Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for MeepMeep (1111 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
13828 GlobalDefenders4 Classic Survived 35 1035
13914 1v1 game ClassicEvT Won 7 1042
13887 The Phoney War (FG) ClassicVS Defeated -1 1041
14052 A practice game. ClassicFvA Defeated -2 1039
13074 We Shall Defend Our Island, Whatever The Costs May WWII Drawn 26 1065
12693 The Battle for Earth WWIV Drawn 88 1153
13697 USA-5 USofA Won 61 1214
13961 fogboat-9 ClassicFog Survived 22 1236
12440 Tomorrow Never Knows WWIV Won 84 1320
13669 World War 2 for noobs WWII Drawn 18 1338
14212 1880gunboat Classic1880 Won 79 1417
14164 Marco Polo ClassicFog Defeated -42 1375
14266 Fog of Horn ClassicFog Won 53 1428
13118 The Great War (No NMR's) WWIV Drawn 62 1490
13301 Dobroslav Jevđević ClassicFog Survived -17 1473
14155 Young it Up YoungstownWWII Won 82 1555
14864 Meep V Halt-2 ClassicFvA Drawn 0 1555
14867 Meep V Halt ClassicFvA Drawn 0 1555
13836 WWII-8 Europe1939 Resigned -31 1524
13272 world wide conflict Imperial2 Resigned -33 1491
14367 234 Africa -71 1420
14342 WW2-5 WWII -13 1407
14362 WWII - PICK YER COUNTRIES YoungstownWWII -27 1380
13868 Keep on the Borderlands Haven Defeated -40 1340
14162 Barbarian World KnownWorld_901 -43 1297
14314 Classic fun! Classic Defeated -22 1275
14450 Game Saloon YoungstownWWII -12 1263
14551 Himmel über Berlin WWII Defeated -17 1246
14435 Lizardman Conspiracy Modern2 Defeated -35 1211
14324 World War II-6 YoungstownWWII -33 1178
14273 WW II WWII Defeated -19 1159
14419 just a little game Africa -16 1143
11502 Nirea I YoungstownRedux -32 1111