A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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ERAUfan97 (1034 D)
03 Feb 14 UTC
2 replies
keyran (1095 D)
02 Feb 14 UTC
Players needed! Fancy it?
0 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
05 Dec 13 UTC
Sopwith 2 - signup thread
vSop2 - the hunger games
21 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
01 Feb 14 UTC
2014 Webdip Gunboat Tournament
Not to try and steal member base from here, but if people are interested there is a gunboat tournament on webdip that is currently in the sign-up phase. If you like gunboats, you may consider signing up.
0 replies
Darkarus (929 D)
01 Feb 14 UTC
Fantasy World Team Game
Hi vdip we are looking for 3 players to fill out the teams on a fantasy world game gameID=17980. No Password so pick a country and then in game country pairings will be announced. The only difference from regular diplomacy is that you cannot stab your partner
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Lackbeard (966 D)
31 Jan 14 UTC
New octopus game

Testing out a new variant, please join :)
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taylor4 (936 D)
29 Jan 14 UTC
Classic Ankara Crescent
gameID=17972 need player
1 reply
Lackbeard (966 D)
29 Jan 14 UTC
Ankara crescent fun match
Just lookin to give this Variant a go. Please join :)
6 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
25 Nov 13 UTC
The King Is Dead - Imperial: Official Game Thread
This is the official game thread for The King is Dead - Imperial.
27 replies
Anon (?? D)
28 Jan 14 UTC
gameID=17755 9 point buy in!
2 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
27 Jan 14 UTC
Oh! Shiny New Features?
I like it...
6 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
Imagonnalose Mini-Tourney
Hello friends!

I have a little mini-tourney that I would like as many of you as wish to do so, play a series of 1v1 tactical diplomacy games that will allow me to find some good quality 1v1'ers to play against. I know there are a few of you who are quite active with these types of games, so I will present the following guidelines:
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Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
Each pairing will play a series of 4 games, 2 each of FvA and GvI, with each player having the opportunity of playing all. This is how I will determine the score for the game. Winning is not enough. If the loser plays a good game, he or she may get more points and therefore will proceed to the next round.

I will award points based on starting position, ending position, year to year playing, and overall tactics.

I'd like to see at least 8 people sign up. We will add a round for each additional set of 8 players. You will all be paired off, will play your sets, and the highest score for each will move on to the next round. The 2nd round is the same as the first. So, if we start with 8, 4 advance to the 2nd round, and 2 will advance to the champions round.

If we start with 16, 8 go to 2nd, 4 go to third, and 2 go to champions.

The champions will play a series of games against me. I will determine the Champion through those 4 games (a piece).

I'm being really judgmental and selfish with this concept, but I want to play some good players. So sign up below.
pyrhos (1268 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
I'm in if I may.
Neltharion (1133 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
All right, I'll join. I won't be careless this time, I promise. I lost 2 games because of that, and I swear that's not going to happen again.
brettj72 (1673 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
I'll try it.
ccga4 (1609 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
i'll join, why not
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
1. pyrhos
2. Neltharion
3. brettj72
4. ccga4
5. .....
6. .....
7. .....
8. .....

We'll need at least 4 more to start, but this can easily be put into another group. If we get 16 players, i'll do random seeding.
brettj72 (1673 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
Maybe ask Rancher or El Cremoso. They seem to be always ready to play a 1v1 game.
El Cremoso (1728 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
cool. sign me up. although, i am not sure i am the caliber of player that imagonnalose is looking for. :)
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
05 Dec 13 UTC
I'll give it a shot
vallk (900 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
If you don't mind a lower class player joining, I'm in
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
Hey look, just because you haven't played a lot of games or won a lot of games doesn't mean you are a low caliber player.

1. pyrhos
2. Neltharion
3. brettj72
4. ccga4
5. El Cremoso
6. Spartan22
7. vallk
8. .....

We need at least 1 more for this to work.
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
I sense a nightmare scenario on the horizon with players that won or lost in good/bad style believing that they should have gotten more points than they did. Will someone please pass the popcorn?
Imagonnalose (992 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
Well seeings as how this is for me to find some more good quality players, I can grade people however I want.

I will of course be fair and may even write a very small reasoning report as to why they got their score.
Battalion (2332 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
If this is open to all, I'll give it a go. It looks fun, even if a little subjective.
GOD (1861 D Mod (B))
05 Dec 13 UTC
Lol i wanna see how you'll judge me...I'm in :DD
Battalion (2332 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
I'm not sure how you intend to pick the matches, but presumably we can get the first 4 going, right? If we get enough to do more they can start once they've signed up. I'm just keen to get things rolling before Christmas gets too close!
Neltharion (1133 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
I actually won't be able to participate after December 13th, if that's a problem.
Imagonnalose (992 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
1. pyrhos
2. Battalion
3. brettj72
4. ccga4
5. El Cremoso
6. Spartan22
7. vallk
8. GOD

Neltharion, I'll put you on the back up list for another set if you wish. These games will likely take longer than that.

I'm using a random pairing because I do not believe that points or previous wins/losses will affect these games. So, the pairings are as follows:

1. pyrhos vs 4. ccga4
2. Battalion vs 6. Spartan22
3. brettj72 vs 8. GOD
5. El Cremoso vs 7. vallk

You guys decide how long you want the phases. Paste links to finished games on here. Remember, 4 games a piece, two each of FvA and IvG, and each player plays each country once.

brettj72 (1673 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
Neltharion (1133 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
All right then. Sorry about that, I was just going to be in a place without internet for a month. I hope I can compete in the future.
Imagonnalose (992 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
There will be plenty more opportunities
ccga4 (1609 D)
07 Dec 13 UTC

First game finished with a win for ccga4 (france) over pyrhos (austria)
El Cremoso (1728 D)
08 Dec 13 UTC

First game finished with win for El Cremoso (Germany) over vallk (Italy)
Battalion (2332 D)
08 Dec 13 UTC
How will this work? Will Imagonnalose rate each individual game one-by-one, or at the end of all four games?
brettj72 (1673 D)
08 Dec 13 UTC
Good question, i'm not really sure.


First game finished with win for Brettj72 (Austria) over GOD (France)
Imagonnalose (992 D)
08 Dec 13 UTC
Ill rate them all, but probably not till they are all conpleted
Battalion (2332 D)
08 Dec 13 UTC
I appreciate that you will probably have other more pressing things to worry about, but surely knowing the running score will make each subsequent game more interesting. For example, if you know that you are losing going into the last game, it would encourage you to play with a lot more flair. If you don't know, you're more likely to play it safe.

If I may suggest a compromise, perhaps you could rate them after each set of two games?
ccga4 (1609 D)
09 Dec 13 UTC

second game finished with win for ccga4 (austria) over pyrhos (france)

ccga4 leads 2-0 in the series.

(then again who knows depending on imagonnalose's ratings
El Cremoso (1728 D)
09 Dec 13 UTC

game #2 finished with El Cremoso (Italy) defeating Vallk (Germany)
El Cremoso (1728 D)
09 Dec 13 UTC

games 3 & 4 finished with El Cremoso (Austria/France) defeating Vallk (France/Austria)

good matches, Vallk.let's do it again sometime.

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ChiefKeef (1008 D)
27 Jan 14 UTC
Need replacement for best position in game

I am Britian and I am sick and tired of submitting so many orders per diplomacy phase. Would like a replacement, but don't know how the whole replacement thing works so you'll have to walk me through it.
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cypeg (2619 D)
26 Jan 14 UTC
Woop Woop Gobble Earth is finally here
This variant will test your skills and diplomacy from the start. No easy pickings you lazy dot grabbers.
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Anon (?? D)
25 Jan 14 UTC
Phoenix rising
gameID=17884 Classic 1897, needs a starting player
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^__^ (1003 D)
24 Jan 14 UTC
variants with less than half scs for solo win
what happens in variants where less than half of the scs are required to win if multiple people meet the requirements, and are tied, or even if they are not.
7 replies
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Jan 14 UTC
Goodbye vdiplomacy
A couple of months ago I started loosing interest in diplomacy, and started frequenting this site less and less. Now that my last game is finally over, and I am resigning from my post as Admin and am taking what will hopefully be a temporary leave from this site.
17 replies
Westeros (Game of Thrones world) Variant
So a while back I made a Westeros variant on paper to play with some friends of mine and it worked pretty well. I was wondering if anyone on here who knows how to code would be able to help me get it up on the site and/or if it is easy to learn how to do.
32 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
08 Nov 13 UTC
The King is Dead - Game 2: Official Game Thread
This is the official game thread for The King is Dead - Game 2
29 replies
nesdunk14 (767 D)
20 Jan 14 UTC
New Variant Idea
Ok, so I have what I think is a pretty good idea for a variant, but I know no coding whatsoever. Is it relatively easy, just a bit of reading an research, or should I partner up with someone who does? If so, would drawing my map out on Photoshop help?
1 reply
deathserver (975 D)
19 Jan 14 UTC
I want to make new map
I found some tips and 'how to' from some other people but I don't know how to make it. I know little bit of coding but probably i can simply change some of variables and names. but there are many parts that i can not understand. Can you help me?
2 replies
Hypoguy (1613 D)
15 Jan 14 UTC
Migraine Hazard - New game
Who's interested in the ultimate brain cracker? Who wants a REAL challenge? The perfectly symmetrical Migraine Variant is the ultimate game to test your brain.
Wanna join? Let me know, and I'll send you the password for gameID=17756
4 replies
ChiefKeef (1008 D)
17 Jan 14 UTC
How do I make a variant?
I'm an amateur coder, and I want to know how to go about making a variant for diplomacy. So can someone who has coded one please say if there's source code to modify, what IDE to use, stuff like that. Thank you.
3 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
13 Jan 14 UTC
First Crusade Variant
Firehawk, very nice job with the various unit icons in this new variant of yours! I have not looked at the map for strategic purposes, but the new graphic techniques on the units are awesome.
8 replies
Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
05 Dec 13 UTC
A question on Germany's voting system
This is not an attempt to stir up discussion on politics - I genuinely need some help and clarifications so that I can prepare better for an exam coming up in a few days' time. Please see my question below:
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nesdunk14 (767 D)
15 Jan 14 UTC
Imperial Game
awesome map! Beginners or amateurs preferred. gameID=17646 only 6 spots left.
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tiger (1653 D)
11 Nov 13 UTC
NEW team game!!!!!! :D XDXD
Hey guys! My exams are almost over, and I thought I'd celebrate by creating a new team game! Find a partner and sign up!
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hmcclain (945 D)
14 Jan 14 UTC
Team Game-2
'gameID=[number]' Team game-2 Sign up here with a partner. The map is World War IV version 6.2, so there will be 18 teams. I already have a teammate, so 17 spots remaining. It is a fight to the death, no SC winning. Good luck to all that sign up
1 reply
Jimbozig (1179 D)
13 Jan 14 UTC
Server error - paused games
See inside.
2 replies
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
13 Jan 14 UTC
Please save our game and replace a multi ...
Almo was left due to a multi-accounter ...
the game just started, so positions are yet good to fill in for anyone who wants to save this game for us.
1 reply
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