A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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ingebot (1922 D)
27 Jul 15 UTC
How is rank determined, and what does each "rank" mean?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Jul 15 UTC
to join

to join
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
14 Jul 15 UTC
gameID=23640 bet 236 WTA anon gunboat One day, twelve hour phases No riff raff.
4 replies
Deinodon (1179 D)
18 Jul 15 UTC
vPoints not found explained in FAQ or Help section
Where does it explain vPoints? I apologize because I'm sure this is asked in the forum again and again, but in my defense, shouldn't it be explained in the FAQ or the HELP section?
8 replies
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
12 Jul 15 UTC
Contingency plan: what if vDip stopped forever?
Hi everyone, read on...
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
12 Jul 15 UTC
As I've posted in other threads the site admin Oli, seems to be pretty busy and as a result changes in the Lab aren't happening, which means new variants like 1900, Napoleanic and Ice Age aren't progressing to here so we can all play.

I am eternally grateful to Oli for creating this site, but I'm beginning to think that with the community created here, we may need some contingency plans to keep the site moving forward.

I've PMed Oli on 2 occasions over a couple of months and heard no reply. I'm also aware that at least one of the mods appears to have fallen off the radar.

Heavens forbid Oli's life becomes so busy, or his priorities change, and this site's domain or webhosting is not renewed and one day it just disappears.

I'd like to open a conversation here to come up with a contingency plan so we can work towards ensuring the wonderful community and resource created by Oli can sustain itself and grow.
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
12 Jul 15 UTC
Hi Ambassador,

there have always been periods, when Oli had no time for vdiplomacy and actions like managing the variant development was neglected for some time. However, that was always temporary and I'm sure Oli will be able to continue his works here at some point.
You've really got bad luck, that you started your new variant when Oli's ability to manage the variant development was affected by real life business.

Of course, it could happen at some point, that Oli won't be interested to run this site any more, but I'm pretty sure he would inform us about this and won't just let this community disappear.

You're right that "at least one of the mods appears to have fallen off the radar". In fact we have two long-standing members of the mod team, who retired during the last months: Guaroz and kaner.
However, we currently have a mod team of five active members and are able to run this site without Oli's permanent presence. So I can assure, that this website will keep running for the next time and nobody have to worry, that vdip could suddenly just disappear. Just the variant development, that have to be managed by the Oli since that's the place where malicious software could be installed very easily, has stopped until Oli will have some time again.
Devonian (1887 D)
12 Jul 15 UTC
Could the site continue if oli was permeantly and suddenly unable to return? What if he had an accident?
Mapu (2086 D (B))
12 Jul 15 UTC
The question is if anyone else has the passwords/etc to the server(s) and codebase.
Pretzel (985 D)
12 Jul 15 UTC
You should really just join WebDiplomacy. The community is much larger and more active. There are fewer variants, but other than that, it's a much better site. *awaits dark-suited officials to drag me away*
Devonian (1887 D)
12 Jul 15 UTC
Many of us are on both sites, but the whole point is that the variants are only here. And they are worth protecting with a contingency plan.
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
12 Jul 15 UTC
Hi guys

Tobi - I take your point and as a former Mod I've seen Oli drop off the radar for long periods. But this is longer than normal.

Another mod PMed me and indicated Oli's absence is likely to be a lot longer than the past. In light of this I think its appropriate for a group of the trusted Mods to email Oli and say something like, how about we pause work in the Lab (if nasty code could be inserted) but maybe look at some way that the site could continue on if for one reason or another Oli didn't return/was unable to return. This is more in line with Devonian's thinking and addresses Mapu's concern.

I know from talking with kaner a little while back that there was another coder on the site beyond Oli. It sounded almost like they had ninja coding skills that were even better than Oli's. Perhaps this should be investigated too, otherwise our collection of variants will stay as is.

And on Pretzel's point, I'm a webdip refugee because the number of variants there are so limited. Classic is great, but after the 57th time its losing its ability to hold interest. And yes, they now have Modern, Ancient Med and Fall of the American Empire (none of which were there when I played - World Dip IX being the only other variant which is crap), but there's still hardly any variants there compared to vDip.

Would like to see what we have here never lost, and to continue to grow.
Pretzel, the mods at WebDip lost their collective mind and had a banning party about 18 months ago. Even if they ever offered reinstatement, most of us banned would tell the to f*ck off.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
12 Jul 15 UTC
Hi all,

Just to let you know that vDip vanishing isn't something you have to be worried about. Oli, Kestas, A_Tin_Can and some others have had a couple of conversations about how to make life easier for both Kestas and Oli. Kestas seems pretty open to the idea of moving the hosting to the same server cluster as webdip if Oli cannot continue maintaining the site. If that happened we'd keep the same modding team here (so no concern for banned webdip players), and A_Tin_Can would work on the vDip code until we could get another dev in place.

That said, I don't expect we'll get to that point anytime soon - just wanted to reassure everyone that vDip is not going to suddenly disappear.
Good to know. Thanks Captainmeme.
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
13 Jul 15 UTC
Thanks Cap'n.

I got a PM from Oli, and his outlined plans for enhancing the role of Mods was very encouraging.

If A_Tin_Can can also support coding assistance/verification in the Lab that'd be brilliant. Is that possible?

Either way I'd like to personally post my thanks to Oli for creating this site, and putting in place measures for the future. Real life can often get in the way for any of us. Him concentrating on that for the moment is the right thing to do. I wish him all the very best until he can come up for air again here.

Cheers Oli!
Pretzel (985 D)
13 Jul 15 UTC
If you notice, the two sites are nearly identical, right down to the forums and the interface. So, the absolute only differences are the community and the variants. On the plus side, vdiplomacy has the variants, but I can never seem to find a single person to play with.

(also, the color scheme creeps me out a little.)
Mapu (2086 D (B))
13 Jul 15 UTC
You supposedly just joined so what are you talking about unless you're a multi?
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
13 Jul 15 UTC
Also, we have cool features, eg the interactive map, extend vote, the mod forum, country switch etc...which you would know if you would really play a game here, so just try it ;)
steephie22 (933 D)
14 Jul 15 UTC
As far as all the features go, everything is open source, so download it to your pc and you have a back-up if vdip goes down and you can save the day.
I can't even work out how to do the php coding for variants. How the hell am I meant to run up an alternative vdip server?

I think we shouldn't stress as much as I started in this thread. We may be having a break from the vDip halcyon variant heyday of a new variant every week, but at least the long term surety of the site is looking pretty good.

That said, any respectable php coders out there should make themselves known to the Mods. Your skills are needed!
"respectable php coder"... The very definition of an oxymoron. :-)

17 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Jul 15 UTC
join to Join
0 replies
Luis Aldamiz (1261 D)
12 Jul 15 UTC
NMR policy
How does it work? I'd like to stop the game for any NMR and then seek for a replacement for maybe as long as a week but I don't understand the instructions.
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
13 Jul 15 UTC
0 replies
12 Jul 15 UTC
Why doesn't vDiplomacy have the 1900 variant?
It seems that the 1900 variant is the most balanced game for Diplomacy but its only available on PlayDiplomacy. How come no one made a version here?
9 replies
The Ambassador (2124 D (B))
11 Jul 15 UTC
WWIV question
What exactly is the difference between the maps/rules for the normal WWI game vs the WWIV (version 6.2) game?
5 replies
SLOTerp (0 D)
19 Nov 14 UTC
PBEM New World Order (NWO) at Redscape
Sendric is hosting a PBEM game of NWO at Redscape. If you've never played NWO, it is flat out wild with 40+ players. As an unbalanced game it can fit with different playing styles. Get in touch with Sendric or post at Redscape for signup.
58 replies
ingebot (1922 D)
05 Jul 15 UTC
Question regarding variant
In the variant Rat Wars, the rules state that some SC squares cannot be occupied by Arrow Rat. However, does that just mean when an arrow rat moves there it doesn't become that person's SC, or an arrow rat cannot move into that square entirely? Like, can you move an arrow rat on such a square just to prevent others from taking the SC?
2 replies
peter0586 (1124 D)
05 Jul 15 UTC
Need someone to take over my game.
I'm currently in an anonymous gunboat game in Good position and no longer wish to play. If anyone would like to take over my position pm its not a map for beginners.
3 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
25 Apr 15 UTC
The Exploration Game.
The purpose of the game is introducing the Exploration rule within a Fog of War game.
More to follow:
66 replies
Snake IV (1154 D)
21 Jun 15 UTC
Gobble-Earth, thouhts feedback and improvement.
I developed Gobble-Earth, and now that it has been played a bit at this site there is room for analysis of the games and results. Player feedback would be great!
25 replies
Luis Aldamiz (1261 D)
05 Jun 15 UTC
How do you LEAVE a game?
I'm not planning to do it but would like to know in order to help quitting positions to be filled with replacements before NMR takes place.
12 replies
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
21 Jun 15 UTC
Breaking news in the United States......
....Police arrest Charleston shooter, ask if he's comfortable, can they get him a cold beverage, offer to loosen those tight cuffs......
4 replies
axipher (1135 D)
18 Jun 15 UTC
Game ID 22697 is crashed
This game crashed a couple weeks ago and remains crashed.
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
17 Jun 15 UTC
Live EvT Game
Live EvT Game: gameID=23446
0 replies
Strider (1604 D)
13 Jun 15 UTC
Classic Map
I'm wondering what type of skew games have here?
15 replies
xywolf (919 D)
12 Jun 15 UTC
American Empire?
I'm interested in trying out the Fall of the American Emipre IV variant, but it requires 10 players, so I was wondering if anyone was interested in trying it.
1 reply
Strider (1604 D)
13 Jun 15 UTC
Classic Map
I'm wondering what type of skew games have here?
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Help me Try a New Variant
Full Press Indians of the Great Lakes. Too many gunboat games out there for my taste.
2 replies
Jeff Kuta (998 D)
05 Jun 15 UTC
Live Classic France v Austria starting soon!
1 reply
rick.leeds (0 D)
06 Jun 15 UTC
Hi, just in case you missed it, the new Dip Zine 'The Velvet Glove' is out now. You can take a look here:
8 replies
Cult-of-Trajan (986 D)
08 Jun 15 UTC
Replacement player needed
Looks like we need a new England in a Fog of War game. Autumn 1901.
2 replies
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
05 Jun 15 UTC
Someone to take over my games
I have a personal emergengy that might make playing almost impossible.
1 reply
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Ding Dong, the witch is dead! Good riddance, Sepp Blatter!
Surely even Retillion cannot find a way to disagree with this news.
34 replies
renzothepro (941 D)
02 Jun 15 UTC
Battle For Colonial Empires
1 reply
Marlen (1056 D)
28 May 15 UTC
Trust (a thought experiment)
I have an interesting hypothetical situation. Bonus points to whoever sees any real world parallel.
7 replies
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