A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
25 Feb 14 UTC
World War Gunboat
0 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
19 Feb 14 UTC
Need someone to take over a country for the King is Dead
Need someone to take over Italy in King is Dead. 11 SCs at the moment. Status (traitor/rebel/knight) unknown to us, Ruffhaus will have to inform you.
6 replies
I am considering trying to start a high stakes game
With a bet of 150 D perhaps. Would anyone be interested?
31 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Feb 14 UTC
new chaos game
anon, full press, 1 day phase, starts in 6.
13 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
Game of Thrones Variant (in progress)
Making my own thread (kind of hijacked the old one).
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
Current version (still being finished):

Black areas are impassable (mountains or the Neck)

Fleets can move up The Rills to reach Torrhen's Square

Neutral standing armies in the Dreadfort and the Twins.

I plan on there being a few variants of it:
- A 1v1 of Robert's Rebellion
- A standard 9 player set before the Rebellion
- War of the 5 Kings
- Post War of the 5 Kings (Dance With Dragons time period or so)
steephie22 (933 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
Isn't making this thread like buying a plane while you just hijacked one?
Evil Minion (967 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
Is the map supposed to be build anywhere/fleet-army-switch?

We did a playtest with this one (via e-mail, 1.32 version):

A major problem for the Stark player was getting engaged in the south because of a combination of lack of fleets and the Neck which was blocking army movement.

Your map includes even more impassable areas (not sure why there is one in the stormlands) so the whole movement is even more restrictive.

Aside from tricky geography Westeros maps have two more problems:
1) Because of IP rights it's very difficult to test them sufficiently:
Our e-mail test went very slowly and a lot of players dropped out. Hosting it on popular sides like this one could provide data but might cause trouble.
2) Lore-friendly enemies/foes without tons of special rules.
The biggest offender is House Stark. House Tully is blocking the landway to the south and fleets can't pass from the Narrow Sea to the Sunset Sea or vice versa. So you are tempted to ally yourself with Arryn or Greyjoy - you can't take on both at the same time. But then your only valid target (common enemy) is House Tully - which is hardly lore friendly.
The version I made while less lore friendly worked well when I tested it with my friends. Fewer impassable areas and more balanced starting positions.
Chaqa (1586 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
The black areas in the reach represent the mountains of the Dornish Marches.

Anyway in the main scenario, the same player would control the Stark and Tully land
I think that it's going to be very difficult to make a balanced map out of this variant. Have you thought of expanding it to include the Free Cities? The map would be huge at that point, but it would balance out some of the powers that are currently OP - House Stark, Dorne and House Arryn.
Chaqa (1586 D)
21 Jan 14 UTC
Here's an updated version:
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
21 Jan 14 UTC
Just as a suggestion I think that there is a way to work within the theme/setting to enhance the playability of the variant with some realistic Westeros political drama. The maps that I've seen using up to four SCs for starting positions create an instantly crowded map and drive the direction of the game. You might consider giving each major house a standing unit (army/fleet as applicable) and their *choice* of one loyal bannerman within their territory. The remaining bannermen would need to be rallied by a visit from forces from their liege lord. This would allow for optimal flexibility in the dynamics of the game and negotiations, and for houses to go to war before acquiring all of their bannermen SCs.

For example Stark starts with an army in Winterfell, but has a choice between a fleet in Deepwood Motte, White Harbor, or another army at Moat Calin. Difficult choices to be sure, but also great opportunities.
Chaqa (1586 D)
21 Jan 14 UTC
The idea for the scenario I'm working on now is at the beginning of the War of the Five Kings. The Lannisters will already be on alert (as they were in the books, invading the Riverlands in the middle-end of Book 1), which is why they will start with armies already in the Golden Tooth, Casterly Rock, Crakehall, and King's Landing. This will allow the Lannisters to quickly overrun the Riverlands. The North will have to decide between quickly rallying to the south to help the Tullys, or marshalling more strength before marching south.

The King in the Reach will have access to a large army, since Renly had upwards of 100,000 troops at his disposal. The fleet on the Arbor will be a neutral navy though, since the Lannisters held the Redwyne twins hostage.

The fleets of Storm's End will be for Stannis, along with the fleets of the Crownlands. Stannis will also have the mercenary pirates I talked about.
You could just invoke the Greece diplomacy rules. Everyone begins with only their capitals and must bid for smaller houses to support them.
So you have say, 3-4 bids on supply centres (small houses and King's Landing can be bid on), you can choose whichever ones you like, putting as many as you want on a single centre, if you feel the need. Whoever bids the highest on each centre gets it, all ties result in a neutral territory, and bids from ties and losses are essentially lost.
Chaqa (1586 D)
13 Feb 14 UTC
Haven't updated in awhile.

Just posting my latest. The Reach, Dorne, and the Iron Islands are all finished (at least in this first version).
GoT is such a passionate discussion point for so many people. Bear this in mind Chaqa when developing. You'll get lots of people's opinions on how it should ideally work. Personally I think while I'd dearly love to play the map, it will never faithfully translate to Dip seamlessly. But then again miracles bigger than that have occurred in creating variants. Good luck!
Chaqa (1586 D)
13 Feb 14 UTC
Oh, I've been working on some different ideas. I think it could work best as a SRG. I might even have to add a secondary area like the Economy Variant has.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
13 Feb 14 UTC
Whats this big king's landing territory?
Chaqa (1586 D)
14 Feb 14 UTC
I haven't divided it up yet. I'm working on that now. There will be several SCs in there, mostly on the coast/islands (the Stannis supporters).
Chaqa (1586 D)
14 Feb 14 UTC
Chaqa (1586 D)
14 Feb 14 UTC
A few things:
1. There will be a "hidden army" of sorts that represents the King's Landing City Watch. This unit will always support hold the army/fleet in King's Landing, effectively doubling its strength. This makes capturing King's Landing very difficult. Other castles may get this bonus too (off the top of my head, Storm's End and Winterfell would be the ones). If I do this to those others, KL may get two. Uncertain as of yet.
2. The Wall and the Northern Mountains are present as territories, but will be impassable in all variants except the Dance with Dragons variant (you'll know why, if you've read).

For the War of the 5 Kings variant:
The Arbor will be a neutral SC with a standing fleet that has to be overcome. This is to represent the status of the Redwynes during the W5K.

The Shield Islands will have an army (and since it's an island, it can't move to any of the surrounding areas without a convoy).

The Iron Islands' units will be special if possible, where they can move anywhere (land or sea).

Mercenary company bidding may be a thing.

There will be a LOT of playtesting required. Hell, I may even add Essos at some point.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
14 Feb 14 UTC
Is Essos the eastern continent where Daenerys is marching around?
Chaqa (1586 D)
14 Feb 14 UTC
Correct. That would be a very big time commitment though, so I would say it's unlikely to happen.
Chaqa (1586 D)
15 Feb 14 UTC
Chaqa (1586 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC

Been focusing on naval regions and Essos. Thoughts?
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
18 Feb 14 UTC
navigable rivers?
Chaqa (1586 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC
As of now, I only plan on having two rivers be navigable. The first is the Mander (which flows into Highgarden, in the Reach) and the Rhoyne (flowing north from Volantis).
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC
Those are good choices, but wouldn't the river flowing from the Riverlands also be appropriate?
Chaqa (1586 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC
I was thinking about it, but the Trident being navigable (as in fleets sailing up it) wasn't really addressed in the books at all. I'll look into it again, though.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC
The Trident, that's it! It's never made clear that Tully has Ocean going ships or not, but they clearly had river based forces of some considerable nature. I think it would add some interesting playability that ties in with the Westeros setting and gives the Tully/Riverlands faction some added relevance and perhaps influence/power. I'd dabbled in creating a variant for PBEM play before and thought that it would be interesting to add a semi-unique geographic feature to each power
Chaqa (1586 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC
If I did make it navigable, you would likely be able to sail from Maidenpool to The Trident, and from there to The Twins or Riverrun. I know the Riverlands have some ocean vessels, at Seagard, but mostly river vessels I think.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
19 Feb 14 UTC
You can easily give Seagard coasts, 1 river coast and 1 sea coast...
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
19 Feb 14 UTC
thought you might like this:
Chaqa (1586 D)
19 Feb 14 UTC

Same map as I've been using. Seagard doesn't connect to the Trident because the rivers that it has in it are like streams, not deep enough for more than a little rowboat.

31 replies
sverige (1374 D)
19 Feb 14 UTC
New Africa Game called JEUNE AFRIQUE
1 reply
ERAUfan97 (1034 D)
04 Feb 14 UTC
anyone going to watch
the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham tonight?
8 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC
I am starting a club of sorts, with ranks modeled after the Galactic Empire
from Star Wars. We would play games together, challenge other people as a club, etc. Fun stuff. Is anyone interested? First to join gets Vice-Admiral rank.
8 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
18 Feb 14 UTC
I am starting a league of sorts, with ranks modeled after how much value I put...
...on each of my body parts. We probably won't play games together, challenge the nerds in the Star Wars club, et al. Discriminatory stuff. If you're in, that's cool, I guess. First to join gets testicle rank.
3 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
09 Feb 14 UTC
You can now create unrated games...
In the gamecreate options you can now choose to make an unrated game instead of entering a betsize.
These games have a pot of "0", require "0" points to join, do not change any stats on your profile and are not used to calculate your vDip-Rating.
5 replies
Orka (1051 D)
15 Feb 14 UTC
A game
How do you get a game started here? I know how to make a game, but how do you get people?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Feb 14 UTC
Please join fellas! 30mins left, 3playera needed!
0 replies
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
12 Feb 14 UTC
Are there any other Pro-Capitalist Semi-Fascist Monarchists around here?
Or am I the only one?
35 replies
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
12 Feb 14 UTC
Are there any other Pro-Capitalist Semi-Fascist Monarchists around here?
Or am I the only one?
8 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
13 Dec 13 UTC
VDip has been banned. Oli should be seriously impressed.
My work's IT department has obviously noticed my excessive visiting of VDip during work time and has banned the website. Add in some boozy lunch drinks and I'm NNRing a lot more than usual. Discuss.
15 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
07 Feb 14 UTC
vSopwith III.
Veterans and newcomers welcome! our 3rd vSop game is now recruiting:
Standards rules
Join below!
21 replies
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
12 Feb 14 UTC
Are there any other Pro-Capitalist Semi-Fascist Monarchists around here?
Or am I the only one?
0 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
12 Feb 14 UTC
Are there any other accidentally double posted forum topics around here?
Or is this the only one?
0 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
27 Jan 14 UTC
New Anon WW IV Game
I'd like to start a new WW IV 6.2 game but anon.
113 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
11 Feb 14 UTC
Double trouble
gameID=18197 Two layer Variant. Need players
1 reply
taylor4 (936 D)
08 Feb 14 UTC
Diplomacy's swear weird practice
A USA diplomat is on YouTube saying on the Telephone to another USA diplomat, "F --k the EU". (European Union. Do VDip game players shun others who indulge in rude speech, chatbox Global or 2-way. The German chancellor is angered by this f-word incident, while the perpetrator so far kept her job and dismissed the telephone intercept as great "tradecraft" (her word). Up the EU, anyone? Bruxelles à bas?
11 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Feb 14 UTC
Fill this slot
gameID=14692 WWII game
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
10 Feb 14 UTC
New arrival
Hey all, Im new here after a webdip friend recommended. Looking to get phases and RR up. Mind joining me in a beginner game: gameID=18194
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
05 Feb 14 UTC
it would be wicked sweet if thirteen players joined this gunboat anon ww4.2 game!
11 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
A better debate than webdip
Evolution or creation? Better debate than that on webdiplomacy.
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Feb 14 UTC
gameID=17755 six more!
0 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
21 Jan 14 UTC
Redesign of the frontend?
Me and some graphics and userinterface designer friends are playing diplomacy with great joy on this site. while playing, discussion came on the frontend of the site (that is user interface design, graphics design, html and css) ...
53 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
06 Feb 14 UTC
How about that Seahawks parade
Anybody get a chance to take a look at it? Passed right outside my job and I went out there. Over 700k fans came out to support.
1 reply
Chaqa (1586 D)
13 Dec 13 UTC
The King is Dead - Revised and Variant
Game ID: gameID=17263
PM me for the password
Rules to follow
17 replies
Tomahaha (1170 D)
24 Jan 14 UTC
Large World Game ...with Nukes!
I designed a large somewhat current world power game that is very unbalanced and very crazy towards the games end (nukes start to fly all over the place). Somehow it works out in the end (if you survive that is) by way of a political aspect of the game (a voting procedure that can't be ignored).

53 replies
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