A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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RoxArt (1732 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
in the variants page!
5 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
Classic VS 5 random gunboat
4 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
Strategy Question...
Is there ever a strategic reason to postpone a build? Instinctively, I say nay, but this game is so well conceived and elegantly thought out, there must be a reason that it's an option. Any of you seasoned generals have any notions?
ezpickins (1717 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
i can see it being viable
Fauxlosophe (1191 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
I've had some circumstances where it has been wiser. It's very rare in the Classic version, but when Austria or France are in a stalemate that requires fleets to break, it is sometimes better to postpone the build for a year so you can have a second fleet as opposed to building a redundant army.

It might conceivably come in handy in other maps/build rules when a critical outpost was taken in Autumn and could be reclaimed in Spring where the alternative is to build on the other side of the board [England in Colonial Diplomacy as well as occasionally beach-heads in Aberrant and Build Anywhere Rule sets]
RoxArt (1732 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
hm there is games where it's good to postpone a build.
example: you are russia on standard map and have an alliance with turkey but the others block everything and your only way out is to go through the northern seas and you have 2 builds: build in st petersburg nc postpone one and build in next year

the example is just out of when I used it once but there is more of this like france in marseilles on france against austria 1on1 or whatever... :)
Stukus (909 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
I used Rox's example in a game. Generally the reason I don't build is because I need more fleets and I have limited fleet builds. Additionally, it could be a bargaining chip. "I'll ally with you if you keep your units down below a certain number," &c. If you're worried about your ally becoming overwhelmingly strong.
Devonian (1887 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
There are plenty of good reasons, but my favorite is that a waived build is a nice deterrent against being stabbed. For some, the general rule of thumb is that a stab should render the stabbed player incapable of retaliation. A waived build minimizes this part of the equasion nicely. It works best when you have an ally that you don't really trust. It can demonstrate trust on your part, but not weakness.
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
09 Jun 11 UTC
Good ideas, everybody. Follow up question; Is the build prostponed to the next build season, or can you use it immediately, even if it's a diplomacy/move season?
Graeme01 (1224 D)
09 Jun 11 UTC
It's waived til the next build season. I really like waiving builds in the midgame, as it's a great stab deterrent and it gives you a great shock tactic when you need it. Opponents rarely notice that you have a build or three in hand, and when you take no centres but suddenly pull in 2 new armies and a fleet against them, it can be quite a game-changer.
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
09 Jun 11 UTC

Have I mentioned that this is the best game ever? I wish I were better at it.
LoveDove (1368 D)
09 Jun 11 UTC
Time and patience. Skill comes with experience, and experience with time.
taos (839 D)
15 Jun 11 UTC
you are so rigth
this game is the best i also wish i was better at it
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
15 Jun 11 UTC
I sometimes waive a build if for example I have too many armies and want fleets, but due to circumstances, don't have enough coastal SCs. If I can't be sure of continual growth I postpone the build till the next build season and build the fleet then. And visa-versa for armies (although this is less often the case.)

11 replies
siemaskoIam (1057 D)
07 Jun 11 UTC
It is proper etiquette to accept a draw if you are going to win?
For the sake of argument, lets say in a no-messaging game that all the other players have moved to draw and moved to traditional stalemate positions, but you still have a strong position to win with 10 scs and two weak neighbors.
32 replies
Leon (1021 D)
14 Jun 11 UTC
Who Controls America?
Watching the debate inspired me to play this variant. Please join!
6 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
10 Jun 11 UTC
The Complete Guide to 1v1 Battles: Part II. Germany v Italy.
The Germany v Italy Map has not been scientifically assessed, thus I am looking for play-testers. In particular, RoxArt and President Eden.
I shall present my hypothesis.
14 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
12 Jun 11 UTC
My noble diplomacy players, I would just like to apologize for my failure my recent 4 games, my Internet decided to die, and so i was forced to CD from all of my games. I will most likely be leaving for the summer, so better sooner then later. I wish i could have finished off my games, but seeing how I only managed to get on at the library, I will not be able to finish them. Espcially the WWI and II games that may be totally messed up now. Anywho, I will see you all in the fall
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tricky (1005 D)
10 Jun 11 UTC
I am currently in a game FOW with no ingame messaging at all. One country was defeated very early on, Austria. I can't understand how Italy is doing so well without any messaging of any type! Are there any mods who can take a look please?

17 replies
airborne (970 D)
04 Jun 11 UTC
Britannia 1258 PBEM? (First Map of the Page)
Ok, one more try for a PBEM I'll be the GM
5 Day Spring/Fall Movement Phases 3 Day Retreat/Winter Phases
Unless all orders are mailed if so the game advances
39 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
10 Jun 11 UTC
How do I get in touch with the mods
I followed the link on the help page but just got an email saying "we're mods for Web Diplomacy, not VDiplomacy, sorry". So how do I report a suspected multiaccounter?
2 replies
The Czech (1921 D)
10 Jun 11 UTC
F v A Live in 10 min
3 replies
Shep315 (1435 D)
10 Jun 11 UTC
Sitter Needed
hey guys, im going to be on a trip starting tomorrow and will be back around the 13 or 14 and I need a sitter in 2 games,
WW 2 Team Game:
PM me for details and password information, in the Team game just go with what the allies want and in the WWIV game you would only have to maybe enter orders for one turn
1 reply
ezpickins (1717 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
yes or no
let's take a poll on how many of you out there support/oppose Obama. Feel free to list all the reasons you like, or just your opinions :)
11 replies
I will be gone on vacation starting Thursday, 6/9 for 10 days. I won't have access to the Internet so I need a sub. I have three games, 2 are 1 move per day and the other is 1 move every 36 hours. PM me if you are interested. I also have one game on Thanks in advance.
3 replies
Graeme01 (1224 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
New economic game
gunboat this time
2 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
08 Jun 11 UTC
Replacement Wanted for the VDip
A player dropped out of the 1v1 games and I was hoping we could find a replacement. Any takers?
More info can be found in one of the many (5)
2 replies
Fenris (1373 D)
03 Jun 11 UTC
These are a few of my favourite things...
Please feel free to join any or all of the games listed below!
26 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
06 Jun 11 UTC
need a replacement for Indonesia
still a viable position.
1 reply
Deutschland 1648, anyone?

Potentially interesting game
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redcrane (1182 D)
05 Jun 11 UTC
Variant adjustments
Perhaps this can be a thread for such?

Anyways, hopefully the following has not been proposed before:
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RoxArt (1732 D)
04 Jun 11 UTC
Oli - retreat / win glitch?
7 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
29 May 11 UTC
Team Choas Gunboat addition
As everyone knows, team games are rather popular, however something I have yet to see is a team gunboat, were your not allowed to stab people, but your not allowed to talk to them either. Lets make it more epic with a team chaos gunboat. Thoughts?
13 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
28 May 11 UTC
Another Treaty?
does anyone feel up for a treaties game?
62 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
02 Jun 11 UTC
Eat human flesh raw

At least that is how I interpret the creator's meaning.
3 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
02 Jun 11 UTC
JOIN join
0 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
31 May 11 UTC
New Variation: Action Cards?
One action card is dealt to players at the start. They may use it at the beginning of any turn, and they will pm the Game Master who will coordinate the gameplay to conform to the rules set out on the cards.
7 replies
ben (943 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
I've started my first game of webDiplomacy, and in the chat window, all the text is in black, where usually the text is coloured in relation to the country. Is there a settings tweak that I need to make?
2 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
01 Jun 11 UTC
I'm trying to start a game with a 20 point buy in, and I'm sure I'm entering it properly, but when I go to the game page, it says the buy in is 1. I've nuked and recreated 3 times now and it's the same every time. I guess I don't really mind playing for one point, but I think I might have trouble attracting an opponent for one point...
4 replies
polaris (1137 D)
25 May 11 UTC
Africa variant? Pacific war?
I've never heard or seen an African variant. But there seems to be one for every other land area (Americas north, central, south, Asia, Australia, and of course the original Europe). Is this because the geography isn't so interesting (having a simple coastline, tho you could have impassable areas like the Sahara Desert), or just no one cares? :\
42 replies
canaduh (1293 D)
31 May 11 UTC
Glitch - only got 2 builds

Starting a dutch revolt game, and only have the option to build 2 units, with 3 SCs. Please can you sort it Oli?
1 reply
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