Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for bencojo (1557 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
39488 1v1-206 ColdWar Won 8 1008
39497 Civ Empire1on1 Defeated -4 1004
39508 1v1-207 Duo Won 8 1012
39529 Cold War-59 ColdWar Won 7 1019
39673 Atlantic Colonies-11 AtlanticColonies Survived -27 992
39583 Dark Ages New DarkAges Drawn 23 1015
39804 Braincube5 (RFE) ClassicVS Survived -17 998
39814 Braincube6 TenSixtySix_V3 Won 33 1031
39566 Shogun Showdown-3 Sengoku6 Drawn 42 1073
39738 Foggy 1898-4 Classic1898Fog Defeated -26 1047
39914 GameOn TreatyOfVerdun Survived -19 1028
39449 Braincube2 Zeus5 Drawn 0 1028
39516 Kilt Fabric CelticBritain Drawn 60 1088
39487 Braincube4 GreekDip Won 139 1227
39513 Tired of all the gunboat? Join! DarkAges Defeated -25 1202
39590 Once On This Island Pirates Defeated -29 1173
40116 UTTER HELL Pure Drawn 20 1193
40061 100-3 Hundred Drawn 0 1193
39684 Who is going to stop Germany? Baron1900 Drawn 46 1239
39558 Africa yo Africa Drawn 62 1301
39870 Just another European war AustrianSuccession Drawn 50 1351
39850 More Coffee and More Africa Defeated -28 1323
40018 Dark Ages-4 DarkAges Defeated -42 1281
40065 Martian man hunter Mars Survived -29 1252
40231 The crusade-2 FirstCrusade Survived -22 1230
40005 Foggy 1898-8 Classic1898Fog Survived -42 1188
40325 Foggy Gunboat VII ClassicFog Survived -39 1149
40034 Europe at War (unrated) Classic Drawn 0 1149
40561 Braincube NorthSeaWars Drawn 21 1170
40281 Foggy Days IV ClassicFog Survived -37 1133
39992 Coalition Gunboat EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -36 1097
39622 Diplomosaurus Rex FantasyWorld Defeated -36 1061
40622 Simple SouthAmerica4 Survived -26 1035
40293 Australian dominance MateAgainstMate Defeated -32 1003
40270 Venom ClassicEconomic Drawn 25 1028
40649 Not this daisho II Sengoku5 Defeated -22 1006
40289 It‘s been a while! Classic1898 Drawn 51 1057
40000 Colonies in 1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 36 1093
40720 WW part Deux WWII Won 24 1117
40654 Gunboats in the Fog II ClassicFog Survived -23 1094
40279 Baritone KnownWorld_901 Survived -13 1081
40665 Classic 1898-7 Classic1898 Defeated -2 1079
40606 A modern Gunboat Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -23 1056
40202 Plastic Beach GobbleEarth Defeated -18 1038
40617 European Disunion-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -21 1017
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Drawn 332 1349
39415 A gentleman's pace - ready builds and retreats! Europa_Renovatio Drawn 112 1461
40323 Modi Maharajah Drawn 46 1507
60072 Clash of Civilisations KnownWorld_901 Drawn 50 1557