Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 02 PM Wed 21 Aug 24 UTC
Humanoid Swarm of Mosquitoes
1 day /phase
Pot: 60 D - Spring, 1898, Finished
2 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
TrustyMuse 1000 -> 1056 Drawn (23 SC) 46% 82% 56
Twisted 1214 -> 1257 Drawn (11 SC) 58% 82% 43
Aserthreto 855 -> 919 Drawn (11 SC) 38% 82% 64
Zebulon Zirbou 1157 -> 1204 Drawn (11 SC) 55% 82% 47
Tribn 1348 -> 1384 Drawn (1 SC) 65% 82% 36
Sky_Hopper 365 -> 442 Drawn (1 SC) 16% 82% 77
graykabes 1732 -> 1732 (loss-prevention) Defeated 82% 21% 0
Morandini 1533 -> 1533 (loss-prevention) Defeated 74% 21% 0
Yosh 976 -> 949 Defeated 45% 21% -27
Dedalus 980 -> 952 Defeated 45% 21% -28
Le0pardgek0 1166 -> 1129 Defeated 56% 21% -37
Ahinahina 925 -> 900 Defeated 42% 21% -25
Manx 754 -> 716 CD 33% 0% -38
LordDask 1000 -> 948 CD 46% 0% -52
Ruthless Jim 995 -> 943 CD 46% 0% -52

TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23SCs / 1000->1056) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 38% 50% 12% 0% 79.06 0
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 58% 50% -8% 0% 79.06 0
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 41% 50% 9% 0% 79.06 0
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 31% 50% 19% 0% 79.06 0
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 81% 50% -31% 0% 79.06 0
graykabes (Defeated) 16% 100% 84% 7% 79.06 4.6
Morandini (Defeated) 23% 100% 77% 10% 79.06 6.33
Yosh (Defeated) 51% 100% 49% 17% 79.06 6.41
Dedalus (Defeated) 51% 100% 49% 17% 79.06 6.44
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 41% 100% 59% 17% 79.06 7.83
Ahinahina (Defeated) 54% 100% 46% 17% 79.06 6.02
Manx (CD) 64% 100% 36% 17% 79.06 4.77
LordDask (CD) 50% 100% 50% 17% 79.06 6.59
Ruthless Jim (CD) 50% 100% 50% 17% 79.06 6.55

Twisted (Drawn / 11SCs / 1214->1257) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 62% 50% -12% 0% 79.06 0
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 70% 50% -20% 0% 79.06 0
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 53% 50% -3% 0% 79.06 0
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 42% 50% 8% 0% 79.06 0
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 88% 50% -38% 0% 79.06 0
graykabes (Defeated) 23% 100% 77% 7% 79.06 4.18
Morandini (Defeated) 32% 100% 68% 10% 79.06 5.53
Yosh (Defeated) 63% 100% 37% 17% 79.06 4.83
Dedalus (Defeated) 63% 100% 37% 17% 79.06 4.86
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 53% 100% 47% 17% 79.06 6.22
Ahinahina (Defeated) 66% 100% 34% 17% 79.06 4.47
Manx (CD) 74% 100% 26% 17% 79.06 3.39
LordDask (CD) 62% 100% 38% 17% 79.06 5
Ruthless Jim (CD) 62% 100% 38% 17% 79.06 4.96

Aserthreto (Drawn / 11SCs / 855->919) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 42% 50% 8% 0% 79.06 0
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 30% 50% 20% 0% 79.06 0
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 33% 50% 17% 0% 79.06 0
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 24% 50% 26% 0% 79.06 0
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 76% 50% -26% 0% 79.06 0
graykabes (Defeated) 12% 100% 88% 7% 79.06 4.81
Morandini (Defeated) 17% 100% 83% 10% 79.06 6.76
Yosh (Defeated) 43% 100% 57% 17% 79.06 7.5
Dedalus (Defeated) 43% 100% 57% 17% 79.06 7.53
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 33% 100% 67% 17% 79.06 8.85
Ahinahina (Defeated) 46% 100% 54% 17% 79.06 7.12
Manx (CD) 56% 100% 44% 17% 79.06 5.83
LordDask (CD) 42% 100% 58% 17% 79.06 7.68
Ruthless Jim (CD) 42% 100% 58% 17% 79.06 7.64

Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11SCs / 1157->1204) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 59% 50% -9% 0% 79.06 0
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 47% 50% 3% 0% 79.06 0
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 67% 50% -17% 0% 79.06 0
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 39% 50% 11% 0% 79.06 0
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 86% 50% -36% 0% 79.06 0
graykabes (Defeated) 21% 100% 79% 7% 79.06 4.31
Morandini (Defeated) 30% 100% 70% 10% 79.06 5.76
Yosh (Defeated) 60% 100% 40% 17% 79.06 5.24
Dedalus (Defeated) 60% 100% 40% 17% 79.06 5.26
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 49% 100% 51% 17% 79.06 6.66
Ahinahina (Defeated) 63% 100% 37% 17% 79.06 4.87
Manx (CD) 72% 100% 28% 17% 79.06 3.73
LordDask (CD) 59% 100% 41% 17% 79.06 5.41
Ruthless Jim (CD) 59% 100% 41% 17% 79.06 5.37

Tribn (Drawn / 1SCs / 1348->1384) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 69% 50% -19% 0% 79.06 0
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 58% 50% -8% 0% 79.06 0
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 76% 50% -26% 0% 79.06 0
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 61% 50% -11% 0% 79.06 0
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 91% 50% -41% 0% 79.06 0
graykabes (Defeated) 29% 100% 71% 7% 79.06 3.86
Morandini (Defeated) 40% 100% 60% 10% 79.06 4.95
Yosh (Defeated) 70% 100% 30% 17% 79.06 3.93
Dedalus (Defeated) 70% 100% 30% 17% 79.06 3.95
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 60% 100% 40% 17% 79.06 5.23
Ahinahina (Defeated) 73% 100% 27% 17% 79.06 3.61
Manx (CD) 80% 100% 20% 17% 79.06 2.67
LordDask (CD) 69% 100% 31% 17% 79.06 4.08
Ruthless Jim (CD) 69% 100% 31% 17% 79.06 4.05

Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1SCs / 365->442) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 19% 50% 31% 0% 79.06 0
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 12% 50% 38% 0% 79.06 0
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 24% 50% 26% 0% 79.06 0
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 14% 50% 36% 0% 79.06 0
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 9% 50% 41% 0% 79.06 0
graykabes (Defeated) 4% 100% 96% 8% 79.06 6.32
Morandini (Defeated) 6% 100% 94% 13% 79.06 9.25
Yosh (Defeated) 20% 100% 80% 14% 79.06 8.76
Dedalus (Defeated) 20% 100% 80% 14% 79.06 8.78
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 14% 100% 86% 14% 79.06 9.42
Ahinahina (Defeated) 22% 100% 78% 14% 79.06 8.55
Manx (CD) 29% 100% 71% 14% 79.06 7.74
LordDask (CD) 19% 100% 81% 14% 79.06 8.85
Ruthless Jim (CD) 19% 100% 81% 14% 79.06 8.83

graykabes (Defeated / 0SCs / 1732->1732) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 84% 0% -84% 7% 79.06 -4.6
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 77% 0% -77% 7% 79.06 -4.18
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 88% 0% -88% 7% 79.06 -4.81
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 79% 0% -79% 7% 79.06 -4.31
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 71% 0% -71% 7% 79.06 -3.86
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 96% 0% -96% 8% 79.06 -6.32
Morandini (Defeated) 61% 0% -61% 0% 79.06 0
Yosh (Defeated) 85% 0% -85% 0% 79.06 0
Dedalus (Defeated) 85% 0% -85% 0% 79.06 0
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 79% 0% -79% 0% 79.06 0
Ahinahina (Defeated) 87% 0% -87% 0% 79.06 0
Manx (CD) 90% 100% 10% 3% 79.06 0.26
LordDask (CD) 84% 100% 16% 3% 79.06 0.43
Ruthless Jim (CD) 85% 100% 15% 3% 79.06 0.42

Morandini (Defeated / 0SCs / 1533->1533) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 77% 0% -77% 10% 79.06 -6.33
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 68% 0% -68% 10% 79.06 -5.53
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 83% 0% -83% 10% 79.06 -6.76
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 70% 0% -70% 10% 79.06 -5.76
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 60% 0% -60% 10% 79.06 -4.95
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 94% 0% -94% 13% 79.06 -9.25
graykabes (Defeated) 39% 0% -39% 0% 79.06 0
Yosh (Defeated) 78% 0% -78% 0% 79.06 0
Dedalus (Defeated) 78% 0% -78% 0% 79.06 0
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 70% 0% -70% 0% 79.06 0
Ahinahina (Defeated) 80% 0% -80% 0% 79.06 0
Manx (CD) 86% 100% 14% 5% 79.06 0.58
LordDask (CD) 77% 100% 23% 5% 79.06 0.93
Ruthless Jim (CD) 78% 100% 22% 5% 79.06 0.92

Yosh (Defeated / 0SCs / 976->949) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 49% 0% -49% 17% 79.06 -6.41
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 37% 0% -37% 17% 79.06 -4.83
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 57% 0% -57% 17% 79.06 -7.5
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 40% 0% -40% 17% 79.06 -5.24
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 30% 0% -30% 17% 79.06 -3.93
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 80% 0% -80% 14% 79.06 -8.76
graykabes (Defeated) 15% 0% -15% 0% 79.06 0
Morandini (Defeated) 22% 0% -22% 0% 79.06 0
Dedalus (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 79.06 0
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 39% 0% -39% 0% 79.06 0
Ahinahina (Defeated) 53% 0% -53% 0% 79.06 0
Manx (CD) 63% 100% 37% 8% 79.06 2.47
LordDask (CD) 49% 100% 51% 8% 79.06 3.39
Ruthless Jim (CD) 49% 100% 51% 8% 79.06 3.37

Dedalus (Defeated / 0SCs / 980->952) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 49% 0% -49% 17% 79.06 -6.44
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 37% 0% -37% 17% 79.06 -4.86
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 57% 0% -57% 17% 79.06 -7.53
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 40% 0% -40% 17% 79.06 -5.26
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 30% 0% -30% 17% 79.06 -3.95
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 80% 0% -80% 14% 79.06 -8.78
graykabes (Defeated) 15% 0% -15% 0% 79.06 0
Morandini (Defeated) 22% 0% -22% 0% 79.06 0
Yosh (Defeated) 50% 0% -50% 0% 79.06 0
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 39% 0% -39% 0% 79.06 0
Ahinahina (Defeated) 53% 0% -53% 0% 79.06 0
Manx (CD) 63% 100% 37% 8% 79.06 2.46
LordDask (CD) 49% 100% 51% 8% 79.06 3.37
Ruthless Jim (CD) 49% 100% 51% 8% 79.06 3.35

Le0pardgek0 (Defeated / 0SCs / 1166->1129) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 59% 0% -59% 17% 79.06 -7.83
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 47% 0% -47% 17% 79.06 -6.22
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 67% 0% -67% 17% 79.06 -8.85
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 51% 0% -51% 17% 79.06 -6.66
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 40% 0% -40% 17% 79.06 -5.23
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 86% 0% -86% 14% 79.06 -9.42
graykabes (Defeated) 21% 0% -21% 0% 79.06 0
Morandini (Defeated) 30% 0% -30% 0% 79.06 0
Yosh (Defeated) 61% 0% -61% 0% 79.06 0
Dedalus (Defeated) 61% 0% -61% 0% 79.06 0
Ahinahina (Defeated) 64% 0% -64% 0% 79.06 0
Manx (CD) 72% 100% 28% 8% 79.06 1.84
LordDask (CD) 59% 100% 41% 8% 79.06 2.67
Ruthless Jim (CD) 60% 100% 40% 8% 79.06 2.65

Ahinahina (Defeated / 0SCs / 925->900) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 46% 0% -46% 17% 79.06 -6.02
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 34% 0% -34% 17% 79.06 -4.47
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 54% 0% -54% 17% 79.06 -7.12
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 37% 0% -37% 17% 79.06 -4.87
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 27% 0% -27% 17% 79.06 -3.61
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 78% 0% -78% 14% 79.06 -8.55
graykabes (Defeated) 13% 0% -13% 0% 79.06 0
Morandini (Defeated) 20% 0% -20% 0% 79.06 0
Yosh (Defeated) 47% 0% -47% 0% 79.06 0
Dedalus (Defeated) 47% 0% -47% 0% 79.06 0
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 36% 0% -36% 0% 79.06 0
Manx (CD) 60% 100% 40% 8% 79.06 2.65
LordDask (CD) 46% 100% 54% 8% 79.06 3.58
Ruthless Jim (CD) 46% 100% 54% 8% 79.06 3.56

Manx (CD / 0SCs / 754->716) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 36% 0% -36% 17% 79.06 -4.77
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 26% 0% -26% 17% 79.06 -3.39
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 44% 0% -44% 17% 79.06 -5.83
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 28% 0% -28% 17% 79.06 -3.73
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 20% 0% -20% 17% 79.06 -2.67
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 71% 0% -71% 14% 79.06 -7.74
graykabes (Defeated) 10% 0% -10% 3% 79.06 -0.26
Morandini (Defeated) 14% 0% -14% 5% 79.06 -0.58
Yosh (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 8% 79.06 -2.47
Dedalus (Defeated) 37% 0% -37% 8% 79.06 -2.46
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 28% 0% -28% 8% 79.06 -1.84
Ahinahina (Defeated) 40% 0% -40% 8% 79.06 -2.65
LordDask (CD) 36% 0% -36% 0% 79.06 0
Ruthless Jim (CD) 36% 0% -36% 0% 79.06 0

LordDask (CD / 0SCs / 1000->948) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 17% 79.06 -6.59
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 38% 0% -38% 17% 79.06 -5
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 58% 0% -58% 17% 79.06 -7.68
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 41% 0% -41% 17% 79.06 -5.41
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 31% 0% -31% 17% 79.06 -4.08
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 81% 0% -81% 14% 79.06 -8.85
graykabes (Defeated) 16% 0% -16% 3% 79.06 -0.43
Morandini (Defeated) 23% 0% -23% 5% 79.06 -0.93
Yosh (Defeated) 51% 0% -51% 8% 79.06 -3.39
Dedalus (Defeated) 51% 0% -51% 8% 79.06 -3.37
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 41% 0% -41% 8% 79.06 -2.67
Ahinahina (Defeated) 54% 0% -54% 8% 79.06 -3.58
Manx (CD) 64% 0% -64% 0% 79.06 0
Ruthless Jim (CD) 50% 0% -50% 0% 79.06 0

Ruthless Jim (CD / 0SCs / 995->943) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
TrustyMuse (Drawn / 23 SC ) 50% 0% -50% 17% 79.06 -6.55
Twisted (Drawn / 11 SC ) 38% 0% -38% 17% 79.06 -4.96
Aserthreto (Drawn / 11 SC ) 58% 0% -58% 17% 79.06 -7.64
Zebulon Zirbou (Drawn / 11 SC ) 41% 0% -41% 17% 79.06 -5.37
Tribn (Drawn / 1 SC ) 31% 0% -31% 17% 79.06 -4.05
Sky_Hopper (Drawn / 1 SC ) 81% 0% -81% 14% 79.06 -8.83
graykabes (Defeated) 15% 0% -15% 3% 79.06 -0.42
Morandini (Defeated) 22% 0% -22% 5% 79.06 -0.92
Yosh (Defeated) 51% 0% -51% 8% 79.06 -3.37
Dedalus (Defeated) 51% 0% -51% 8% 79.06 -3.35
Le0pardgek0 (Defeated) 40% 0% -40% 8% 79.06 -2.65
Ahinahina (Defeated) 54% 0% -54% 8% 79.06 -3.56
Manx (CD) 64% 0% -64% 0% 79.06 0
LordDask (CD) 50% 0% -50% 0% 79.06 0
