A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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New Variant Idea
I was thinking of a Cold War variant, but it would not just be a variant of Diplomacy, but in order for it to work, the Cold War itself would have to be changed. To start, it would have to be in just Europe, to keep a bit of simplicity. Also, the Soviet Union and the US would be too scared to start a nuclear war, despite the war becoming "hot." (More to come in next post)
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The powers in the game would be Warsaw Pact (Not including East Germany), NATO (Not including West Germany), Yugoslavia, West Germany, and East Germany. On West Germany, there will be two non-SC spots near the east border which will both border a non-SC spot which will connect West Berlin to the rest of West Germany. This pathway that connects to West Berlin will have the same borders used to signify mountains on some other maps on its north and south side, which will also extend around all borders of West Berlin except for the border mentioned earlier and the border with East Berlin. This border will be sort of like the Soviet Union's only allowed path to West Berlin from West Germany. The Berlin Wall does not take effect so that way it is still possible to force a unit out of West Berlin. The winner must have both West Berlin and East Berlin. To balance starting SC amounts, there may have to be decreasing in the amount of the starting SC's of the Warsaw Pact and NATO. Just an idea, if it takes some changes to make this variant work, then please make the neccesary changes.
Shep315 (1435 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
so would USA and USSR be in the variant at all?
Graeme01 (1224 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
In the capacity of the Warsaw Pact and NATO (their groupings of respective satellite states), yes.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
22 Mar 11 UTC
Most important is always: Make a map in PNG format (A scan works too).
If you made the map post it on the dev forums to gather opinions from other players and developers.
Than I can help you make this an actual variant...
Shep315 (1435 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
how do you make the map? do you just draw it by hand or do you have to use a special computer program? im curious because i have an idea or two and ive always been told you have to make the map first
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
22 Mar 11 UTC
Most of the work is done my hand (or better a drawing program) I have a small tool on the development server that helps optimizing the map, but it's still handwork (most of the time)... You can read about making a working map in the early beginnings here (that's how I did the colonial map): , it's a bit easier to resize a map with my tool or convert a drawing into a map, but the base remains the same...
Best thing if you start a complete new map is draw it on a white paper,scan it and post it on the dev-boards. I can convert this in a somewhat nice bw-map with 1-pixel-sized borders, and you can continue from there...
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
22 Mar 11 UTC
PS: If you look at the Fantasy-Worls-map, there is a PDF in the rules with a graphic, I used as a start for the variant.
Shep315 (1435 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
thanks. see the idea i had was an American Revolution map, but my second idea was a Napoleonic Wars map and I think that would be easier to do since it would really just be a modified Europe
I dont have it thought up well enough (nor am I drawing talented enough) to make the map myself. Will my name still be mention in variant idea if I get a professional on this site to draw it for me?
Eliphas (926 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Oli, so if I do everything posted here:, will you put it up on this website?
myrmidon (798 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
if it doesnt suck!
Will anyone draw my variant!?
Eliphas (926 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
So you want a variant focused on Germany during the cold war?
Yes, pretty much.
Eliphas (926 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
I can try drawing it.
ezpickins (1717 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Does anyone want to do a more realistic American Civil War variant?
ezpickins (1717 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
:P :P :P :P :D :D :D :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) :P
This needs to stay up near the top.
no it doesn't... oli told you what you'd have to do to get it made as a variant, now you need to do that not post here : 0
Im keeping it up incase eliphas can't make it for me, which I am appreciating all he is doing.
fasces349 (1007 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
I think a cold war vairant would work on the global scale.

We have Nato, Warsaw, USSR, USA, China.
Then Communist Nations and Capitalist Nations

We start in 1961 during the Bay of Pigs.

Nato, USSR and America both have a 3rd unit option. This is called a nuke. USSR gets 3 per year, USA gets 2 per year and Nato gets 1 per year,

If they fire it at a territory any army in that territory will be destroyed, however there is another catch, any sc in that territory is also destroyed.(it becomes a non-sc territory)

Units: Given that modern warfare is very complex, I think there should be a multiple range of units:

Army: Standard rules apply
Spy: Classic CIA vs KGB, Nato, America and Russia all start off with 1 unit known as a spy. This unit is invisible to all non-spy units, however the main point of the spy is it informs you of the nuclear stock-pile of the enemy nation it is currently in. Each country can have a max of 1 spy at a time.

Fleet: Standard rules apply, this unit can also carry aircrafts, bringing them closer to their intended targets.
Submarine: Invisible to all units except for other Subs, this unit can carry nuclear weapons (when building a sub, you have two options, a regular sub and a nuclear sub. The nuclear sub requires both a sc and a nuke. They look the same so the enemy can never tell which is which). If a nuclear sub is destroyed, the player looses 1 nuke from his nuclear stockpile.

Air unit cannot attack enemy territories, they can only support attacks (they can only support a defense if there is an enemy air supporting the attack). However they count as 2 supports so are very useful in combat. The maximum range of the unit is 4 territores (it can support any unit that is within 4 territories of the territory it is in).

Nukes are a powerful unit that certain countries get each year. To represent the situation at the Bay of Pigs here is the current nuclear stockpiles of countries at the start of the game:
America: 15
Communist Countries: 2

Every year USSR produces 3, America Produces 2 and NATO produces 1.

There is an Armageddon counter on the nukes, once 40 have been fired, all nations becomes 'defeated' and any points invested into the game are lost, by all players.

People should be very cautious when using nukes, knowing full well that it could end the game. Players can use this to form 'stalemate lines' saying if you continue to attack me, I will fire my entire stockpile ending the world. Include me in the draw OR ELSE!

Nukes have a maximum range of 3 tiles, making nuclear subs sometimes the only way to nuke enemies.

Lastly alliance:
Alliances are very complex, and to encourage usual diplomacy here are some add rules:
USSR soldiers can enter Warsaw lands without taking them. However if Warsaw ever attacks the USSR, then they can start attacking back.
However if Warsaw ever attacks the USSR then they will loose their SC in East Germany and Bulgaria, encouraging them to remain a vassal of the USSR.

All other standard diplomacy rules apply. The map would probably some variant of the world war 4 map.
Graeme01 (1224 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
That sounds so complex, but epic.
Graeme01 (1224 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
The one thing I'm wondering is, don't the rules surrounding nukes encourage players to unload their entire stockpile early on and roast their enemies as quickly as possible? Depending on how many starting SCs there are, the game could potentially have no build centres after spring 1...
note about the drawing of a new map:
if the map refers to existing places, it's usually easier to search on google a good map and then edit it adding borders etc..
JoGa (962 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
fasces idea sounds pretty awesome but you would have to make sure it stays balanced with all of the new rules added
RoxArt (1732 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
yea let's start playing C&C :D

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89 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
26 Mar 11 UTC
Unpause please?
We have messaged the person who doesn't want to unpause multiple times, and they havwen't replied despite being online most of the day. Could you please unpause this game, Oli? Thanks!
5 replies
Rancher (1128 D)
30 Mar 11 UTC
Colonial - Raj Rulers
Dominate the commoners in Asia, join soon for free opium ...
3 replies
Possible error in Chaoctopi
I convoyed Trieste to Ankara and it got bounced, but no one else moved there. Was it an error?
3 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 Mar 11 UTC
Fog of War- Whos finalized
Whats the point in showing who has finalized and who hasn't in FoW, we find out who missed phases at the end of phases and its more of a pain then an asset when trying to find out who is slowing down the bloody game.
11 replies
TAG, you're IT!
Everyone look out, Butter is the BLOB. Flee while you still can!
36 replies
Neil (957 D)
28 Mar 11 UTC
World War IV Convoy not working
I've been trying to do a convoy, but the order won't load fully during the diplomacy phase.
6 replies
IKE (1179 D)
04 Mar 11 UTC
New world gunboat
20 D 2 day phase join & enjoy
49 replies
NumberZero (832 D)
28 Mar 11 UTC
Looking for a replacement!!! asap
Oli, please help. i can't enter moves. i want to quit this game. Players refuse pause. Anyone that could replace me in it?
1 reply
Geforce (699 D)
27 Mar 11 UTC
enjoy to live game, go go go. now
0 replies
Avram (1391 D)
27 Mar 11 UTC
Fog of War
Need a few more players for a Fog of War game. Game can be found here:

join if you are interested!
0 replies
Another Chaos Game
Here is another because I want to return to the chaotic setting:
9 replies
Geforce (699 D)
27 Mar 11 UTC
enjoy to live game, go go go. now
2 replies
Geforce (699 D)
27 Mar 11 UTC
enjoy to live game, go go go. now please
0 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Only Grey Press?
Anyone interested in playing an Only-Grey-Press game?

We'll have to figure out a way to
15 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
26 Mar 11 UTC
Big code changes in 1066...
Did some changes to the 1066 FoW code and the neutral units.
Message here, if there are any problems...
6 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
22 Mar 11 UTC
Seem to me like the Normans are at an advantage and the English at a disadvantage.
29 replies
Geforce (699 D)
26 Mar 11 UTC
enjoy to live game, go go go. enjoy to live game, go go go. enjoy to live game, go go go.
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
23 Mar 11 UTC
Pots doubled
For these games: 990, 991, 997
3 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
GB gameID=678
Turkey It's been several years now. The only way you can get 18 is if we CD or NMR. Be a good sport and just draw.
14 replies
UnknownHero (1057 D)
26 Mar 11 UTC
Mate against Mate, Global Messaging Only

Just needs one more person to join. There's only a few hours before it expires, so join quick if you want to play.
0 replies
Benibo (1143 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
True Diplomacy
8 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
Live TenSixtySix
anyone up for it?
8 replies
Who Controls America
I'd like to get in on oli's offer, anyone feel like a couple games of this variant?
22 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
Pure Chaos- In the making.
Hey guys, I have begun working on the Pure Chaos map we talked about(32 player Pure)(34 was not conducive to the symmetry of the map), and wanted to ask if there was any opinions you had on it.
21 replies
OlympicTorch (835 D)
25 Mar 11 UTC
New Variant?
I developed a potential map for my own group to play Diplomacy. Is there a way to send it to vdip as a working variant?
6 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
5 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
24 Mar 11 UTC
next post
10 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
17 Mar 11 UTC
Treaties Game
Does anyone want to play a treaties game on the original map or any other map?
54 replies
LoveDove (1368 D)
23 Mar 11 UTC
Anony Gunboat Fantasy?
Super fun for everyone! Well, except the losers.
1 reply
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