Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for DiplomatOdysseus (1138 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
40462 Fist Fighting the World YoungstownRedux Survived 0 1000
41031 Mothers Against Gaming Classic Survived 18 1018
41218 Let’s get China addicted to Opium SpiceIslands Defeated -27 991
40643 An Anonymous World War WWII Won 294 1285
41509 From Spice Trader to Shogun Sengoku5 Defeated -43 1242
41041 Europa Gazette Europa_Renovatio Defeated -35 1207
47333 Video Games Turned Me Evil Empire4 Defeated -45 1162
55963 Scottish Clan Wars-3 Scottish_Clan_Wars Drawn 52 1214
56008 Colonial 1885 Gunboat -3 Colonial1885 -47 1167
56079 For Opium! V4.0 Imperial2 -29 1138