A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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wacki (795 D)
28 Aug 11 UTC
Imperium Diplomacy Sunday Live
Imperium Diplomacy Live 5min Phase
Start at 01:00 UTC = 15:00 Middle European Summer Time
1 reply
Raro (1449 D)
27 Aug 11 UTC
Replacement needed
California in World War IV
15 sc's
Good draw outlook
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
27 Aug 11 UTC
Oli, we need a pause
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Daiichi (1339 D)
25 Aug 11 UTC
Can someone force Pause this:
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King Atom (1186 D)
24 Aug 11 UTC
Live Game
50 D Live Game. 7 Islands variant.
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
Special Game
From the start of my VDiplomacy career, I'd like to do a series of games for fun.

I'd like to start with a live, WTA Haven variant. Anyone interested?
10 replies
KalelChase (1344 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
New Game -> Public Messaging FOG - WTA

Join in... I'll be one of them.
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RoxArt (1732 D)
22 Aug 11 UTC
join! :)
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 Aug 11 UTC
It's not easy being Green
With my time as President of the New Russia over, I'm now playing green in every one of my games. I wonder which power I will be if 56 pointer (gameID=3220) makes.....Indonesia, Manchuria, India(?), Central Asia, South Africa, Catholica, Mexico, USA, Quebec or Canada? That's right, I've tricked you into reading an ad from one of my games.

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fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Aug 11 UTC
Greek Team Games
Back in late July there was a failed attempt of a Greek Team game, are we up for another try?
1 reply
Alcuin (1454 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
I've been home to visit my mother. She's dying. She has cancer. I requested pauses in all my games but didn't approach mods because I expect people are civilised enough to grant such pauses. I came back to find that in one game where I was doing excellently, I'd gone into civil disoreder and been taken over, even though I was only away three days. That's much more annoying than all the games where I found myself backstabbed in civil disorder. A curse on all you metagamers.
3 replies
AdamNTM (965 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
Bug on the Modern Diplomacy II board?
Hello All, just in the midst of a game where a fleet in Israel supported a fleet from Sinai into Jordan; should this be possible? Just wondering, never played this variant before, and never been in Israel, so I can't be sure if there's some sort of "waterway" from Israel to Jordan that would allow it to support such a move...
5 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Jul 11 UTC
Error in Duo
Unit in Arkoon cannot move to Nab despite the border...
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Raro (1449 D)
20 Aug 11 UTC
I must confess... I despise Yoko Ono
I've been listening to Double Fantasy today and I suddenly got the impulse to declare publicly that I can't stand Yoko Ono. It is not without shame, I have the utmost respect for John. Does anyone else suffer from this conflict?
7 replies
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
21 Aug 11 UTC
quick live game?
Anyone interested? 1v1? 4 player? Let's play!
2 replies
MasterEddie38 (996 D)
17 Aug 11 UTC
interesting moves
anybody wanna tell me why france hasnt just finished germany and won this game already, not that im complaining the longer it goes the more centers Im getting, but still Im confused
15 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
19 Aug 11 UTC
guak was banned
and now all of my gunboat games have an unreadable message.

13 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 May 11 UTC
Vdip Cup Standings
Once a week I will post an updated standings so people can see how they rank in the vdip cup.
266 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
18 Aug 11 UTC
Impossible to take over Rajasthan
It's impossible for me to choose Rajasthan, although the account is banned and the country is open.
8 replies
Tabanese (1303 D)
19 Aug 11 UTC
Server down or something?
A friend of mine can't seem to recive his validation email when registering (he attempted it three times with three different accounts) and his support email failed as well. Anyone any idea as to why?
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tricky (1005 D)
18 Aug 11 UTC
Any idea how to access a global message in a game with no in game messaging and annonymous players?
12 replies
bbb111 (460 D)
19 Aug 11 UTC
italy vs russia vs england
anyone for live italy vs russia vs england . plz join = gameID=3200
1 reply
Catch23 (884 D)
09 Aug 11 UTC
Live Greek Game?
tittle says it all. any1 intrested?
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Aug 11 UTC
WWIV - Naval vs Army.
There are not enough sea provinces... making stalemate lines easy to constuctr between continents. :(
11 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
18 Aug 11 UTC
Anyone interested in a livegame right now here ?
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Aug 11 UTC
I generally pride myself on my ethnocentrism
because Western Civilization is the only one that matters really. However, does anyone else notice the lack of a Conquests of Qin or an Ascendency or Decline of the Mughals variant?
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SacredDigits (978 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
Central/South America 3 player with Aztec, Maya, Inca? The *gasp* new 1066?
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
a much larger 1066 though preferably?!
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
the question we have to answer for that would be fleets, no canal back then, so no crossing between pacific and atlantic, perhaps try to make it more land-based than 1066?
SacredDigits (978 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
I'm wondering if maybe something more like the Germany map might work best, with no naval units at all.
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
Indeed, maybe make archers and (what would be the equivalent of a native american swordsman?) I can't think of the name... anyways, movement for both types is the same, but Archers can Support attacks and Holds from 2 moves away(like the knights in German map, but they can't move 2 spaces).
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
well it depends aztecs had a sword of obsidian and wood club-sword, id just call the units warriors and archers
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
yea, guess warriors works... but I think that would be the best plan, because back then they really only had Canoes anyways, so It would be pretty hard for them to make any major fleets sailing realistically...
BenGuin (1529 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
[Jumping in super late in the conversation] Interesting conversation, and no I'm not ease dropping... to get the South American thing going, you should post it on Google Wave
ps there's already a Ancient China variant in development... I'm kinda in charge of the drawing of the map... if anyone's interested, PM me and I'll add you to the Google Wave...
ps is it the decline of the Mughals o the Mongals because just to let you know, Mughals is an Empire in India...
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 Aug 11 UTC
If you're going to have the Iroquois, I suggest combining all of the Five Civilized Tribes and having an Algonquin Confederation to go with the Iroquois. Are the Inca going to be left in South America by themselves?

@BenGuin----I suggested a decline or ascendency of the Mughals. Then Amby brought up that several of us had played airborne's Decline of the Mongols variant. A game that I destroyed, when my home computer died. When I started making moves in all of my games at work, I forgot about the game on the development site. I generally just keep this site on a tab in the background. I'd never remember to log in every day.
BenGuin (1529 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
ahhhh good to know
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
id start a google wave on this, but im not sure how to do that lol, ive only been invited to existing waves, never started one
G-Man (2516 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
Ancient America could also concentrate on the older MesoAmerican and South American civilizations: Caral Supe (3000 - 2500 BC), Valdivia (3500 - 1800 BC), Purhepecha (1300 BC - 1500 AD), Olmec (1200 - 400 BC), Huastec (1000 BC - 1500 AD), Chavin (900 - 300 BC), Nasca (1 - 700), Teotihuacan (100 - 250 AD), Chibchas (300 - 600), Moche (300 - 600), Zapotec (500 - 750), Maya (500 - 800), Tiwanaku (550 - 950 AD), Wari (750 - 1000), Toltec (800 - 1000), Canaris (1000 - 1300), Totonac (1000ish - 1500), Inca (1250 - 1532), Mixtec (1000 - 1400), and the Aztec (1430 - 1521). There are also a number of civilizations in the Caribbean from these periods that could be used.
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
heres a map of the world in the first century whose section on the americas could be helpful depending on how we defined "ancient"
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
and here is a map for north america
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Aug 11 UTC
the second map would be helpful for a possible pre-european north america
and for a 1066 styled mesoamerica, I suggest Aztec, Maya, and Inca as the factions
G (966 D)
13 Aug 11 UTC
I'd suggest that instead of the Maya (since Aztec and Mayan civilizations would be pretty squished together) using Diaguita, since they're actually famous for fighting the Inca expansion into what we'd call Argentina/Bolivia.
Brief input: Native American civilizations south of modern-day USA would not have interacted much with those in or north of modern-day USA. The deserts in northern Mexico successfully prevented any serious interaction between civilizations on either side of the deserts for thousands of years. Likewise the difficult climate in and around Panama isolated South American cultures from anyone north of the Isthmus.

So if y'all are planning maps, I would highly advise you make Canamerican (Canada-America; my abbrevation), Mesoamerican and South American maps if you want to be historically accurate. The Aztecs and Incas would never be able to go to war, Aztecs and Navajo/Mississippians/etc. so a historically accurate variant should factor in climate as well.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
13 Aug 11 UTC
Did Inca and Maya/Aztec actually have any contact at all?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
13 Aug 11 UTC
If anybody want to make a map variant the most important thing is to create a smallmap (width not bigger than 720pixels), a 2nd graphic with the mapnames and the same for ther largemap.
You can get some hints here:
kaner: Nope. Your big dividing lines for the three areas of pre-Columbian America you could use for a map are the deserts in northern Mexico (dividing Canamerica and Mesoamerica) and Honduras/Panama (dividing Mesoamerica and South America).
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Aug 11 UTC
@Eden----The Aztecs were from Arizona. So they definitely could have gone to war with the Apaches and from there onward to the Sioux or Comanches and so on.
butterhead (1272 D)
13 Aug 11 UTC
@Eden- aren't you at all curious what would have happened if the Aztecs and Incas COULD go to war though? where's your imagination man?
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
13 Aug 11 UTC
I didn't think that the Incans had writing, and that the Mayans/Aztecs didn't have potatoes/Limas(mule animals). And by inference (seeing as these technologies would have benefited both civilisations) that there was little, if not any, trade/contact between these groups after they split from their roots in the pre-Olmec empire.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Aug 11 UTC
The Incas used a system of knotting strings in place of a written language.
Shep315 (1435 D)
13 Aug 11 UTC
well we could have the aztecs fight the various other groups that they routinely warred with to obtain sacrifices,
the "Aztec Empire" was actually a triple alliance between the Mexica (Tenochtitlan, the capital), the Acolhuas (Texcoco), and the Tepanec (Tlacopan), so we could make an Aztec Civil War map and there would be some historic accuracy to it in the Tepanec Civil War
BenGuin (1529 D)
13 Aug 11 UTC
or you could have something similar to Fubar where it's everyone trying to take down one superpower and to win, the superpower just has to die :)
The Aztecs as the civilization we know are not from Arizona. Their ancestors probably migrated from there, sure, but that's just like saying Aztecs could fight Romans because the ancestors of the Aztecs moved from the Middle East to South and Southeast Asia then up to Siberia and across the Bering Strait then down to Mexico and the Romans at one point controlled the Middle East. The Apaches, Sioux, Comanche, etc. never met the Aztecs as the term is used here, referencing the Aztec state that dominated Mexico until the arrival of Europeans.

The Mayans/Aztecs vs Inca argument is even clearer. The Inca had the only domesticated beast of burden in the Americas, the llama. If there had been any contact whatsoever between the two groups, the Mayans and Aztecs would certainly have recognized the value of the llama and used it themselves. The climate was suitable for raising llamas in the Mayan/Aztec lands because it's the same climate as the Incas.

There's no record of Mesoamerican and South American pre-Columbian cultures interacting and there's no way there would be. The deserts of northern Mexico and harsh tropical jungles around the Equator made it impossible for any communication of significance to occur between those three areas I listed before.


On all of this note, though, Diplomacy can't really be historically adapted to the pre-Columbian Americas anyway. The game is in practice a battle to control major cities and smaller nation-states in Europe; while it could be adapted to different times (i.e. Ancient Mediterranean, Modern Diplomacy) and different areas in the industrial/post-industrial world (i.e. World Diplomacy IX), it can't be realistically adapted to pre-Columbian America because there weren't major cities to conquer. I guess if you have supply centers represent geographical areas instead of cities it works, though. It's just a different game, and while the discussion about hypothetical encounters between different American cultures is compelling, it's probably not going to matter too much in developing the variant because we're already bending conventions to fit this into the timeframe and place we want.
On a side note, as well, the Aztec Civil War (for lack of better term) should make for a nice one in theory. There are four powers -- Azcapotzalco, Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopnan city-states. I'd hate to leave it at four powers, though. 3-4 player variants don't really work too well. The Mayans are a nice candidate for #5.
Shep315 (1435 D)
13 Aug 11 UTC
well supply centers for a north america could be expanded to represent sacred sites like the black hills, angel mounds, etc
although I do agree that the Aztec Civil War idea would be the most accurate to do, since they actually did have major cities instead of nomadic encampments and small villages
heres the wikipedia article that talks about the conflict that gave me the idea:
Shep315 (1435 D)
13 Aug 11 UTC
and if we wanted another state to add theres Tlaxcala (Nahua State) since they Aztecs often warred with them to obtain human sacrifice and since Tlaxcala allied with the Spaniards, so the possible power list could include:
Tlacopan City-states
Maya (?)

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acmac10 (923 D)
17 Aug 11 UTC
Pure Game
Hey all, looking for a pure game with some players. Look inside for info:
5 replies
Rancher (1128 D)
18 Aug 11 UTC
New Gunboats, Join Up!
A couple of new no pressers, fun stuff
1 reply
butterhead (1272 D)
31 Jul 11 UTC
Butterheads' War for America: Team Edition
Everyone knows the concept by now... Team game, where you have a preset alliance that does not change for the duration of the game, and the game cannot end until there is a stalemate line or only one team remains... for this team game, I am looking at Fall of the American Empire. There are 3 layouts of teams I have thought of that we can decide which one we want
167 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
06 Aug 11 UTC
Live gunboat?
webdip is being moved to the new server. Any one up for a live gunboat/live fow gunboat?
6 replies
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