A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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^__^ (1003 D)
12 Mar 14 UTC
live game: classic map
there has never been a live game on the classic map on this site. i'm kind of wanting to start one. would anyone be interesed in joining?
41 replies
Anon (?? D)
22 Mar 14 UTC
Spring 01 Gobble replacement

This game hasn't started yet, but France NMR'd for spring 01 so we need a replacement. Since this is gobble earth, France has territory all over the map. It'd be good to get a replacement and you won't start at any disadvantage.
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Mar 14 UTC
Join the next Chaos - Public Press game.
This type of game is the most chaotic out there, with every turn being a surprise.
3 replies
Wiesl (1079 D)
21 Mar 14 UTC
I cant find the Westeros-map, where is it?
1 reply
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
20 Mar 14 UTC
New take on Modern Diplomacy variant
Anyone notice...
2 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
18 Mar 14 UTC
New Variants
How does one make a new variant?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 Mar 14 UTC
Premature Draw! Crazy Classic 34P Game
see below
9 replies
The Ambassador (2241 D (B))
16 Mar 14 UTC
Was VDip down over the weekend?
I tried over and over again and the site was done from multiple devices and browsers. Now it seems I've missed turns in 2 games. Anyone else with the same problem?
13 replies
Lackbeard (966 D)
17 Mar 14 UTC
Quick live
Just looking for a quick 1 v 1 live game :) gameID=18726
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Science! (880 D)
17 Feb 14 UTC
Question About American Conflict Variant
Are the 'notionally held' SCs essentially normal neutral SCs? For example, if I'm England and I occupy Calgary, do I get a build? Can you build in notionally held SCs?
6 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
05 Dec 13 UTC
On the subject of CYOC and anonymity..
Some input is needed....
16 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
14 Mar 14 UTC
Map idea
I was sitting home and I thought "it might be possible to make a 1 vs 1 map about mejirestaration"
16 replies
XII (1114 D)
22 Dec 13 UTC
Map Colonial Diplomacy
This map does not use the Trans-Siberian Railway rule. The GM create it want the map more beautiful ?
10 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
11 Mar 14 UTC
New stat CDs / NMRs takeovers.
This thread is for discussion about a new CD / takeover stat.
19 replies
Safari (1530 D)
12 Mar 14 UTC
2 Players Needed for Gunboat Test Game
Hi everyone, I'm setting up a gunboat to test the balance of my map Atlantic Colonies. It's in the stage of testing the final balance, and it's a rather different map, so come play and have fun! It's 1 day 12 hour phases.
(It's on the lab, so just clicking on the game ID won't work--you have to copy the whole URL).
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Mar 14 UTC
Anyone interested in taking over Austria on a FGA map? It's currently winning but I lost interest in playing. Please contact- atlas
4 replies
Lotte di potere sotto il grande Regno di Mairo
Anyone has the password pls PM me so i can take over
0 replies
Retillion (2304 D (B))
09 Mar 14 UTC
Integrity ?
I have just seen, in the players' profile, the new statistics called "integrity".
30 replies
Anon (?? D)
11 Mar 14 UTC
Subs start phase Gobble
I was asked to advertise that
Two subs needed for a new Gobble game.
0 replies
Tournament Replacements Needed
There's a current opening we need filled, with plenty of time left in the round to advance. I'd love to have 2-3 players willing to be backups as well. See thread: Dr. Recommended's Travelling Medicine Show
0 replies
Devonian (1887 D)
09 Mar 14 UTC
Why are non-anon games not displaying names prior to starting?
The past few non-anon games I have started started are don't display the players during the pre-game portion. But, I notice some games sill display the players.

I would prefer that players knew who the were going to play before joining. How do I disable the pre-game anon feature when I create a game?
0 replies
y2kjbk (1512 D)
09 Mar 14 UTC
Error joining games
Throwing "undefined variable: maxGames" whenever I try to join a game. Bug I assume? Hopefully can be resolved quickly, I assume I"m not the only one affected.
3 replies
DEFIANT (1311 D)
04 Mar 14 UTC
Putin Schooling Barry in Diplomacy
Who would like to take on Putin in Diplomacy? He has schooled the leader of the free world, Barry Obama, already three times, Snowden, Syria and now in Ukraine. Putin would a very formidable Diplomacy player, at least he is showing it in the real world.
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DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
no they don't look it up, they are heavy into grants.

160000 chemists, yea and at one time the earth was flat.

Don't forget I also have history on my side, you don't, you have some non proven theory on your side. hmmmmmm
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
And I imagine that green chemistry is about producing nontoxic chemicals, nothing really to do with this global warming discussion.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
So why is it "peer reviewed science" fails miserably in every one of their modles? And why is it these "peers" are only those who already toe the company line? Any who dare oppose are ridiculed and info is kept from them. Science is supposed to embrace questioning, please explain why any and all who DARE question global warming are shut out...that is if this truly is peer reviewed and not simply "buddy reviewed", You have also failed to acknowledge the many examples of hiding and fibbing about data, you have failed to acknowledge the massive funding these agencies receive ONLY if global warming is a threat. Am I asking you to ignore their findings simply because they have an agenda? Nope, that wouldn't be scientific would it? Yet you ask us to ignore any who have a possible agenda that does not agree with your own. Yes, they should be questioned, again, that's science!
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
Of course they should be questioned!
At what point, however, does the statistical weight of enough respected scientists overwhelm some ant-leftist bias of your own? How many more perfectly sound organizations need be added to that list before you relent?

Obviously, peer review is not perfect and it is a CONSTANT debate within the scientific community on how to make it better and how to remove biases.

Dismissing the whole institution without a replacement seems foolish
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
blu, cmon, if someone can say global warming is cause by fossil fuels, christ do I really need to spell this out for you, i think you have been looking with a beaker too long.
if you can say global warming is because of fossil fuels, then you can say the new importance of green energy and guess what, here come the grants.
I hope you got high grades in chemistry because you suck at connect the dots.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
Here is the link to the Green Chemistry Grant. It is one paltry $50000 grant for studying transition-metal catalyzed silane reductions. I connected the dots right into a brick wall having absolutely nothing to do with some shady conspiracy, just boring chemistry.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
when things like this don't screw up all your models:
Again it is arrogant to think we can change this planet on any significant scale.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
blu, it doesn't matter the size, it's the same all over the more I try to prove fossil fuels are bad the more money I get, that's the point. and you 50,000 will grow if these guys lie about some stats and they will get more grants, like that doesn't happen, that would be very naive.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
I would say that data falsification happens but much more rarely than you think. Other scientists would love nothing more to pounce upon shitty data getting their own publication bashing the fraudulent group. That is how science works!
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
you know what with all your "data" being debunked damn near daily, I will believe you when I see palm trees in my back yard here in wisconsin, fair enough?
Tomahaha (1170 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
and this warming is due to man burning fossil fuels, no doubt about it!
But why have we had past warming spells and past ice ages? Why did we have a long warming trend way back in the middle ages? Burning fossil fuels then as well?
You can conveniently look beyond HISTORY and blame it ALL on man, I will side with history on my side.

Oh, and how about the fact that, based on past trends, we are over due for another ice age? Maybe we are thwarting a REAL tragedy huh?
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
Sounds good! I personally don't have much interest in this anyway...
I'm a biochemist by trade and think about saving the world from antibiotic resistant bacteria. It is wonderfully nonpolitical (that is not really true. the government seriously needs to initiate a Manhattan Project size endeavor to tackle these scary micro critters soon or here come the four horsemen)
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
That was for Defiant.
Why does it have to be history OR man? Can't it be that there were natural cycles that have been sent out of whack by all of the greenhouse emissions and crazy free radicals pumped out into the air?
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
now that I agree with you, I don't like to hear that ther is another super bug that is drug resistant, those little bastards will kill us before an global warming problem.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
and yes, it's cold in Wisconsin.
Let's assume this warming is due to man.
OK, we have been spewing more and more of this crap yet it's a colder than normal winter in Wisconsin. If it's supposed to be warming, why is it for what 20-30 years now we are STILL setting record cold temps? When does it start making no sense?

Try this, put a pot of water on your stove,
the heat underneath continues to heat the water and it gets warmer and warmer and warmer. It doesn't get warmer, then colder, then a bit warmer, then after 5 minutes get record cold. It's continuous, yes the earth will have many more variations, I get that. But over several DECADES, why are we STILL setting record cold temps? And why is it every single climate model has failed miserably? Every one has failed and the common sense involved is ignored. But I'm too much a simpleton, warming to me means it's getting warmer, warming to the alarmists means it's sometimes getting warmer and sometimes getting colder and sometimes ???
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
no blue, it can't be that because you haven't proven that they are pushing us out of whack as you say, it is just natural, just he way it is.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
Tom: here is my simple knowledge on the matter.

1) Global warming reduces arctic ice caps
2) The loss of ice reduces the cold sink for thermal convection channles in the Atlantic Ocean
3) Warm water from the equator is no longer driven up north to warm the northern USA
4) Ice age results from global warming

Now, that is ridiculously simplistic and localized to the Atlantic but imagine if 50 more of these type of disruptions were occurring. Warm air going here causes cold air going there which causes a butterfly to explode across the globe...
Tomahaha (1170 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
But the Antarctic has grown?
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
ahhh buddy, the ice caps in the arctic have increased this year as well as the cold.
yet another debunk?
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
Arctic, not Antarctic.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
i said arctic.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
Like I said, it is a simplistic model and most likely part of some bigger system.
But, I also admit that the science and modeling is way beyond me and that really is the point isn't it?

What do you do when the science is so complex that the margin between the knowledge of the lay person (myself included when it comes to global warming) and the knowledge of the expert get's too vast? There is a point when trust is needed or else all science and progress is thrown out the window.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
I was talking to Tom about Antarctic
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
Anyway, fun talk! I need to get out of here for the present...
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
the problem is blu, you are trying to predict something that really is unpredictable. To my point the planet is so vast it adjusts itself. you know more co2 in the air, what feeds on co2, plantlife so more plants thus moving to keep the co2 more stable. IMO, no model can ever predict with accuracy because of wa too many variables. just when you think global warming is cooling down, now the sunspots get hotter for five years, there is so much shit and it can't be predicted.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
goodnight blu
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
Hey again! The earth certainly is a very complex system and you are possibly correct, that no model will accuarately portray all of its details.

Two things however.
Firstly, there may be a point where the model may not be perfect but it is close enough and demonstrates enough predictive power to be of real economic and social utility. Secondly, in these days of big data and Watson-like specialized artificial intelligence, I wouldn't put it past one of these statistical software platforms to be able to accurately predict better than any model made by humans. The problem will be that while it will work to some "good enough" degree, there will be no intuitive model for humans to understand and learn from (think of google translate for instance which has no real model for grammar or language but by the brute force of statistics and enough data is able to provide some very real translation value - whether this language expertise ever gets to the level of an expert poet by statistics is a very open question)
G-Man (2466 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
Defiant: On Benghazi, are you saying you know more than the last few Secretaries of Defense? And if what you say were correct, do you really think the current administration would purposely not respond? And articles and expert testimony are credible evidence for making an informed opinion and gaining knowledge, why would you throw that out? You are basically saying our military is the most advanced in the world and should be able to handle the situation, and if someone disagrees with your opinion, then they're not a thinking person. But that's just not the case according the last few heads of national security.

And I've read Heritage Foundation articles my Republican friends send me as well as Krauthammer, and I think they're way off base on the environment. Scientific organizations and peer-reviewed science is not leftist, it's science! Conservatives and people of all political leanings from all over the world contribute to them too! And all these American scientific organizations worked for Bush Jr., Bush Sr., Reagan... too, so why would they have been saying the same thing then that they are now? (See atmospheric scientist James Hansen's testimony before Congress in 1989. Not only has what he said come to bear, but it's come much faster than scientists originally thought.)

Your whole argument is that there's a conspiracy and the evidence is falsified, and yet the evidence just continues to accumulate. You can't fake what's going on in all the temperature readings in the world, the melting of the Arctic, Greenland, and ice sheets, rising sea levels, increasing acidity in the ocean... You are just so planted in your position, you refuse to see what's actually happening. I don't know why you think man can't affect nature, perhaps it's religious reasons, but you really couldn't be more wrong. We are completely transforming the planet in many ways.

And anything with the word European in it is liberal, really? That is really far out on the conspiracy level and makes no sense considering all the conservative factions in Europe. Further, all these other media organization that do not agree with the Heritage Foundation are not necessarily leftist either, there's a whole world out there beyond the Heritage Foundation.

Gates: Some Benghazi Critics Have "Cartoonish" View of Military Capability
CBS News
Jake Miller
May 12, 2013

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates forcefully defended the Obama administration on Sunday against charges that it did not do enough to prevent the tragedy in Benghazi, telling CBS' "Face the Nation" that some critics of the administration have a "cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces."

Gates, a Republican who was appointed by then-President George W. Bush in 2006 and agreed to stay through more than two years of President Obama's first term, repeatedly declined to criticize the policymakers who devised a response to the September 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.

"Frankly, had I been in the job at the time, I think my decisions would have been just as theirs were," said Gates, now the chancellor of the College of William and Mary.

"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible." he explained.

Suggestions that we could have flown a fighter jet over the attackers to "scare them with the noise or something," Gates said, ignored the "number of surface to air missiles that have disappeared from [former Libyan leader] Qaddafi's arsenals."

"I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft, over Benghazi under those circumstances," he said....

Tomahaha: Climate models are also based on evidence and have continually told the same story, each decade is hotter than the last:

And peers are from universities, businesses, and governments from all over the world. It's silly to say they are towing the company line, particularly when this process has worked so well for so many areas of science for hundreds of years. Just as you would have someone who knows something about a jet do a safety check on a jet, this is no different. And the person checking the jet may in fact be working for a competitor of the person making or flying the jet. Believe me, you wouldn't want a novice doing a safety check on a jet.

And no one is ridiculing people because they are simply opposed to them, they are saying that the opposition does not have the evidence to overturn the findings of established climate measurements and science. Trying to discredit and cast doubt continually on various results or funding that comes from multiple universities, businesses, governments... in multiple countries throughout the world simply does not discount the body of evidence that backs up what we are seeing in the climate. You are using the same arguments the tobacco companies used for so long to cast doubt on the scientific evidence that nicotine can cause cancer.

And just because there was warming in the past, mostly over thousands or millions of years or due to cataclysmic events, like super volcano eruptions and asteroids hitting the Earth, doesn't mean that we aren't rapidly warming the Earth up over the course of decades to a point that could lead to a mass extinction event in a very short amount of time. And see the Hansen quote in my last post about why warming is not linear and why extreme weather of all types is to be expected. As for the Antarctic, land ice is melting, falling into the ocean, and accelerating the growth of sea ice... for now. See this PBS article if you want to learn more:
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
06 Mar 14 UTC
I found this guy of interest:
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
06 Mar 14 UTC
To think that Science is in the truth business is fairly ridiculous. To believe that Science is not politicized everyday is terribly naive. To think that Scientists do not oftentimes behave like cult members is to have not met and interacted with Scientists. I will always be skeptical of climate science given my background in mathematical modelling and knowing how easy such methodologies are driven by framework assumptions. One of the first large "blackbox"-ish models I ever played around with was one of the climate models and it spit out "global warming" no matter what I put in the other side. I also will always remember being told as a child by Dr. Neil Frank that "climate science" had in his opinion ceased to be Science. He judged his profession to have degenerated in to little more than a series of revival meetings immune to any alternative views. While I am a social scientist rather than a physical scientist, I have in the last year witnessed a major government agency fire a highly regarded Scientist because of his resistance to the politicization of "disinterested" research. The bureaucrats in charge overruled two Nobel Prize Winners who attempted to intervene and both were threatened with having their research appointments ended. In one case, the well regarded wife of one of the Nobel Laureates was brought up as being a discretionary appointment on a year-to-year basis. Her husband is arguably the most well regarded person in his field and he was told to shut up by the policy paymasters within the bureaucracy. So I somewhat scoff at the image of disinterested Science arriving at conclusions as the "fact" lead them.

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Hirnsaege (1903 D)
09 Mar 14 UTC
Cutting unit dislodged – does the cut work anyway?
A question about game mechanics details:
given that a unit A1 should cut a support of enemy unit B1.
Enemy Units B2 and B3 attack and dislodge A1.
Will the cut on B1 still be in effect or is it cancelled?
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
08 Mar 14 UTC
WWIV game needs replacement player~
gameID=18186 One year has passed and Iran has left the game. He was doing well and simply left us high and dry. We need a replacement!
5 replies
diatarn_iv (1458 D)
06 Mar 14 UTC
How to donate
I could not find a page describing how to donate money to the site.
OTOH, I see some users did donate.. so, how do you do it?
3 replies
Alphonse_Z (915 D)
08 Mar 14 UTC
37 Days on BBC two
I'm looking forward to it, a 3 part mini-series on the "July Crisis" airing March 6th thru 8th.Tune in to brush up on your backstabbing skillz!
0 replies
tricky (1005 D)
07 Mar 14 UTC
New game!

48 minutes until start!
0 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Apr 13 UTC
Variant Diplomacy World Cup
On the topic of tournaments. I would like to propose a vdip world cup.
477 replies
rokakoma (969 D)
04 Mar 14 UTC
How to make a new map - 101
Hi guys, could somebody write me a brief summary about how to design/create a new map? Where to start (programs, etc)?
12 replies
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