A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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kaner406 (2103 D Mod (B))
11 Jul 17 UTC
Damn I'm a sucker for punishment - yup commedy cube
Yes, I'm back on the team. <Gulp>
3 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
06 Jun 17 UTC
Question for Mods
Are you guys still checking the "Mods" tab? Just curious if those queries are still being responded to.
11 replies
Namejeff (1049 D)
07 Jul 17 UTC
I am advertising a fog game called fog 9
0 replies
Flame (1073 D)
03 Jul 17 UTC
Napoleonic variaant. RELEASED!
Napoleonic variant from FireHawk is fixed and avaliable for playing here:
10 replies
Anon (?? D)
03 Jul 17 UTC
New game: Prince of Gunboat
2 replies
Technostar (1302 D)
29 Jun 17 UTC
Replacements needed for games.
Due to unforeseen circumstances this summer, I am in need of a replacement in 3 of the games I am playing. They are all anonymous Gunboat/Public Press games and are decent positions. PM me if interested and I will leave relevant information in my notes.
1 reply
BobRoss (1752 D)
18 Jun 17 UTC
Rank Titles?

I am curious about the system of rank titles that is in place at vdip.
13 replies
Freido28 (953 D)
19 Jun 17 UTC
Noob question...
What does IAMap mean in the variant types?
3 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 May 17 UTC
Quote Association Thread
Hello! I saw a thread like this scrawled on the wall of a Guatemalan insane asylum deep in the jungle primeval. We start with a quote, and you then post the one quote that pops into your mind after you read that quote. The first word is FIRST.

“The key to Springfield has always been Elm Street. The Greeks knew it. The Carthaginians knew it. Now you know it.”
63 replies
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
08 Jun 17 UTC
WWII conference room decoration suggestions
I am going to decorate my conference room with a WWII theme. I have a couple of recruiting/propaganda posters and am thinking of putting a big map of the war or a number of individual maps of various theaters basically in their respective areas on a wall. Any suggestions or recommendations on what to buy and where to buy it?
4 replies
Anon (?? D)
09 Jun 17 UTC
AAA Cercasi italiano
Hi all, I am looking for 2 Italian speaking players for an anonymous greypress classic map. The bet is very low (5) . Anybody? Contact me in private, and I'll share the password!
2 replies
Damian (1025 D Mod)
10 Jun 17 UTC
Site Rules
Greeting vDippers.
It has come to my attention that quite a few players are unaware of the site rules. If you're a new player, or a vet and you haven't read over the site rules I'd urge you to do so.
2 replies
michael_b (952 D)
07 Jun 17 UTC
Big Game
Hello Everyone, I just started a 35 player game and need it to fill up before it expires. It is non-anon also.

Please Join:
1 reply
New game looking for players
Small six player game.
Anarchy in the UK
With respect for Manchester
3 replies
cy4 (910 D)
01 Jun 17 UTC
African Jeff
Okay so we are playing the Africa map and we need 2 more players to join ASAP so we can get started. I have friends in the game already, just so you know but we won't be biased. The password is "jeff".
2 replies
gjdip (1503 D)
29 May 17 UTC
Sitter needed
I need a sitter to take over five games, all with decent positions. Something has come up that requires all my attention. PM for info. Thanks.
4 replies
CCR (1957 D)
18 May 17 UTC
1200 (Crusades)
There are two versions, named by Tommy Larsson as "1.2" and "1.4":
In both, the lagoon of Venice is a supply center over a Water province.
4 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
22 May 17 UTC
Question Regarding CDs
I've noticed that when I click the profiles of people who CD in games, it sometimes still shows 0 CDs on their record. Any reason for it not showing up? Seems to semi-absolve people of CDs?
2 replies
HQDominator (757 D)
17 May 17 UTC
The HQDominator Controversy Response
Check the first reply for the response
14 replies
New thread ideas
Help me come up with a new thread guys. post your suggestions for possible threads below:
12 replies
JECE (1534 D)
28 Dec 15 UTC
1600 and 1900

These Diplomacy variants look beautiful and I have wanted to play them for years. Is anybody here working on bringing them to vDip?
130 replies
This forum is turning into WebDiplomacy 2.0. Ugh!
WTF? These HQD bots are getting on my fucking nerves.
19 replies
Hippopankake (937 D)
17 May 17 UTC
Need players
I need 1 player for a youngs town ww2 game
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 May 17 UTC
New Thread Idea
Does anyone know Polish History? Did The Deluge cause such material damage that it doomed Poland to economic and political death spiral, did it devastate the proto-bourgeois, densely populated Northwest at a key moment within a republic when it was fighting with the rural, agrarian South and East thus stunting an incipient movement towards urbanization and development or did it not really have any long term effect?
7 replies
HQDeevejot (878 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Shrek Super Slam vs. Mr. Rogers' neighborhood
which one is the good one
8 replies
HQDominator (757 D)
16 May 17 UTC
Thread Discussion Thread
In this Thread, we will be discussing other threads such as the Word Association Thread and the New Thread Ideas Thread and most importantly The Muting Thread
1 reply
Technostar (1302 D)
12 May 17 UTC
Scramble for Africa Variant - Gauging Interest
I was wondering how interested people would be in a Scramble for Africa variant. I'm already making one for my friends and me to use, so I could easily put it on the lab for testing once it's done.
13 replies
Greetings Thread
Um....................... Hello? Is anyone there?
38 replies
The Ambassador (1948 D (B))
12 May 17 UTC
Calhamer prototype - feedback please
Hi folks - the Calhamer prototype of Dip has been rolling around in my head and I'm thinking of bringing it to the online community. But I have some questions that I'd appreciate your input into:
There's a number of different iterations of Mr Calhamer's map that preceded the board we all know and love. There's at least 4: 2 rough sketches, a detailed sketch, a final colored version. I have also included my initial attempt to create a php map using mostly the colored version, but where things aren't clear the sketch maps.

Here's the images to give context -

Things I'd particularly like input on:

1. How to deal with the territories around Con. There are very different designs between the two and the colored version appears to have an unnamed territory. The sketch version also separates the standard Con territory into 3: A European SC, the sea of Marmora, and two SC Asian territories (Smyrna - non SC and Ankara - SC)
2. My reading of the colored map is the starting positions of units is very army heavy eg England starts with 1 fleet and 2 armies.
3. The colored map doesn't have any SC's on neutral territories. However the detailed sketch seems to indicate territories that I'm guessing have an SC as the territory is shown with a shaded hash design rather than blank white.

I'd appreciate your input into these 3 issues and whether there's anything else you think isn't clear.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
13 May 17 UTC
So I did a bit of research into this, and I'm pretty sure these are maps for RealPolitik.

Calhamer's earliest drafts of Diplomacy were called RealPolitik, and there is a surviving rulebook to this -
Reading through this answers questions 2 and 3, but I'll get back to them.

The coloured board is almost certainly the most developed version there, and Constantinople is definitely one province on that. The nametag has arrows pointing to both landmasses, and since the sea in the middle is unnamed, I'm fairly certain it's supposed to work like Constantinople in the Classic version.

Side note - the Kiel canal is clearly also there, see the sketch.

The unnamed province just beneath Con is Smyrna - you can see that on the sketch. It's not an SC in this version.

The starting positions of units is something I haven't found the answer to but I think I can guess after reading the old rulebook. You need to understand how builds work in RealPolitik first, though.

You see the anchors and stars on the map? Those are naval bases and capitals respectively. In RealPolitik, each country is only allowed to build in these centers - all fleets must be built in its naval base (or one of the two naval bases in Russia's case) and all armies must be built in its capital. If the capital is taken it can be resignated to any other HSC, but if your naval base is taken, you can't build fleets until you take it back.

You *can* build more than one army/fleet in the same year, though - the capital and naval base can contain as many of your units as you want, although I believe they cannot support anything while there is more than one of them there.

It's not stated in the rulebook, but I believe that the game was supposed to start on a build phase, and so you could decide how many of your units to build as fleets in your naval base(s) and how many to build as armies in your capital. Supply centers like Liverpool or Cologne are supply centers which begin the game controlled by their respective Great Power and so help them build their starting units, but you cannot build units there and they do not start with units.

Obviously this doesn't work on vDip, so you're going to have to find a way around it... But what it does mean is that England isn't army heavy as you would think from the map, it's actually just a quirk of the old rulebook.

Regarding neutral centers, the rulebook says that 'Each of the Lesser Countries is a supply center.' My guess is that this means any country which was not under the control of another country, which matches up pretty well with the shaded centers on the sketch (the African countries on the board were under the rule of European powers at the time, Transylvania was under Rumania, and I believe Montenegro was under Serbia).
Thanks Cap. Intriguing and really appreciate your research. Only problem is I can't see how I can be faithful to those rules and code it up to allow it! (which you pointed out.)

Hmmm, I guess that then moves the topic onto what next if the RealPolitik rules couldn't be coded in.

3 replies
The Ambassador (1948 D (B))
11 May 17 UTC
Where do you post your variant map ideas?
Working on the Calhamer Prototype variant and interested in getting opinions on map design to keep it authenticate. In some cases the maps aren't clear and I'm interested in advice. Where's the best spot folks have found for posting?
1 reply
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