A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
17 Jan 12 UTC
Total unbreakable stalemate
In the east there is a total stalemate...if not one player CDs there will no side break through...
12 replies
General Cool (978 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC
Cool Variant
I have found a variant that looks like it could be a lot of fun if me or someone else could make it for this site (If Oli lets me of course...)
12 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
17 Jan 12 UTC
FIGHT to the DEATH! DO NOT bend over AND TAKE IT!
SIGN up HERE: gameID=5077
5 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
26 Dec 11 UTC
Developers, I beg you!!
Dear v-Dip developers,
I strongly approve both the institution of the reliability rating system in this site and the current restrictions to “unreliable” players, but I’m going to ask you to evaluate a possible improvement:
33 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Jan 12 UTC
I just have to start the thread
Praise Tebow!
55 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
16 Jan 12 UTC
game progresses in 1112 days
major bug occuring in multiple games, if not every game
4 replies
HeidelbergKid (990 D)
16 Jan 12 UTC
Colonial Diplomacy!
Low-risk game of Colonial Diplomacy available! Five slots still open! Join now:
0 replies
Ienpw_III (980 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC
Make history: Largest pot ever

We're missing one player. Would someone take over for 32 D? (Pot is currently 1083 D).
1 reply
Rasathor (967 D)
15 Jan 12 UTC
Fresh account up for grabs
Hi everyone. So a friend of mine tried to get me into vdip a few weeks ago, but unfortunately though I'm not going to be able to keep playing for personal reasons. I am in 1 Haven game, they have already had a couple of player disappear so I'm really just trying to do my best to not leave them in the lurch. I am in a pretty good position, equal third out of 19 in terms of supply centres.
1 reply
butterhead (1272 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
The South America Series!
Looking for 7 players who want to play A South American Series with me! What the South American Series is:
30 replies
1066 variant description
I just barely hung on till the end as England in my very first game of 1066, based on the fact that
a) I didn't know what the norwegian army units looked like
b) I didn't understand whatsoever from the description that Hadriens wall actually has a moveable norwegian unit on it.
29 replies
Ienpw_III (980 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
I challenge you!
To a duel:

Just 1 D bid, I'm in it for the fun more than the points.
1 reply
Raro (1449 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
Player needed!

Balkan player needed for crowded map. Just started!
1st phase in 12 hours
1 reply
BuZzEvilly (1001 D)
11 Jan 12 UTC
Join game LIVE!
6 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
i just came up with this variant: you play as 1 country with 2 players, either switching turns (autumn and fall i guess, otherwise someone could get only retreats and builds for example, on the other side, now the builds are for one dude...) or both players have to save and ready the same orders, being able to see the ones of the other and maybe a simple agree button to prevent mistakes... is this possible and/or a good idea?
10 replies
airborne (970 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Abstration III Test?
Would anyone be interested to sign up for a test run of Abstraction III on the vDip lab?
2 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Anybody want to make a map?
So as I have stated before, I do not have time to make maps myself, so, a simple map for anybody willing...
11 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
What Happened?
Recent Crash. Why?
19 replies
shockwave8 (986 D)
05 Jan 12 UTC
Advertising for a WWIV game- massive pot of 1050 D (if it starts, of course).

17 replies
2ndWhiteLine (1295 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
New Colonial

Retrying after the last game failed to start. 1 day phase, WTA, 30 buy in.
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
Need A Sitter
Contact me on my Web Dip account for information. I have six games running here, and I shouldn't be gone much more than a week.
6 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
New setting idea (see below)
You know how recently a turn limit was added to game (as in a game ends after x years). What if there was an elimination limit?
As in after x players were eliminated the game ends. Thoughts? While this wouldn't work on smaller maps, for the larger maps this could add an interesting pin on the play.
10 replies
mispelledlazer (872 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
need a replacement for Paraguay
need a replacement for paraguay in this game
1 reply
Who wants to play a dip game via webcam?
Just an idea.
12 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
Diplomacy Talk
None of my friends play diplomacy, and I have noone to have mindless diplomacy related chatter with. So maybe u guyz will be my friendz?
What do you think is the most important home SC for each of the 7 classic nations? this would be based on location, efficiency, and other things
35 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
Greek dip variant spelling problems
Who can I contact about the spelling errors of the Greek Variant?

2 replies
Guess what I found out!
You can send messages to yourself ingame. Pretty cool. Could be used for notes and stuff I guess. I was bored yesterday and explored in the URL found out you could.
20 replies
Desperately need a Sub
Slavic nation, very solid position.
0 replies
cnorment14 (1714 D)
06 Jan 12 UTC
new map idea
so Im new here but I have an idea for a map but I have no idea how to approach designing a map. If any of you experience map makers could give me some advice it would be appreciated. Here is the link to the map that i would like to format to diplomacy.
36 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Trivia question
I'm just trying to judge what is reasonable to thing other people know.

How many people on here know who John Jacob Raskob was?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
No Wikipedia or Google.

I think I could make a reasonable argument that he could be considered among the 5-10 most historically significant Americans of the first half of the 20th Century. Yet there is not a single general readership biography of him on Amazon or WorldCat.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
SacredDigits, do you know?
Raro (1449 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
his name is my name too!
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
BenGuin (1529 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
very annoying dude is all I know... businessman heavily involved in politics... money + power... not a good combo... even in America...
Raro (1449 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
agreed, BenGuin

Woody Guthrie far more important
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
I presume that none of you actually know anything about him.

Catholic who spearheaded the repeal of Prohibition, saved GM, created the Modern Democratic Party, struck a blow for pluralism that was so strong that no one even remembers the "normalization" of Catholics during the 1950s (which is by far the most important social even of the American Century), popularized the word "Hooverville", got FDR elected, created the anti-New Deal "Conservative Coalition" within the Democratic Party that saved constitutional governance from FDR's dictatorial impulses, built the Empire State Building and then sold the Empire State Building 20 years later in an innovative way that revolutionized the real estate industry. He also advocated for what we would call mutual funds today and for the dispersed mass ownership of Corporate America. Boogle generally has kind words to say for him.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
The Democratic Party as the political home for Blacks and urbanized city dwellers happened because of Raskob.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
And Raro, you can keep Woody Guthrie. The ability of normal people to get credit and therefore buy cars and homes on credit had more positive impact on people's lives. If you've ever bought a car without having to pay cash, thank John Raskob.
BenGuin (1529 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
the top 5-10 important person in the 1900-1950's? In my opinion, because of the two world wars, there are other Americans who made FAR more of an impact
BenGuin (1529 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
on top of that, there's also Teddy who revolutionized America
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Admittedly, leaded gasoline probably had more to do with GM going from the company Raskob saved from bankruptcy into the company that dethroned Ford than did anything he did.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Name 10, BenGuin. And every single one must be more important that the factories in Detroit that kept the Soviets well supplied.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Teddy Roosevelt did surprisingly little beyond stealing Panama. Taft did more of almost all of the things that people think Teddy did.
Raro (1449 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Everyone buying things on credit is why the economy sucks. I don't think a false sense of entitlement is a good thing. Woody Guthrie was the primary source of his worth, and didn't have more than he himself was able to produce.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
My list would have to include Walter Sharp, Warren Burton and perhaps Hugh Roy Cullen. Without the first two. Henry Ford would have gone broke in 1908 like he did the first two times. John Raskob belongs in that company. Robert McCormick should probably be up there or perhaps his cousin Joe Patterson.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Were that logic even remotely followed, he would have starved to death.
Raro (1449 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
nice dodging
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Oh and Raro, that is the villain's from It's a Wonderful Life......every worker a renter in Potterville for life.....there is a vision for the proletariat.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Restricting access to consumer credit is how "oppressive" states funnel money to crony capitalism. And I mean countries like Japan or Canada up until recently, not real oppression, but restricting consumer credit is how you build a corrupt banking system.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Generally, it is accompanied by a very small number of massive banks rather than the great number of small banks that characterize the US, even now.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Anyone argue with Fleming for most significant human being of the 20th Century?
Raro (1449 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
I can argue against it. Who's Fleming?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Well, his invention accounts for more than all extension of life expectancy in the West which occurred during the 20th Century. That's right it extended life by more than life actually extended, by compensating for some of our increased bad habits.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Borlaug for most significant American. Any arguments there?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Assuming a Sharp/Burton joint distinction would be out of bounds.
Raro (1449 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
What was his invention?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Raro (1449 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
farming wheat accounts for degeneration and loss of fertile topsoil. I'm a prehistoric diet kinda guy
Raro (1449 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
but Borlaug wouldn't have know that. Still a pretty impressive guy. antibiotics good
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
India and Mexico are still feeding themselves with far more people than were starving in the '50s. We can't live on a prehistoric diet. That is why people shrank 10,000 years ago.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Correction: Dr. Burton's first name was William, not Warren.
SacredDigits (978 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
I'd heard of him, but was unaware of his scope. Sorry, was just briefly surfing through while mostly watching the Lions tonight. Which, at this point, I'm still just happy to have seen them in the postseason and think there's a bright future.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Recognize that Raskob built the Empire State Building precisely because Walter Chrysler was building the Chrysler Building.

I have to say that I now expect Frisco to beat Nah'leans. I don't think that the 49ers can come back on anybody. But now I don't think that the Saints can stop anybody. ESPN keeps talking about what a great game the Packer-Saints was at the beginning of the season. I watched all of it and it was horrible. Colston fumbled and Capers got his one stop to go up 21-10 and it was over in the first quarter. The Packers took the rest of the game off and coasted to the win. There was a very little bit of urgency after the kick return TD, but that was pretty brief.

So I guess my prediction is a game that is over by the end of the first quarter. Either the 49ers mediocre offense will get buried early or their defense will get a stop or two and turn them into points knowing that the Saints can only trade scores and an efficient offense can hold any lead.

The Lions need something that might reasonably be mistaken for a running game and apparently to stop punting the ball on fourth down.
SacredDigits (978 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Running game and defensive backs without stone hands. Brees threw two passes that really should have been intercepted.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Take a look at the Texans draft in 2011 and the transformation of that entire team. There is hope. Now, repeat after me, "No wide receivers in the first round. No wide receivers in the first round." Keep repeating until you are sure that you will remember.
SacredDigits (978 D)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Hey, that's a Millen tactic, he's been gone for years.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
08 Jan 12 UTC
Would you prefer I use Layne to mock you?
SacredDigits (978 D)
09 Jan 12 UTC
The Lions mock themselves, man. They don't need props.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Jan 12 UTC
Take heart, Bobby Layne's 50 years are up.

40 replies
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