A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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^__^ (1003 D)
12 Mar 14 UTC
live game: classic map
there has never been a live game on the classic map on this site. i'm kind of wanting to start one. would anyone be interesed in joining?
41 replies
Anon (?? D)
22 Mar 14 UTC
Spring 01 Gobble replacement

This game hasn't started yet, but France NMR'd for spring 01 so we need a replacement. Since this is gobble earth, France has territory all over the map. It'd be good to get a replacement and you won't start at any disadvantage.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Mar 14 UTC
Join the next Chaos - Public Press game.
This type of game is the most chaotic out there, with every turn being a surprise.
3 replies
Wiesl (1079 D)
21 Mar 14 UTC
I cant find the Westeros-map, where is it?
1 reply
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
20 Mar 14 UTC
New take on Modern Diplomacy variant
Anyone notice...
2 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
18 Mar 14 UTC
New Variants
How does one make a new variant?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Mar 14 UTC
Premature Draw! Crazy Classic 34P Game
see below
9 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
16 Mar 14 UTC
Was VDip down over the weekend?
I tried over and over again and the site was done from multiple devices and browsers. Now it seems I've missed turns in 2 games. Anyone else with the same problem?
13 replies
Lackbeard (966 D)
17 Mar 14 UTC
Quick live
Just looking for a quick 1 v 1 live game :) gameID=18726
0 replies
Science! (880 D)
17 Feb 14 UTC
Question About American Conflict Variant
Are the 'notionally held' SCs essentially normal neutral SCs? For example, if I'm England and I occupy Calgary, do I get a build? Can you build in notionally held SCs?
6 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
05 Dec 13 UTC
On the subject of CYOC and anonymity..
Some input is needed....
16 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
14 Mar 14 UTC
Map idea
I was sitting home and I thought "it might be possible to make a 1 vs 1 map about mejirestaration"
16 replies
XII (1114 D)
22 Dec 13 UTC
Map Colonial Diplomacy
This map does not use the Trans-Siberian Railway rule. The GM create it want the map more beautiful ?
10 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
11 Mar 14 UTC
New stat CDs / NMRs takeovers.
This thread is for discussion about a new CD / takeover stat.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
11 Mar 14 UTC
The purpose of this stat is to reward CD-takeovers and to show new players that CDs and NMRs are damaging to the games on this site.
The old reliability-rating had 3 very different purposes.
1. Show how reliable you are entering your orders.
2. Penalize CDs/NMRs by limiting players with a low score on how many games they can play the same time.
3. Make it possible for players to recover from the penalties on their own (taking over CDs).

Purpose 2 and 3 are the opposite of an reliability-rating. You could polish your reliability-stats by taking over CDs,
but in reality this does not make you a more reliable player at all. That's why we removed these factors from the reliability-rating.
But there are still purpose 2+3 left to be taken care of.

That's why I want to implement a system that:
1. Penalize CDs/NMRs by limiting players with a low score on how many games they can play the same time.
2. Make it possible for players to recover from the penalties on their own (taking over CDs).
The new stat is about nothing more.

The most easy idea is just to take the CDtakeovers and subtract the CDs. If the result is negative you have more CDs on your record and we could restrict the maximum number of games you can join. If it's positive you have taken more CD positions than you CDed yourself. Maybe we can reward these players with some kind of medal.
But that would not help to educate players about the NMRs. Using the now old and defunct RR-system a player with a high NMR/phases-played would get a problem about the number of games he can join very soon. An automatic message would tell him he can't join more than a few games if his (now old) RR is too low.
I also tried the calculation NMR=-0.2, CD=-0.6, takeover=1, as a CD usually has 2 or more NMRs. So 2xNMR + 1xCD = -1 and you can recover from this by 1 takeover. But I'm not sure about this calculation either.

The most unimportant point is how to name this stat. In reality it's so unimportant that we do not even need a name at all, as this stat does not need to be public information. No one needs to know this stat from the other players. If it's bad, you can't join many games at once, if it's good you get a medal. The rest is unimportant to the public. For the public your reliability rating is important, nothing more.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
11 Mar 14 UTC
Oli, I would once again stress that NMRs and certainly CDs do far more damage to games than taking over a CD position benefits the site.. Accordingly I would suggest a point structure where a CD takeover is weighted as less earned and NMRs and CDs are weighted higher in terms of penalties. Using your calculation structure I would suggest NMR = -0.5, CD = -1.0, and CD takeover at + 0.5.

This will strongly discourage NMRs and CDs, and make those instances where repenting players may repair their good standings. Naming this stat, need be nothing more than what you called it above: CDs/Takeovers.

Is there a reason why you are so opposed to the idea of heavier penalties as compared to the perks? If you are at all serious about reducing NMRs and CD, there should be real measures to discourage them. The point structure you just laid out will only serve to make players lazier because they can bail on two games for every one that they pick up.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
11 Mar 14 UTC
If you bail on two games your stat is -2 (4x-0.2 + 2x-0.6 = -2), so you need exactly 2 takeovers.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
11 Mar 14 UTC
Oli -

If that's the case, then nothing has changed. People can repair this rating in literally seconds by taking over games.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
11 Mar 14 UTC
@drano: Yes. That how this should work. And a lot has changed. You have non-fixable stats now for the reliability-rating. I would call this a huge improvement.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
11 Mar 14 UTC
@drano: Because this rating will be just used to award some medal (or penalities) the result of the calculation is not even really important if the corresponding interpretation is correct.
We just need a good way to value CDs vs. NMRs vs. CDtakeovers (vs. maybe I missed something). And interpret the final result so not all players quit playing here because it's to harsh, and on the other side still has an educational effect.
steephie22 (933 D)
11 Mar 14 UTC
Is there no maximum amount of games to join now?
Retillion (2304 D (B))
11 Mar 14 UTC
I fully agree with RUFFHAUS_8. I agree so much with him that I will use some of his words.

First of all, in order that we possibly all understand each other better, I am asking this question to EVERYONE :

Does one person here think that NMRs and certainly CDs DO NOT do far more damage to games than taking over a CD position benefits the site ?

If we all agree on that question, then we should absolutely have a point structure where a CD takeover is weighted as less earned and NMRs and CDs are weighted higher in terms of penalties.

Without such a point structure, yes indeed : lazy players will find it much EASIER to take over some CDed country rather than finishing the games they have started without CDing ! Indeed, please think about it : taking over a 1 SC country could possibly ask you to play a very little number of Phases. On the contrary, finishing your probably lost game could require a rather large number of Phases.

And here we are just discussing a certain number of Phases but it should not be forgotten that a game can be terribly damaged forever because of a CD !

Oli, please do not forget your first goal in this discussion :
"Penalize CDs/NMRs by limiting players with a low score on how many games they can play the same time." [YOUR EXACT WORDS].

PS : Oli, I have just read your latest message.

No, ALL players will not quit playing here because it's too harsh.
Indeed, only those who will get terribly penalized could possibly have the desire to quit playing here. And I am in fact certain that even the most penalised players will keep playing here as long as they can join at least x games. Now we may wonder about the value of x.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
11 Mar 14 UTC
Oli -

I have to ask the question: What does this site value more? Having players who are dedicated and devoted to improving the game of Diplomacy, this site, and play in general? Or making sure we dont' drive away players?

I've heard around the web recently that vdip is basically taken as a joke. Making sure we don't "drive away" people by babying them only contributes to the perception that vdip is a site for n00bs and that nothing good comes out of vdip. More worrying, I've heard from several of the most respected and best players on vdip that they are considering leaving vdip because of the attitude here.

What it seems to me is that there is a fairly large percentage of the forum-active players here who are calling for vdip to "up" it's game. For vdip to take a stand and basically say "if you can't get your shit together, we don't want you here".

So, the overarching question is: is that a possibility? Or are we wasting our breath?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
11 Mar 14 UTC
Basically vDip is a site about _developing_ variants. (A thing that does not happen that much these days). It's about having some fun and playing some games. As most of you should already realized, I do not have a die hard serious approach to all these things.

But I like to collect more ideas to get a better idea how to solve problems. I will decide as I want, as this is my site, and you can only make suggestions (you still did not make any). I will listen but I will use all data I gather here to make a decision that may be _not_ how you would solve this. Usually it's very different from what I have in mind too, but if you accept only _your_ solution (still not presented) you will be disappointed for sure.

In the discussion about the RR I think I found a working solution. I was ok with the old way of calculating the RR, but I did see the flaws once pointed out, so I started working on a possible solution. Same here.

To your question: is that a possibility? Or are we wasting our breath?
You still have not voiced your suggestions, so I can't comment if that's a possibility. We will see, once we get a more concrete suggetion from you.

I do not plan to please anyone here. There are many different apects to consider. I will consider your opponion, I will consider other oppinions too.
If you look at webdip you will see the problems with CDs is far greater there (20% vs. 11% joinable games). And not many are complaining there.
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
11 Mar 14 UTC
I agree with Oli...including vdip, I am registered at three diplomacy sites, and this one is handeling CDs and NMRs the best way...
Retillion (2304 D (B))
11 Mar 14 UTC

I certainly always have in my mind that this is your site and that what you offer to us for free is fantastic ! I am very grateful to you for vdiplomacy.

If I understood correctly, you just wrote that we still did not make any suggestion.
Well, that is not correct. Indeed, about 2 hours and an half ago, RUFFHAUS_8 wrote :

"Using your calculation structure I would suggest NMR = -0.5, CD = -1.0, and CD takeover at + 0.5."

That is a suggestion, isn't it ?
Tomahaha (1170 D)
11 Mar 14 UTC
wow, just WOW
we went over this and seemed to all agree reliability had NOTHING to do with taking over CD positions. We seemed to be in further agreement that it was far too easy to simply make up for it by taking over someone elses CD. Now we go right back to where we were....why did we discuss everything and why did you suggest making changes when almost everyone agreed? This is frankly STUPID. I am not going to tip toe around the incredibly stupid idea this is. You do nothing more than reward slackers with this structure and you deteriorate the level of play. yes, it really is that simple!

If you cater to the lowest level player, that is what you will attract. If you simply want sheer numbers of inept, careless, fly by night player, then you are doing a fine job, keep this ridiculous system in place. If however you want to improve the level of play and want to attract better players and KEEP those you develop here, then fix what most certainly IS broken!

I come here with a long Diplomacy past, I heard many things and decided to find out for myself and those things I heard, they were TRUE. I decided to speak up and give ways to improve, to point out some bad ideas. I was met with resentment and resistance to change, the thought was to cater to the "casual" gamer. Now you do this for that same reason.

Again, I must point out this is incredible short sightedness. Even casual players who decide they LIKE this game called Diplomacy will search for better competition when they discover NMR's are simply not tolerated and are treated like the plague on other sites. Yes, they exist everywhere but on other sites they are not accepted and not "embraced" as they seem to be here.

Can I say it again, this ide is STUPID and Ill Conceived, I am here to play my WW4 game, If that went well and I found a good group, I might have stayed around for further games. While you still do have some decent people here, I am afraid to say you have too few and you WILL lose them given time, that is if these policies that reward poor play and/or cheating remain in place. As for me, I do not plan on staying around UNLESS things improve, each time it seems like you care, it's dropped and dismissed...not the sign of an exceptional Dip community now is it?

to make things even worse, I see a few postings that actually SUPPORT these ideas...allow players to easily and fully recover from NMR's and CD's, allow people to drop positions as others join and then rejoin in a prearranged alliance, it goes on and on, there really is no understanding some people, some like to take advantage of poor players so the more you have, the better they feel beating up on lesser talent. To put it frankly, those who agree with these positions as you have them are simply BAD Diplomacy players, no two ways about that, they would get eaten alive on quality sites but they thrive here. If this is the people you want, hey keep them here by doing nothing.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
11 Mar 14 UTC
Oli, you ask for a way to value NMR's, CD's and CD takeovers.
Frankly NMR/CD have nothing to do with CD takeovers...NOTHING!

Frankly this is like asking how we punish Murder and Rape but want to value babysitting. Hey, babysitting for your friends and neighbors is wonderful, we want to encourage this so lets have every time you rape or murder someone you make up for it by babysitting. The two have nothing in common, nor do cd takeovers vs CD's/NMR's.

You need TWO systems one to PUNISH NMR's and CD's
another to reward CD takeovers
But they should have nothing to do with one another, You want to reduce the penalty....don't! You do nobody a favor by doing so, you only encourage further NMR's
In fact, as it is I could bail on my game and talk to my buddy who bailed on his game, we simply pick up each others games (now that both ruined their respective games) we simply "phone in" orders and not really try to improve the faltering game and presto ...good as new!?
Now how dumb does that sound? Yet here it is in action!
Jimbozig (1179 D)
12 Mar 14 UTC
It's a little stat on each person's profile that shows a small fact about them. A little more information about each person. I think if you want to read into it you can draw any conclusions you want, but your behaviour here, especially your needlessly holier than thou attitude are extremely impolite Your constant pissing and moaning on the forum is really not appreciated.
HawknEye007 (1135 D)
12 Mar 14 UTC
I like that Oli is trying to allow redemption. I believe redemption is possible. Here's my idea.

List the CD's, NMR's, and Takeovers separately. These will only reflect the past year of the player. I chose a year arbitrarily, but another time period would be fine.

If the code allows it, I would prefer the stats not to reset to zero at the start of a year. Rather, it would be better if they were cumulative and to update at certain checkpoints during the year. At the top of the month would be a good time to update. Then we see how the player's habits change and hopefully improve.

My idea does not interact with Reliability Rating.

How does this hold people accountable? The record gives a more accurate picture of the player's habits. It doesn't prevent people from joining. However, we have passwords for that. Sometimes we will get new people who don't enjoy the game and leave. That's the way it goes. It's like honking at traffic. Nobody enjoys it, it costs everyone time, but complaining won't get anybody anywhere.

How does it allow for redemption? It encourages players to have good habits and help out. If we see a person has lousy win rates, but a lot of takeovers, we can conclude the person is trying to help out. If a person had a falling out with Diplomacy a year ago, it isn't held against them. If someone has this stat on their profile for a year and stayed active, I'll say they paid for the CD.

I look forward to your comments on this idea.
HawknEye007 (1135 D)
12 Mar 14 UTC
Follow up after reviewing the current system:
I have no problem with the current system on the profiles. However, if I were to incorporate the current system we have and my prior post, this is what we would have.

Let the reliability only be the missed phases. The other three components would be listed separately. Then we don't have to worry about giving each thing a certain weight.

My system would not remove the missed phases after a year.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
12 Mar 14 UTC
@Drano - Every diplomacy site thinks every other dip site is inferior in some way. I've played on PlayDip, Stabberfou, Facebook, WebDip, vDip and in one game on RedScape, and mentioning any one of them to any other one will instantly lead to people saying that that site is for noobs and is a joke. That doesn't mean it actually is.

@All - I think you're missing the point here. The NoNMR and NoCD stats would still be there; this would be an additional thing which is to encourage CD takeovers. This final stat is not supposed to be there to show other people someone's reliability - that's what the first two are for - it's to get people to take over CD'd positions.
HawknEye007 (1135 D)
13 Mar 14 UTC
How about bribing people with credits to take over?

19 replies
Safari (1530 D)
12 Mar 14 UTC
2 Players Needed for Gunboat Test Game
Hi everyone, I'm setting up a gunboat to test the balance of my map Atlantic Colonies. It's in the stage of testing the final balance, and it's a rather different map, so come play and have fun! It's 1 day 12 hour phases.
(It's on the lab, so just clicking on the game ID won't work--you have to copy the whole URL).
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Mar 14 UTC
Anyone interested in taking over Austria on a FGA map? It's currently winning but I lost interest in playing. Please contact- atlas
4 replies
Lotte di potere sotto il grande Regno di Mairo
Anyone has the password pls PM me so i can take over
0 replies
Retillion (2304 D (B))
09 Mar 14 UTC
Integrity ?
I have just seen, in the players' profile, the new statistics called "integrity".
30 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Mar 14 UTC
Subs start phase Gobble
I was asked to advertise that
Two subs needed for a new Gobble game.
0 replies
Tournament Replacements Needed
There's a current opening we need filled, with plenty of time left in the round to advance. I'd love to have 2-3 players willing to be backups as well. See thread: Dr. Recommended's Travelling Medicine Show
0 replies
Devonian (1887 D)
09 Mar 14 UTC
Why are non-anon games not displaying names prior to starting?
The past few non-anon games I have started started are don't display the players during the pre-game portion. But, I notice some games sill display the players.

I would prefer that players knew who the were going to play before joining. How do I disable the pre-game anon feature when I create a game?
0 replies
y2kjbk (1512 D)
09 Mar 14 UTC
Error joining games
Throwing "undefined variable: maxGames" whenever I try to join a game. Bug I assume? Hopefully can be resolved quickly, I assume I"m not the only one affected.
3 replies
DEFIANT (1311 D)
04 Mar 14 UTC
Putin Schooling Barry in Diplomacy
Who would like to take on Putin in Diplomacy? He has schooled the leader of the free world, Barry Obama, already three times, Snowden, Syria and now in Ukraine. Putin would a very formidable Diplomacy player, at least he is showing it in the real world.
104 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
09 Mar 14 UTC
Cutting unit dislodged – does the cut work anyway?
A question about game mechanics details:
given that a unit A1 should cut a support of enemy unit B1.
Enemy Units B2 and B3 attack and dislodge A1.
Will the cut on B1 still be in effect or is it cancelled?
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
08 Mar 14 UTC
WWIV game needs replacement player~
gameID=18186 One year has passed and Iran has left the game. He was doing well and simply left us high and dry. We need a replacement!
5 replies
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
How to donate
I could not find a page describing how to donate money to the site.
OTOH, I see some users did donate.. so, how do you do it?
3 replies
Alphonse_Z (915 D)
08 Mar 14 UTC
37 Days on BBC two
I'm looking forward to it, a 3 part mini-series on the "July Crisis" airing March 6th thru 8th.Tune in to brush up on your backstabbing skillz!
0 replies
tricky (1005 D)
07 Mar 14 UTC
New game!

48 minutes until start!
0 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Variant Diplomacy World Cup
On the topic of tournaments. I would like to propose a vdip world cup.
477 replies
rokakoma (969 D)
04 Mar 14 UTC
How to make a new map - 101
Hi guys, could somebody write me a brief summary about how to design/create a new map? Where to start (programs, etc)?
12 replies
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