A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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airborne (970 D)
24 Sep 12 UTC
Test Games
Succession (Again)
Will post reminders of the deadlines of the seasons in the thread
32 replies
bojieh (847 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
Gunboat games
Why do I get "new message" icon on gunboat games?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
game on
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
FAST age of perikles
0 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
What is everyone's 1v1 stats?
I am sitting at 73% win out of 52 games including FvA, GvI, FRvJG, Duo, American Conflict, EvT, and for some reason GvR.

Of course this will change a lot as the VDip Cup continues. What are everyone else's stats?
2 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
15 Oct 12 UTC
new WW4 game NEED FOUR diplomats. start 20 hours
Hey there! There is a new WW4 game open that will start in 20 HOURS...

'The Rise of R'lyeh'
2 day / phase, 25 pt, Anon
0 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
14 Oct 12 UTC
Imagine The Most Brutal Map Ever....
Now multiply that by 100

World War IV or Haven with Fog of War settings!
5 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
13 Oct 12 UTC
Question about retreating
Can someone retreat somewhere that was previously occupied before? Say I was in Spain and my enemy was in portugal, Marseilles and Gascony

They move Gascony into Spain with support from Marseilles, but they move Portugal into a nearby sea, would Spain be able to retreat to Portugal?
4 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 Oct 12 UTC
Replacement Adverts
Advertise for replacements here!
1 reply
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
13 Oct 12 UTC
Webdip Problems?
Webdip is going really slow for me. Every thing else is fine, just that one site. Anyone having problems?
3 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
09 Oct 12 UTC
Doing a Treaties Game...
Starting a Treaties Game...Y'all know the rules:

28 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
12 Oct 12 UTC
PeriCles or PeriKles
Not to nitpick, but I noticed that on the actual map the name of the board is spelled with a K, rather than a C.
10 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
12 Oct 12 UTC
sitter for two-three days needed!
from monday to wednesday I will be travelling, i am sure i can gt most of the games extended, but for the ones i can't, would someone sit my account please? :-)
3 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
11 Oct 12 UTC
New game! Need three more countries
The rise of Ry'leh or however it's spelled needs three more players. Help a brother out
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
11 Oct 12 UTC
Never give up!
The above is my new motto :D
On my userpage you can see a list of games in the comment which show games in which this has helped me get a survive or draw when everything seemed to be hopeless.
22 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Can north Africa move to Spain if it's a fleet?
In a classic game
12 replies
tiger (1653 D)
10 Oct 12 UTC
Civil war 2 day phases (no saving though!)
pass: troll
0 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
19 Aug 12 UTC
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
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Guaroz (2030 D (B))
22 Aug 12 UTC
RUFF how do you see it? If he doesn't show up in 1 hour, could you join?
Jimbozig (1179 D)
22 Aug 12 UTC
just give it to ruffhaus now. this chibo guy seems to have already violated the contract
iLLuM (1569 D)
22 Aug 12 UTC
Ruffhaus would be perfect!
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
22 Aug 12 UTC
chilbo contacted me and gave up. I've sent PW to Ruff. If he doesn't accept, I'll cancel the game and tomorrow morning I will create a Fantasy World. In this case, sorry Ender & CM.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
23 Aug 12 UTC
We started! Fantastic, thanks all!
Good luck everyone and have fun!
Please remember to re-read the Contract, form time to time. For example, looks like someone already needs to re-read carefully rules 5 & 2.

That said.... Silence Please! :)
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
25 Aug 12 UTC
As a heads up, I'm off to school tomorrow and so I will only be able to check in when I have reception during my drive. If I take an abnormally long time to ready orders, I apologize in advance.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
25 Aug 12 UTC
One of the effects expected to be provided by Rule 6 is to not having people breaking the silence with unnecessary apologies, when they're out for weekends.
Actually there are no circumstances at all in which breaking the silence is necessary or anyhow useful. But since this thing happened in Contract-1 too, I think that for Contract-3 I'll write a Rule about it. Because the reminder written right after Rule 14 is not clear enough, apparently.

That said.... Silence Please! :)
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
27 Aug 12 UTC
Sorry for breaking silence, but what is wrong with my fleet at silicly? should be my SC this fall.
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
27 Aug 12 UTC
Wrong phase sorry :/
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Sep 12 UTC
So. Thanks for everyone upholding the contract, and thanks for the game. I'll save my EoG for later on. This is to bounce the thread so that it doesn't die.

That said.... Silence Please! :)
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
03 Oct 12 UTC
Bump - let's not let this thread drop too far.

That said.... Silence Please! :)
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Oct 12 UTC
And so it ends. GG all!
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
04 Oct 12 UTC
Start: 23 Aug 2012
Finish: 04 Oct 2012
Average phase: 11h 16min (2.13 phases each day)
Average year: 53h 1min (0.45 years each day)

You can compare this result with previous one @ threadID=31416

Obviousely, this absolutely unsatifying outcome is due to (many) Players not playing by the Contract. This was a gunboat (maybe: some people have issues understanding the word "silence"), NOT a Contract-Gunboat for sure.

7 players have just received from me a PM like this:

Hi xxx,
It has been a pleasure having you in Contract-2 (gameID=9547), I hope you had fun.
Unfortunaltely, I must announce to you that you're not invited for next Contract-3, sorry.
See you in Contract-4, if you'll be willing to join it.
Thank you!

They'll all have a second chance, if they like, but it'll be the last one.
I hope that all the others - whom I thank for the good game - will join Contract-3, that will start in a few days.

kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
04 Oct 12 UTC
Wow Guaroz. I hope that you gave them your reasoning behind not inviting them to the next contract.

My EoG post below.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
04 Oct 12 UTC
Denmark EoG: Contract Gunboat II,

I pulled Denmark, I've played Denmark before, twice. Also I've observed how players choose to play Denmark in previous games of KW901 before (mostly an attack on Germany or France), so this time I resolved to do something different. I attacked Russia. In retrospect this probably wasn't the smartest of decisions to make, given that this was a gunboat game. But it looked like it would pay off, France and Germany seemed initially friendly to me with their supports, so attack Russia I did.

This strategy would work, I believe, if a situation where Germany and France were belligerent to each other or France was pushing south into Iberia and the Mediterranean. Well I suppose it's too much temptation to leave unguarded SCs in a gunboat games. I've played Gunboats where alliances are made and kept, and I was expecting France to be happy I was going elsewhere, and Germany to offer more support than he did. It would have been a fine thing for a German/Danish invasion moving eastwards into Asia.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
04 Oct 12 UTC
*Duration: 38 days for 81 phases (17.2 years)
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
yeah, that went really, really, really slow.

I will write up an EOG later
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Yeah I remembered some people not readying up. Worse off than last time unfortuately.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
ScubaSteve was a big one. I think he missed that last phase
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
I started out not knowing the hell what to do. First time playing Known World.

Well, Auxum (illuM) made my choice for me by support holding a Makuran just so I couldn't get it. Sine I needed someone to attack, I chose him.

However, before i could make gains on Auxum, Arabia (martenus) decided to just randomly take Jerusalem. However, most of the Axum units were away defending against my ally Wagadu (Guaroz) so I was able to send units away from that front to go stop him from making more gains.

In a year's time, Arabia must have decided it was pointless to hold onto Jerusalem, so he moved away. At this time, I had made gains against Axum, so I was ready to defend the Med Area so there was no repeat. I reclaimed the Holy Land, and took my last Axum center that year.

I tried expanding north, but was blocked off my Kharzaria (RUFFHAUS 8).and I had too few units to go east before Kharzaria took most of the centers there, leaving me only Yemen.

At this point, i tried to make a quick gain at Ifrigyia, which was where I wished I could send a message to Guaroz. At various points throughout the game, we support held it because it was needed, supported the other in without the move happening, and then not doing the same thing next phase, etc.

Khazaria supported himself into Cappadocia, which I really did not like. Now my only expansion would be against Wadagu, who I really did want to stab. Fine, you don’t want to let me into Cappadocia, I will dislodge your army. With Cappadocia, I captured Attalia, which would be my only holding in Asia Minor.

Meanwhile by the home, Wagadu and I were messing around with Ifrigyia. I decided to randomly support hold, to show him I meant him no more harm… and it blocked Wagadu’s entry into it. Oops. But I redeemed myself by supporting him in the next phase. I had to deal with the retreat, but it was to take care of.

I begin to send more units east, without much of a plan. It could’ve been defense, or when a good attack presented itself. With the home front, France (ScubaSteve) took Ifrigiyia from Wagadu. Sad :-(. Kharzaria supported me into Germany’s (Captain Meme’s) Constantinople, and, the next phase when I decided to take him up on that offer, but he didn’t support me in. Feeling stupid, I noticed I had a very good stab chance against Kharzaria, who had his own problems with Germany and moved most of his units away. I stabbed, pissed off Kharzaria, and got 3 centers.
However, in Ifrgiyia, we screwed up again. Wagadu supported me in, but I didn’t move. And the next phase he didn’t support me in, but I did move. France was not happy, and showed his displeasure with a convoy into Africa, but I was able to dislodge the destroy the army. However, now Spain was support holding Ifryigia, so now there would no hope in taking it.
On the Kharzaria fron, he put up an awesome defense, and even made me disband a unit. However, he couldn’t last long, since along with me and Germany, China (Ender) was pushing him down. Eventually, he decided to mess with me by getting into Oman. Time to send even more units over there.

Kharzaria was defeated, but I only got three centers from him. China took a lot more. However, with Khazaria gone, and my doing everything I can to begin signaling that I will not be helping taking Ifrigiyia. With me setting up a solid defense against China, the draw was agree to.

Nice game. So in for Contract 3.

But can you PM me what people broke the rules? I only noticed ScubaSteve
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
oh wow I need to grammar/spell check my posts before I do them. So many pronoun's where its not clear who I am referring to... plus some others
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
I have to say that why this game was fun, I'm pretty dissapointed by the actions of some specifically the decision in the end to draw with France. How a player who so aggregiously did not fufill the contract could be inculded in the draw is beyond head scratching. But so were many things about this game.

My frist thought is that I'm not sure what was gained by making the identities of the players known. I couldn't help feeling that some alliances and enemies were chosen simply based upon player identity. I'm not going to go into specifics because as I just said it's really impossible to tell, but there was some pretty spectacular cooperation going on at times. I think if the palyer identities were kept anonymous it would make for a better contest.

Overally I drew Kahazaria, the proverbial man in the middle, in a game that was all about rushing to the middle. I got attacked and stabbed by everyone. Much of this was expected, but I was shocked to be stabbed by both Arabia and Russia so early in the game. After dispatching Arabia for his folly, I got the better of Russia, but subsequently joined him to stop the sprall of Germany, who was rolling east in spite of the hapless play of France. This was not easy since Russia has really earned his fate, but I felt it was the responsible thing to do to stop a German solo. In one of the more satisfying moments of the game, Russia recognized this and put up a good fight with me. We actually had them stopped until Egypt decided for some bizarre, selfish, and (still inexplicable) reason to stab me. I was sure that Germany would then solo, and after seeing that the cause against Germany was lost I was left with very little to play for. I threw everything into Defense against the player that ruined my game. By now China had begun attacking me too, perhpas because I'd propped up Turan, or perhpas just be cause he was being as opportunistic as Germany and recognizing that Egypt was too greedy and seemingly clueless. The major disappointment in the end for me was not elimination. I knew that I could never hold off Germany, China, and Egypt, although big Kudos to Wagadu and India, who regognized that I was fighting the good fight, and gave me room to do so. I tried to keep that fleet in play in the Brtish Isles long enough to help you break the line, but our friend in Egypt was just grabby grabby grabby. No, the most disppointing thing about this game (after France's inclusion) was Egypt being rewarded with a place in the draw. Germany who had solo potential and ambition to match it, not to mention a golden opportunity to steamroll Egypt suddenly stopped attacking. So Egypt escaped punishment for his decision to betray the middle powers. Fortress should be assigned to play France next time for his "collaborative" efforts. In the end Egypt's slefish and greedy three center stab brought down Russia, Turan, and Khazaria, but only because these nations played responsible Diplomacy and acted to prevent a solo in spite of our forthcomining eliminations.

I'll echo Kaner's comments, and ask why some of us who complied with the contract are not being invited back?

*Jimbo and Bozo, both of you deserve a draw far more than Scuba and Fortress did.

*Captain and Ender, well played. You had you part in taking me down, but you did so for the right reasons. Ender I appreciate that you at least tried to break Egypt before calling a draw. Captain, WTF? Really? This game was yours to win, and you gave it away for a group hug with France and Egypt. Why? Seriously we really need to know what made you feel these guys were worthy.

* Guaroz, you also played like a champ in the west. You completely stoned Spain, who had to sit out the game for the most part because of your play. I'd like to here why Decima felt France was worthy of a place int he draw too.

Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
RUFFHAUS, i fully admit I didn't play well. All I saw was a chance to make a lot of gain. I am used to playing on large-scale variant maps yet, so I am used to seeing the solo threats from other powers. As I said, I had no idea what the hell I was doing at that point. i didn't recognize Germany as a threat, because I am so used to classic, I am used to considering a power 5-6 centers away from a solo to stab.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
04 Oct 12 UTC
Germany had the map if he wanted to gain it. 100% it was his for the taking.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
well I go study the Known World Map before next time. I apoligize.

kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
04 Oct 12 UTC
apoligise for what? If anyone it is me who should apologise, I gave Germany the space to be able to expand, thinking that he would back me up against Russia. As it was he took that space and said adios to Denmark.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Read RUFFHAUS' post. He is quite adamant that my stab was the stupidest move made all game, and I am willing to trust him, a more experienced gunboaters, on that
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
In the end it worked out for you, but only because Germany decided not to take a solo that was served up for him on a silver platter. I'm not sure that you could have anticipated Germany would do this, but it worked out well for you. It's a bitter pill for the likes of Jimbo, Bozo, and me who fought to stop the solo and on the verge of success were undone by your stab.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Ruff - thanks for the comment.

I think my biggest mistake was support holding the neutral army in year 1 preventing Khazaria the build. I made a choice too quickly and I let me opening moves dictate how I would play not the other players' opening moves as I should have).

I could not understand the mvoes of Denmark this game. He completely abandoned his homeland to put in an attack against me. He needed all units to break me down and therefore he was a sitting duck. he brought us both down together. This seems to me like Germany going Barbarossa in classic and keeping after WAR and MOS while France takes his home centres.

I was happy that Ruff saw the danger of Germany and allowed me to fight by his side. I made it my mission to play with honour by his side. I wish the outcome had been better for him.

I echo some others' comments - I thought I honoured the contract and I am being told that I am not being invited back. i am waiting on a explanation from guaroz before I make any frther comments, especially those I may regret.
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
And that is a lesson for me to pay more attention to the other side of the map. I only paid attention to the fact I had him stopped in the Med with my fleets, and my only places to grow were towards Wagadu and you.

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102 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
European Laiponia EOG
5 replies
Wolfman (1230 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
Technological shut down in my town.
This has started quite a good discussion about our lifestyles and thought a Forum thread would get even more good input and open more eyes.
2 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
GAMES FOR ADOPTION! (Please read on)
Unfortunately I have exams coming up and need to revise really soon.. so I am giving away my games! Just tell me which game you would like to replace me in and I will send the game to you via the new feature..
There are some excellent games below which you could take over! Adopt a game, and don't let it succumb to civil disorder!
4 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
02 Oct 12 UTC
Fog Of War Map Flaw
Details inside

8 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
Convoy from Piedmont to Clyde
In a no-press game, Italy attempts to convoy from Piedmont to Clyde. I am France. How should I interpret this?
11 replies
KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
08 Oct 12 UTC
vDiplomacy App?
Is it possible to make a vDiplomacy App? I've heard many complaints about how hard it is to enter moves via smartphone/iPod and I was wondering if possibly a more user friendly vDiplomacy app was in thought for sometime in the future.
3 replies
While I have played many a face to face diplomacy game, I am new to the virtual realm of diplomacy. I notice you have many interesting maps here. Would anyone be interested in trying one with me? And... Bonus points to whomever recognizes my name.
12 replies
Fortress Doerr (978 D)
25 Sep 12 UTC
Extreme Personalities EOG
ended by a Russian CD, but still fun
23 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
Idea for a Tournament
Would anyone be up for a renascimento tournament where we played simultaneous games with each person playing each country in one game?
3 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Oct 12 UTC
Octopus question
If one territory is attacked by another (with the necessary support) and it is dislodged, is it able to retreat to the original territory it was attacked from?
3 replies
BigAssMofo (1003 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Newbie Questions!?!
Q#1. Can you build 2 Fleet on St.Petersburg 1 North Coast and 1 South Coast on the same Build Phase?
11 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
04 Oct 12 UTC
Can you support a unit if that unit is supporting another?
Say I want to support hold a unit that is being used to support move a different unit. Or if I want to support hold a unit that is support holding another unit. Thanks for any help
2 replies
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