Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for LoveDove (1368 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
375 Intro Use ClassicGvI Won 8 1008
378 In-fighting ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 1016
377 WAR! Empire1on1 Survived -8 1008
393 I know you! ClassicIER Won 11 1019
357 "Growing Pains" ClassicCrowded Defeated -36 983
803 I keel you! Empire1on1 Drawn 0 983
811 Round 2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 991
805 I Keel You: Remix Empire1on1 Won 8 999
785 Peschiera-2 AncMed Drawn 7 1006
419 Terra Australis MateAgainstMate Defeated -36 970
381 The Italian Unification Wars Rinascimento Defeated 0 970
394 Weekend Gambler Classic1880 Survived 48 1018
851 7 islands-2 ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 5 1023
956 Yet Again ClassicGvR Won 7 1030
968 Brutal Honesty Classic Drawn 0 1030
776 shogun-2 Sengoku5 Defeated -34 996
896 Don't CD, Sucka! AncMed Drawn 6 1002
359 Fall American IV Fun Empire4 Drawn 16 1018
963 Spheres of Influence Colonial Survived 13 1031
893 Spanish Succession DutchRevolt Drawn 39 1070
1148 7 Islands Sorrow ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 4 1074
1133 Chaos: Team Game ClassicChaos Drawn 40 1114
1396 Gramps Empire1on1 Won 6 1120
990 Race for the White House WhoControlsAmerica Drawn 28 1148
895 Fantasy Gunboat-2 FantasyWorld Defeated -41 1107
1337 Happy Stabbing SailHo2 Drawn 19 1126
849 Fall Of America! Empire4 Survived -11 1115
511 Modern Diplo Fools Modern2 Drawn 32 1147
1116 The good ol' US of A Empire4 Drawn 30 1177
1847 GvI-7 ClassicGvI Survived -9 1168
1809 Alabama ClassicGvI Won 6 1174
1895 Daring Feats of Madness TenSixtySix Survived -21 1153
1914 Daring Changed TenSixtySix Drawn 0 1153
1933 Chump Change TenSixtySix Won 26 1179
980 I'm definitely not in Tyrolia ClassicFog Defeated -39 1140
1644 South American Supremacy SouthAmerica8 Defeated -30 1110
2120 talking aloud TenSixtySix Drawn 6 1116
1436 This is DIPLOMACY!!! GreekDip Drawn 53 1169
1728 Please don't drop the Soap Germany1648 Defeated -33 1136
1022 The Amber Spyglass Haven Defeated -49 1087
1754 Slippery When Wet-1 Modern2 Drawn 69 1156
1756 empiredip Imperium Survived -13 1143
2431 Try this Duo Won 6 1149
977 suramerica supremacy2 SouthAmerica8 Survived -12 1137
762 Advantage 1 Karibik Survived -17 1120
1321 World Diplomacy: Team Game World Drawn 49 1169
1868 Drug Lords on Speed Karibik Survived 44 1213
1642 Classics diplomacy !! BuildAnywhere Survived -33 1180
2151 Samurai Sushi Sengoku5 Survived -30 1150
1650 7 Islands Anyone? ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 47 1197
2515 German star Germany1648 Drawn 29 1226
2386 This Ain't Monopoly ClassicEconomic Survived -7 1219
2268 Eighty Years War DutchRevolt Survived 0 1219
2587 Lets fight history! AncMed Defeated -30 1189
2598 South America Diplomacy v.1 SouthAmerica5 Drawn 34 1223
2802 Balkans Experiment BalkanWarsVI Drawn 0 1223
1834 Italian Seige Warfare Rinascimento Drawn 0 1223
2272 America Empire4 Drawn 8 1231
2542 far east action Colonial Defeated -36 1195
2701 Fubar!!! Fubar Survived -12 1183
2844 The Kings ClassicCrowded Drawn 24 1207
2529 Higher bet? WWIV Drawn 56 1263
2778 The Best of the Best BuildAnywhere Drawn 25 1288
3332 Octopus (7 players) ClassicOctopus Drawn 3 1291
2557 Mateys MateAgainstMate Survived -3 1288
2385 The War of the World WWIV Drawn 84 1372
1623 New World Order II WWIV Defeated -48 1324
3387 Octopus (7 players) II ClassicOctopus Drawn 23 1347
583 The Emperor of Death II ClassicCrowded Drawn 8 1355
3341 Balkan Cheapskates BalkanWarsVI Defeated -42 1313
2789 Insert clever name here Empire4 Defeated -46 1267
3673 gonna try this again Empire1on1 Won 5 1272
3404 Open Modern2 Drawn 32 1304
3909 FvA Long Haul II ClassicFvA Won 6 1310
3910 first 2 18 wins ClassicFGvsRT Won 6 1316
3574 Fool's Gold ClassicGreyPress Drawn 6 1322
1786 Your name here ______ Rinascimento Drawn 0 1322
4317 Balkans for balkanians BalkanWarsVI Defeated -34 1288
4522 RFS Mardi Gras SouthAmerica5 Drawn 30 1318
4587 Chaos ClassicChaos Survived 9 1327
4259 war in 2020-3 War2020 Drawn 21 1348
4380 Big Modern 2 chose your country! Modern2 Defeated -38 1310
4523 Viking IV Viking Defeated -51 1259
4237 RFS Mr. Greek Face GreekDip Defeated -31 1228
4707 The Next America Empire4 Defeated -43 1185
5641 RFS Clay Pots AncMed Drawn 19 1204
5026 Triple Anaconda Press Bodyslam SouthAmerica8 Survived 22 1226
4835 RFS Industrial Revolution BuildAnywhere Won 62 1288
5202 The Big Performance Empire4 Drawn 26 1314
5562 Quit Breathing on Me ClassicCrowded Drawn 71 1385
5536 New Abstraction Varient Abstraction3 Survived 11 1396
5486 Haven! Haven Drawn 24 1420
6345 Extreme personalities (entertainment value only!) KnownWorld_901 Drawn 12 1432
6258 RFS Civility AmericanConflict Drawn 19 1451
7676 Barbaric Practice Viking Survived 11 1462
8885 Go Reich yourself! Europe1939 Drawn 24 1486
8536 7 Powers (Team Game) WWIV Drawn 8 1494
9164 AnarchyInTheUK AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -38 1456
8304 WW2 (team game) Modern2 Drawn 19 1475
9237 These Lakes? They're Grrrrreat! GreatLakes Drawn 27 1502
9830 Europe 1939! :D Europe1939 Survived -10 1492
10146 RFS Tokyo Ice Sengoku5 Defeated -46 1446
7623 Known World Summer Game KnownWorld_901 Drawn 18 1464
11051 Flames of War Europe1939 Drawn 21 1485
11185 RFS Sahara Africa Drawn 10 1495
13197 RFS London Bridge CelticBritain Defeated -49 1446
16103 Emperor Aberration V AberrationV Drawn 18 1464
15520 Another attempt at modernizing Modern2 Survived -8 1456
18608 Take Me To God FirstCrusade Defeated -26 1430
19715 Duh Atlantic Colonies AtlanticColonies Defeated -18 1412
19613 Elevated Straightjacket Lucha Libre Beatdown FantasyWorld Defeated -28 1384
20435 Greeky-2 GreekDip Survived 24 1408
18186 Quadruple Atomic Bypass WWIV_V6 Defeated -21 1387
20562 A Legacy of Amphibious Arteries WWIVsealanes Defeated -17 1370
23990 Vae victis ! KnownWorld_901 Defeated -27 1343
29110 Ragu Tagliatelli Rinascimento Defeated 0 1343
42837 Island Dreams ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 18 1361
43306 Simpp Parrot Colonial1885 Drawn 64 1425
41202 Modern Love-4 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -31 1394
42494 The vDip Quarantine Classic Europa_Renovatio Defeated -26 1368