A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Soundwave88 (488 D)
19 Oct 11 UTC
Join to play a WWIV game that you can choose what nation you play as
8 replies
Anywhere to download Classic map files?
I've looked around a bit and I can't find anywhere where I can download the original diplomacy map files and borders for creating a variant based off the classic map. I'm thinking of creating a variant and if I could get these it would save a ton of work.
4 replies
About creating Variants.
Hey.. would anyone be nice to introducing me the first steps on creating variants? I don't know where to start.
5 replies
MasterEddie38 (996 D)
21 Oct 11 UTC
USA issues
been having some issues giving orders in this: gameID=3968
1 reply
thatwasawkward (1464 D)
21 Oct 11 UTC
The War to REALLY End All Wars
World War IV map, 15 point bet. Anonymous players, but full press. 10 days to join, 34 more needed. Let's do this.
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
21 Oct 11 UTC
is it working?
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Oct 11 UTC
Vdip Cup FInal Results
The closing ceremony for Vdiplomacy's first tournament.
5 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 May 11 UTC
Vdip Cup games and results
If you are one of the 16 players who recently signed up for the 1 v 1 tournament I am hosting, then you are required to post all the games you play in here. First when they start, to allow a moderator from changing you to the right team, and second at the end to post results.
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fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Aug 11 UTC
"[changed to Duo, later]"
Well were change again in the interest of wrapping this tournament up sooner...
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
20 Aug 11 UTC
Ok, as you like. You are the Tournament-Master.
But I don't have the interest of ending up this tournament sooner, if you ask me.
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Aug 11 UTC
well the main reason is because some of the anti-IvGers (2 to be exact) complained about the thought of playing 6 IvGs against the same person straight.

They both (Pres in the forum and Canaduh in private) agreed that reducing it to 4 games would be a fair enough compromise.
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Aug 11 UTC
As I understand it there are 3 camps:
IvG or I am not playing

IvG cause thats the rules

Anything but IvG
President Eden

I would be interested in knowing what the final 2 members still in the tournament think about it.
Uh... wow. lol. This is what I get for stirring the shit while being unable to get to a computer.

Quick thought:

"[In] my opinion, this should not be a big issue, if he wants GvI, he should be allowed to play it without all the complaints."

Why shouldn't I get to play the map I want, though? The logic seems to be the same. Make "he" refer to me and change GvI to FvA and it's the same argument. Besides, "This isn't a balanced variant" is a far better argument than "But I like this variant" -- I don't see what's so open-and-shut about the pro-GvI crowd's arguments.

Now then, having recognized what fasces is doing (six games is a best-of-3 series compared to what we were doing before), I rescind my prior complaint and will consent to six games. I will, however, state now that if the rules are not changed for next tournament to make the default map balanced that I will not be participating.
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Aug 11 UTC
I to, will not be participating. The rules were made before I was aware of how unbalanced IvG was and before 1, the tournament-master, was made aware that the rules were set in stone.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
Actually I don't terribly mind GvI, I can play GvI reasonably well, just that I prefer FvA to GvI;.

langaidin (1064 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
Well, I'm going to create a fourth camp. A camp that stands for something, if not everything. One where every possibility is probably going to potentially happen if things work out like they could. A camp where everyone is singled out equally and discriminately in an unbiased manner.

What was the question?
langaidin (1064 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
I think gobbledydook and I are doing two GvI, two AvF and two YtBd
Devonian (1887 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
@Pres, regarding your comment "Why shouldn't I get to play the map I want, though? The logic seems to be the same."

You can play the map you want in the next tournament, or on your own. But for this tournament, the rules are what they are. Because of the rules, the logic not the same.
But that's not logic. That's an appeal to an established authority (the rules). It's arbitrary.

Your claim was that RoxArt "should get to play the map he wants." That doesn't say anything about the fact that the map he wants is established by the rules as the default. That just says that RoxArt should get the map he wants. And if the claim becomes that he should get to play the map he wants because the map he wants is established by the rules as the default, then it was never about what he does or doesn't want but about the rules, and ought to have been phrased as such.

And while it might not be (and apparently isn't) the case for others, rules carry zero intrinsic value to me. Rules are as valuable as the rationale backing them. So an appeal to the rules because the rules are the rules doesn't really get anywhere with me.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
21 Aug 11 UTC
"Why shouldn't I get to play the map I want, though?"
"Because the map you want to play is neither agreed by your opponent nor the default map".

I hadn't got a favourite 1v1 map as the Tourney started. But, as I read the Rules, I realized I got to train in playing GvI, because the rules said it was the default map and therefore anyone could force me to play it.
My training was the first 3-4 matches, until fasces beated me.

Now looks like some player has just realized he made a mistake. I don't know whether their mistake was:
a) forget to read the Rules
b) underestimate the importance of "default map" Rule
c) not realize that some practice playing the default map was needed
d) thinking they could change the Rule later, complaining
but, whatever, it was THEIR mistake.

I could have played some other map in Round Robin if someone told me "this Rule can change any time" (No, actually, I would have gave up the Tourney. Since the first rule is "rules don't change". Unless because of an UNANIMOUS decision)

Next tournament Rules will be different, probably better. But I'm afraid that some of these player will still be complaining whether he notices he made some mistake in reading/estimate the Rules.

@PE "an appeal to the rules because the rules are the rules doesn't really get anywhere with me."
mmm you got a problem.
Rules are rules because nobody should try to make pressure on the Tournament-Master, in order to change them. Or any silver-tongued-player could join the tourney thinking he can change the rules he doesn't like, as he discovers they don't fit his style of playing. Making no effort to rightly estimate them.

fasces349, 13 Jun 2011: (quoting me, lol)
"Guys, the point is not the unbalancing of maps. It's to change a Rule while the tourney is in progress. This would be the most unfair thing. What if the 2 guys I beated 4-0 come back and say "Hey, I want those games to be restarted with the new rules!" Wouldn't it be right from their point of view? Yes. Would it be fair? No. Because they and I played by the SAME RULES. And we need to keep on playing by the same Rules."
This seems the be the best point as to why we should not change the rules.

When you join a competiton you should wonder how you can use the rules for your best, and NOT complaining about the rules if you think they're not fitting for your style.

The rest is just chats. Or maybe good proposals for the NEXT tournament.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
Hey hey hey...
My stance has always been 'I prefer FvA but if you insist, I can play the GvI default too'.
Come on PE our conclusion has been that GvI is basically a German landslide, so just draw the 3 sets and win in Duo!
RoxArt (1732 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
however the rules also were, that the 6 games in the playoffs are on the same map not on 3 different ones.... or am I wrong?
when can we finally start these finals... I'm getting tired of reading pages of complaints here....
fasces349 (1007 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
"however the rules also were, that the 6 games in the playoffs are on the same map not on 3 different ones.... or am I wrong?"
I don't recall that, but that each 2 had the be the same. So you could be 3 maps or 1 map. but as long as each map you played you played an even number of times.

and I am also tired of these complaints.

The rules are left to how we agreed to them when we started this tournament.
Why are you people incapable of understanding that someone can have a legitimate disagreement about something without attaching some sort of personal argument to it?

I didn't "make a mistake" in all of this. I didn't set GvI as the default map. That was the mistake, because it's imbalanced, WHICH IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF ME SAYING ANYTHING IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Nor do I "have a problem" for insisting rules be logical. That someone would even suggest that is disgusting. The default map in a tournament like this should be balanced. It's not. Going "But it's the rules!" does not magically balance the map. Appealing to the rules does nothing -- NOTHING -- to change the fact that the map is imbalanced.

And finally, I am not so arrogant to think I can just walk in and have the rules changed because I don't like them. My argument has been, and always has been, that GvI should not be the default because it is imbalanced. This argument is the logical conclusion of the argument that in a competition of Diplomacy skill the map should not be picking sides as it more or less tends to do (with Germany having a substantial advantage over Italy).

This argument has been met with:

*Character assassinations
*Appeals to an arbitrary rule with no logic defending it (and outright concessions from the tournament director itself that the rule is bad because GvI is imbalanced)
*Insistence that I need to "stop complaining" just because "The rules don't fit my play style" when THE ARGUMENT HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT PLAY STYLES
*Nothing to defend that arbitrary rule

And frankly, I'm sick of it and seriously considering resigning from the tournament. My treatment has been entirely unfair and unwarranted and I see no reason to reward that with my continued participation.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
I must draw your attention to the first iterations of the rules we agreed to.

After signing up:
First version: Play a series, first to lead by 2 games wins.
Second version: Best of 5.
Third version, Best of 7.

If even the number of games can be altered multiple times, why may the default map not be altered?
fasces349 (1007 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
However Guaroz and co do have one point.

The # of games each series was a hotly disputed issue, hence all the changes. However it was decided BEFORE the tournament began.
However before the tournament started only 1 person talked about maps. Roxart claimed that IvG was the most balanced (other then Duo and Lepanto) 1v1 map, and he wouldn't play any other. Nobody spoke out against that.

However pres then midway through the tournament started issuing complaints about the balance of the game...
fasces349 (1007 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
After looking back in the original thread 2 things came across my mind:
As the tournament was started the play-offs was to be first to lead by 2, it was changed within the first 2 weeks.

President Eden originally advocated for the IvG
RoxArt (1732 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
i state again im not going to read any more page long posts on this topic! im willing to play other maps in the next tournament, not in this...
now just get over it or we just stop it...
langaidin (1064 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
I've got to be honest; I couldn't even tell you the rules, if they've changed or what is even being discussed and/or disputed here. I'm just lining up and playing as it comes. I hope that I've not said anything that has offended you Pres, as that was not my intent. I was just tyring to lighten the mood w/ some inanity.
fasces349 (1007 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
I am very confused about what we agreed as the original rules for the eliminations. If anyone wants to try to make sense of this:
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
Looking through the thread(again):

fasces349: the more the merrier I would prefer best of 7 for the quarters and semis and then best of 9 for the finals, but if people think that is to long I am prepared to lower it.

i.e. President Eden has the right to ask for fewer games.

Also, the part where players were assumed to have to come to agreement, or else play IvG, was based on the presumption that we play 2 games in the prelims, in which case you can only play on one map, or in a tennis-style series in the playoffs, in which case it is illogical to play on more than one map.
But since the rules have changed in terms of the playoffs, the method of choosing games must be redefined too. Allowing each player to choose the map for a certain number of games is only fair.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
fasces349: During the games the players are allowed to decide which 1 v 1 they play, if they come to agreement then they play that one, if not it will be G v I, as that is the most balanced. (but it may get kinda boring if we have nothing but one map...)

Note: The intent was to prevent boredom, therefore there is that clause between the parentheses. Playing 6 GvI games, is nothing but one map, and is kinda boring, which is against that.

fasces349: "Both games have to be on the same map"
Both, i.e. 2 games. Not 6.
RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
again stop discussing GvI is default either we do that as said or I just quit this now... I'm really tired of discussing about such things for half a year....
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
22 Aug 11 UTC
fasces349: "Ok fine, only tiebreakers will be Duo, everything else will keep the standard I-G this is just to keep everything consistent..."
This is the final decision (on the other thread), but everything was said in 13 Jun 2011 could be somewhat interesting. The starting point was that it would have been unfair to keep, for the last "odd" game of the serie (7th or 9th), a default map not perfectly balanced (as only Duo or Lepanto are), since in the serie there wouldn't have been a final "even" game with Countries swapped. The players were UNANIMOUS only with this, and

the rest was just either chats or, in several cases, good proposals for the NEXT tournament.
RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
However, Gauroz, your quote on me was made 3 and a half weeks after the tournament started...
So if were going by the assumption that the rules cannot be changed midway through tournament then we technically have no defined rules for the play-offs. Since the rules about the players were still being determined AFTER the tournament officially began...
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
22 Aug 11 UTC
mmm not sure I fully understood what you mean....however, midway through tournament, MAKING a NEW rule (playoffs) because it is missing and there's the need of it, it's quite different than CHANGING an OLD existing rule (default map).
Of couse, it would have been better having a complete rulebook since the start. After this experience, I'm sure we won't miss it next tournament.
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
"mmm not sure I fully understood what you mean....however, midway through tournament, MAKING a NEW rule (playoffs) because it is missing and there's the need of it, it's quite different than CHANGING an OLD existing rule (default map).
Of couse, it would have been better having a complete rulebook since the start. After this experience, I'm sure we won't miss it next tournament."

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576 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
05 Oct 11 UTC
Occupy Wall Street/Indignatoes
What issues do you believe that these people believe that they are protesting?

What specific solutions to specific problems do you believe that they believe that they are advocating?
129 replies
The Ambassador (2267 D (B))
19 Oct 11 UTC
Did I miss something?
Been busy of late, and didn't pick this up on the forum threads, but for new games can you now select what country you want to play?
5 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
17 Oct 11 UTC
Modern / Diplomacy Encouraged / 2-Day Moves
If you like a lot of diplomacy, the challenge of 10 players, a phenomenal map, Standard rules with build in any center you own, and are in for the long haul... join Double Gorilla Press Piledriver: gameID=3926

2nd in the Cloak & Dagger series
20 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
18 Oct 11 UTC
Group that ACTUALLY plays...
See inside...and be patient, it takes awhile to type on a phone.
28 replies
EvW (1771 D)
17 Oct 11 UTC
Need replacement WW4 team game
This is a team game. We're searching a replacement...

USA went in CD just after the game started. There's only the first spring phase missed, so it's not a too bad situation, and with a bit of help from your teammates, it would be possible to become a great power...
2 replies
myLAAN (1109 D)
29 Sep 11 UTC
Hussite Wars: New variant playtest
Variant page:
Game link:

Further info follows.
25 replies
Anyone for Sushi?
We need 2 more players in a Sengoku:

1 day turns -- get in there!
0 replies
Please unpause this!
Mr. Oli, please unpause this game.
0 replies
tricky (1005 D)
16 Oct 11 UTC
Problems loading games
Is anybody else having problems loading up their games?
2 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
05 Oct 11 UTC
WW4 Team Game
Teams are set in stone once game begins. This was done randomly using a random digit creator on a Calculator with each region being divided up equally among teams.
17 replies
I can't make my orders there is only:
Loading order...
26 replies
Lannister (874 D)
14 Oct 11 UTC
Public Press Greek Diplomacy
Is there enough interest to get one of these games going? Greek Diplomacy would be a very neat setting to try this in.
3 replies
kaug (1220 D)
13 Oct 11 UTC
game limit
I thought 2 player variants did not count against the game limit? I have a 9 game limit and currently have 7 non 2player matches and I cannot start a new one because the 2player games take me over the top
2 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
12 Oct 11 UTC
can someone explain the stats for ClassicVS for me?
8 replies
Taft (1008 D)
13 Oct 11 UTC
New Variant Idea Discussion: Turn Limit
Awhile back, I pitched an idea for a variant (threadID=13006): a Dip game that in a certain number of turns, and the person with the most SCs at the end of that period wins...
4 replies
tricky (1005 D)
13 Oct 11 UTC
Fast Game
5 min turns Classic and starts in 80mins. Should be fun!
2 replies
Venetia (1587 D)
08 Oct 11 UTC
ItalianJob wants you!
Come on, we are waiting for ather players. gameID=3741
5 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
12 Oct 11 UTC
Duo-variant got some improvements...
The transform-command now works in this variant as expected.
Will try to code the neutral-armies movement next.
18 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
12 Oct 11 UTC
7 Islands --- "Island Warfare"
join up classic island fans gameID=3842
4 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
07 Oct 11 UTC
Skip a word word association thread
This is like normal word association but don't write down the first word you think of. Write down the first word that word makes you think of. So, skip a thought.
I'll start with "mosquito"
26 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Oct 11 UTC
Is the site loading slowly for anyone else?
The last few days the site has been painfully slow loading. I've tried 4 different browsers to no avail. Nothing else seems particularly slow in my daily surfing..
6 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
12 Oct 11 UTC
I need some peoples
JUG and Central POwers.
0 replies
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