A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
Page 52 of 160
ezpickins (1656 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
First Game to 34 SCs on Classic
9 replies
gamerx215b (1066 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
17-Player world game?
join if you fancy it
1 reply
Shep315 (1435 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
Wanted Reliable Player:
the map: youngstown
originally an invitation only game, several who were invited could not commit and at this time. All players all ready joined are reliable and good players. If interested PM me for the password
2 replies
nikat (987 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
Game crash
How do i contact admins to resolve this?
4 replies
Terijian (1041 D)
10 Mar 12 UTC
Parse error?
Anyone know if this will correct itself or what it is?
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /usr/www/users/vdiplo/vDiplomacy/gamemaster/game.php on line 326
0 replies
GOD (1907 D Mod (B))
10 Mar 12 UTC
8 SCs for win??? o.O
How can the end of game be 8 SCs, when Russia has 6 starting SCs???
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
100 (-2) point WTA!
You have to be crazy not to...JOIN! JOIN! JOIN!
But I guess I'm crazy for...JOINING! JOINING! JOINING!

7 replies
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
04 Mar 12 UTC
Europe 1939
Hi. If whenever a game of this finishes, you can post it here for me to look at, I'd be appreciative. I might rebalance it if it proves that, as I suspect, certain countries are a little too weak. I already have a few changes in mind, but want to be sure first :P
airborne (970 D)
04 Mar 12 UTC
Where's your Silver Circle, private!? Down and give me 20!
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
04 Mar 12 UTC
I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me :(
King Atom (1186 D)
04 Mar 12 UTC
You're just a poor boy? ...From a poor family?
ezpickins (1656 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
I have felt trapped into certain moves as a russian player.
King Atom (1186 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
And I have felt hungry before...but how is that relevant to the discussion?
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
Hm. What woudl you suggest when it comes to changing Russia? I intend on making Turkey a bit stronger, possibly France too, and blunting Italy a bit.
ezpickins (1656 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
Well A) It takes Russia a few years to build the capacity to even put a decent attack on Poland or Turkey. Russia is the only player to not have a secure build in 1939 or whichever year is the first. England has Arabia, France has either Swiss or Belgium depending, Spain has Portugal, Italy has Greece, Germany has Denmark and Holland, POland has Lithuania, Turkey has Bulgaria, and Russia has... maybe Finland or Tehran if people are friendly.

Russia has a few avenues for expansion, but they ultimately require support from another Power, an attack on Turkey requires England's help, on Poland, Germany, and on England, Germany.
ezpickins (1656 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
That second one might be B... idk maybe
airborne (970 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
Well a couple observations I have made.
-Algiers has so much space around it it takes over year to reach another SC other than Tripoli
-Croatia has two pixels that are rather distracting...
-Can Bur and Als be merged? To increase tension between France and Germany then there's the fact ath France has far more at stake in Switzerland (2 Home SCs touching) than Germany or Italy (Don't know your thoughts on that)
-I feel like the English Isles could be made up of less spaces without Liverpool as an SC.
-As from a production value stand point a for things can be fixed. The name codes has too many fonts used. Certain sections of borderlines can be erased on the color code.
airborne (970 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
Those poor Finns! Being invaded for their non-existant SC
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
France having Switzerland is because it's the only surefire SC it gets. Alsace is there to represent the Maginot line, and it slows any German attack I think. Otherwise Germany could open to Burgundy and threaten 3 French home SC's.

I've been trying to think of a way to edit Algiers to make it more useful. I may put a neutral SC in Africa, and make it a build start.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
Russia is a bit slow, yes, but that's also historical representative. Anyoen invading Russia will have to commit a long way for a long time. It does have Sweden unless Germany and Poland ally to stop it. I'm not sure where I could add another SC for it to go for. I don't want it to border Rumania straight away otherwise it could trap Poland too easily.
ezpickins (1656 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
I think as the games build up, Poland and Germany will team up more often, as there is little for them to fight over.
Shep315 (1435 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
I've seen that in my two games so far as well, Germany and Poland at least have a NAP
ezpickins (1656 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
at least one of the games already has a no build Russia.
champ11228 (775 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
France is in a really tough spot since it is surrounded by Spain, Italy, Britain, and Germany. The Balkans are wild in this variant.
Holen (961 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
Russia is a bit start slowing, maybe split Finland into regions, Kaerelia and Finland, and make Finland an SC, that way Russia has one sure fire SC. Maybe give it a standing army, it was allied with Germany though... There might be enough of a need for Russia to have an assured SC to capture that splitting Finland and giving it a SC with a standing army would be the right and fairly historically accurate thing to do though. TD;LR Split Finland in half, give it an SC.
Holen (961 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
Slow starting* Sorry.
airborne (970 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
I think Holen suggestion is excellent, I would also like to suggest combining Kaz and Turk so we have three powers that can challenge for Tehran first year. The Belgium of the Mid East
Fozzy Brrr... (890 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
Alternatively, you could edit some of the territories so German and Poland have home SCs bordering each other like Venice and Trieste in classic. This would up tension between the two and help Russia.
airborne (970 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
I personally as a designer dislike touching home SCs. It just adds way too much stress in relationships between nations. I believe that's a big reason why in Classic Italy and Austria are poor performers. I'm willing to break my own rules of designing for check in mouth variants (Touchy)
Shep315 (1435 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
well if Poland is a major issue it could be taken out as a playable nation all together it could be set up like Yugoslavia currently is and have standing armies in it, and if you still wanted another country, you could make Yugoslavia playable, but that would mean a major reworking of the Eastern part of the map
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
Poland should be played, but for historical accuracy it should be much weaker.
Shep315 (1435 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
and that becomes the problem, Poland realistically couldn't have conquered half of Europe, but it should be strong enough that the game won't be completely unbalanced, unless the goal is a more unbalanced game like Rinascimento
Fozzy Brrr... (890 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
Ya i assumed taking Poland out as a playable faction was not an option. If it is I would think 2 Polish SCs with armies that support hold each other, Warsaw and Krakow. But this is a slippery slope because one could easily argue that Spain and Turkey should be that way. I think if it was Europe 1928 or something it would help people that want things more realistic... but then Spain would be in civil war and that would be a different headache
Fozzy Brrr... (890 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
er nvm, that could work. spain wasn't in civil war until 36
Fozzy Brrr... (890 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
also explains the pretty equal strength of Germany and Poland, if the start year is 28 or 33
King Atom (1186 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
lol whos fozzy brr...?
is he knew?
Fozzy Brrr... (890 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC

sorry for triple post, I would edit if it were an option.
King Atom (1186 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
Sorry, I don't think you get the joke...
That statement I made is a running joke back on WebDip.
airborne (970 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
Well that certainly cuts off the chances of him being part of webdip beforehand then doesn't it
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
airborne said my reason for not wanting touching home SC's already. Splitting Finland is a decent idea I'll probably implement. I'm also going to change Egyptian Sea so it borders Ionian Sea, and more importantly, Gulf of Sirte doesn't border Crete, so Italy can only get one unit on it in 1939. I may remove either Poznan or Prussia to encourage more Germanic-Polish hostilities, but I spent quite a lot in trying to prevent Poland being easily walked over. I'm also going to split Greece up, and possibly redraw the Iran area in order to give Turkey further expnasion. Merging Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan is another decent idea there, although I'm not too sure I think Turkey needs extra competition there.
Hellenic Riot (1267 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
Silesia, not Prussia.
I just took a quick look at the variant, and it seems that France is far too vulnerable to attacks from all sides. With Spain sitting there, you just turned what is traditionally one of the most powerful countries into a less enviable version of Austria. If that was your purpose, then okay, but imo France needs to be better protected
Rancher (1275 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
I am finding France pretty difficult to play, I must agree
DILK (1196 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
I think Spain is a pretty rough country to be, as it is very easy for France and England to cooperate the first turn, then let France slowly devour Spain.

Perhaps to increase Turkey's starting power you give them Tehran as a home SC? Though this would be terrifying for Russia
DILK (1196 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
But, I think more games need to be completed to see if the game is truly unbalanced.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
09 Mar 12 UTC
HR, first of all I have to say that's a SPLENDID Variant. My congrats.

I may agree with many of the previous comments but, although the analisys of the "starting" dynamics of a Map is important, I believe that we can't fully understand these starting dynamics if we don't look to the game develop and end.

The issue I want to call to your attention is related to the playability of the map after some years have been played. The point is FLEETS. There are so many Sea-Zones (NAtl-SAtl-Indian-Med-BS-Caspian-Baltic) and many of them are 'restricted' to certain powers. Some example:
- Germany will never put a fleet anywhere else than Baltic and NAtl until he destroys England. So Germany knows that expanding towards South or Balkans will be a losing plan. The sea will stop him at one point.
- Poland will never get out Baltic until he destroys Germany and, after that, England. So he may conquer Russia in the first years and after that he'll be trapped on East. But if he attacks Germany he will be crunched by G & R.
- Turkey can build fleets neither on Caspian nor on Indian. So he basically have no interest in fighting England and he'll mandatorily attack Russia before it's too late. If successful, he'll be basically trapped on East.
- Italy has no interest moving North or NW. He'll always be only a Med-Power (btw, I believe there are too little SCs in Africa: why fight for it?). Only reasonable start: East.
- If Russia dies, Caspian counts as Switzerland in Classic, being Russia the only one who can build fleets on it (similar thoughts on BS).

So I've opened some ongoing game and I found that there's some unpredictable Diplomacy only in left-upper corner of the map (Eng-Spa-Fra). For the rest:
- Polands are fighting Russias (what else?)
- Turkeys are fighting Russias (what else?)
- Englands are safe in their Arabian corner that nobody aims (only 3 SCs: low SCs/nonSCs ratio there). Some are idle and some attack... Spain from there!
- No life's signs on Africa
- Some I-G fights for balkans.

So I believe that strategy dinamics are rather stuck into predictability, in East half of the map, for both Early & Middle game. And this basically screws Russia and Spain more than some border issues. For End game, when only a few countries are surviving, I guess that many leading powers will have serious issues in advancing because of stalemate lines they can't break (due to the lack of fleets on the "other" side).

Ok. My intent should be clear now: I'm suggesting you to adopt either "Build anywhere" or "Transform" features. That's the main issue.

Also, increasing the SCs/nonSCs ratio in the Southern quarter of the Map (either adding two SCs or merging two couples of non-SC territories) would be useful, IMHO.

This way, Turkey would find a reason to move South relieving pressure on Russia and Spain. Italy could choose among many different starting strategies. Germany should watch his southern border while he actually have a chance to break against England, who's not the Atlantic ruler anymore. This would make Germany a target for Poland so Germany could also choose to ally with France...and so on.

I'd try "Build anywhere" or "Transform" before making any other change. Each country would have many more possibilities of expansion and therefore many more different starting strategies, whether in full diplomacy or gunboats.
G-Man (2466 D)
09 Mar 12 UTC
I haven't played this one, but I would agree with most of these comments just from looking over the map. Was this one play-tested?

39 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
08 Mar 12 UTC
New variant...
And yes, we will work on the description...
6 replies
I think this map would make an awesome variant
And a funny one:
1 reply
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
Hey Vdip Community
I'm knew here. Can someone go over the site features real quick with me? I see I can choose what country i can be? Weird.
60 replies
xSMTx (847 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
Variant Idea
I think someone (not me, since I dont know the first thing about variant design) should make a game based on the Vietnam War. It could include the Marines, NVA, Viet Con, Spetnaz, and potentially Laos or Cambodia.
3 replies
crixno (1248 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
How do i import a diplomacy variant?
I really want to import a diplomacy variant called "Imperial Diplomacy" This is my all time favorite diplomacy map and really want to play it! i have looked at it so many times and now that i am pafrt of a diplomacy variant web sight i want to import one! In the help section, it says you can "port" a variant to this sight... but how? Please let me know if you know :D
1 reply
crixno (1248 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
0 replies
kaner406 (2067 D Mod (B))
07 Mar 12 UTC
Visiting the USofA.
Any suggestions on what I should see and where I should go?
(starting off in Oregon if that helps and gotta see some people in Ohio - finishing in California)
46 replies
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
08 Mar 12 UTC
Live Pure game... Join...
0 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
plz join my games gameID=6646 gameID=6645
1 reply
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
08 Mar 12 UTC
Happy Holi to all vDiplomats..
Today, In India a colorful festival is celebrated....
See this link..
Happy Holi...
0 replies
jrubenzer13 (775 D)
08 Mar 12 UTC
Glitch at Kjonugard?
So apparently my unit was unable to move into Kjonugard (only guarded by one unit) although the move was supported by another. I'm thinking it's a glitch, could anyone help me figure out why this happened?
3 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
Serious Thread
9 replies
airborne (970 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
8 replies
champ11228 (775 D)
29 Feb 12 UTC
Chaoctopi Game
Chaoctopi game starting in 10 days. Need 33 more people!

3 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
04 Mar 12 UTC
I am looking for six other players to join the Vdip Classic Team. A team of players who will join anonymous classic games (maybe a few classic* games)
play it out to the end, and not CD. the point is to experiment new openings, relations, etc. games can be random or CYC.
22 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
07 Mar 12 UTC
Habelya Game
Does anyone want to partake in a new game on a less-new map? If so, comment and once the seven (including myself) are reached, I will start the game and PM all participants the password. We will most likely need substitutions, so more than seven is okay.
1 reply
King Atom (1186 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
Permission + Interest
I love Hellenic Riot's new map; 1939, and I was wondering if I could get permission to do a 1941 map. I would use the original map as a base, but would also need to know if there is any interest for it. It certainly would make an entirely different game, and I thought it might be a good idea. Thoughts?
27 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
05 Mar 12 UTC
Potential Variant?
What would be the community response to a classic variant with amphibious armies? it would definitely take some strategy out of the game, but add some new aspects...
18 replies
javidtl (976 D)
06 Mar 12 UTC
Join this game
It's a Fall of the America Empire map. I hope you will join it.
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
06 Mar 12 UTC
2 replies
crixno (1248 D)
06 Mar 12 UTC
Come play with me!
Come and play with the Fellowship of the Diplo! gameID=6604

Map is abstraction 3
0 replies
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