@Fake Al - firstly, thank you for your feedback. Secondly, please see my updated map https://i.imgur.com/sPL0L2Z.png - it's still not great, but I've downgraded it from 11p to 7p. My answers below reflect this new map, but your feedback is still applicable.
Below is your feedback and my reasoning behind the decision. Doesn't mean my decision is sound, but just so you can kind of get into my head, if you will.
1. Aesthetic-wise, a lot of the labels are difficult to read. Like something-Vashj'ir, is that an island and sea territory, or a single territory, hard to tell.
1a. Yeah, the names are very much in draft mode. I mostly threw them down but I can't figure out how I want to make them more readable. This is one of my number one things to fix as the variant is developed.
2. There's unclear borders, like does Ghostlands touch Tor'watha?
2a. Ghostlands does not touch Tor'watha, but I hear you and I'll adjust the borders so there are no "intersections."
3. What are the purple diamond icons?
3a. Five connected portals for armies to pass through. Also, you didn't ask, but the G markers are Gnome/Goblin camps which are the only places which armies/fleets can convert. They are not supply centers.
4. Is the whirlpool in the middle just impassable?
4a. Yes, as is the black area to the south of Vashj'ir Sea.
5. On the rules, I don't understand what "set starting units that may not be on home supply centers" means.
5a. The pink "Undercity" faction on the east continent has an army that starts in the south, at Booty Bay. Booty Bay is not a Supply Center. I did this to create some more interaction with the different teams to give them additional neighbors for early game.
6. Design/balance, it feels all over the place. The white power can hang out on their island and just mop up all the centers there.
6a. Yes, White in the north is one I'm most interested in playtesting. It's a pretty obvious threat that they can get a lot of Supply Centers easily, but I want that to encourage other players to deal with a potential snowball. White in the North, Purple in the middle (with two fleets), and Yellow in the South only start with 2 units/SCs. Everyone else starts with 3.
7. It doesn't look like orange power can take any centers in the first year.
7a. Correct, by design. I gave Orange (Purple, but I have my colors messed up) 2 fleets, and they're the only faction that starts with 2 fleets in a very coastal-heavy game. They're also well positioned to strong-arm diplomacy with the countries around them. I want them to be attractive as everyone's favorite ally, so I gimped them in Year 1.
8. Any power that has a starting center/army on the Suramar islands, that's got to be pretty rough. All these starting centers touch each other and there's only one neutral center to take. Even though there's a lot of neutrals on the map, a lot of these can't even be taken on year one and some powers are forced to instead try to take the home centers of other powers on turn one.
8a. In the new version of the map, I've edited this 5-SC group of islands around Suramar. There are only 2 countries there (with a single army each), so you have more room to move. There's a bit of game there as far as, will you just bounce until the Kul Tiran's (purple/orange) show up? Will you ally and split the island? Will you fake to split the island but instead move into your "ally" and backstab them immediately to claim the entire island for yourself?