A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
20 May 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent full press
Please join. The variant looks really kooky, and I haven't had adequate experience with the zany full-press version yet. I did England once and just got mauled...

0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Tell me about your life!
Greetings to all the men and women of VDip! I had an idea that I think will help us grow as a community, and get to know each other better. I'd like to know more about you! Feel free to give as much, or as little, detail as you wish. things you can include would be your birthday, age, location, career/schooling, etc. etc. This will help us bond with each other, as well as get some good stats on the demographics on the site!
39 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
18 May 13 UTC
World War IV map – spot between PAR and BEL?
does anybody know what the place in between PARis and BELgium is on the World War IV map?
is it neutral? non-existant on its own (if so: part of what is it?)? does it have a name not seen on the map?
6 replies
Gumers (1801 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Site slow
What is happening with this site? It´s very slow the last few days...
5 replies
slytheringirl (994 D)
07 May 13 UTC
I'm new... :)
Hi there :) How do you join a game? Can you help? Thanks!
74 replies
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
15 May 13 UTC
The "Gunboat Has No Diplomacy" Thread
(Split out from the ranking thread)

18 replies
Pimlico (1097 D)
13 May 13 UTC
abusive chat
What is the general rule on chat being offensive? How do we deal with it? I am involved in a game whee I have moved against a player expecting me to be his ally and he has come back with %** %**!!.
17 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
20 Apr 13 UTC
Ankara Crescent Variant
I figured I'd give a quick overview for those of you who are too lazy to read the variant description :D
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daboyz78 (1139 D)
15 May 13 UTC
Knowing each other/cooperating in an anonymous game
I am playing a game where the parties are meant to be anonymous and there have been moves that take careful coordination by two of the parties against me. Is there any way to look into this?
7 replies
drwiggles (1582 D)
10 May 13 UTC
SCs neded to win
This is not a reference to any specific game, but I find it incredibly annoying that people do not check the SCs to win and continue to fight each other while someone else conquers easily.
27 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
14 May 13 UTC
Sorry to complain again about this thing, but I still believe that the 1v1s should not be on the same ranking scheme as normal games.
17 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
14 May 13 UTC
So inspiring...
I'm the last one for sure to view this vid from Commander Chris Hadfield, but if someone else really missed this gem on youtube check out this link:
2 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
13 May 13 UTC
I'm a married man!
Just a couple photos because I didn't take any, I stole a couple off Instagram and Facebook but I don't mind sharing a few photos from my special day! This week we fly to Spain!!! Friday!!! Anyways, if someone wouldn't mind sharing on webdip that'd be great!
15 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Take over from Civil Disorder thread
I wonder if the system can be put in condition to append an automatic message each time a country goes in Civil Disorder, displaying gameID, country, previous player (questionable).
That would shorten the distance between supply and demand and would help filling open positions in time…at least the playable ones.
10 replies
red-claw-blue (1087 D)
12 May 13 UTC
A Kind (And Brave) Soul Needed
Need someone to fill in as Austria, gameID=14112
c'mon guys, do it for poor Balkan...
1 reply
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
10 May 13 UTC
Phantom Variant Idea
I thought of this idea the other day that I was thinking could make an interesting variant if it is actually possible. Part of this idea is based off the idea of having units with different strengths like in the Pirates variant. More information below:
21 replies
DoubleCapitals (736 D)
12 May 13 UTC
Temporary sitter required for a WWIV games

3 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
11 May 13 UTC
gameID=12532: Glitch Alert for Oli!
BIO can't move to SNT, VAL or MDZ, but can support all three. Also PIT can't convoy to VAL, ATA, or ARQ (I had a fleet in CHB for that purpose). I believe the game has a major glitch. Am I right, or was it the loaner computer I was using being dysfunctional (a distinct possibility)?
1 reply
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
10 May 13 UTC
Major glitch in WWIV game.
I'm Oceania. BIO will not move to MDZ, SNT or VAL, yet it can support all three. Also, my army in PIT can not or will not convoy to ARQ, ATA or VAL. As Oceania all my best laid plans are now FUBAR.
1 reply
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
10 May 13 UTC
Humor is good for the soul
In the need for a quick little laugh? This thread should be able to brighten up your day! Post funny videos and pictures here:

Ill go first:
5 replies
Amwidkle (1351 D)
08 May 13 UTC
Copyright infringement?
Does the Haven variant infringe copyrights?
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yaaks (1157 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Oli, you put in a lot of time into moderating the site.
Why don't you ever play any games?
yaaks (1157 D)
09 May 13 UTC
There is an implied challenge here, by the way.
fasces349 (1007 D)
09 May 13 UTC
Oli is on vacation right now, so he probably wont respond :P
yaaks (1157 D)
09 May 13 UTC
aww =( well i guess we'll just have to postpone this thread until he gets back.
But fasces, do you know?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
09 May 13 UTC
I'm playing on another server with some personal friends of mine.
I prefer games in my native language (German). Also I'm really bad at diplomacy :-).
Dejan0707 (1986 D)
09 May 13 UTC
What site you are playing at? I am trying to learn German for some time now, and hope that it I ever learn it up to satisfactory level I will play a few games on German.
Imagonnalose (992 D)
09 May 13 UTC
And yet....Oli is awesome and building everything diplomacy....;) Go Oli!

6 replies
General Cool (978 D)
08 May 13 UTC
If you try to cut a support hold by convoying a unit, and the convoy fails... Will you still cut support?
6 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
30 Apr 13 UTC
New Feature Request: Mark as Unread
So many times I'll be on my phone and will click an envelope to read the game message, but it will require an involved answer and I'll sometimes forget to reply because I forget about the message. What about a way to click something to make the envelope stay on that country's tab? Kind of like marking something as unread in Gmail.

44 replies
Geronimo (1195 D)
06 May 13 UTC
How do you know
In a game with anonymous players. Global press says a certain player has been banned for something. How do we know what country or countries he was controlling?
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The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
07 May 13 UTC
Bon Jovi Moment
"Whoah, we're half way there. Whoah! Living on a prayer!"

Need just 3 more players for Youngstown WW2 game:
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Leif_Syverson (1725 D Mod)
05 May 13 UTC
Feature Disappearance
I've noticed new features usually show up with an announcement and much fanfare, but some features disappear without so much as a whimper...
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
26 Apr 13 UTC
Anon World Game - Join Now!
If you are sick of people carrying over relationships in World games, this is the game for you. Nice and pure. Win with your talent: gameID=13778
12 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
06 May 13 UTC
Game Takeover
I need a willing volunteer to take over a game for me. Its not the best situation, but not the worst.

gameID=12086 it will be as cuba.
0 replies
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
04 May 13 UTC
Sitter needed!
My parents just told me we are going to drive to Latvia for four days from this Thursday on, so I need one or several sitters for the games i can't get extended...
4 replies
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