A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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airborne (970 D)
07 Jan 12 UTC
Abstraction III
Ready for the coding on the lab, sneak peek at the final product
orathaic (952 D)
07 Jan 12 UTC
i like that map, somehow...

though the weirdly named denmark strait ( is weird.
butterhead (1272 D)
07 Jan 12 UTC
wow... that looks like a pretty fun map! can't wait to see it here and try it out!
butterhead (1272 D)
07 Jan 12 UTC
but if I may ask- why does England get 5 centers to start with? his 3 on Enlgand, Gib, and Cairo... just wondering...
airborne (970 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
1) During the early 1900s Britain was the number power superpower in the world at that time. Britain and Russia have 5 SCs. Britain is one of the most important diplomatic influence on the board, Britain will need to talk to everyone because he can affect and by affected by everyone. The two SCs in Gib and Cairo are far from the English Isles and in their own way isolated.
butterhead (1272 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
fair enough, reasonable explanation. I didn't know when the map was based, it would involve to much effort on my part to figure it out. haha. I just saw the map and was curious. thanks for explaining.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
08 Jan 12 UTC
Fantastic! I was waiting for it! :)
Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Looks good! Count me in on early game play on this map..
airborne (970 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Originally I named it Greenland Sea but after studying Abstraction I decided not to rock the boat and have it as Dnemark Strait
butterhead (1272 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
If I may ask, why is it called Abstraction?
G-Man (2516 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Great expansion! It looks pretty solid. That said, my initial concern would be that Italy and Austria still have it tougher than I'd like, and that Britain and France may gain too much from that, i.e., the BF team looks uber formidable. Otherwise, nice job adding playability and working with great ideas from both Abstraction II and Modern. Count me in on the early game play for this variant too.
airborne (970 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Why should Britain and France work together?
airborne (970 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
France's back corner has the annoying Brits in Gib, Cairo remains a distant threat and a block to the French expansion into the other side of the board, Brest is still a threat to the British Isles. Britain still a formiable enemy to France and really does surround the French
G-Man (2516 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Neighboring powers often form alliances. With two of the largest, best positioned powers right next to each other, a BF game-winner looks like it might occur too frequently. Just something to watch out for.
airborne (970 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
They said the same thing about the Juggernaut and they used to say England was "the Wicked Witch of the West"
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
08 Jan 12 UTC
I think GB should have either more or or less SCs because of the connection between the MAO and the PG. It gives Britain one the one hand too much power and one the other hand it will have too many fronts to fight on.
I understand and like your point of the great power GB but i fear the map will get too unbalanced because of that :((
airborne (970 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
It's basically the same positioning as 1900 but without the Suez Canal Rule it takes a full year to really deploy a unit from side of the map to another instead of the clever "half" strength rule in 1900, I don't think GB is all powerful facing a hostile or at least uneasy France, a new and mcuh more powerful Germany, the Turks, and Russia
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
This definitely looks interesting, and I'd love to be a part of any testing that's going on. I'll reserve judgement until after we see how it plays with Diplomacy involved.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Jan 12 UTC
My one thought is, should Berlin maybe touch Cologne? Berlin is forced East against Russia and alone at that. I think that I would like Germany to have a little more flexibility given the central position. Italy seems a little wide open against Austria starting with 3 fleets.
airborne (970 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
Why is Berlin forced to move East? Whatever happened to Ber-Kie?
airborne (970 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
I'm also worried about Italy I might revert it back to 1.3 if it is really bad however my theory is an Austrian all out Italy will be rare.
1) With two units committed West Austria has only two units to deal with Turkey and Russia
2) Chances are Russia will move into Bukovina with Warsaw or at least Ukraine. Austria surrenders control of Rumania to Russia without help from the Vie or Tri armies.
3) Turkey will grab Bulgaria or Greece without much of Austria being able to say anything.
4) Italy can call for help to crub Austria from a solo Austrian attack or a triple alliance or RAT

20 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
06 Jan 12 UTC
New armies?
I may just be seeing things, but do the armies in the small map of games look... shinier?
30 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
08 Jan 12 UTC
epic gunboat !!!
0 replies
Viking Diplomacy BUG
Visby move to Ingerland via Convoy.
Gulf of Finland convoy to Ingerland from Visby.
Doesn't work.
1 reply
Best Country to play in WWIV
What do people think?
28 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
06 Jan 12 UTC
A special apology.
To everyone involved in the following games, my CD'ing could not be helped and in all cases I tried to get a pause for the nonce:
8 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
04 Jan 12 UTC
the most insane team game EVER!
so I was recently thinking, I'd like to see a new team game start, but just a normal team game is starting to lose its appeal... so how do we fix this? well, here is how...
37 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
06 Jan 12 UTC
Is this possible?
A WWIV game with pick your power that just starts at the time irrespective of how many people have joined.
1 reply
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
06 Jan 12 UTC
Happy thoughts for the new year
0 replies
airborne (970 D)
04 Jan 12 UTC
Top 3 Identifications
If you were to indenify yourself with only 3 words what would they be?
34 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
04 Jan 12 UTC
Team Game: Primary Colors (Iowa/New Hampshire round)
So the Iowa Caucus is complete and the New Hampshire primary is only a week away. So the question on everyone's lips is who will control America?
5 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
30 Dec 11 UTC
Think you can beat me?
prove it
1 reply
Rancher (1109 D)
03 Jan 12 UTC
American Fracture
a new one for the fall of the Americas gameID=5067
3 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
03 Jan 12 UTC
A Toast to 1880
One of my favorite twists on classic - 1880 style

1 reply
Rancher (1109 D)
03 Jan 12 UTC
Papal Primacy
new Rinascimento gameID=5069
3 replies
New Game Ancient World

Ancient World! Please join!
0 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
04 Jan 12 UTC
This is called a game!
Benguin is awesome!
2 replies
octopus_seppuku (886 D)
04 Jan 12 UTC
You heard the man.
2 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
01 Jan 12 UTC
Metagaming question
Is it Metagaming if you threaten somebody's wife and/or children if they refuse to honor their DMZ in the Black Sea?
5 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
03 Jan 12 UTC
Colonial Diplomacy
Colonial Diplomacy Game...Everybody join up!
2 replies
ninjaruler3 (978 D)
03 Jan 12 UTC
How would i go about reporting it?
5 replies
siemaskoIam (1057 D)
03 Jan 12 UTC
so close...
0 replies
Venetia (1587 D)
28 Dec 11 UTC
New Haven game
gameID=4966, join it!
3 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
01 Jan 12 UTC
Great Gorilla Press Game
Very much enjoyed Double Gorilla Press Piledriver: gameID=3926 (as well as Ultimate Fantasy, for those who also came over from both games).
22 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
02 Jan 12 UTC
Anyone On For A Live Game?
I'd settle for a 1-v-1?
15 replies
cashman77 (982 D)
03 Jan 12 UTC
World War Game
Cmon everyone! Bet 10, anonymous players, private messaging allowed.
Let's join everyone!
0 replies
The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
01 Jan 12 UTC
Read a good book lately?
Soon (cross fingers) the new variant I've been working on will be live and I'll have a little spare time to read instead of slave over a map...
12 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
11 Dec 11 UTC
Viking Dip.
Slavic Nations and Burgundy seem to be going rather well... But so does Norge (which surprises me) and EasternRomanEmpire. I suppose new tactics will arise as games come to a close.
8 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
21 Dec 11 UTC
Bug in Lepanto

Ottoman Empire won with only 4 SC's and no flagships?
4 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
01 Jan 12 UTC
having minus points
How is it possible that LoD has -2 D in play ?
11 replies
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