Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for ashleygirl (1285 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
726 3 way duel..... ClassicIER Drawn 11 1011
785 Peschiera-2 AncMed Drawn 7 1018
816 The Med. AncMed Won 45 1063
736 economic try ClassicEconomic Survived 0 1063
1034 The kids are sleepin' and I am drinking wine TenSixtySix Drawn 10 1073
1041 late night duel ClassicFvA Survived -6 1067
848 Chaoctopi: Spammers wanted. ClassicChaoctopi Drawn 44 1111
776 shogun-2 Sengoku5 Drawn 47 1158
768 Europa Modern2 Defeated -47 1111
1140 1066 live TenSixtySix Survived 2 1113
750 Seven Isles of Death ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 40 1153
1291 1 vs 1 Battle-2 ClassicFvA Won 6 1159
1293 GvI-2 ClassicGvI Survived -5 1154
641 AE 1 Empire4 Drawn 49 1203
780 1871 Rinascimento Survived 0 1203
1133 Chaos: Team Game ClassicChaos Drawn 34 1237
653 world war IV!!! WWIV Defeated -48 1189
1146 Alacavre Alacavre Drawn 32 1221
1372 Brutal Honesty 4- the DOOMED game Classic Drawn 5 1226
1135 In 1897 Classic1897 Drawn 29 1255
846 Chaoctopi: full press. ClassicChaoctopi Defeated -46 1209
1286 There can be only one Mate! MateAgainstMate Defeated -32 1177
1116 The good ol' US of A Empire4 Drawn 29 1206
1307 Alcavare Alacavre Survived -11 1195
1407 The War of the Tulips DutchRevolt Drawn 6 1201
1084 Chaos 3, The Revenge of Everyone ClassicChaos Defeated -44 1157
1450 greek test GreekDip Drawn 58 1215
1365 Silent headache Migraine Drawn 15 1230
1145 World IX World Drawn 55 1285
1909 DeSmet-2 ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 6 1291
1320 Haven: Team game(Please no Multi's Haven Defeated -53 1238
1321 World Diplomacy: Team Game World Drawn 42 1280
2119 WW2 Crowded ClassicCrowded Defeated -45 1235
795 35 needed 4 gunboat WWIV Survived 141 1376
3102 Butterhead's war for America: The North American W Empire4 Drawn 9 1385
3030 Who want's to be a Pope? Rinascimento Drawn 0 1385
3152 Under Siege! Empire4 Drawn 0 1385
3062 battle for haven 2 Haven Defeated -49 1336
3515 Vdip mini-tourney game 3 CustomStart Survived -27 1309
3467 Migrane Migraine Drawn 32 1341
3717 (FEITRG) The French Fear vs The Froggernaut! ClassicVS Drawn 20 1361
3551 Diplomacy in Japan! Sengoku5 Survived -39 1322
3545 Fantasy World Gunboat FantasyWorld Defeated -51 1271
4148 Where are we? KnownWorld_901 Drawn 24 1295
13389 [The name of your game here] RatWars Drawn 6 1301
13401 Ja lisää AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -42 1259
13265 colonial gunboat!-2 Colonial Defeated -33 1226
13526 Salsa in South America SouthAmerica5 Drawn 23 1249
13197 RFS London Bridge CelticBritain Drawn 52 1301
13618 Anc med-4 AncMed Defeated -28 1273
13235 Dirt Nasty Europe1939 Drawn 61 1334
14326 Smoke Signals Classic Survived -27 1307
14320 A Deafening Silence Classic Drawn 46 1353
13524 Ripping off Butterhead's Idea -- the Game Classic Drawn 8 1361
14592 Buttergoose World War IV WWIV Defeated -40 1321
13116 tiger's awesome team game WWIV Defeated -36 1285