
Synapse (814 D)
26 Aug 13 UTC
Napoleonic variant
Any suggestions thus far?
29 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 May 13 UTC
Spartan's Summer Fun series
Hello all! I figured I should continue this after a friendly reminder... so here you go! The next game in my series!
Celtic Britain, 1 day phases, 13 pt bet
40 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
27 Aug 13 UTC
LabDip down?
Can anyone access LabDip these days or is it just me can't?
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adalephat (733 D)
02 Aug 13 UTC
Is the WWII map unbalanced?
I was pondering the statistics when I realised, that France soloed only once, while the Soviet managed it 10 times. Is this because the map is unbalanced, or because the Soviet players are that good?
Amwidkle (1351 D)
02 Aug 13 UTC
My opinion is that the USSR has significant advantages over other the countries on the WWIV map, particularly in gunboat. In a press game I would think that USSR's advantage would tend to be neutralized by other players coordinating to stop the USSR threat, but maybe the statistics are showing that players tend to underappreciate the Soviet threat or realize it too late to stop the solo.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
02 Aug 13 UTC
the WWII map is simply unbalanced in general
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
02 Aug 13 UTC
Probably so. It's important to point out that the game has only been played 71 times, but seeing 10 (of 15 total) solos by one nation is a pretty glaring statistic even for such a small sampling of games. It's also important to note that the variant designer is relatively inexperienced in both game play and game design. It's an interesting enough concept, but it probably needs significant adjustments to be a map worth playing on.
Raro (1449 D)
02 Aug 13 UTC
yes I believe it is unbalanced. I've soloed twice with Russia in gunboats, and it's pretty easy due to the advantages. It is extremely easy to defend but also has substantial power and reach which makes it so easy to play in gunboats.

One thing that I think can be improved would be for Germany to have another coastal production center where he can build fleets (perhaps attached to Berlin, or in Cop or Denmark). This is because the center in KON is too much of a defensible position to be used for fleet production. This greatly limits Germany's ability to contend for Scandavia, since Kiel is really the only source for fleets, and it usually has to produce for both the east and west side of Germany.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
02 Aug 13 UTC
I have to agree, I played the map 4 times, and the soviet union is the strongest with germany number 2. it takes cooperation between britain and italy to hold russia and that is usually not a long enough alliance.
soviet union is too strong. not by much. I like the map, don't over compensate if you change it.
Synapse (814 D)
05 Aug 13 UTC

I am working on a new version to bolster france etc.
Synapse (814 D)
05 Aug 13 UTC
As Ruffhaus pointed out, I am relatively inexperienced at designing variants. Developers rely on feedback so it's important to take the time to let me know. Germany is supposed to be strong but USSR is definitely overpowered. I have taken Georgia away from them. France has gained a historic SC in Syria, but I don't know how that will affect Turkey yet. I also want to put a neutral army in Istanbul. All of these things require vigorous testing to see what happens
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
24 Aug 13 UTC
If anything, put a neutral standing army in Finland. No, make that two.
The Finns were a badass group of 'don't screw with us' woodsman. Despite being seriously outnumbered and ridiculously outgunned by the USSR during the Winter War of 1939-1940, they managed to retain their independence, with some limited concessions. One of their number, farmer Simo Hayha, became the greatest sniper in history, with 505 confirmed kills, mostly from his own sightless rifle.
A single Soviet army should have no chance of taking Finland.
Synapse (814 D)
25 Aug 13 UTC
I know where you're coming from, but along those lines almost everywhere would need a neutral army, especially Spain and Yugoslavia. Even Poland would need some, because the Polish didn't exactly surrender immediately either. I don't know whether a game with loads of neutral armies would provide the best game-play.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
25 Aug 13 UTC
the target SCs have to be lowered. I have experienced as Germany that its only possible to win if you neighbors make fatal mistakes. Otherwise, they can very easily block you in the North Sea, the Caucasus, Constantinople, northern Italy and France...
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
29 Aug 13 UTC
Just my attempt to inject some history of badassery. And, yeah, I think some balancing is needed, I apologise if I'm being unhelpful.
I think neutral standing units are useful in preventing growth at strategic phases, but I guess it would have to be done carefully on such a large map, so it may not be worth the bother. All the best with playtesting.

11 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
27 Aug 13 UTC
1648 game just gone final
impressive all blue map
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tiger (1653 D)
16 Aug 13 UTC
Random Question
If you CD in a game and get taken over by someone, can you rejoin that game if someone else CDs by taking them over?
19 replies
SLOTerp (0 D)
24 Aug 13 UTC
Forum-based standard @ Redscape
Weekly turns. Good maps. If you haven't played a forum game w/ a human GM in a while (or ever), here's your chance to jump back in.
13 replies
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