A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
25 Feb 14 UTC
World War Gunboat
0 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
19 Feb 14 UTC
Need someone to take over a country for the King is Dead
Need someone to take over Italy in King is Dead. 11 SCs at the moment. Status (traitor/rebel/knight) unknown to us, Ruffhaus will have to inform you.
6 replies
I am considering trying to start a high stakes game
With a bet of 150 D perhaps. Would anyone be interested?
31 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Feb 14 UTC
new chaos game
anon, full press, 1 day phase, starts in 6.
13 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
Game of Thrones Variant (in progress)
Making my own thread (kind of hijacked the old one).
31 replies
sverige (1374 D)
19 Feb 14 UTC
New Africa Game called JEUNE AFRIQUE
1 reply
ERAUfan97 (1034 D)
04 Feb 14 UTC
anyone going to watch
the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham tonight?
8 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC
I am starting a club of sorts, with ranks modeled after the Galactic Empire
from Star Wars. We would play games together, challenge other people as a club, etc. Fun stuff. Is anyone interested? First to join gets Vice-Admiral rank.
8 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC
I am starting a league of sorts, with ranks modeled after how much value I put...
...on each of my body parts. We probably won't play games together, challenge the nerds in the Star Wars club, et al. Discriminatory stuff. If you're in, that's cool, I guess. First to join gets testicle rank.
3 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
09 Feb 14 UTC
You can now create unrated games...
In the gamecreate options you can now choose to make an unrated game instead of entering a betsize.
These games have a pot of "0", require "0" points to join, do not change any stats on your profile and are not used to calculate your vDip-Rating.
5 replies
Orka (1051 D)
15 Feb 14 UTC
A game
How do you get a game started here? I know how to make a game, but how do you get people?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Feb 14 UTC
Please join fellas! 30mins left, 3playera needed!
0 replies
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
12 Feb 14 UTC
Are there any other Pro-Capitalist Semi-Fascist Monarchists around here?
Or am I the only one?
35 replies
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
12 Feb 14 UTC
Are there any other Pro-Capitalist Semi-Fascist Monarchists around here?
Or am I the only one?
8 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
13 Dec 13 UTC
VDip has been banned. Oli should be seriously impressed.
My work's IT department has obviously noticed my excessive visiting of VDip during work time and has banned the website. Add in some boozy lunch drinks and I'm NNRing a lot more than usual. Discuss.
15 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
07 Feb 14 UTC
vSopwith III.
Veterans and newcomers welcome! our 3rd vSop game is now recruiting:
Standards rules
Join below!
21 replies
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
12 Feb 14 UTC
Are there any other Pro-Capitalist Semi-Fascist Monarchists around here?
Or am I the only one?
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
12 Feb 14 UTC
Are there any other accidentally double posted forum topics around here?
Or is this the only one?
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
27 Jan 14 UTC
New Anon WW IV Game
I'd like to start a new WW IV 6.2 game but anon.
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kikker82 (1102 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
dammit. i saw DEFIANT's post and i was like "Score!" i'ma lull them into a false sense of security on the first turn them WHAM!!! i'm gonna stop putting in orders and just go play w/ my pogs. but now seeing Mapu's post i guess i will just have to play responsibly and respectfully.

i just got a new slammer too :/
Mapu (2086 D (B))
06 Feb 14 UTC
Bozo = music to my ears. The most reliable player on the site.

I am going to leave this up for a bit as it is gaining some momentum. If any established players want to join I will put some of the brand new players on a wait list.

1. Mapu
2. bluecthulhu
3. Spartan22
4. B-RICH94
5. Dr. Recommended
6. ccga4
8. El Cremoso
9. tiger
10. y2k
11. Sendric
12. hmcclain
14. SuperAnt
15. Lackbeard
16. mfarb
17. ERAUfan97
18. Entreri
19. G-Man
20. Batbeetje45
21. Titus
22. Murcanic
23. LoveDove
24. Jonnikhan
25. ezpickins
26. Ender
27. urel
28. nesdunk14
30. Hirnsaege
31. kikker82
32. didigoose
33. bozo
Raro (1449 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
I'd play but Ruffhaus blocked me
Mapu (2086 D (B))
06 Feb 14 UTC
Seriously? I will put you down. I'd love for you to play. I am sure he will unblock you as it's anon. Or maybe he didn't really block you but said that in an argument.

1. Mapu
2. bluecthulhu
3. Spartan22
4. B-RICH94
5. Dr. Recommended
6. ccga4
8. El Cremoso
9. tiger
10. y2k
11. Sendric
12. hmcclain
14. SuperAnt
15. Lackbeard
16. mfarb
17. ERAUfan97
18. Entreri
19. G-Man
20. Batbeetje45
21. Titus
22. Murcanic
23. LoveDove
24. Jonnikhan
25. ezpickins
26. Ender
27. urel
28. nesdunk14
30. Hirnsaege
31. kikker82
32. didigoose
33. bozo
34. Raro
Raro (1449 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
k thanks Mapu.
Yeah I'm sure he just said it during one of his insult-pukes. Was kinda making a joke, though I am uncertain.
Raro (1449 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
Uncertain about being blocked, that is. I would like to play, or at least be alternate.
cypeg (2619 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
1. Mapu
2. bluecthulhu
3. Spartan22
4. B-RICH94
5. Dr. Recommended
6. ccga4
8. El Cremoso
9. tiger
10. y2k
11. Sendric
12. hmcclain
14. SuperAnt
15. Lackbeard
16. mfarb
17. ERAUfan97
18. Entreri
19. G-Man
20. Batbeetje45
21. Titus
22. Murcanic
23. LoveDove
24. Jonnikhan
25. ezpickins
26. Ender
27. urel
28. nesdunk14
30. Hirnsaege
31. kikker82
32. didigoose
33. bozo
34. Raro
35. cypeg

I gave in! damn it!
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
are you sure Raro, really unlike Ruff to block he hates that feature, stomp your nutts in the ground but not usually block.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
06 Feb 14 UTC
I just opened up three more slots. The players in the wait list have less than 100 phases or in the case of #3 too many NMRs for the # of phases played. They are on a wait list (sorry!).

1. Mapu
2. bluecthulhu
3. Spartan22
4. B-RICH94
5. Dr. Recommended
6. ccga4
8. El Cremoso
9. tiger
10. y2k
11. Sendric
12. hmcclain
14. SuperAnt
16. mfarb
18. Entreri
19. G-Man
21. Titus
22. Murcanic
23. LoveDove
24. Jonnikhan
25. ezpickins
26. Ender
27. urel
28. nesdunk14
30. Hirnsaege
31. kikker82
32. didigoose
33. bozo
34. Raro
35. cypeg

Wait List:
1. ERAUfan97
2. Lackbeard
3. Batbeetje45 (tons of NMRs)
Mapu (2086 D (B))
06 Feb 14 UTC
So four of the best wanted and we can go!
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
excellent cypeg is here, give me something to munch on!
Fischfix (976 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
I am in.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
06 Feb 14 UTC
Hi Fisch -- you may join the wait list since you are so new. Thanks!
Mapu (2086 D (B))
06 Feb 14 UTC
Apologies. Batbeetje should not be on the wait list. I misread the number of phases he has played. Updated list -- only 3 spots left:

1. Mapu
2. bluecthulhu
3. Spartan22
4. B-RICH94
5. Dr. Recommended
6. ccga4
8. El Cremoso
9. tiger
10. y2k
11. Sendric
12. hmcclain
14. SuperAnt
15. Batbeetje45
16. mfarb
18. Entreri
19. G-Man
21. Titus
22. Murcanic
23. LoveDove
24. Jonnikhan
25. ezpickins
26. Ender
27. urel
28. nesdunk14
30. Hirnsaege
31. kikker82
32. didigoose
33. bozo
34. Raro
35. cypeg

Wait List:
1. ERAUfan97
2. Lackbeard
3. Fischfix
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
I have not blocked anyone yet, so for the purposes of this game I will not object to him signing up. I did suggest that I'd block Raro, and for very good reasons. In addition to my personal concerns about his ability to play a game without grudges, he just got through an NMR fest, which he blamed on the other player in the game. And then as a final FU to everyone he held up the game with his ) supply center "saved" retreat. Then he has the gall to act like he did nothing wrong. He can't even apologize for playing like a punk. I guess I'll give him a pass (again), but it's against my better judgement.
G-Man (2516 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
Can we get Retillion instead?...just kidding, just kidding -- that's a joke son!
DEFIANT (1311 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
wouldn't this be great if raro and ruffhaus were allies in this game and didn't know it until the end. damn that would be funny.

Raro see if you can stay in this game, this time, longer then the nmr'ing rookies. :}
LakersFan (1373 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
I'd be willing to join. Thanks!
Mapu (2086 D (B))
07 Feb 14 UTC
On mobile add your name to a blank spot on the list. Thanks!
LakersFan (1373 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
1. Mapu
2. bluecthulhu
3. Spartan22
4. B-RICH94
5. Dr. Recommended
6. ccga4
8. El Cremoso
9. tiger
10. y2k
11. Sendric
12. hmcclain
14. SuperAnt
15. Batbeetje45
16. mfarb
17. LakersFan
18. Entreri
19. G-Man
21. Titus
22. Murcanic
23. LoveDove
24. Jonnikhan
25. ezpickins
26. Ender
27. urel
28. nesdunk14
30. Hirnsaege
31. kikker82
32. didigoose
33. bozo
34. Raro
35. cypeg

Wait List:
1. ERAUfan97
2. Lackbeard
3. Fischfix
Raro (1449 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
Ruffhaus you loser, please stop slandering me like you so often do. I've done nothing for you to question my ability to play a fair and clean game. I'm as courteous and fair as can be, the only way my gameplay differs from yours is my reluctance to use foul words. I never blamed my nmr on anyone else besides myself, I only said I was disappointed that I didn't receive enough votes because mine was a good reason for extend. I can't wait to waste you in this game. It won't be hard to figure out who you are- the first one to spill the words "cheesedick" or "cunt".
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
if in doubt about the wait list, i'd vote for Fischfix. we had played games on facebook-diplomacy long ago, and i invited him over to this site as he wanted to play one of those big world maps instead of classic, so i can somewhat stand in for his reliability. (hope that's not too much meta, but as the game will be anonymeous and we don't communicate off-site, it could be okay?)
ERAUfan97 (1034 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
waiting list really? ive played on WebDiplomacy and have NEVER missed a phase. until these next 4 days because of vacation :(
I'll be 20, if the spot is still open.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
07 Feb 14 UTC
Okay the game is full! Joe1966 (another top player with impeccable reliability) PM'ed me. And ERAUfan97 gets the last spot. If anyone NMRs on builds (rule 3 of the map) or wants to drop out now we will go to the wait list. 48 hour phase, anon, WTA, 100 center winning condition (the default). Please -- NO NMRs -- making moves only takes 5-10 minutes for the first several years of the game and with the 48 hour phases it really should not be an issue. I'll create the game over the weekend and send out the password. Good luck and thank you!

1. Mapu
2. bluecthulhu
3. Spartan22
4. B-RICH94
5. Dr. Recommended
6. ccga4
8. El Cremoso
9. tiger
10. y2k
11. Sendric
12. hmcclain
14. SuperAnt
15. Batbeetje45
16. mfarb
17. LakersFan
18. Entreri
19. G-Man
20. ERAUfan97
21. Titus
22. Murcanic
23. LoveDove
24. Jonnikhan
25. ezpickins
26. Ender
27. urel
28. nesdunk14
30. Hirnsaege
31. kikker82
32. didigoose
33. bozo
34. Raro
35. cypeg
36. Joe1966
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
Raro, we've been over this before, and you still don't understand the meaning of the word slander. Slander implies false accusations. In spite of the colorful language that I may use (after you take it there I might add) nothing I've said about you is false.

We need look no further than your last post, where you just admitted publically to the very thing that concerns me the most about you. You're a crossgamer. Crossgaming is cheating. Unless you're prepared to withdraw that threat to identify me in the game and wage a grudge against me non-game reasons, then I will block you as I considered before because you have again openly admitted that you paly across games. You should be banned as a player for that admission, but the mods here do not have the balls to prevent cheating. And while I signed up for this game first, I doubt that you would have the class to recognize that, and step aside. You're simply not mature enough to play without holding grudges. Do us all a favor and sit this one out.
B-RICH94 (1859 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
Mapu, would you mind raising the victory condition? 100 is much better than the 50 default on the old map, but in my opinion raising it even more would make for a far better game. Of course if no one else shares this opinion I'll be more than happy keeping it at 100.
Raro (1449 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
take it easy, Ruffhaus. Surely you can spot a joke or some harmless trash-talking. Unless you're really really scared of me, you should lighten up- and stop slandering me. I'm not a cross-gamer and you damn well know it. I think it is you who holds grudges, since you scrutinize every movement of my mousepad and every word that I type, waiting for a chance to bludgeon me with your insult-pukes and unfounded accusations.
mfarb (1338 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
So now that it's full, will the game be created? Or has it already been created? Did I miss the link somewhere? Or are we too busy worrying about who doesn't want to play with who? I thought it was anon so it wouldn't matter right? Let's play! (Cause I just got destroyed in my last game)
Mapu (2086 D (B))
07 Feb 14 UTC
It was up above:

48 hour phase, anon, WTA, 100 center winning condition (the default). Please -- NO NMRs -- making moves only takes 5-10 minutes for the first several years of the game and with the 48 hour phases it really should not be an issue. I'll create the game over the weekend and send out the password. Good luck and thank you!

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113 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
11 Feb 14 UTC
Double trouble
gameID=18197 Two layer Variant. Need players
1 reply
taylor4 (936 D)
08 Feb 14 UTC
Diplomacy's swear weird practice
A USA diplomat is on YouTube saying on the Telephone to another USA diplomat, "F --k the EU". (European Union. Do VDip game players shun others who indulge in rude speech, chatbox Global or 2-way. The German chancellor is angered by this f-word incident, while the perpetrator so far kept her job and dismissed the telephone intercept as great "tradecraft" (her word). Up the EU, anyone? Bruxelles à bas?
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Feb 14 UTC
Fill this slot
gameID=14692 WWII game
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
10 Feb 14 UTC
New arrival
Hey all, Im new here after a webdip friend recommended. Looking to get phases and RR up. Mind joining me in a beginner game: gameID=18194
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
05 Feb 14 UTC
it would be wicked sweet if thirteen players joined this gunboat anon ww4.2 game!
11 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
A better debate than webdip
Evolution or creation? Better debate than that on webdiplomacy.
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
gameID=17755 six more!
0 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
21 Jan 14 UTC
Redesign of the frontend?
Me and some graphics and userinterface designer friends are playing diplomacy with great joy on this site. while playing, discussion came on the frontend of the site (that is user interface design, graphics design, html and css) ...
53 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
How about that Seahawks parade
Anybody get a chance to take a look at it? Passed right outside my job and I went out there. Over 700k fans came out to support.
1 reply
Chaqa (1586 D)
13 Dec 13 UTC
The King is Dead - Revised and Variant
Game ID: gameID=17263
PM me for the password
Rules to follow
17 replies
Tomahaha (1170 D)
24 Jan 14 UTC
Large World Game ...with Nukes!
I designed a large somewhat current world power game that is very unbalanced and very crazy towards the games end (nukes start to fly all over the place). Somehow it works out in the end (if you survive that is) by way of a political aspect of the game (a voting procedure that can't be ignored).

53 replies
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