A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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bozo (2302 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
Live 2 player game?
Anyone want to play a live two player game?
7 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
I have some concerns about the play on this site. Inside.
18 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
Bet problem
How come it appeared that I only placed 1 point as bet when I put "5" in the box on the "New Game" page? I thought 5 is the minimum ...
Game: gameID=285
1 reply
Ruud (547 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
Sail Ho
Try the Sail Ho variant!

0 replies
The new game lepanto looks fun but I totally don't get it. Which ones are the supply centers? What do the numbers and letters mean? And I only see two units for each side at the beginning. Can some one please explain it to me
18 replies
Friendly Sword (846 D X)
17 Jan 11 UTC
One More Needed in Italy!!!!
Save this game from getting canceled!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
1 reply
Leon (1021 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
Imperium Diplomacy
Anyone interested in a game of Imperium Diplomacy Here's the link
0 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
11 Jan 11 UTC
New Lepanto game
15 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Jan 11 UTC
More players needed:
2 Players:
3 players:
4 replies
notsureifwant (835 D)
16 Jan 11 UTC
need more players
a 17 player world game
0 replies
Friendly Sword (846 D X)
15 Jan 11 UTC
Rock out in Modern Europe!!!! :)
0 replies
principians (963 D X)
15 Jan 11 UTC
don't know what to think
Guys, maybe this is becoming pathological:
I dreamed with diplomacy!
It was one of my current games in this web. I had written a set of orders when I went to sleep, and in my dream the orders were fatal to my country. Then I awoke and saw, realeased, that in the real game things happened very different
2 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
13 Jan 11 UTC
South American Supremacy
Thought I'd test out the full sized south American map, anyone up for it?
1 reply
mace (1262 D)
14 Jan 11 UTC
1 on 1

searchin for a challenger for a fast france vs. austria game... join now
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Jan 11 UTC
why can't I join?
I was hoping to play a 2 player live lepanto game with a friend. I have 3 D and the point requirement is 1 point. So why can't I join?
12 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Jan 11 UTC
For those who want some fun
join this 1 point 24 hour standard game.
6 replies
SrgtSilver64 (971 D)
13 Jan 11 UTC
Modern Diplomacy Game
Need 5 more players for a Modern Diplomacy game. 16 point buyin and 1 day phases.
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
14 Jan 11 UTC
im france in this game and can someone explain to me why im not in yunan, tonking was set to move to canton to break support, but it didnt work
4 replies
JetJaguar (996 D)
14 Jan 11 UTC
I Demand Satisfaction
Pseudo live game gameID=245 because some needs a good ass kicking, and it just might be me.
1 reply
Need a sitter
I'm going on holiday for 10 days, and I still have some unfinished games, Can someone sit for me? I'm playing FOW gunboat, Messed up Diplomacy (little negotiation, and a promising position), a pure game, and the chaos game. All of those I am in a good position, so it's bound to be fun.
5 replies
The Ambassador (2245 D (B))
11 Jan 11 UTC
Queensland floods
Some of you may have seen the terrible flooding in Australia. Well its come to my city so I've put in pause requests in all my games as power could be cut soon....
Some games I'm playing are Gunboat so I can't get out the message on them so just letting anyone know that if someone mysteriously CD's its probably me.
On a related post, things here are bad. 10 people have died in the last 2 days and about 70 are missing, totally unaccounted for. 20,000 homes are expected to be flooded today and over 2000 streets effected. I'm personally on higher ground and should be good, but a lot of people will be so badly effected. Visit for coverage or to donate.
Gunmaster G-9 (1111 D)
11 Jan 11 UTC
Do you think you could list the games you're in here, so that people in gunboat/anonymous games get the message?
I've posted in global of all games I'm playing. The only Gunboat game is gameID=37
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
11 Jan 11 UTC
Wow, for once you didn't draw Western Australia.
Yeah wonders never cease! Power is still on but the flood waters will be half a mile away within the next 4-5 hours. Wouldn't be surprised if power gets cut off soon.
Shep315 (1435 D)
12 Jan 11 UTC
i just saw that on the news sounds terrible half of australia is flooded and the other half on fire
Jimbozig (1179 D)
12 Jan 11 UTC
Still looking for some pauses... gameID=37
Hi all - back on board. Flood waters are slowly receding and my place is fine. Thank you so much to everyone who paused. I'll put in unpause commands now.
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
13 Jan 11 UTC
Glad to hear that. The reports from your country are really worrisome.
Thanks Oli for yours and other Dip players' messages to me during this crisis.

11 replies
bozo (2302 D)
13 Jan 11 UTC
Anyone want to try a live Lepanto?
1 reply
Onar (833 D)
10 Jan 11 UTC
Post your Variant Idea(s) here!
I know, you must be sick of getting all these new threads with variant ideas posted in them. So I figured we might as well make a topic for posting them.
31 replies
mace (1262 D)
12 Jan 11 UTC
1 on 1
need a player who wants a 1 on 1 austra vs france.
7 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
11 Jan 11 UTC
join! :)
2 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
31 Dec 10 UTC
Looking for some competition...
See inside...
54 replies
Lepanto Variant
Check it out!
8 replies
mace (1262 D)
11 Jan 11 UTC
4 more players needed... gameID=198
feel free to join the game "crowded wars".
map: crowded; players needed: 11; players atm: 7
pw: none; time left: 14 hours; phase: 1 day 12 hours
3 replies
SacredDigits (978 D)
09 Jan 11 UTC
Bug in Fall of American Empire IV?
Unique to games on this site, it seems to give me an error message when I click on the button to get a larger version of the map.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 20971520 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 6720000 bytes) in /usr/www/users/vdiplo/webdiplomacy/map/drawMap.php on line 297
2 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Jan 11 UTC
Bug in Karibik
I attacked an American army with the intent on preventing it to transform into a fleet. Yet it is still a fleet.
7 replies
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