A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Shep315 (1435 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Insane Strategies
At the risk of starting a somewhat serious discussion (or at least as serious a discussion with this title can be). What is the most insane, off-the wall, or down right crazy strategy you have ever tried in a game or thought about trying in a game? Or am I the only the person to think about crap like this?
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Mar 12 UTC
I once tried trusting Shep in a game after having met and interacted with him. Does that count as "insane"? :oP
airborne (970 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
I tried the Scatter Theory once
Kal (1360 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
In an Empire1v1 as the Confederacy, I started the game with F Tennessee. Pretty sure the Union player was thinking "WTF!?"... When it went into Lake Michigan from Chicago I think he got it.
Shep315 (1435 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
@Gopher- well I have been known to do certain "crazy" things on occasion :p
@Airborne- what exactly is the Scatter Theory?
King Atom (1186 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Ever seen a successful Keystone Lepanto?
Shep315 (1435 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
whats a keystone lepanto?
Rancher (1275 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
specially lined?
fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
I pulled one off way back.

The single handedly best move I have ever pulled off was Smyrna-Denmark supported by Sweden. The following move I supported Austria into Berlin eliminating Germany from the game.

Sadly the following year Austria stabbed me and pulled off the win. Well sorta, we were planning a 2 way draw, but then I support held Paris from Austria's attack to thank him for convoying my unit to Denmark even though I had taken Spain from him the turn before that. Austria responded by taking St Petes and Rumania off me and went for the solo and won.
fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
the pulled one off was refering to keystone lepanto
Shep315 (1435 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
well I asked the question now I'm confused :P, what exactly is the Scatter Theory and a Keystone Lepanto?
SacredDigits (978 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Key Lepanto involves Austria allowing Italy to go A Ven to Tri and then A Tri to Ser to set up a better line on Turkey. I've tried it, but it's too tempting to betray Austria.
fasces349 (1007 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
My last stab in a 4 or more player variant (3 player variants permit stabbing since 2 on 1 is unfair and uninteresing) was as Italy in a key lepanto.

The Lepanto worked, I was in Serbia and Aegean in the fall of 1901, but then Turkey offered me support into Greece and I took it.
airborne (970 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Shep315 (1435 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Ahh, I have heard of that and was actually reading about that in an article a day or two ago, they just didn't call it that lol, they just said it was a variation on the lepanto

and the Scatter Theory does sound like an interesting concept
I only bring all this up because I might very well be slipping into insanity, over the past few days my mind has been creating an abomination in the name diplomacy lol
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
30 Mar 12 UTC
I've managed a sucessful Key Lepanto as Austria on another site - Italy and I drew 2-way. It was a norank game though, so there was less incentive to stab.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Yes I've tried it too; it's risky for Austria but it's really fun.
If it works.
Austria is in Italy's hands in the opening moves.
Moreover you must be sure that the fall_01 italian TRI-SER won't be stopped from the turkish bulgarian unit,
or the build_01 phase comes to be somewhat embarassing...
Not to be pedantic, but it's "Key" Lepanto, not "Keystone." The Key Lepanto is named after a Diplomacy player named Jeff Key, who (allegedly) first conceived of the move (more likely, first claimed ownership of it). When I read "Keystone Lepanto," I suppose it fits, because you'd have to be drunk on cheap beer ever to try it, but let's get the etymology right here, folks!
Anyway, the two "riskiest" openings I can remember doing recently were the Oktoberfest and the Slingshot.

Oktoberfest: Italy takes Munich and Tunisia in A01. Position post-builds is A Mun, A Tyl, F Rom, F Nap, F Tun. Next turn sees Italy attempt to put its units in Burgundy, Piedmont, Western Med, Tyrrhenian Sea and Tuscany; if executed right, Italy seizes Marseilles to recover from the loss of Munich, and essentially has doomed France from 1902 on.

The Slingshot is a Juggernaut form by which Turkey and Russia arrange to destroy the Russian fleet in Armenia in A01; Russia opens to Armenia, Ukraine and Sevastopol, Turkey opens to Bulgaria, Black Sea and Ankara, and then as Russia supports itself to Rumania, Turkey supports itself to Armenia. Russia retreats the fleet off the board, and if all goes well Russia has a +3. Turkey then convoys Armenia to Bulgaria as Bulgaria moves to, I dunno, Serbia or Greece. The plan involves Serbia, with Rumanian support and Austrian goofing up, but obviously that's not foolproof. Done right, though, it can be.
Shep315 (1435 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
@PE- hmm, I take Germany signs off on the Munich move, or do you risk greatly angering him to do this?
and as for Lepantos (doesn't matter which kind), they are probably my favorite Italian strategy if pulled off correctly
Kal (1360 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
As long as we're talking Lepanto, I've always been interested in trying the Blue Water Lepanto (Austrian):

I've tried to force it once, but the Italian went to CD before it could be fully enacted. :-/
BosephJennett (1204 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Pulled off the Blue Water as Austria recently, but it required a very patient Italy who ended up not getting their fifth unit until the end of 1903.
SacredDigits (978 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Recently, I've tried to go all army builds in several games. It's more effective than you'd think, even on boards with a lot of sea spaces.
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
30 Mar 12 UTC
I dont like the Blue Water Lepanto that much...its too much based on the Russian and Turkish doing nothing :))
orathaic (952 D)
02 Apr 12 UTC
Oktoberfest is a variant of Rocky Lepanto, right? germany takes holland and denmark, and maybe belguim if he can manage it (so he gets the three centers without everyone else seeing him as a huge threatening leader) and then you have the option to retreat that army to either burgundy (And invade france) or silesia to punch russia up (which sits well with austria if you are facing a juggernaut) alternatively you can turn it into a stab of austria by retreating to boh...

The best i've ever pulled off was taking out france as russia before fighting germany... managed to weaken both england and france enough that they were both virtually wiped out before me and germany came to blows... (i had an exclave of three units and three supply centers in western europe almost completely cut off from the rest of russia)
re: Oktoberfest

You can choose as to whether to have Germany sanction the plan or not. It *can* make sense because the key component is Italy getting a third southern fleet, but it can probably be sold pretty easily as "Okay, obviously continuing against you is really dumb - How about you use your army in Ruhr/Belgium to support me to Burgundy and just take Munich back?"

I suppose it could be a variation on the Rocky Lepanto, except you'd have to give up the Lepanto ghost in A01 by moving your second army to Venice in prep for the S02 attack into Piedmont. I think it's better to have the second army in Tyrolia in A01 because it gives you more options than Venice.

re: Blue Water

Terrible opening. The plain old conventional Lepanto with Austria getting Greece is so much more effectively. Assuming A-I can even have the high level of trust needed to pull it off (by no means guaranteed), Turkey can and should easily counter this by moving Ank -> Con in A01 and building F Smy. With *no* threat to Bulgaria whatsoever, it's just entirely too easy to counter.
LakersFan (1373 D)
02 Apr 12 UTC
My favorite variant is the Sev-Con Shuffle. The theory behind it is similar to the "Slingshot" Juggernaut mentioned above, but it focuses on getting the Russian Fleet into the Med.

Turkey opens to Armenia and Con, and then moves to Aegean and Sev in Fall.

Russia goes to Black Sea, Ukraine and either Sev or Galicia, with the idea of supporting themselves into Rumania in Fall. Black Sea goes into Con, which would allow it to move into Aegean in '02.

Obviously, this involves a lot of trust, but the gains in tempo can be well worth it.
Shep315 (1435 D)
04 Apr 12 UTC
anyone ever try a William and Mary, otherwise known as the Flemish Sealion?
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
04 Apr 12 UTC
I won a game as England once after opening with a Yorkshire Pudding.
Rancher (1275 D)
04 Apr 12 UTC
well, my wife and I both attended the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA (class of '89) but that is as close as I get
Smart move 2ndWhiteLine. Most people incorrectly hold back the Yorkshire Pudding for the end game, thinking its a desert because of the 'pudding' reference. The smart Dip player knows it should be served up in autumn's opening. Just don't forget to also include the 'Pint of Bitter' in spring or it can go to hell pretty quick.

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58 replies
Why you should join WW4.
We need more players for a WW4 map. It is one day phase and random countries we over half way there but we need more players.
3 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
02 Apr 12 UTC
Replacement wanted
7-unit replacement gameID=6575
Fall of American Empire IV
6 replies
How do I delete my account?
How do I delete my account?
16 replies
amisond (1280 D)
03 Apr 12 UTC
Unbalanced CD
What is defined as an unbalanced CD?
6 replies
adalephat (733 D)
01 Apr 12 UTC
"EoG: 99 SCs or turn>"Autumn, 9999"
I have this setting in a game, and the marked year has already passed, the game is still on (its anonymous, thats why I don't give link and write exact SC numbers and year). Why is it?
7 replies
Viking Diplomacy-gameID=7257
2 more players needed.
2 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
01 Apr 12 UTC
for those who are interested:
I am in Las Vegas...

Soulless city that it is - on my way to the grand canyon tomorrow.
10 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
02 Apr 12 UTC
World Chaos
This may seem a little crazy, but would it be possible to make a Chaos variant of World Diplomacy IX where each player controls two provinces in completely different areas? It would require a lot of people but I think it would make a very interesting game...
0 replies
JLB (761 D)
01 Apr 12 UTC
One player needed for Pirates game.
0 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
01 Apr 12 UTC
RR Boost game
Hey all. Advertising on forum for another player. He started a game for those of you looking to get a few more phases in to get an "A" rating. Classic WTA gunboat with custom start. Minimum buy-in, 10 days to start, 2 days a phase.

0 replies
raapers2 (1787 D)
26 Mar 12 UTC
Concede Button
In light of the new option to change the total SCs needed for a win, I was wondering if it would also be possible to add a 'concede' button in the row with draw, cancel, etc.
75 replies
tt612 (1404 D)
21 Mar 12 UTC
101 reasons why you should join Chaos
162 replies
Is this possible?
Is it possible, as Germany (with support from Italy), to take over France by Autumn 1940 in this variant:
5 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
29 Mar 12 UTC
sitter needed
i will be away for a week and im in many gunboats so i cant pause most of my games...could someone play my games for the next week?
12 replies
Geronimo (1195 D)
31 Mar 12 UTC
please contact me quickly as I have a rule query in an active game
1 reply
Praed (868 D)
31 Mar 12 UTC
Two replacements needed for Fast (12hr), Classic, Full Press
France and Russia available. Game hasn't started yet so we're at Spring 1901.
3 replies
Raro (1449 D)
27 Mar 12 UTC
Join Destructor Force!
A fast and fierce gunboat! gameID=7041

4 replies
Mafialligator (863 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
Ridiculously high reliability requirements
Hey, everyone? I don't think we need to insist on every game involving people who've already played 500 phases and never even missed one. I think anyone with a reliability rating over 90% is probably perfectly reliable and maybe just once or twice had a problem with their internet connection.
It's a neat feature but let's not go overboard hmmm?
31 replies
Avast ye lubbers! Join me game, if ye got the salt!
Aaaaaarrrrrgh you ready to Swaaaaashbuckle? Choose yer own scalawag and try to survive the canon fire.
Release the Kraken!
6 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Just started a world war 4 map i need a lot of players
1 reply
cypeg (2619 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
I still believe it is a bug
the game is h
The fleet at Western Mediterranean Sea (wmd) cannot support move to.from and now the fleet at SIR cannot convoy army from
3 replies
Varianto (1894 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
someone please take over USA?

All options open. No one attacking you (yet?).
0 replies
Praed (868 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Fast (12hr) game

Non-anon, full press.
0 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
30 Mar 12 UTC
Greek Gunboat

Join now or Thucydides will philosophise you to death.
0 replies
ezpickins (1665 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
Sitter Action
Attention VDip Community, I am going out of town for seven days following this sunday. I would appreciate it greatly if some kind sir would step up and sit for me.
10 replies
LakersFan (1373 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
Looking for a replacement in a Greek game
We are just starting, still in bidding phase. Please join up as Persia if you can.

0 replies
payne4life (1036 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
The CHaos Game is too crazy
What mad man made this game.. my head is throbing when i read these messages... and it cost me 30 D to join my first game... AYUDAME!
8 replies
sampson2 (843 D)
29 Mar 12 UTC
New game of Classic, Fog of war

Any queries just ask
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
20 Mar 12 UTC
Fight for Honor, Fight for Glory, Fight for Prestige!
I am looking for a few good men (it would be nice to have women, but they are in short supply here) to compete in the Prestige Series!

107 replies
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