Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for laneboy (940 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
33591 エステテロス YoungstownWWII Defeated -31 969
33822 ASLOBTTTTS BalkanWarsVI Defeated -31 938
33882 Låt Inte Mika Vinna AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -28 910
36746 herewegoyetonemoretimeagain woohoooo SouthAmerica5 Won 127 1037
36659 herewegoagain wooo Mars Survived -31 1006
43218 Coooooooooool AtlanticColonies Survived -20 986
43274 Cooooler PunicWars Defeated -27 959
43359 Greek 6 player GreekDip Survived -32 927
43883 death to jon's enemies NorthSeaWars Won 82 1009
49113 Spel med järnblocken (quick 3) WWII Defeated -4 1005
49135 Spel med järnblocken (big) YoungstownWWII Resigned 2 1007
51361 Raze&Lane Sengoku6 Resigned -16 991
56996 Raze&Lane2023b WWII Resigned -25 966
58637 Raze&Lane2024a SpiceIslands Defeated -26 940