A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
A better debate than webdip
Evolution or creation? Better debate than that on webdiplomacy.
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
gameID=17755 six more!
0 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
21 Jan 14 UTC
Redesign of the frontend?
Me and some graphics and userinterface designer friends are playing diplomacy with great joy on this site. while playing, discussion came on the frontend of the site (that is user interface design, graphics design, html and css) ...
53 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
How about that Seahawks parade
Anybody get a chance to take a look at it? Passed right outside my job and I went out there. Over 700k fans came out to support.
1 reply
Chaqa (1586 D)
13 Dec 13 UTC
The King is Dead - Revised and Variant
Game ID: gameID=17263
PM me for the password
Rules to follow
17 replies
Tomahaha (1170 D)
24 Jan 14 UTC
Large World Game ...with Nukes!
I designed a large somewhat current world power game that is very unbalanced and very crazy towards the games end (nukes start to fly all over the place). Somehow it works out in the end (if you survive that is) by way of a political aspect of the game (a voting procedure that can't be ignored).

53 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
24 Dec 13 UTC
Trying to wind down
Folks, I'm trying hard not to join any more games for the time being. I started Radiation treatment last week and don't have as much time as I would have hoped to invest in the games I'm playing.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience this will cause but will be returning in February or March depending on how I feel after being zapped with enough radiation to make me glow in the dark for centuries.
11 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
04 Feb 14 UTC
Gobble Earth Q?
regarding the whole colonial build/waive thing
6 replies
ERAUfan97 (1034 D)
03 Feb 14 UTC
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keyran (1095 D)
02 Feb 14 UTC
Players needed! Fancy it?
0 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
05 Dec 13 UTC
Sopwith 2 - signup thread
vSop2 - the hunger games
21 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
01 Feb 14 UTC
2014 Webdip Gunboat Tournament
Not to try and steal member base from here, but if people are interested there is a gunboat tournament on webdip that is currently in the sign-up phase. If you like gunboats, you may consider signing up.
0 replies
Darkarus (929 D)
01 Feb 14 UTC
Fantasy World Team Game
Hi vdip we are looking for 3 players to fill out the teams on a fantasy world game gameID=17980. No Password so pick a country and then in game country pairings will be announced. The only difference from regular diplomacy is that you cannot stab your partner
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Lackbeard (966 D)
31 Jan 14 UTC
New octopus game

Testing out a new variant, please join :)
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taylor4 (936 D)
29 Jan 14 UTC
Classic Ankara Crescent
gameID=17972 need player
1 reply
Lackbeard (966 D)
29 Jan 14 UTC
Ankara crescent fun match
Just lookin to give this Variant a go. Please join :)
6 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
25 Nov 13 UTC
The King Is Dead - Imperial: Official Game Thread
This is the official game thread for The King is Dead - Imperial.
27 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Jan 14 UTC
gameID=17755 9 point buy in!
2 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
27 Jan 14 UTC
Oh! Shiny New Features?
I like it...
6 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
Imagonnalose Mini-Tourney
Hello friends!

I have a little mini-tourney that I would like as many of you as wish to do so, play a series of 1v1 tactical diplomacy games that will allow me to find some good quality 1v1'ers to play against. I know there are a few of you who are quite active with these types of games, so I will present the following guidelines:
108 replies
ChiefKeef (1008 D)
27 Jan 14 UTC
Need replacement for best position in game

I am Britian and I am sick and tired of submitting so many orders per diplomacy phase. Would like a replacement, but don't know how the whole replacement thing works so you'll have to walk me through it.
7 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
26 Jan 14 UTC
Woop Woop Gobble Earth is finally here
This variant will test your skills and diplomacy from the start. No easy pickings you lazy dot grabbers.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 Jan 14 UTC
Phoenix rising
gameID=17884 Classic 1897, needs a starting player
0 replies
^__^ (1003 D)
24 Jan 14 UTC
variants with less than half scs for solo win
what happens in variants where less than half of the scs are required to win if multiple people meet the requirements, and are tied, or even if they are not.
7 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Jan 14 UTC
Goodbye vdiplomacy
A couple of months ago I started loosing interest in diplomacy, and started frequenting this site less and less. Now that my last game is finally over, and I am resigning from my post as Admin and am taking what will hopefully be a temporary leave from this site.
17 replies
Westeros (Game of Thrones world) Variant
So a while back I made a Westeros variant on paper to play with some friends of mine and it worked pretty well. I was wondering if anyone on here who knows how to code would be able to help me get it up on the site and/or if it is easy to learn how to do.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
19 Jan 14 UTC
We made a wiki with some basic information here:

That said I do not want to host variants based on someone else IP. Especially such a prominent one. Playing on the classic map is already somewhat problematic because WotC still owns the rules and map-layout.
But if you want I can help you build this map, you just need someone to host this (or you can host this on your own, setting up a webdip-server is really easy).
Chaqa (1586 D)
19 Jan 14 UTC
Since the website doesn't make any money, there shouldn't be any issue on making a GoT variant.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
19 Jan 14 UTC
Sure, but better save than sorry.
A lawyer could argue you still do damage to the IP or something else that comes to their mind to generate some revenue...
Living in germany I'm an easy target for lawyers that want to generate some revenue.
But as the web (and vDip) code are easy to get and adjust it should be absolutely no problem to set up an alternate server just for such variants. I did the same as I wanted my variants to be played and enjoyed by other players and kestas (owner of webdip) didn't want to include all these new variants over there.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
19 Jan 14 UTC
This idea has been discussed before, and the same problem came up:

I emailed HBO regarding the issue, and I got this response:

"Thank you for writing to HBO. For any questions about copyright infringement, please call our Consumer Affairs Hotline at (212) 512-1208 and ask to be connected to our Legal Department!


HBO Consumer Affairs"

I live in England, so it would most likely cost me a lot of money to phone an American company, so I didn't take it any further. However, if anyone else wants to, they're welcome to.
Chaqa (1586 D)
19 Jan 14 UTC
Someone should call up.
Chaqa (1586 D)
19 Jan 14 UTC
Well I was bored so I started working on a Game of Thrones map. Here's what I have so far:

The only special rules so far are that a fleet can travel from The Rills to Torrhen's Square. Additionally, there will be a starting neutral army in the Dreadfort. Starting units are armies in Deepwood Motte, Winterfell, and White Harbor (representing how, in the books, Manderly doesn't build fleets until later).

Moat Cailin can not be broken from the south without support from the north (as it should be).

The black areas near it are the swamps of the Neck.

The map looks bad right now but I threw this together in like 30 minutes.

GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
19 Jan 14 UTC
Cool stuff...i think the eastern Continent should be implemented though...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
19 Jan 14 UTC
Just to be a pain in the ass. The North has 6 SCs and The Reach as 5. Iron Islands 2 versus 3 for The Westerlands and the Vale. The Starks were outnumbered against the Lannisters, and The Reach could field roughly twice the force of the Lannisters, if memory serves.
I dont know if you guys will be able to see this because its a google doc but here is the first draft a made a while ago. I polished it up more on paper but this is the best version I have online
black dots/lines are home centers, red or blue are neutral
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
19 Jan 14 UTC
I would ask that if anyone phones Hasbro you avoid mentioning webdip. While these type of sites do not generate revenue, there is still a chance that the company would decide to send a cease and desist notice to both sites if we went out of our way to bring ourselves to their notice. Since it could and has been argued before that free sites like this are detracting from board sales.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
19 Jan 14 UTC
is the game still being sold? 0.o
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
19 Jan 14 UTC
I've seen it at a few board game stores recently, so I assumed so, but they might have been selling used boards. I know it was being sold by Hasbro as recently as 2 years ago, which is when a friend bought one.
Chaqa (1586 D)
19 Jan 14 UTC
I haven't seen it being sold for a few years, but there's no board game stores around here. I'm sure a specialty store would have it.
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
A bit of an update:

Black regions in Dorne represent the mountainous terrain, with only two ways into Dorne (Prince's Pass and Boneway) plus the route through Starfall.
I know you can still buy it online. Also does anyone know if my link works?
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
20 Jan 14 UTC
No, you need to make it public, right now you have to request permission to access it.
How do I do that?
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC

Added a bit more
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
Some notes:

The North starts with only 2 SCs because it takes a long time for any Northern army to assemble and march, and they are so spread out it takes time. Additionally, the army in the Dreadfort will take *convincing* due to the Bolton's hostility to the Starks.

Also, a fleet can move from the Rills to Torrhen's Square (as the Ironborn did in the books).

Starting builds are both armies in the north.

For the Vale, armies start in the Bloody Gate and Runestone (representing the armies led by Brynden Tully and Bronze Yohn Royce). A fleet in Gulltown to represent the naval power there (may be changed to an army). Strongsong is another SC.

The Iron Islands will start with 3 fleets, and an additional fleet hanging off the coast of the North to represent the reavers. They will have to capture territory to keep their extra fleet, pay the iron price and what not. Also, in an ideal world they would be able to transform their fleets into armies (since their ship crews are fighters, a la Vikings).

The Westerlands will start with three standing armies, positioned in Golden Tooth, Hornvale, and Lannisport, showing their preparedness for war (as in the books) and their general wealth to maintain a large standing army. I will likely add a fourth Lannister SC at Crakehall.

So far I haven't mapped out the SCs/territories of the Riverlands, but there will be a standing army in the Twins like at the Dreadfort. The Riverlands will probably have armies in Riverrun and Harrenhal, with ones they can grab at Pinkmaiden and Seagard.

The Reach, being the most populous territory, will have the most SCs and units. A fleet in the Arbor, a second in Oldtown. Armies in Highgarden, the Shields (allowing a navy to overcome them as in the books), High Hill (Tarly), Goldengrove, and Brightwater Keep. Brightwater will have a standing army (the Florents aren't huge fans of the Tyrells).

Fleets will be able to sail up the Mander from the Shields to Highgarden.

Dorne will have armies standing in Sunspear, Yronwood, Kingsgrave, and Stafall. Dorne was prepared in the books at the beginning, and thus would be in this also. If possible, I would make it so Dorne couldn't build fleets, as Dorne is not and could not be (no trees) a naval power.

The Stormlands so far I haven't planned, but would have armies in Storm's End and Nightsong, as well as a fleet in Tarth. Probably one more unit (either a second fleet in Estermont or another army), with one neutral starting SC (Blackhaven).

The Crownlands would not be an actual player. A Lannister army would be in King's Landing, and occupying it as an SC. Dragonstone would hold a fleet representing Stannis Baratheon. A second unit would be on Driftmark, just west of Dragonstone. Probably an army, representing the few troops Stannis has.

Stannis would also start with 4 extra fleets, representing Salladhor Saan's Lyseni. Since Stannis will only start with 1 or 2 SCs, he needs to capture territory to pay off his pirates, or risk losing them.

Anyway, the way I see it now there would be 7 players:

The Kingdom of the North and the Riverlands, representing Robb Stark and his northern lords and the river lords

The King on the Iron Throne: representing Joffrey and the Lannisters. Would control King's Landing and the Westerlands. Would probably have one extra unit in the Crownlands instead of a 4th in the West

The King of the Islands: representing Balon Greyjoy and his ironborn raiders.

The King in the Reach: representing Renly. Would control the forces of the Reach and the armies of the Stormlands.

The King on Dragonstone: representing Stannis. Would control the fleets of the Narrow Sea, the Lyseni Pirates, and the fleets of the Stormlands.

Dorne: representing Doran Martell, neutral in the conflict but can be swayed.

The Vale: representing Lysa Arryn. Although neutral in the books/show, could be persuaded to enter the conflict.

Other things I'm considering are adding in the west coast of Essos (Lys, Pentos, Volantis, Braavos, etc.), or extending the map all the way across Essos (could be a separate variant).

An economic board might also be added, to show how some countries are rich (Lannisters, Tyrells, Arryns) and others not so much (Greyjoys, Starks, Martells). For example, Lannisters might start with 10 gold to buy mercenary units out of Essos.

So Lannisters buy one unit from Essos. Next unit (overall) costs 2. Then 3. Then 4 etc.
You realise that Strongsong is completely impossible to take if an army is sitting there.
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
I'm probably splitting the Fingers into north and south Fingers.
The only question is how balanced it would be in practice. It seems pretty reasonable but play testing would definitely be required which I would love to be a part of.
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
Of course. This is my first variant and we will have to do play testing.

Also, there will probably be variant-variants, like:
Robert's Rebellion featuring (both full and 1v1 variants)
4-player (following Renly's death)
A post-Storm of Swords variant
A post Dance With Dragons variant
Evil Minion (967 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
Can you convert your version to .jpg or .png? Right now many people can only comment on Chaqa's version (which now has its own thread).
So I have mine in a Jpeg on my computer but I don't know how to post it on here.
Try it now
Alternatively if you PM me with your email I can send it to you
Alright so here is a link to my version. The link should work now. This is my first draft, a touched it up more up paper but don't have it online. Its much closer to the classic diplomacy map in that there aren't a ton of neutral supply points but i'm open to any changes. Also the water territories are not marked on this map, but are in the final version, i'm working out how to update the version I posted here.
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
23 Jan 14 UTC
If you've done most of the work on pen & paper, then perhaps scanning it (into *.jpg or *.png format) and then you can upload to an image hosting site. I find to be pretty good.
The main issue is that its on yellow paper...which I realized was a mistake once I did it. But i'll give it a go.
But before I do does anybody have some opening thoughts?

32 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
08 Nov 13 UTC
The King is Dead - Game 2: Official Game Thread
This is the official game thread for The King is Dead - Game 2
29 replies
nesdunk14 (767 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
New Variant Idea
Ok, so I have what I think is a pretty good idea for a variant, but I know no coding whatsoever. Is it relatively easy, just a bit of reading an research, or should I partner up with someone who does? If so, would drawing my map out on Photoshop help?
1 reply
deathserver (975 D)
19 Jan 14 UTC
I want to make new map
I found some tips and 'how to' from some other people but I don't know how to make it. I know little bit of coding but probably i can simply change some of variables and names. but there are many parts that i can not understand. Can you help me?
2 replies
Hypoguy (1613 D)
15 Jan 14 UTC
Migraine Hazard - New game
Who's interested in the ultimate brain cracker? Who wants a REAL challenge? The perfectly symmetrical Migraine Variant is the ultimate game to test your brain.
Wanna join? Let me know, and I'll send you the password for gameID=17756
4 replies
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