A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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nesdunk14 (767 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
Imagonnalose second bracket
Hey all, just thought maybe more people wanted to play one on one than were able to fit in the first bracket. For all the rules, see Imagonnalose's post below. Please write here for slot requests.
0 replies
sinax (1006 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
join us!!!!
Palimpsest needs only 2 players more to start!!!!

it's a huge and cool game: join us!!!!!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
fog of war game
Awesome mode: fog of war. Classic map, only 2 coin bet. Still need 4 people, choose your own country. First come, first serve! gameID=17370
0 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
18 Dec 13 UTC
Super Bowl 2014
So I've got the Seahawks winning the Super Bowl. (And before you panic, my team is the eagles...I don't predict them making it this year ..... sniff....)
30 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
13 Dec 13 UTC
Mod forced pauses/extends
See below.
86 replies
Wade (1004 D)
17 Dec 13 UTC
Name Change
I joined playing a private game with a few folks I went to High School with. I wasn't really planning on playing anymore after that. But I ended up enjoying the game. Is there a way to edit my profile name?
7 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
03 Dec 13 UTC
Death And The King's Horsemen - Game 3: Official Game Thread
This is the official game thread for Death And The The King's Horsemen - Game 3
48 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
21 Oct 13 UTC
The King is Dead!
So I was just thinking about an old forum post that I read (I believe on webdip) about a variant of Diplomacy that I thought would be extremely interesting. More to follow.
290 replies
drwiggles (1582 D)
12 Dec 13 UTC
Not many WTA fans here compared to webdip, eh?
Every time I start a WTA game here, few if any players join. Most of the new games are PPSC. I'm not gonna gripe about PPSC, but where are all the WTA players?
3 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
10 Dec 13 UTC
Wargaming Theater of the Absurd
RE: - The USA's New York Times online Dec.10, 2013, & UK's Guardian day before report that so-called "stolen" files allegedly reveal purported surveillance of Video Gaming, especially Chat and Anonymity features, by civilian & Military Intelligence units. - Should they get a Life, or stick to bugging chess tournaments? Discuss
7 replies
tiger (1653 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
RIP Nelson Mandela
You were an inspiration to many, you will be missed!
61 replies
Anon (?? D)
10 Dec 13 UTC
Need a replacement
not a bad position - should be pretty easy to pick up where this player left off.
3 replies
^__^ (1003 D)
10 Dec 13 UTC
Advertise games where someone left here
This thread will be used from now on to post games where someone left if it's anonymous or something like that.
0 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
10 Dec 13 UTC
1 reply
Retillion (2304 D (B))
08 Dec 13 UTC
Replacement needed for Inca-Empire in WWIV (V6.2).
This password game, gameID=16774, is only at the end of its first year and one of our players is missing : Inca-Empire. If you are a good communicator who does not NMR, please consider joining and write me a PM for the password.
4 replies
Gumers (1801 D)
08 Dec 13 UTC
901 known world doubt
A fleet transforming to an army can be supported by another unit? And that support would be valid?
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Dec 13 UTC
Replacement ethiopia
0 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
07 Dec 13 UTC
The King is Dead - Game 1 - Official Game Thread
Winter 1900 - General Cool of England is the king. Long live the king!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
07 Dec 13 UTC
WWIV 6.2 map question

On the new WWIV map, are armies allowed to move from land directly to islands that border the land? For example GLP, CPV, REU, etc.
2 replies
Tsar Maple (924 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
Quick Question
Is there a way to add friends on here? Just to message in the future?
1 reply
caliburdeath (1013 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
Multiple concession?
Might it be better if concede simply gave up your piece of the pot?
6 replies
ccga4 (1609 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
reliability rating
my reliability rating is only 90+ after some vacations in which i could not complete orders, so as i tried to join a new game, i couldn't because i already had 9 games. I know the way to increase your rating is taking over for someone who left again, but now apparently i can't do that either :P Any suggestions?
1 reply
Tsar Maple (924 D)
14 Nov 13 UTC
Noob question
When are new units created? I've conquered 4 or 5 supply centres but still only have 3 units. The friend I'm playing against has 6. In depth explanation would be awesome. Thanks
8 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
23 Oct 13 UTC
I'd like to GM a game of Sopwith. 6 players are needed, turns will be approx. 3 day turnaround.
here is a link to the map:
and the rules:
Rock Stone (1054 D)
23 Oct 13 UTC
I'd be interested in that. I'm a little unclear on where we play, though.
Raro (1449 D)
23 Oct 13 UTC
Looks cool. I'd be interested. Will you be trying to host it here?
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
23 Oct 13 UTC
GM: kaner

Rock Stone


I'll adjudicate the map each turn and post a link (like I did for the prelim map above) in this thread. I'll also collate player's scores and make that available for rankings etc...

So PM me your orders each turn (and anything you would like me to announce each turn), and PM one another as it's full press.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
23 Oct 13 UTC
First come, first serve!
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
23 Oct 13 UTC
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
23 Oct 13 UTC
Not even after I made a cool animation showing the first turn?
And promise to make cool animations showing each turn as you play it?

(also we can set up a dummy diplomacy game to encourage chat amongst players, so as not to have to rely on the internal PM system...)
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
23 Oct 13 UTC
Very nice. I'm interested. Not sure I've understood everything, though.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
24 Oct 13 UTC
awesome! I'll add you to the list. 3 more players folks?

GM: kaner

Rock Stone
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
24 Oct 13 UTC
added an example of turn 2:
bozo (2302 D)
24 Oct 13 UTC
I have never played before, but I would like to try it out.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
24 Oct 13 UTC
Great to have you on-board bozo!

2 more needed

Rock Stone
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
24 Oct 13 UTC
I'm just joining everything I can. :) sign me up
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
24 Oct 13 UTC
One more and we can get some good ol' fashioned World War dog-fighting happening!

Rock Stone
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
24 Oct 13 UTC
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
25 Oct 13 UTC
Welcome DoubleCaps!
Invites sent out... game to start soon.
Remember VPs are cumulative, so if you reach 40 VPs in the first game you get to be an ace in consecutive games!!!

Rock Stone
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
26 Oct 13 UTC
vSop1 - Pregame:
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
28 Oct 13 UTC
vSop1 - Turn 1:
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
31 Oct 13 UTC
vSop1 - Turn 2:
On the VP-comulative point, how many games in total will be played?
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
31 Oct 13 UTC
How long is a piece of string?
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
31 Oct 13 UTC
well the first game is running now. I'll most likely start a second one when the first finishes, or perhaps earlier - but will advertise for interest.

Basically I'll run 1 maybe 2 games at a time while there is interest in people playing it. As players VPs add up (and subtract) I'll keep a tally of how many they have. If they have over 40 VPs then they are considered 'aces' and can perform the Immelman turn and gain a bonus in firing.

kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
31 Oct 13 UTC
so to answer your question...

on the Hall of Fame, how many diplomacy games in total will be played?

get it?
Q. How long is a piece of string?
A. As long as you want it to be.
Ah I see. So there will be no ending point where someone is declared the overall winner?

So am I correct to say that eventually all players in a game may start out as aces?
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
31 Oct 13 UTC
it's quite possible that happens. It all depends on how big the pool of interested players happens to be.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
31 Oct 13 UTC
*1st question - no there is no end point.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
16 Nov 13 UTC
Turn 10 Re-Cap:
Raro (1449 D)
16 Nov 13 UTC
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
28 Nov 13 UTC
Turn 20 Re-Cap:
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
28 Nov 13 UTC
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
03 Dec 13 UTC
Turn 30 re-cap:

A fight to the death between Mr Yellow & the Blue Knight
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
04 Dec 13 UTC
The Game is over. Congrats to Rock Stone AKA Blue Knight!

here is the whole game *gif for the the curious:

Thanks to everyone how participated!
the current rankings are here:

I will be starting a waiting list for a new game over the next few days. I'm thinking that it will be a 2v2v2 version of the game... keep you eye's peeled for sign-up in the forum.


32 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
05 Sep 13 UTC
School of War - There and Back Again
Guys will we have another semester for this?
9 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
26 Nov 13 UTC
Have I missed something?
I only ask because I don't seem to be able to find the variant stats thingummy anywhere.
6 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
28 Nov 13 UTC
Much improved interactive maps...
Look at the forum-thread for more information:

Activate the "opt-in" in your settings page. (You might need to reload a board-page a few times for the new CSS-files to load in your browser)

Share your thoughts...
5 replies
Webdiplo is a bit screwy right now
And I probably just CDed a live game.
7 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
28 Nov 13 UTC
Webdip errors
Is everyone getting them? When I go to webdip it loads, but with an error instead of a normal page.
3 replies
YouCan'tHandleTheTruth is in da house!
And he's here to stay folks!
8 replies
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