Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for ArtillerySalvo (782 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
32693 totheMax ColdWar Survived -8 992
32666 Billy D. Isy's Hause of Pain (EFRT) ClassicVS Drawn 8 1000
32810 UNO Dos Tres Empire1on1 Won 8 1008
32811 Uno DOS Tres-2 TenSixtySix_V3 Defeated -17 991
32905 Guy Fierei eo Bitt Stuf ClassicIER Survived -14 977
32828 Nikita try game ClassicFog -20 957
32821 1939 - Time to Revisit Europe1939 -34 923
32637 Classical Classic Defeated -18 905
32836 I NeEd HeAlInG(TREI) ClassicVS Resigned -25 880
33042 Warlords Africa -6 874
32319 Let's see 1860 Balkans1860 -17 857
36662 Kachow Empire4 Defeated -32 825
40213 The 2019 Classic Classic Defeated 0 825
40199 Dough Boys USofA Survived -9 816
41654 Dolphin Diplo AberrationV Defeated -26 790
40604 A modern pickle A_Modern_Europe Defeated -8 782