Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Just_L (1014 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
29488 Just duel ClassicFvA Survived 0 1000
28997 Been a while since I played this one AncMed Defeated -3 997
29491 Unrated duel ClassicGvI Won 0 997
29424 warsaw, city at war! ClassicFog Survived 0 997
29867 1x1 GvI semi-live-7 ClassicGvI Won 0 997
30022 1x1 Cold War semi-live-5 ColdWar Won 0 997
29658 Say No to neutrals! ClassicNoNeutrals Drawn 22 1019
30018 Let there be Random (TEFR) ClassicVS Defeated -17 1002
29682 Choose your Youngstown country YoungstownRedux Drawn 16 1018
29390 1885 Colonial1885 -4 1014