A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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ezpickins (1717 D)
21 Nov 11 UTC
Need a new Italy
Game has yet to start.
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 Nov 11 UTC
Any lawyers on site?
3 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
16 Sep 11 UTC
The Next VDip Cup: Discuss!
Please evaluate the current VDip cup, with respect to rules, format etc, and propose alterations for the next cup.
90 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
20 Nov 11 UTC
semi live
one on one
3 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
20 Nov 11 UTC
Treaties Game
Anyone interested?
0 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
20 Nov 11 UTC
Is it just me?
Or have the stats disappeared?
3 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
19 Nov 11 UTC
World War IV Team Game improvement ideas
The interest in the World War IV Team Game is dying and the public press is being filled up with ranting, improvement ideas and calls for a draw. The calls for a draw are being drowned out so move your improvement ideas here please.
10 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
19 Nov 11 UTC
World War IV Team Game ranting thread
The ranting on the World War IV Team Game just keeps filling up the public press and calls for a draw are being drowned out because of it.
Move your ranting here please.
3 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
19 Nov 11 UTC
join join join
0 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
Ultimate Fantasy Breakdown
I've created this thread to discuss the Ultimate Fantasy game in the Fantasy World variant that just concluded.
2 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
19 Nov 11 UTC
replacement needed (sirijaya)
9 Supply Centres, 7 units. good position. Gunboat.
2 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
Players in War in 2020 - 3, we have a metagamer in our midst. There's no frigging way EE could have known to support Indian Ocean into Russia last round. This game is bogus, I move we cancel it.
4 replies
tricky (1005 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
Paragay in Karibik doesn't stand a chance to win because it can't ever build fleets. Thoughts?
12 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Nov 11 UTC
Draw, Pauce, Cancel & CONCEDE?
it seems to me that sometimes a concede option could be handy; especially if one player is definitely going to win - For instance in Fall of the American Empire, civil war.
LoveDove (1368 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
I dig it. Could also be used to go ahead and acknowledge an imminent solo when on other maps too without dragging it out.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Nov 11 UTC
agreed. So on maps with more than 2 players, the win would go to the player who hasn't conceded the game. 6 players vote to concede, then the win goes to the 7th.
Rancher (1109 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
I like this "concede" option/variant thing ...
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Nov 11 UTC
It's just a thought really, I don't know how hard it would be to code - if it is possible at all.
butterhead (1272 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
I love this idea.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Nov 11 UTC
I like this idea as well.
I assume it is only for 1v1 games and WTA games, right? In PPSC game I guess it would be too hard to manage the assignation of points and the "survive/defeated" outcome for the stats.
In maps with a neutral player (say Duo,RInascimento) shouldn't be too difficult assuming they're voting "Concede" since the start.
If this will be done, I reccomend a "confirm" box question as you press Concede: "Are you sure you want to concede this game?OK/Cancel" and, possibly, 'cancel' should be the default option (if you press 'Enter' then the Concede vote is aborted)
Concessions should count as resignations as far as draw/pause/cancel votes are concerned as well. That way if, say, France and Germany are sweeping the classic map on the way to a 2wd, the resisting powers can click Concede, France and Germany both click Draw, and France and Germany get the 2-way.

This would provide very interesting diplomatic opportunities, as it could be used to call the bluff of a player clamoring for a 2-way draw but secretly looking for the chance to solo.

If implemented, I think all Conceded players should receive a Survival on their stats -- even if the game is Drawn -- but receive no points, irrespective of variant. That way Concession is better than Defeat and Resignation but doesn't cheapen a Draw.
RoxArt (1732 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
ok if u all concede to me! :)
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Nov 11 UTC
No, no, and no. Definitely not. The only way this should be implemented is in 1 v 1 games.

Reasoning: Concede button cheapens the game.

How many times have you all heard some new player complain they're position is gone and they're dead when with a little diplomacy, they can resurrect their position? All the Concede option is doing is giving those player a chance to say "screww it". We should be encouraging playing until the end, not giving up. The best games are the ones where people dsuke it out until the end.

@PE - why should a concession be better than a defeat? If you're conceding to a 2wd, you theoretically would be eliminated. Simply put, conceding IS defeat. A concede button says "I give up", which means defeat. On principal, I would never accept a concede vote if it meant they get a survive instead of defeat. Finally, part of the game of Diplomacy is bluffing. If you're willing to take the risk of a 2wd, you should have to earn it all the way to 17-17 and risk the stab for a solo. Otherwise, don't go for a 2wd. Giving a cheap way out by everyone conceding when the 2 allies are at 13-14 elminates part of the inherent risk of a 2wd.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Nov 11 UTC
BUT a conceded game occuring in a game larger than 2 players would be contingent on the other players agreeing to concede. If anything the ''concede'' option would give an upper hand to the experienced in 1v1 games, not group games.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Nov 11 UTC
I'm not saying it givesthe upper hand to anyone, I'm saying it cheapens the game. Yes, its contingent on agreement, but why not just fight back? Both diplomatically and tactically. There's no harm in trying, all it can do is help your skills. And if they have such an unbreakable alliance, well, you must have failed somehwere earlier in the game and allowed it to happen, and you deserve the defeat. That, or they aren't playing for the win, so I would blacklist them and not play them again.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Nov 11 UTC
Doesn't the original rules allow for players to concede? I thought it did.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Nov 11 UTC
I do not believe so. It was win, draw, survive with someone soloing, or be defeated. Ill check though.

drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Nov 11 UTC
Just checked. 1959 rules say either someone winsby gaining a majority of the SCs., or its a draw. No mention of concesson.
thethirdone (1008 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
Out drano, if you have 7 players, and 6 of them click "concede", wouldnt it mean they all are so bad diplomats that the 7th player would win anyway?
Also there are many cases in which this button could be useful, not only to cheapen games, but to save time.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Nov 11 UTC
In that case, yes. But why the hell would 6 players all be giving up? Do they all somehowhave like 2 scs each?

The point is, if there's that many players willing to concede, there's probably enough of them to effectively fight back. Learn to talk. I don't think we should encorage giving up.

As for saving time, at most it will likely save a couple turns until someone won anyways. And hey, you all signed upo for the game, so you should play it out. Its like people who join a 10 day/phase game and then complain that it takes 10 days. Hey, you signed up for it!
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Nov 11 UTC
Also, thethirdone, please provide examples of these "many cases in which this button could be useful......" so that I can show why its just as good or better not to have it in most cases.
kaug (1220 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
I recommend we name it instead of "Concede", "Surrender" and stats be counted separately. I for one think a surrender is the same as a resign but with the decency of letting other players know they no longer give a crap about the game. It should definitely not be a survive.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
17 Nov 11 UTC
Drano and Kaner are, in different ways, both right. That's why I proposed it ONLY for 1v1 and for WTA games. "I concede" must mean only "I admit I'm defeated" and I am speaking for myself. -- In WTA, I remind, the losers are recorded as defeated. --
That's why it can't be used for DRAWS because it would be a "I vote for players X and Y to be the winners" or "I vote for X, B, Z and F to be the winners". It would be probably very hard to code and basically useless.
Also, it must not be a "resign" button. You can't resign! You can't have the possibility to screw the game!

So, the uses I propose are just these 2:

1) 1v1 (AvB). If player A concedes then:
- B is the winner
- A is either defeated or survived, depending on if it was a WTA or PPSC game.

2) Multiplayer WTA games. Only when ALL the active players EXCEPT ONE have voted "Concede" this lone non-voting-player is the winner and all the other players are defeated. Until 2 or more players are not voting, the game goes on.

NEUTRAL POWERS (like in Duo, KnownWorld...) start with the "Concede" vote on.

I don't see how it could work in a different way. Thoughts?
Devonian (1887 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
I think concede should only be allowed in 1v1 games. Players should fight to the end.

Some of my favorite games have come from pulling out a draw with 1 SC, or coming back from 2 SC's to win the game. The nature of diplomacy gives people who are hopeless, a chance to come back. If there is a conceed button, there might be too much of a temptation to check out and not play it all the way through.

For someone to win, they need a majority, which means a conceed would go to someone who has less than 50% of the SC's. In these situations, if the whole world wakes up and see's what is happening, they should be able to stop the win.
mongoose998 (1344 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
Devonian, you say that players should fite to the end, yet you suggest that it be allowed for, nonetheless only for, 1v1. i am sure that many games would end after a simple misorder if this happened.
"darn, that was meant to go to kiel, now imma lose, i give up"
"crap, that should not be in Munich now. how can I make this work, time for a new strategy.
which sounds better?
Devonian (1887 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
You are right, I don't think it is necessary on 1v1 games either. And your point is well taken.

At best, I say that it should be allowed in 1v1 games. But, it would be a concession, not my preference.
fasces349 (1007 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
concede just encourges people to quit. Always try until the end.

England once went from owning just Brest (aka, 1 non-home sc) to winning the game.
mispelledlazer (872 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
can I see that game?
idealist (1107 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
but having concede, and having the duty to convince others to concede, is itself diplomacy, and in the process of which people might band together to stop a solo.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Nov 11 UTC
I think I'm able to understand whether I can recover or not a 1v1 game I'm losing. And I'd think about whether to press it or not TWICE. I wouldn't press "concede" just for laziness because I don't like to have survivals or defeats on my stats. Who does?
"Concede" button would have only the purpose to avoid you spend your last 2 turns finalizing all hold orders in a hopeless game, and therefore to avoid you wait unusefully for that game to end and to have the possibility to join a new one if you're playing the max number of games your RR lets to you.
"Concede" looks indispensible in Duo. In this variant you need more than the simple majority of SCs (15) to win, you need 19. All the Duos I've played ended when one player reached 15 or 16 and a good position. We agreed the game was over, but we had to put orders in for a couple of years more (a couple of RL days). Absolutely boring.

For Multiplayers map, as I said, it looks doable only for WTA games. And I agree it would be much less useful than in 1v1. Devonian is right saying "if the whole world wakes up they should be able to stop the win."
But ,first, the vote would pass only if ALL the players except one voted it. This would mean that NOBODY woke up, so why shouldn't they lose?
I'd never vote it if there's a chance to set up a resisting alliance. And one player REFUSING to vote the Concede should reawaken sleeping minds.
Second, it happened many many times to me that a 2way alliance was rolling over the map and at some point one ally stabbed the other one. In several cases the stabbed one was so bad positioned to be unable to react or he went even in CD. We were ALREADY woken up and fighting them, but nothing we could do to stop the stabber's win, with or without the stabbed's help. A week playing an hopeless game until the foregone conclusion.
Daiichi (1339 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
About the point of having more or less than halaf the board, i must say, diplomacy is not just about who has more units, but also about who is best positioned. One player can go from 15 to 18 in 1 year, given the adecuate circumstances, and the other would not be able to resist it.
Daiichi (1339 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
As an example, in this game:
France might as well concede, as the other 3 playes have been for a week waiting for him to dissapear and then 3-way draw.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Nov 11 UTC
Daiichi, no. "Concede" must not be "Resign", Drano explained why.
If it will be used in maps with more than 2 players, it can only be a vote to end the game, a vote that must be ineffective until ALL players, except the winner, vote "concede" as well.
Daiichi (1339 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
If he would concede, we would draw. He would get a defeated and we 3 a draw.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Nov 11 UTC
Mm. Maybe I can see what you mean, now, Daiichi. It could work this way: when ALL the active players voted either "Concede" or "Draw", then the game is over and who voted "draw" is part in the draw, who voted "concede" is defeated. Could it work? Mm. At least one drawer should wait for all losers to vote, otherwise the last loser could vote "draw" and end the game :D
RoxArt (1732 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
just forget this... - mute - :D

32 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
Need to Un-pause
Hello Oli, hate to bother you but gameID=4237 needs to be un-paused by the admin. Everyone is back and un-paused, yet the game is still paused.
3 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
not working grey press - oli help?
hi oli
this game was announced as grey press... now it has all press tabs (that should not be... ) + grey is not working?
4 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
Black Hole of Calcutta
for Colonial fans, no frills:
1 reply
Snake IV (1154 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
"Live game" pilot Saturday 19/11, 19:00 London time
"Live game" is a game played like a FTF game but on the net, it only lasts an evening as has 10-15 min deadlines. We are some that want to get these games a regular practice, and this particular game is meant to try out the preconditions for that.
1 reply
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Nov 11 UTC
anyone out there who paints miniatures?
Does the diplomacy hobby mix?
3 replies
kaug (1220 D)
10 Nov 11 UTC
USA map
Why does the USA need only 14 SCs to win?
46 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
Tokugawa Bakufu
Sengoku Jidai, no frills:
0 replies
idealist (1107 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
new 1v1 games
links inside
4 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
Subjects Needed!
gameID=4363 Revolting!
gameID=4325 Something
gameID=4326 Else
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
12 Nov 11 UTC
Triage of Variants: Classic Map only! FOG GREY PRESS 1887
2 replies
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
14 Nov 11 UTC
Possible bug in Modern Diplomacy
I am trying to convoy an army from Wales to Holland. North Sea will not accept the otherwise valid convoy command.
2 replies
Hman125 (900 D)
10 Nov 11 UTC
8 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
10 Nov 11 UTC
rox is back for a new map :D ww20
pls join fast! :)
as i think its idiotic to play this map without messages i open one with... ;)
just 5 D to try...
9 replies
idealist (1107 D)
14 Nov 11 UTC
new 1v1 games
see inside for links
5 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
14 Nov 11 UTC
Economic game
join up
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
12 Nov 11 UTC
kidding me? not more than 3 games!!!!?
ok sorry i dont know the new system cause i was of a bit but i think i should be able to join more than 3 games as i have proven enough affidability!!?
further i have 1 game running and joined 2 that are not even started and dont start maybe cause of not enough players and now i cannot join another game?
bullshit! :(
10 replies
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