
  • Rank: Political puppet (878 D)
  • Available points: 35 D
  • Points in play: 0 D
  • Total points: 35 D
  • Game messages: 24
  • All Game stats:
  • Defeated: 1 ( 100% )
  • Total (finished): 1

  • Civil disorder: 1
  • Civil disorders taken over: 0
  • Abandoned: 1
  • Playing: 0
  • Variant stats:
  • Defeated: 1 ( 100% )
  • Total (finished): 1

  • Reliability:
  • Reliability rating: 54%

  • Last visited: 25 Dec 17 UTC
  • Forum posts: 0

  • Joined: 18 Aug 16 UTC
  • User ID#: 7949

Sinister_Dealings's games

Showing results 1 to 1 of 1 total results.

Finished: 11 PM Mon 10 Oct 16 UTC
8 November 2016
1 day /phase
Pot: 86 D - Spring, 2013, Finished
Who controls America, Anon, PPSC
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game drawn
The Underworld
G-Man (2516 D)
Drawn. 10 supply-centers, 10 units
Republican Party
Caerus (1470 D)
Drawn. 9 supply-centers, 9 units
Corporate America
CoXBoT (1136 D)
Drawn. 7 supply-centers, 7 units
Conservative Interests
vixol (1739 D)
Democratic Party
Gramuk (1489 D)
Liberal Interests
The Ambassador (2245 D (B))
The Military
Secret Societies
Civil Disorders
Sinister_Dealings (35 D)The Military (Autumn, 2010) with 0 centres.
Witchking (90 D)Conservative Interests (Spring, 2008) with 3 centres.