A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
16 Jun 11 UTC
Best of the best game
Hi all - To allow for the necessary argy-bargy/discussion about what variant to play (I'm guessing a month of back and forth banter), I'd like to suggest a best of the best game with a buy-in of around 120. Any interest?
89 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
11 Jul 11 UTC
I've noticed some players
always save and never finalise, even if they have no choice in the matter...
14 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
11 Jul 11 UTC
can we get a pause?
I will be out of town until the end of the Month, and I have not found a sitter.
1 reply
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
01 Jul 11 UTC
Only Talk in Period Costume II:
The 1st one is about to finish and the second is open for people to join, for those who wish to discuss tactics in global and in character.
32 replies
kia (902 D X)
08 Jul 11 UTC
1 reply
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
08 Jul 11 UTC
sitter needed
I'll need a sitter from 9th July to 23rd July for the game 35 needed for gunboat (gameID=795).
11 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
08 Jul 11 UTC
question about Sengoku
I just noticed something about the Sengoku map and im wondering if im right in assuming this, but the logo in the corner that says "Sengoku Jidai" is that linked to space #7 (Echizen) because I noticed the letters changed to the color of whatever clan held that province
3 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
07 Jul 11 UTC
pause 35 needed 4 gunboat
@players in the game: I won't be able to enter moves from 9th June to 23rd June. It would be good if you could pause the game during this time.
9 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
08 Jul 11 UTC
Can you meet The Challenge?
World map, 16 players needed - come join The Challenge!
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IKE (1179 D)
07 Jul 11 UTC
gunboat 3
Whoever made this, please next time give it a longer joining phase.
3 days minimum I would think. Give people time to see it so it will fill up.
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Catch23 (884 D)
06 Jul 11 UTC
Live Game?
Nothing too fancy, i just get tired of 1 on 1 live games
1 reply
Catch23 (884 D)
07 Jul 11 UTC
Live Modern Game!!!
Join gameID=2726 starts in one hour
0 replies
ironic1 (1123 D)
06 Jul 11 UTC
Hey, Jylland! Unless you have some pressing reason to delay the game, please finalize your orders! For the last couple rounds we've been waiting on you because you enter your orders, but you don't finalize them.
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
06 Jul 11 UTC
0 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
04 Jul 11 UTC
Join gameID=2677 starts in two days
5 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
05 Jul 11 UTC
quick one v one
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
05 Jul 11 UTC
someone to take over Serbia:
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ezpickins (1717 D)
04 Jul 11 UTC
random game live
1 reply
LoveDove (1368 D)
04 Jul 11 UTC
Mod Pause Request
May I request a pause in gameID=1623 for a fellow player? Many thanks.
2 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
04 Jul 11 UTC
World War
1 reply
guak (1262 D X)
04 Jul 11 UTC
Moderator please unpause
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GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
04 Jul 11 UTC
Color Error
4 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
30 Jun 11 UTC
New convoy-code for WWIV
Did some changes to the convoy-code in the WWIV-variant.
Message me if you have any problems.
10 replies
Take over for Naples
7 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
03 Jul 11 UTC
I must know who Oceania is
Anon non-press WWIV game......seeing as I am about to die and the game will go on longer than I will care, I'd like to know who has kicked my ass. PM, please.
0 replies
trip (1253 D)
03 Jul 11 UTC
Bug in WWIV
Parameter 'fromTerrID' set to invalid value '172'. If there's any mods around, please give me a shout. Thanks.
3 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
Three-way stalemate?
Is there a position in the Classic map, where three powers are in a stalemate, but neither can make any headway into the other notwithstanding any alliance?
You mean three powers, each their own bloc, holding three different impenetrable lines?

If so, in a word, no. Trying to explain it is too difficult to do succinctly, but basically, all stalemate lines feature complete control of either the Atlantic or Mediterranean and in all but the rarest of cases involve 13-14+ centers. Two 13+ center positions leave the third guy with eight, and the only position that really works there is the one that holds the Atlantic, but then you have one holding the Mediterranean and one poor sap stuck in the middle.
Daiichi (1339 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
There's also a stalemate in the Med wich controls only 6 SCs. (F Wes & F Por s F Spa, F NAf, A Con, A Arm hold) So maybe it sould be posible if there are those 2 little guys, one in the med, the other in the atlantic, and the big guy in the middle. The 2 little ones haven't got enough firepower to kick the big one, but they're well concealed into their lines to be taken out, either.
It's not, though.

For one, both Atlantic and Mediterranean stalemates depend on Portugal. If the Atlantic one doesn't have Portugal, it can't defend Spain without growing too big for this exercise. And if the Mediterranean one doesn't have Portugal it is JUST shy of a stalemate. (Pie S Mar, GoL/WMS S Spa, NAf holds covers from one side... and Apu S Ven covers Italy from the mainland... but Tyl can cut Pie to help the Atlantic side get through.)

Second, and more importantly: If there are 34 centers on the map, and three powers, you can't have two of those powers hold 6 SCs. They have to at minimum hold 17 between them. And there's no way to divide them up to get that fit.
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC

I bet you play chess too... :)
Actually, I suck at chess a lot, lol. And I haven't taken the chance to learn it, either.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
The problem with this is...the big guy in the middle can build fleets and completely destroy the stalemate...
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
Let me try...
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
You are talented tactician so I am surprised you are not great chess player. You are young, plenty of time to learn before 100th birthday :)
@Gobble: Well, not necessarily. You could, for example, have an Austrian player in the middle, with Italy as the Mediterranean power owning and securing Trieste. Throw in England as the Atlantic power, and you ALMOST have it.

The reason you don't -- and can't -- is because no one can have enough units to hold the entire northern coastline *and* defend the south. You either can't keep England off the mainland or have insufficient units to push back Italy. (Or you already have 18+ centers, in which case you've won.)

@Dejan: The main thing that has thrown me off with chess is the tempo concept. I understand the idea of taking and seizing initiative from a qualitative standpoint, but the reduction of it to a quantitative metagame throws me for circles and I'm not honestly sure why. It's probably a lack of time spent understanding it.
Daiichi (1339 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
Ok, Eden, i see your point, and you are probably right. If someday i'm veery bored, i'll try to set this up and check for sure.
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
01 Jul 11 UTC

Wouldn't there still be a possiblity though where the two smaller players don't need to hold every position along the stalemate line because the big player has ineffective or trapped units of the wrong type somewhere on the board? Say a Russian player with 3 or 4 fleets trapped in the black sea area and no way to extricate them?
Devonian (1887 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
I believe it is possible and I think I have the solution. But it will be very convoluted and highly unlikely in a real situation. I'll double check before posting it.
Devonian (1887 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
I think this might work as a 3 way stalemate line, but would never occur in a game:

Centers: Lvp, Lon, Por (3)
Orders: Mao H, Nao s Mao, Por s Mao (3)

Centers: Nap, Rom, Ven, Tri, Vie, Bud, Ser, Gre, Bul, Rum, Sev, Ank, Smy, Con (14)
Venice must be a fleet and Tuscany must be an army.
Orders: U Sev H, F Bla S Sev, U Rum H, U Bul s Rum, A Bud s Vie, A Vie h, A Tyr s Vie, F Ven H, A Tus H, U Rom S Tus, F Nap S Tyrr, F Ion S Tyrr, F Tyrr h (13)

Centers: all others. (17)
Italy cannot have any fleets in the north, or an army in England, even though he must have Edinburgh. Piedmont must be a fleet.
Orders: A Mos s Ukr, A Ukr s Gal, A War s Gal, A Gal h, A Sil s Boh, A Mun s boh, A Boh h, U Mar s Pie, F Pie h, A Gas s Spa, F Gol s Spa, F Spa h, A bre h, F Wes s Tun, F Naf, s Tun, U Tun h (16)

Even though England could have taken any number of exposed supply centers before this arrangement was set up, he cannot try to take them now that the line is set up. If he did, Italy would be able to enter the north with his fleets, which would inevitably mean a victory for Italy.
fasces349 (1007 D)
01 Jul 11 UTC
I have created one:
Austria-England and Italy. I will upload a pic of it in a second
Good call, Devonian. I stand corrected, it is hypothetically possible.

That said, I believe my statement holds from a practical perspective.
Devonian (1887 D)
02 Jul 11 UTC
Absolutely correct. This is PURELY a hypothetical possibility. There is no practical way this could happen.
killer135 (656 D)
02 Jul 11 UTC
Devonian, How on earth will Italy have Edinburgh with no armies or fleets in the north
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
02 Jul 11 UTC
I propose we create a game with the express purpose of creating a 3-way stalemate line. The buy in would be as cheap as possible, when the lines have been made up, then we take a screen-shot of it and cancel the game.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
02 Jul 11 UTC
Well killer...the point of this exercise is to see if such a configuration is possible. Not whether it can be reached via normal play.
Killer: Italy is forced to disband after acquiring it.
fasces349 (1007 D)
02 Jul 11 UTC
I support what Kaner thinks...
ezpickins (1717 D)
02 Jul 11 UTC
i support what fasces thinkx
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
03 Jul 11 UTC
we could go with Devonian's stalemate lines, but we'll need 4 more players who want to work on this project.
ezpickins (1717 D)
03 Jul 11 UTC
i would do it

24 replies
New Rinascimento!
0 replies
Soundwave88 (488 D)
02 Jul 11 UTC
World War IV please join only 5 point bet
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Jun 11 UTC
The vDip GuestMap

Please read some guidelines inside, they are important.
3 replies
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