A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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bozo (2302 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
Live 2 player game?
Anyone want to play a live two player game?
7 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
I have some concerns about the play on this site. Inside.
gantz (1859 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
Jimbozig (1179 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
My only press game are here at olidip. I play on webdip but exclusively gunboats. I used to play press-games, however. My concern is with the level of communication on this site.

In my experience, appropriate diplomacy play involves regular communication with everyone on the board. I understand some of these variants have more than a dozen players and that may be infeasible. However, when the game progresses and players drop out the numbers are smaller and easier to manage.

I have run into many situations of people just never responding to my messages. Some I will ask questions directly and other maybe just mention some friendly greetings. I don't understand what one would think ignoring a message is proper or productive play.

Even when you are fighting someone, it is still important to talk.

Am I the only one who has problems like this?
tt612 (1404 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
Nope, I too am annoyed with people who wont even respond to simple greetings at the beginning of games. There's also players you find every now and then who won't say a single thing, to anybody! Lack of strong communication has become a serious problem with some people new to this game and site.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Jan 11 UTC
You aren't. Sometime I got the feeling that my neighbour is maimed. You know... It's hard to type without hands.
SacredDigits (978 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
I always respond to everything, and also get peeved when no one talks. Alright, when I turn on someone and the tanks are rolling, I might not always say something back, but I might.

I don't go out of my way to greet everyone, but if someone greets me, I respond.
RoxArt (1732 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
yes yes, but normally the ones that dont talk to anybody die sooner or later... ;)
Puma (1615 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
It could also be a language issue. Some are more comfortable with English as a second or third or fourth language than others.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
I often get no response so I will ask them to at least confirm receipt of my message. When that gets nothing back is when things are really frustrating. Even worse is when they do what I ask even without responding.

Anyway, its nice to know who I should play my games with from your posts.
Graeme01 (1224 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
I know, it is really annoying. Although there is a bit of irony in the fact that uncommunicative players rarely do well, but then there's no real satisfaction in taking down someone with no allies to back them up...
killer135 (656 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
yes, it does get annoying
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
18 Jan 11 UTC
I think it's a combination of
- many "new" and unexperienced players (everybody is missing D-Points for high stakes games)
- language problems
and (IMHO) most important:
- because the site is new and there are so many new variants people joined too much games at once.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
18 Jan 11 UTC
What does IMHO stand for Oli?
tt612 (1404 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
In My Humble/Honest Opinion
Rancher (1261 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
Oli is probably right on the reasons, but I totally agree with Jimbozig that the situation is real
Jimbozig (1179 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
hopefully it resolves itself in the future. Anyway, when I get some points (should be tonight), would some of you who have agreed with me like to start our own game?
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
18 Jan 11 UTC
BTW: Same topic is discussed on the webdip-board too... :-/
No question about it. You are 100% correct.

Here are my experiences with internet Dip play, not just on Webdip or VDip:

- Players have no ability to lie, masquerade or deceive effectively, because they have no time or interest once they believe they have a preferable deal with your neighbour..

- Players are lazy, inexperienced, arrogant or stupid and therefore fail to pay approriate level of attention to theri emails.

- Players abuse the issue of uncertainty about JUST HOW OFTEN you can expect another player to check in and post a reply, therefore keeping you in the dark about what information to act upon. In F2F Dip you can watch the other player and his negotiating activities.

- Players form cliques and mutual circles of approval so intend to impress each other and do each other 'professional favours'

- PM'ing must play a role in points based gaming, otherwise called metagaming

-All of the above represent types of corruption and abuse, which are BEYOND THE CONTROL OR OBLIGATIONS OF ADMIN, and therefore a reflection of real life affairs.

- why do we play Diplomacy? Ans: because it's a reflection of real life corruption and abuse!!!

SacredDigits (978 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
I've only got a few points, jim, but I'd be down for a 10 pointer or so.

18 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
Bet problem
How come it appeared that I only placed 1 point as bet when I put "5" in the box on the "New Game" page? I thought 5 is the minimum ...
Game: gameID=285
1 reply
Ruud (547 D)
18 Jan 11 UTC
Sail Ho
Try the Sail Ho variant!

0 replies
The new game lepanto looks fun but I totally don't get it. Which ones are the supply centers? What do the numbers and letters mean? And I only see two units for each side at the beginning. Can some one please explain it to me
18 replies
Friendly Sword (846 D X)
17 Jan 11 UTC
One More Needed in Italy!!!!
Save this game from getting canceled!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
1 reply
Leon (1021 D)
17 Jan 11 UTC
Imperium Diplomacy
Anyone interested in a game of Imperium Diplomacy Here's the link
0 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
11 Jan 11 UTC
New Lepanto game
15 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Jan 11 UTC
More players needed:
2 Players:
3 players:
4 replies
notsureifwant (835 D)
16 Jan 11 UTC
need more players
a 17 player world game
0 replies
Friendly Sword (846 D X)
15 Jan 11 UTC
Rock out in Modern Europe!!!! :)
0 replies
principians (963 D X)
15 Jan 11 UTC
don't know what to think
Guys, maybe this is becoming pathological:
I dreamed with diplomacy!
It was one of my current games in this web. I had written a set of orders when I went to sleep, and in my dream the orders were fatal to my country. Then I awoke and saw, realeased, that in the real game things happened very different
2 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
13 Jan 11 UTC
South American Supremacy
Thought I'd test out the full sized south American map, anyone up for it?
1 reply
mace (1262 D)
14 Jan 11 UTC
1 on 1

searchin for a challenger for a fast france vs. austria game... join now
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Jan 11 UTC
why can't I join?
I was hoping to play a 2 player live lepanto game with a friend. I have 3 D and the point requirement is 1 point. So why can't I join?
12 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
14 Jan 11 UTC
For those who want some fun
join this 1 point 24 hour standard game.
6 replies
SrgtSilver64 (971 D)
13 Jan 11 UTC
Modern Diplomacy Game
Need 5 more players for a Modern Diplomacy game. 16 point buyin and 1 day phases.
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
14 Jan 11 UTC
im france in this game and can someone explain to me why im not in yunan, tonking was set to move to canton to break support, but it didnt work
4 replies
JetJaguar (996 D)
14 Jan 11 UTC
I Demand Satisfaction
Pseudo live game gameID=245 because some needs a good ass kicking, and it just might be me.
1 reply
Need a sitter
I'm going on holiday for 10 days, and I still have some unfinished games, Can someone sit for me? I'm playing FOW gunboat, Messed up Diplomacy (little negotiation, and a promising position), a pure game, and the chaos game. All of those I am in a good position, so it's bound to be fun.
5 replies
The Ambassador (2245 D (B))
11 Jan 11 UTC
Queensland floods
Some of you may have seen the terrible flooding in Australia. Well its come to my city so I've put in pause requests in all my games as power could be cut soon....
11 replies
bozo (2302 D)
13 Jan 11 UTC
Anyone want to try a live Lepanto?
1 reply
Onar (833 D)
10 Jan 11 UTC
Post your Variant Idea(s) here!
I know, you must be sick of getting all these new threads with variant ideas posted in them. So I figured we might as well make a topic for posting them.
31 replies
mace (1262 D)
12 Jan 11 UTC
1 on 1
need a player who wants a 1 on 1 austra vs france.
7 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
11 Jan 11 UTC
join! :)
2 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
31 Dec 10 UTC
Looking for some competition...
See inside...
54 replies
Lepanto Variant
Check it out!
8 replies
mace (1262 D)
11 Jan 11 UTC
4 more players needed... gameID=198
feel free to join the game "crowded wars".
map: crowded; players needed: 11; players atm: 7
pw: none; time left: 14 hours; phase: 1 day 12 hours
3 replies
SacredDigits (978 D)
09 Jan 11 UTC
Bug in Fall of American Empire IV?
Unique to games on this site, it seems to give me an error message when I click on the button to get a larger version of the map.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 20971520 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 6720000 bytes) in /usr/www/users/vdiplo/webdiplomacy/map/drawMap.php on line 297
2 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Jan 11 UTC
Bug in Karibik
I attacked an American army with the intent on preventing it to transform into a fleet. Yet it is still a fleet.
7 replies
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