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The Ambassador (2276 D (B))
29 Nov 12 UTC
1066 update
England got a bum deal in the first attempt of 1066. This should now be better balanced with a new SC in Norfolk (formerly East Anglia on the board) & a new sea territory, Central North Sea. Enjoy!
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Devonian (1887 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
My suggestions are based on the V2 version. The Normans need help in that version.
fasces349 (1007 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
true. fair enough, I haven't played V2 enough to be familiar with balance needs in that one.
As one of the guys who made up the variant (and seeing as Tadar's gone off the VDip radar), bare in mind that one of the critical points of the variant is historical accuracy. I very reluctantly agreed with the concept of the Free Cities Passage (there were historical precedents) and having French duchies able to be invaded without the French king intervening (eg William the Conqueror did invade the Duchy of Brittany, but provided he still gave tutelage to the French crown it was considered acceptable.)

But having cities in the Holy Roman Empire and further afield takes the variant away from its original intent. It is *meant* to be fought over England. That was what 1066 was all about: who gains the upperhand over the British Isles.

I'm more than happy for Airborne and others to take the map & the rules and make changes provided its clear its got some broader name and variant positioning. Incidentally if it was done this way I find the map proposed would work well in encouraging greater three way action, particularly Norwegian vs Normans.
Devonian (1887 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
I am all in favor of keeping it close to historical accuracy, but I don't know the history very well.

Would moving the armies and fleets like I suggested be reasonably accurate? It would delay the conflict between the English and the Normans.

Otherwise, How about moving the Norman fleet from Bayeux into The Channel Islands? If that is still historically accurate, the Normans will be able to get a build in the first year, without sacrificing its coastline.
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
What bassically happened was Edward the Confessor (king of England) in 1064 announced William Normandie, was his heir. Edward fell into a coma in 1065. On January 4th of 1065 the Archbishop of Canterbury declared that Edward had woken up, declared that Harold Godwinson, not William Normandie should be the heir before falling back into his coma. The Archbishop was a relative of Harold and so had a motive to lie about this (not saying that he did. It is also unclear whether or not Edward actually named William as heir).

As a result when Edward died the following day, Harold was crowned king.

William was outraged and raised an army of 20,000 soldiers to invade England, but the overwhelming naval superiority of England meant that he couldn't do anything.

Fast forward to September. Tostig, Harolds younger brother, gets into a fight with Harold and with 3000 soldiers, he flees to Scotland and declares that Harald, king of Norway, is the true King of England (Tostig and his army represents the army in Hadrians Wall at the start of the game in the diplomacy variant).

Norway then invades England. With the English army and navy distracted William uses the opportunity to cross the Channel and invade England. After Harold Godwinson defeats the Norwegians in the battle of Stanford Bridge, he rushes south and faces William and Hastings. While his force does outnumber Williams, his men are fatigued from the long march (17 days of forced marching to get there) and using superior tactics William is successful and Harold is killed in the battle.

William would be crowned King 2 months later and the rest is history.
Devonian (1887 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
It sounds like shifting the Norman fleet from Bayeux to Channel Islands would be more accurate then. A single Norman fleet would be unable to move into the North EC by the English fleet in Winchester, but it also causes a brief standoff. (Which, from your description, sounds historically accurate.) This would allow the Normans to get a SC, without allowing England easy access to the Norman coast. This might not be enough to balance the sides though. It might be worth a couple of games in the lab.
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
problem with that is it wouldn't address the problem of Norway and Normandy not fighting.

My suggest would be the double the size of the map and the number of scs in the map and make is so that 2-way draw is impossible (by needing less then 50% of the scs to solo)

What this would do is force a standoff between Norway and Normandy. If they ally against England, eventually they will be forced to attack each other.

If England has ~5 scs, Norway has ~10 and Normandy has ~15, Norway and England will likely work together against Normandy.

I would then make each turn be half a month (rather then half a year) for a more historical time plot. Start in July 1066 and we should have a rather historically accurate more balanced (albeit very different) 1066 variant.
Devonian (1887 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
From what I think you and Ambassador have said about the history of it, the Normans and the Norwegians didn't fight. They both attempted to take England independently. So, if we are going to balance the game, and keep it historically accurate, it should be balanced by having England sufficiently strong to potentially withstand both attacks with reasonable ability to gain a victory. But, both the Normans and Norwegians need to be adequately strong to potentially gain an advantage, should England collapse.

Also, it sounds like Ambassador does not want to redraw the map, without changing the name of the variant. I agree with him on this, it is an excellent map as it is, it just needs a small adjustment.

fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
The reason they never fought is because Harold had defeated the Norwegiens before the Normans landed in England.

Say he was unable to do so, then it is more then probable that the Norwegians and Normans would have fought, given that they both wanted to sit on the throne in Winchester.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
Fair enough, I am with trying to preserve historical accuracy too: I’ll abandon any “Northern Germany” idea since, as I anticipated, it’s against the spirit of the variant. Actually “I am with trying to reach a good compromise between historical accurate and playable variant” would be more proper.

Tostig’s army in Hadrian’s wall is painful for England, in the best hypothesis it denies England the control of GLD, and it’s going to become a problem in the early game if combined with a Norwegian fleet coming from NW North Sea. If the initial position of Tostig’s Norwegian army is not questionable I will agree with Devonian that England has to start with an extra SC: 5. There’s no other way to get a reasonably strong position otherwise.

In this case the initial position of England’s units needs a review. Their current (3 fleets) naval power is directed towards the Normans and County of Flanders, while the Norwegian can gain control over the whole North Sea, having guaranteed Sweden and Denmark most of times.

With the V_2 units displacement County of Flanders is going to be a warfare front extension between England and Normans, not what it is supposed to be: the SC where the Normans and Norwegians meet each other (I assume that strip of European land was originally meant for that).

… I don’t feel like the solution lies solely in a review of England’s units position.
Gobble got the point: “Norman and Norwegian don't realistically fight”

We may think in moving a bit the Countries’ barycenter:

England – westward
We might make GLD the 5th SC instead of the SC in Norfolk. We must acknowledge the idea that England’s coasts, especially south and east coast, are meant to be assaulted by the 2 “foreign” powers. Possibly both, not only Norway. We may discuss whether keeping Norfolk as a neutral SC with standing army or not.

Norman – eastward
Perhaps merging Ecclesiastes with Flanders in a single SC coast territory? This might attract more Norman players to an eastern opening. Also, we may consider to merge Denmark with FCP in order to move up the contact between Normans and Norwegians.

Norwegian – southward
This is hard. Making Denmark a Norwegian initial SC instead of Trondheim? I don’t think this one would work. Else we could make Sweden a non-SC neutral territory. Else, we could force the Norwegian player to start with 3 units, without the fleet in Trondheim: Sweden is guaranteed the first year. This way the Norwegian sailing in North Sea is delayed 1year, making the presence of Tostig’s Norwegian army tolerable by England.
Thanks all for the ongoing discussion. A lot of the suggestions are historically inaccurate eg GLD can't be an English SC as it was never brought under control by the English until the 13h century. Southern Wales fell to the Normans 20-30 years after the original invasion of England by the Normans.

Turning Ecclesiastes (which were Papal held independent city states and territories) into Flanders (which was its own feudal fief) isn't accuratre either. That said even with that change it would make little difference to Norman growth. Starting with 3 units and requiring 2 to dislodge a neutral army in either Flanders or Brittany, won't make any difference if you combined the two.

Denmark was similarly its own kingdom and fiercely anti Norse.

Fasces suggestion of monthly rather than 6 monthly turns would be excellent but I don't think code here supports that.

Long story short I think the only accurate way of reducing Norwegian power, and not making England too strong in the south to take out the Normans would be moving the SC from Norfolk and move it to Lincoln.

airborne (970 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC
Could Hadrian Wall be expanded into SC region, Newcastle upon Tyne and take out Kaupang? This would represents Norway's lack of economic power and population while Newcastle represents the Norwegians vested interest in Northumbria. With Newcastle, Norway is a bit more open to English attack and the Scandinavian Core is reduced to 4 which makes thing harder for Norway if the lose their foothold in Britain before reniforcements arrive.
fasces349 (1007 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC
Hadrian's wall is like a regular land locked province
Devonian (1887 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC

I don't know how that will help the Normans. England can still move to SW North Sea and prevent the Normans from taking Flanders. Meanwhile, the fleet in Winchester has a 50% chance of being in the Channel Islands or South EC, severely compromising the Normans.

However, If you also add a coast of Flanders (or just redrawing the SW North Sea), so the English fleet can't be adjacent to Flanders after the opening move, it might work. The Normans would be able to get a build by taking Flanders or Brittany. Right now, the Normans can only go for Brittany, because England can stop them from taking Flanders too easily.

I personally think it will still be too small of a change though. Is there a historical reason the Normans cannot start with a fleet in the Channel Islands instead of in Bayeux? I think that change would give the Normans a reasonable chance.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Jan 13 UTC
If we genuinely care about historical accuracy, how probable would a Norman conquest of Flanders or a Norse conquest of Denmark have been in 1066? The Normans did eventually conquer Brittany and Anjou and Main, but they never moved North. The Counts of Flanders ruled more land that did the Kings of France and were related by marriage to them. Also it is worth noting that Flanders is almost alone in having nearly totally resisted Viking incursions during the raiding period. It is a few hundred years later, but a little bit before the Hundred Years War, Flanders defeated the French in mass at the Battle of the Golden Spurs. The idea that Normandy would conquer Flanders alone seems unlikely to me.

The Normans might be given Anjou in their rear. Also, weren't there two major lords in the North of England who refused to fight for Harold and ended up left to fight William on their own after Hastings when they suddenly realized that the outcome mattered to their interests? An additional Northern SC might therefore make sense beyond Wales.
airborne (970 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC
I realize that, fasces. I played as Norway practically every time I played 1066
Decima Legio (1987 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC
Gopher, I think that historical accuracy can’t be taken into account after the game is started. If we have to simulate historical events we have to give up diplomacy. If we set Flanders as a strong neutral +(2standing neutral territory, same as Buda&Pest in Viking variantID=63) or if we set Flanders impassable we may make it more historical accurate, but at the same time we are worsening the behavior of the diplomacy variant, cause we are closing the already narrow zone of Norman-Norwegian interaction.

Ambassador, right, any “merging” around Flanders can’t help the Normans…
…until the English player has free access to SW North Sea in the first move.

We should encourage Norman eastern openings: County of Flanders is normally meant to belong to the Normans after the first years of play, as same as Sweden is meant to belong to Norwegians after the first year. Because of this, I am against keeping Norfolk as an English SC with a fleet.

I also like the suggestion of moving away some SCs from Europe to the main island… that makes sense especially for the Norwegian SCs. This variant is supposed to focus on Britain, in general there’re too many SCs outside of the main island: once I’ve been crowned king of England without owning a single British SC… gameID=8843 .

Ok, accepted GLD as neutral SC.
Another small twist proposed for England:
Fleet instead of army in York; English 5th SC in Heart of England (+army) instead of Norfolk.
Norfolk neutral SC with standing army.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
09 Jan 13 UTC
I wasn't the one calling for Historical Accuracy. But if we care about such things, then why not get rid of the European SCs and force Normandy and Norway onto the Island.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC
I understand what you mean, Gopher.
Your proposal, which makes sense, is a complete re-design of 1066, so that the concept is similar to variantID=69 but... basically we are talking about small adjustments in order to make the current 1066 a balanced map.
fasces349 (1007 D)
09 Jan 13 UTC
we could make the county of flanders part of the territory free cities passage, removing the sc and closing the distance (in # of territories) between normandy and norway
Welcome to the debate gopher, glad to see you here.

I'm ideally looking at tweaks that will improve the gameplay, are reasonably historically accurate and aren't a pain to change to the map/code.

I like the suggestion of reconfiguring the SW North Sea border. If the 5th starting unit of England was in Lincolnshire rather than Norfolk, and Lincoln's coast only bordered NW North Sea that'd be a good step forward.

Alternatively I don't mind the concept of removing the extra 5th unit from the east coast and plonking it in Heart of England (renamed Warwick). My only concern with this is that it pretty much guarantees in autumn England capturing GLD, unless a clever Norwegian holds GLD from the Wall.

I'm open to York being a fleet instead of an army. If the 5th English SC was removed from the coast a fleet would be a good step forward. Similarly without a fleet starting in Lincolnshire or Norfolk there's probably no reason to change the borders of SW North Sea.

I'm guessing these changes are going to make England stronger, and as others have identified that's bad news for the Normans. That got me thinking based on some of the conversations here. Norwegians start with 4 units and 3 SCs. Maybe the same could be done for the Normans by putting an extra fleet in the Channel Islands.

I take gopher's points but in my limited reading it seems the County of Flanders was stronger in the 12th rather than 11th century. So in which case I don't think it has to be double neutraled (like Buda-Pest in Decima's suggestion.) Similarly Tostig got kicked out of Northumbria so I don't think the Norwegians should automatically start with a 4th SC.

What are people's thoughts BTW on Central North Sea. I popped that into V2 to prevent/slow what had happened a fair number of times which was rapid movements from Norwegians down toward SE England.

51 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
07 Jan 13 UTC
Exploration Dip
I recently came across an interesting variant of Diplomacy - Explore Dip. The link is here:
38 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
08 Jan 13 UTC
Stern von Africa: EoG thread
gameID= 11223
6 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
27 Dec 12 UTC
Best Empire in History?
This ought to hopefully provoke some lively discussion here. Which empire, do you feel, was the best in human history? I personally like the Mongol Empire the best, especially under the first few khans. It just seems like a very progressive system in a lot of ways. There were a lot of crap things, too, but every empire has such things. I feel they were able to take the best from a lot of systems and synthesize a new whole, and that's pretty rare in history.
204 replies
yagoma (932 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
The know world 901

join my game please its a game for fun only 7 bet
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
05 Jan 13 UTC
replacement needed - early CD
2 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
05 Jan 13 UTC
Sorry another support move question
If I have three units and an opponent also has three units, and I assume he is going to support move next turn to one of my SCs, but I'm not sure which one, would I be covered if I just attack all 3 of his units? That way none of his support moves could work, right?
7 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
31 Dec 12 UTC
Rigel : EoG thread
25 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
15 Dec 12 UTC
Lord of the Rings Playtest
Hello everyone! I am currently working on the newest variant, on a map of Middle Earth! I need to check and see if there are any bugs in the system, so I need to run a playtest.
14 replies
Hollywood (1423 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Question about a game finish
This was my first time playing a South Africa map

I'm confused how Columbia won as he didn't have the required SCs to solo and we didn't concede, is there a time limit on phases?
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
SCRAMBLE - ongoing gunboat
Can we unpause please?
0 replies
caliburdeath (1013 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
I have a suggestion that the non-SC's could be automatically allocated when there are two or more owned SC's touching them
3 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
31 Dec 12 UTC
Favorite Party Game?
Just got Pictionary for Christmas, and I've had my eye on Cards Against Humanity, so I was wondering what you guys usually play with people (besides Diplomacy, of course) when you've got a good group.
24 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
14 Nov 12 UTC
SRGs & tournaments that are running/have run:
Let's work on the vWiki about this, I've set up some pages but it would be good for folks to add to their areas of interest:
16 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
01 Jan 13 UTC
Hope everyone has a fun and safe New Year! if you are out, be careful driving home! look forward to seeing you all in the new year :)
5 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
30 Dec 12 UTC
Global Only Chaos EoG Thread
Thread reserved for EoGs from gameID=10753. I thought this may be fairly interesting, especially if we can hear from some of the people who didn't make it through.
19 replies
Mertvaya Ruka (1468 D)
26 Dec 12 UTC
Why Are We So Anti-Social?
How come webDiplomacy's forum is always thriving, while ours seems doomed to be always a ghost town? We should try to make this forum more of a social space, I think.
7 replies
Dharmy (956 D)
03 Dec 12 UTC
* LIVE * WW-IV * LIVE * <-> (! World Record for the Holidays !)
Let's play the Very First WW-IV Game Ever !!!
I propose a 10 D , 10 minutes, Full Press, WTA.
49 replies
Halt (2077 D)
29 Dec 12 UTC
Clarification on Head to Head Battle
Right so I'm playing a game over at WebDip and I was wondering how this scenario would play out. Unit Setup (Hypothetical): Austria: Army in Prussia, Silesia, Kiel, Denmark. Germany Army in Holland Ruhr Munich Berlin. If Austria moves Kiel to Berlin with Double support, and Berlin moves to Kiel with Triple support...what happens?
3 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Dec 12 UTC
Possible Imperial 2 Bug?
China was removed from Tongking (where they had an army) and with that army, retreated into the Siuth China Sea.
1 reply
Mapu (2086 D (B))
28 Dec 12 UTC
Replacement Needed ASAP in World Game
Argentina, a top power, left out of the blue well into the game with 14 centers. They are in good shape to be in on the draw and are only 11 D to take over.

0 replies
AtlastheBarbarian (1292 D)
25 Dec 12 UTC
Happy Newtonmas!
Hope everyone celebrates Isaac's birthday in the traditional fashion. Getting drunk, as he would have wanted it.
4 replies
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
25 Nov 12 UTC
Contract NON-Anon Gunboat V
The purpose of this Special Rules Private game is to have an enjoyable old style (= non Anonymous) Gunboat game among gentlemen who have read, agreed, accepted each of the following rules and who promise to observe them carefully.
59 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
26 Dec 12 UTC
self take over?
what's going on if has happened in sequence:
- someone went in CD, and, as usual, I receive a notification
- the country is taken over (apparently for free cause the pot didn't change)
- there's no global chat notification from Gamemaster stating: "Someone has taken over Austria replacing someone else. Reconsider your alliances."
4 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
21 Dec 12 UTC
World Treaties Game
I'm not sure if this has been done before, and yes, there are several potential problems, but I would like to play a Treaties game on the world map. It may be difficult to gather enough people, but I think that if we put together a concise version of the rules, we can get everyone to understand exactly how this will work.
19 replies
Halt (2077 D)
26 Dec 12 UTC
Vassal States
I have recently come across the idea of recruiting losing players on the verge of defeat into "vassal states". I think it could be a very feasible strategy. On Classic, especially.
22 replies
bo_sox48 (937 D)
25 Dec 12 UTC
Anyone else having problems with the site?
2 replies
Riechsführer-SS (665 D X)
25 Dec 12 UTC
Marry Christmas
I hope everybody enjoys their day!
3 replies
Dharmy (956 D)
22 Dec 12 UTC
snow storm - no web since...
oh well.... I'll join only slower games from now on...
0 replies
BU115H!+ (1142 D X)
21 Dec 12 UTC
Live Anon Gunboat
Starts in 2 hours, 90 pt bet. PM for password. No NMRs plz.
0 replies
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