Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for LWZ (1242 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
60183 ClassicGunboat-9 Classic -33 967
60612 Finkelboat-70 NorthSeaWars Survived -15 952
60609 Finkelboat-67 NorthSeaWars Won 76 1028
60610 Finkelboat-68 NorthSeaWars Won 74 1102
60813 1v1-443 ClassicEvT Defeated -6 1096
60738 Beginner NorthSeaWars Won 93 1189
60493 Gunboat1900-2 Baron1900 Survived 0 1189
60944 GvI Live-3 ClassicGvI Defeated -3 1186
59549 Reality is a dangerous game to play Modern2 Drawn 86 1272
60818 Fog of war Classic1898Fog -19 1253
60790 RvEvI ClassicIER Drawn 5 1258
60659 Classic Fog of War-3 ClassicFog Defeated 0 1258
60532 World in year 901 gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 1242