A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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nuclearICBM (923 D)
15 Sep 11 UTC
New wwIV game
I'd like to make a new wwIV game. I wanna make sure there are enough players. Any takers?
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ezpickins (1717 D)
15 Sep 11 UTC
orders will not load in this game:
1 reply
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
12 Sep 11 UTC
Some players (eg airbone) have the sign "Donator-Silver" next to their points. Whats that ?
13 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
06 Sep 11 UTC
Is anyone else aware that through stubborn diplomacy the Gothi could win in the first year?
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red squirrel (1613 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
One More Player Needed
Modern Dip
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
12 Sep 11 UTC
It's official.
I suck at playing Russia.
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LoveDove (1368 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Game Advertisement
Anyone fancy some modern insanity? gameID=3404
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plantimus (1460 D)
09 Sep 11 UTC
Join Join Join!!!
Looking for about 20 more players to get in on this WWIV game.

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G (966 D)
10 Sep 11 UTC
Two more?
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Taft (1008 D)
30 Aug 11 UTC
Option Request: Game Ends in X # of Turns
(I suggested this on the original webDiplomacy forum, and there was a lot of interest among the players there, so I thought I'd suggest it here...)

31 replies
Geforce (699 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC
Live game,
Friends, enjoy to live game, start in 1 hours, please enjoy gameID=3335
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
07 Sep 11 UTC
5 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
05 Sep 11 UTC
Russian Civil War
I continue my struggle to keep this much discussed variant idea alive. I just read the new biography of Baron von Ungern-Sternberg. So Reds in the Black Earth Region, Anarchists in The Ukraine, Whites in Crimea, different Whites in Siberia, Semenov and the Baron doing their Colonel Kurtz impression in the Transbaikal/Manchuria/Mongolia, newly independent Poland, Allies landing in various places and, hell, why not the Czech Brigades looking for a home.
8 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
06 Sep 11 UTC
Is anyone else having problems with the site loading particularly slowly? I'm at work on a super fast network, so I don't think the problem is on my end.
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Puma (1615 D)
01 Sep 11 UTC
No in game messaging?
I don't understand why we have or want the no in game messaging option. Doesn't that go against what diplomacy is all about? Especially if the game does not have anonymous players then I fear private messages would be exchanged but that would go against the intent of the option. I would appreciate if someone could explain how they play that option.
butterhead (1272 D)
01 Sep 11 UTC
Well it is designed to base it more on the Non-verbal diplomatic relations... supporting England into say Belgium as Germany, would imply you want to work with them against France... its there to test your skills, both diplomatically(you have to form alliances without speaking) and tactically(you have to always worry about unit balance, as you are even less sure that you are safe from an ally as you are in a full press game). it's actually a pretty cool thing if you give it a shot... and also, most of the no messaging games are anon, to avoid cheating like you described... and if you really don't want to play it, just don't. only join messaging games.
BenGuin (1529 D)
01 Sep 11 UTC
What I believe is that there should be "an emergency message system" in gunboat games so that if there's something wrong with your schedule or something, then you can use the system to voice your concern... it makes more sense
Some people prefer gunboats.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
01 Sep 11 UTC
Me for example. I LOVE gunboats because im not so good at english. Also there is MUCH dipplomacy in it. i think this game is a good example: although threres no communication,
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
01 Sep 11 UTC
Me for example. I LOVE gunboats because im not so good at english. Also there is MUCH dipplomacy in it.
i think this game is a good example: although threres no communication, France and Spain and Poland and Germany are in.a kind of alliance.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
01 Sep 11 UTC
Whats that o.O
tricky (1005 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC
The bast games are anonymous non verbal. I think it stops people who have played together before forming alliances from the start etc. It's much more challenging and when it come time to stab it's not such a big thing!
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
03 Sep 11 UTC
yes thats what i think too but i try to make it without a stab
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC
how do you play diplomacy without stabbing...
butterhead (1272 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC
Ok so slightly different example because there was full press, but to answer Gobbles question...
France won this game without stabbing me at all.
butterhead, that was a Winner-Take-All game and you never once tried to stop him from soloing? Of course he's kept you around. You covered his back while he took all your points from you.
LoveDove (1368 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC
I would like to see the option of no global but still have private messaging. Just something slightly different.
Hugo_Stiglitz (833 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC

That's not so much an example of France playing a good game, as it is and example of you playing a bad one
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC
Diplomacy - Press = Risk. Different game.
whiskeyandfeet: THAT IS OFFENSIVE. Diplomacy without press is not the same as Risk at all. Do you use dice when you play Dip?
ashleygirl (1285 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC
I don't know about anyone else, but I have never had a diplomacy game decided by the roll of the dice.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
03 Sep 11 UTC
ugh Risk *shuder*.
TBroadley (1202 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC
I use dice to decide my moves all the time! It's much more convenient than actually *thinking* about them.
ashleygirl (1285 D)
04 Sep 11 UTC
My son asked Santa for Risk last year...we've played it once, he hates it.
butterhead (1272 D)
04 Sep 11 UTC
@Hugo and thatwasawkward- he used superior diplomacy... that and me thinking I had a better chance at gaining the needed units when he really had far superior position. once I realized I had no shot to win it, I only had 2 units bordering him. so I couldn't stop him. sure, wasn't my best game, but I played a decent game, he just played better.
If you'd played a "decent game" you would have at least tried to stop someone else from winning it.
butterhead (1272 D)
04 Sep 11 UTC
read my post... I had no units in position to stop him. I could have taken... Belgium... that's it... I sent full force against Russia thinking I had the advantage, part of which by French diplomacy... I had no chance of stopping the win by the time I realized he had it... Was it a great game by me? Not a chance in hell. was it a bad game? No way. It was a decent game for me, and he outwitted me.
I'm sorry, I just disagree. You're acting like you had no choice but to keep attacking Russia, even when it was clear France was going for the solo -- by which point Russia was clearly not a threat to you. Faced with losing all of your points -- you get nothing for 2nd place in WTA -- you let him win. Maybe he had GREAT diplomacy, but you still failed.
tricky (1005 D)
04 Sep 11 UTC
We've digressed from the original point of the post!
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
04 Sep 11 UTC
Offensive? That was offensive?
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
05 Sep 11 UTC
@tricky: what do you want to discuss there ?
gunboats are great and thats it.
ezpickins (1717 D)
05 Sep 11 UTC
@Butter: why didn't you build a third army ever? why did you give him B elgium
G-Man (2516 D)
06 Sep 11 UTC
I can see the skill in no-press games, but it is like playing poker... without betting. There's skill in no-press, but the addition of press is a huge dimension to the game that requires even more skill to play successfully. I don't mind playing non-anonymously with my friends, who all want to beat the tar out of each other and will only make alliances for reasons in-the-game, but I'm disappointed to find out that playing non-anonymously online invites "buddy play."

28 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
05 Sep 11 UTC
Variant idea
Speed Diplomacy. A live game with 1 minute phases. This would be deliberately too fast to get all your orders in. So, you would have to prioritize. What do you guys think?
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Daiichi (1339 D)
05 Sep 11 UTC
Oli, can you ...
Force Unpause, or Draw, or Cancel, or something, to this game:
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
21 Aug 11 UTC
A *new* higher bet WWIV:
a 56 point WWIV game here:
32 replies
Hugo_Stiglitz (833 D)
01 Sep 11 UTC
A Big Ol' Game
WWIV, Anon
Let's do this
1 reply
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
01 Sep 11 UTC
Stab or not stab ?
I`m not sure if i should stab my allis or not, til now i always tried to don`t stab. But I`m not sure if i should stab sometimes...
What do you think about that ?
11 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
31 Aug 11 UTC
Unpause Please?
I don't know why game number 3223 is paused but could we unpause it please?
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vordemu (967 D)
01 Sep 11 UTC
Pause request for gameID=3295
After the server change, two of the powers in that game have yet to come back. I've sent an email to the admin account, but the phases are only a day, and I fear that by email I may not get the pause in that time. Can an admin please pause the game? It would be a shame if anyone nmred in the first year.
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fasces349 (1007 D)
01 Sep 11 UTC
New Games
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Devonian (1887 D)
30 Aug 11 UTC
Error in game: Loading order...
Only some of my orders are loading, some are not.
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airborne (970 D)
29 Aug 11 UTC
Ok before I design anymore...
What the heck is the type of text is used on the standard map
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Daiichi (1339 D)
26 Aug 11 UTC
Orders do not load
In my many games, with Chromium web browsers, the orders for my units don't show up. It just says: "Loading order..." an equal number of times as the number of units i own, but the orders won't ever load (I have tried for longer than 15min).
When i use firefox web browser, orders load almost instantaneously, as always have been.
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Oli (977 D Mod (P))
29 Aug 11 UTC
We need to move to a different server. The IP is blocked by many ISP and email-services, because of a malfunction on another website (it's a shared hosting service, so there are many websites on this IP).
I don't know when it will happen, but it might take some days till everybody can access the site. I'll give a small update on the main webdiplomacy site.
4 replies
vordemu (967 D)
28 Aug 11 UTC
Anyone up for a game of Sengoku?
It's 10 D to buy in, WTA(the only mode allowed on the Sengoku map), and non-anon. This variant looks really interesting, and I'd love to try it out.
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kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 Aug 11 UTC
Brave New Gunboat (Where Spain doesn't get banned)
should be called DON'T CD SPAIN!!!!!
0 replies
"Spiel auf Deutsch, bei Interesse PM."
Is Anybody there who understands the headline?
Its also the name of the game I just if somebody can speak German and want to share this with me and friends, just send a personal message to me and Ill give you the password.
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