A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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crixno (1248 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
HOW SO I POST A VARIANT!!! I REALLY WANT TO MAKE ON AND POST IT BUT I DONT KNOW HOW!!? please let me know how if you do!!!!!
10 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Retracting messages
Is there any support for the idea that you can retract a message to another player before they have read it?
I have just sent the wrong message to the wrong player. I would like to take it back, as he has not seen it. What do people think?
9 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
I Need Some Critiquing...
Hey, everyone...I need some real, thoughtful criticism on this poem here. It is to be submitted with the chance of being selected to be published:
20 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Youngstown Redux2 gulfs bug?
gameID=6669 2 powers each allowed post fleet orders move to non-adjoining Gulf. - G. of T (Tonkin) on map separated both by SChinaSea. G. of Thailand (spelled out) on map separate. France submits: "fleet at Cambodia support move to Gulf of Thailand from Saigon." - Saigon move succeeded except that it is now adjacent to Vietnam in Gulf of Tonkin. - Likewise, Britain orders fleet Borneo to Gulf of Thailand. Maps show Borneo fleet attempt to go to Gulf of T(onkin), not Thailand gulf
6 replies
Raro (1449 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Replacement needed
chaos game:

Vienna 4sc's (3 units)
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kmorris22 (967 D)
14 Mar 12 UTC
Epic Game
I need some more people to join my game! its called epic game and has five minute phases! only 10 to join! :)
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butterhead (1272 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
Chaos: winning one year anniversary
Public Press only, 34 sc win condition, minimum reliability rating of 85%, join up!
4 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Never trust "experts" or "professionals"
The more you learn the more you realize that it is all smoke and mirrors.....and laziness.
canaduh (1293 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Well hang on. I think I would trust a consultant surgeon who is a professional expert to take out my gall bladder more than the shaman/charlatan down the road.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Mar 12 UTC
So I'm an academic researcher in the early stages. You start by learning the general basics and then you pick a "field" within the broader subject. Slowly, within your field you specialize by learning a couple of tools better and better.....hopefully, by thinking about what kinds of questions you are interested in and investing the time and energy to master certain approaches.

Frequently, if you are smart, you look at academic papers that are well published or have lots of citations or both and use them as sign posts to make decisions. One of my friends just had a disappointing job market result because the choices he made have turned out to be a minor bubble that popped at the exact moment that he went on the market. A topic and approach that was very hot and exciting a few years ago has now drawn in a bunch of people who have done a lot of stuff and the feeding frenzy hiring of the last year or two has left everywhere that wanted to hire one of those kinds of guys having hired one of those kinds of guys. One of my office mates has literally invest the time and energy to master the most boring purely mathematical statistical junk I can imagine, so that he can write papers on the deep theoretical underpinnings of statistical distributions because these hard to read and harder to write papers publish really well (probably because the handful of authors are the only people who can read and judge them, thereby creating an perverse incentives problem for journals). He pretends to be genuinely interested in this stuff, but after a few drinks, he will admit that he finds it all as boring and pointless as everyone else and that he is just whoring for publication.

So this morning, I got some data, some very specific data. There then is a sub-literature that I have invested my time in learning the ins and out of. There are only a handful of papers out there on this little sub-subject. Most of them are not terribly wonderful, but they have massive citation counts. So the math and concepts don't seem too hard.....easy enough for a dumb dumb like me to handle. And I'm actually interested in the implications of this set of topics with the added benefit of feeling like I can actually do a decent job of attacking some of the issues. So less than great papers with 1600 citations make me think that I can write something better and get citation counts like that.

I've spent a bit of effort constantly bugging a guy since August (for those of you who have played me before, I'm consistently obnoxious in real life too in order to get what I want and it usually work eventually) for access to the data that he based this 1600 citation paper on. The data is from a professional service and ridiculously expensive, like NSF grant money level expensive. Between August and now, I've spent far more time pulling data from a half dozen sources electronically and using the wonders of python to aggregate it into the form that I need. But my data set is up to date being a reflection of the world circa say 2010, and the data the guy caved in and gave me this morning is from 2006, which actually let me do things through time which could be super cool. I cannot imagine how I could possibly get old data for what I'm looking at. Going through the expensive data, it is garbage. I have no idea whether my data is accurate: if the data at any stage was collected well; whether my stitching stuff together caused errors; whether it is complete enough to be meaningful; whether it reflects the world as it really is. The data I got this morning is not even internally consistent. I immediately spotted things that were missing in it. Within five minutes of looking at it superficially, I spotted internal inconsistencies. To compare it to a completely unrelated topic, imagine one of those mileage charts on maps that tell you how far the drive from Chicago to Detroit is. It is hard to know whether the number listed is "right" but you know that Chicago to Detroit should bear some close resemblance to Detroit to Chicago. This data set has 30% differences in values that should be equal.

The paper that was written of this was not that great. It says some interesting things, but it is "important" because the data is exclusive, not because what was done with it was amazing. The price quote I got from the "professional" consulting firm that sells the data was flabbergasting. So a 1600 citation academic paper that in many ways is the definitive addressing of a specific topic is based on bad data and a commercial information service is charging huge fees for clearly incomplete data that isn't even internally consistent.

The more you learn the more you see the "experts" cutting corners out of laziness and getting away with it totally. Politicians are obviously an entirely different manner, but probably every academic harbors some sort of borderline fascist tendency to dream of a world in which "enlightened despots" free from consensual governance would be free to listen to and be guided by "the experts" in designing "progressive" public policy. I would think that the one good thing that would come out of that kind of a mindset would be a seriousness in being sure about things and judging academic research rigorously.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Mar 12 UTC
The famous Johns Hopkins ICU list system seems to indicate that (lazy) doctors were a significant and perhaps leading cause of death.
Geronimo (1195 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
When it comes to surgery I would agree & also specialist consulants in their specific area of expertise.
However, General Practicioners, Solicitors who have a basic all round grounding of knowledge in their profession are definately not experts & they will admit that themselves.
If they are any good, they will allways refer you to specialists that practice in the field of you requirement.
When it comes down to expert knowledge in the field of Autism & Aspergers the only experts on a child are the parents!!!
Simply because they are all different & very special, they all have different triggers & solutions to their issues & are all a mixed combination of many, many facets, stimuli & sensory issues with more differing outcomes than there are fish in the sea.
Never, ever believe an expert in this field. You know your child, trust your judgement, it was gained by practical experience & on the job handling.
You know what works & what doesn't with your child. Trust yourself & teach the expert about your child, but do not for one moment believe that they know better than you with regards to your own child.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Mar 12 UTC
BTW, my mom is a hospital administrator and my dad had a rare and very serious form of cancer that eventually killed him after 20 years. I've probably had more contact with elite level doctors than most on here, and nurses keep them from killing people all of the time. I and my mom just being present probably prevented shocking medical disasters at least half a dozen times with regards to my dad's medical care. At 9, I stopped a doctor after he marked the wrong side of my dad's body on the way into surgery.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Mar 12 UTC
I should have said, "Never [just] trust "experts" and "professionals""
iLLuM (1569 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
The said part about this truth is, that you have to go to university to understand that.
iLLuM (1569 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
You as in me as well.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Maybe that is what you go to University to learn.

My adviser said at orientation 4 years ago that, "Eventually, you become what you pretend to be." And he was talking explicitly about expertise.

9 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Question on variant page
In the variant description it speaks of turn length. is this years? movement turns? I would like to propose that it be changed to __ game years, to avoid Dip33 asking "it takes 14 years to finish this game?0.o"
14 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
13 Mar 12 UTC
one more player!
0 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
A Quick Question About Viking Dip
I was just wondering something about the viking map after observing it, why does it only take 26 supply centers, when there are 85 total on the map?
24 replies
Neil (957 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
So anyone want to play...
World War IV with 123 SCs to win? :) (50% +1)
7 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
Just Some Ideas I had....
Hey guys, I'd like to get your opinions on some ideas I've had since there has been a lot of variant ideas floating around. I've been wanting to get into design, but I'm not sure how far I will get or how much time I'm going to have available (busy time this year, College starts in the fall) anyway I'd just like to get all your take on some ideas I've had.

35 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
Statistics and usefulness
I find stats really useful. However they do not represent real games. And this is important for a variant map designer. That is if France wins a lot in my variant then some changes ought to be made. but stats here should not represent games with NMR's and changed VCs
1 reply
cypeg (2619 D)
13 Mar 12 UTC
colonial rule?
Is there a game or way to implement the colonial rule?

That is you assign the build you want to take place next year in a non-home supply center if that center is open and in your ownership.
Alternatively, builds are only valid for home supply centers
0 replies
Myself538 (1018 D)
14 Feb 12 UTC
New Variant Ideas
Post ideas for new/better/improvements to make on existing variants, or ones yet to be created here. I would do it Myself (no pun intended) but I don't have the time. If your a variant creator/inventor, you might want to check here for good ideas.
78 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
Target SC count
Looks interesting. Although in Fubar, fatflap starts with 10 SCs and 18 are required for victory. So, the minimum number of SCs is greater than the default setting. Interesting.
6 replies
MarshallDavout (1049 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
Alright Will
Hi Mr Golightly, Sir.
0 replies
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nikat (987 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
Game stopped
England-Turkey duel appears as won in 1902, how can it be?
9 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
10 Mar 12 UTC
Is a "badass"?
9 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC
The Variant With the Weird Boxes....
Is kind of messed up...

And yes, I am referring to the fact that their is a French fleet sitting in the corner of the map.
2 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
The Metagames
This was done on webdiplomacy way back when and some of us (myself and Kaner) tried to bring it over to here, that attempt was unsuccessful. However given that this site is a lot larger then it was a year ago, I think its time to try again.
For a list of rules see inside.
17 replies
I am having trouble getting the Holy Hand Grenade on Team Fortress 2
Can someone help me. I can't seem to manage to get it.
4 replies
American Civil War Live Game -- Join!

Don't know where to put this, I just joined from webDiplomacy.
4 replies
G-Man (2466 D)
12 Mar 12 UTC

-Palermo (SC) will replace Sicily while Bari will become Apulia (Non-SC) again.
-Fleets in Palermo, Sevastopol, and Angora
3 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
this one will use 5mins per day of your time
come on reliable players, join gameID=6754
3 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
Glitch on youngstown

there seems to be a problem, Saigon was supposed to go into the Gulf of Thailand, but for some reason it ended up in the North Atlantic
7 replies
Rancher (1275 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
bug 1939?
Holland to Bel w/ a support did not work?

8 replies
Hominidae (726 D)
11 Mar 12 UTC
I can't submit orders.

I can't submit orders in this game. When I view my orders, it just says "loading order" for each one. What do I do?
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