A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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ezpickins (1717 D)
21 Nov 11 UTC
Need a new Italy
Game has yet to start.
0 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
21 Nov 11 UTC
Any lawyers on site?
3 replies
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
16 Sep 11 UTC
The Next VDip Cup: Discuss!
Please evaluate the current VDip cup, with respect to rules, format etc, and propose alterations for the next cup.
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Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Sep 11 UTC
hahaha thanks for the 'King', Gobble, but I don't deserve it. :))

Yeah, the Director. We only need 1 person who knows how. But it shouldn't be a Competitor in the Tournament, it wouldn't be fair IMHO. If the Director wants to play, then the rules must be written.
And the only people who know how are you & me, Gobble. And we both want to play.

Let the people of this Site learn Danish. Next time it will be easier whether find a non-playing Director or write the pairing rules for Swiss-Danish. Or have an experienced fasces playing-Director. I'd trust him.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Sep 11 UTC
Wait! DirectorS ?!? More than one? Mmm. What did you mean?
fasces349 (1007 D)
18 Sep 11 UTC
how can their be bias in a swiss/danish system. We used a swiss system in the first tournament...

However I am not sure how a swiss-danish format would work, its round robin but at the same time it isn't???
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Sep 11 UTC
OMG fasces! Mmm. We need a recap!

..............................................*** S U M M A R Y ***.............................................

We used Round Robin groups in the first Tournament. The best 4 of each group went to Knockouts.
This system had some issues:
- Dropouts and substitutions are hard to manage, if not impossible.
- Many unmeaningful Matches (i.e.: already-qualified vs already eliminated)
- Already eliminated players often give up, screwing the tournament.
- Long pauses for tiebreaking Matches
- No Final Standings. If you're not the Champion, you'll never know what your Rank is.

All these issues are eliminated or minimized by a system that has 2 variants:

1) Danish is when each player will be pitted against other players who have done as well (or poorly) as himself. So, after a Round is ended, you look at the updated Standings and next Round will be: 1st vs 2nd - 3rd vs 4th - 5th vs 6th...
Same 2 players can face more than once.

2) Swiss is the same as Danish but same 2 players CAN'T face more than once.

Both variants need a Standard Match to work. It will be 2 GvI + 2 FvA + 1 Duo.

Now, after we explored some other options, we are discussing between:
- Swiss/Danish: first 6 Rounds are Swiss, Round 7 is Danish - perfect but not simple;
- Pure Danish all 7 Rounds - simple but not perfect.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
18 Sep 11 UTC
@fasces: Need more clarifications?
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
The first tourney was not a Swiss tournament it was just a plain round-robin.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
Computer programs can handle the pairings.
fasces349 (1007 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
wait: So if 1st has already played both 2nd and 3rd place, who does he play?
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
4th, 5th, so on.
fasces349 (1007 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
so your no longer really playing those who are at your skill level...
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
well, not really, the no. of rounds is equal to the no. of rounds needed for a straight knockout. So if say 16 people join, you need 4 rounds of match so the first plays only the 4 next best players...not that much of a difference I suppose.
butterhead (1272 D)
19 Sep 11 UTC
Wow... lot's of typing... so I think I understand this basically... but one question... how long about would the next tourney take? because the reason I resigned out of the first one was that it was going to take FOREVER... if this takes like, half the time of the last, I may be re-interested in it.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 Sep 11 UTC
Well, depends on how fast you play the games...
Say 16 joined as before, you get to play in 4 rounds, 4 rounds of 5 games each that's 20 games, and we can set deadlines for games where a 50% result is awarded for any games that go past the deadline.
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Sep 11 UTC
It will be 6 rounds of Danish which probably mean 13 weeks
ezpickins (1717 D)
20 Sep 11 UTC
Danish sounds fair to me
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
20 Sep 11 UTC
Well, 6 rounds would be doable, but 7 is better. Both to be sure of the leadership and to have a reliable Final Standings, that would be unripe with only 6 Rounds.
30 or 35 games, it's not that week that makes the difference.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
20 Sep 11 UTC
However, butterhead made a good point and I intended to talk about lenght after we decided the exact Formula.

First of all I remind all that 1v1 is basically a Gunboat, you don't need to discuss strategies with your allies or convince anyone to do anything, so it takes little time each day.
Second you don't need endless waits for someone who's not joining his games. If someone doesn't show up, well....Goodbye! It's a forfait. He scores 0 and his opponent gets the bye (6).
Third, no need of tiebreaking games with Danish, so the whole Tour won't stop waiting for someone to play tiebreak.

That said, my proposals to KEEP the TOURNAMENT SHORT, FAST and ENJOYABLE for all, are:
1- After fasces gives the start to a Round, players have 24h to create/join the games they're in.
2- Do we start all 5 games (2 GvI, 2 FvA, 1 Duo) of a Match simultaneously? If not, Duo must be the first because it's longer.
3- Games are mandatorily 24h/phase. If a game is created longer, fasces will force the phase lenght to 24h.
4- If someone needs a pause, he will ask fasces. Games will be paused only manually. So fasces knows when a player will come back. I'd add : "No pauses longer than 48 hrs" but we can just make it at fasces' discretion.
5- Since next Round can't start until all games are ended, games will have a mandatory deadline. After that, if nobody was able to prevail, games will be drawn manually. I'd say the last year is 1913 for Duo and 1909 for the others. So in spring 1914 (1910) fasces will force the draw.

Guaroz (2030 D (B))
20 Sep 11 UTC
Fasces? Since you're the most involved in my last proposals, I'd like to hear from you about them (and about "6 or 7 Rounds" issue).
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 Sep 11 UTC
5- A time limit is better than a year limit; what if I can play 10 game years in 3 days, should I be barred from going beyond 1901?
Otherwise, fine.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 Sep 11 UTC
I mean *going beyond 1909*.
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
20 Sep 11 UTC
Furthermore I suggest this: When the time limit is reached, all games are considered to have ended, with the country with more SCs winning in each unfinished game. This is fairer than an across-the-board draw.
GOD (1860 D Mod (B))
20 Sep 11 UTC
I`d be for swiss.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
20 Sep 11 UTC
Some considerations:
1) time limits may be abused. Against a stronger player, I could start asking for pauses and I could never finalize or whatever, to avoid the game comes to an end.
2) 1909 and 1913 are very loose limits. I've made a research* for each variant and I've found that games lasting more than 9 years are exceptions in relation to the number of games played on this server for that variant.. It's only these exceptions that are dangerous for Tournament-timing. The other "normal" games can go on normally, you only have to worry to log in at least once a day.
3) "the country with more SCs winning"-rule looks rather unfair. I won several games in which, the year before the last, I had less SCs than my opponent but a better positioning**. With time limit rule, a player could never finalize his last phases' orders as the time limit was close enough, at hand.

A 1v1 game that doesn't end in 9 (13 for Duo) years is exceptional. And this is due to players' skills rather balanced. Balanced skills don't let anyone to prevail within a "normal" number of turns. So I think a draw would be fairer than an arbitrary win.

* Games> double click on Finished > select variant > Order by: "Turn (in-game date)(Oldest->Yougest)" > click "Search"
** example: gameID=2817.
Autumn 1905: Italy 16 - 14 Germany
Autumn 1906: Italy 14 - 19 Germany
fasces349 (1007 D)
20 Sep 11 UTC
@Guaroz: The reason I would rather do 6 instead of 7 is because its 5 games a round, rather then 2. This means it would be likely that rounds end up being 2 weeks, and so 12 weeks instead of 14...
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
20 Sep 11 UTC
@Fasces. Yep!...I don't think I'll have anything better to do those 2 weeks! :)

Seriously, if you want to cut the time then start all 5 games at once. Remember they are gunboats. Or maybe: Day 1: start Duo (longest) - Day 2: start FvA - Day 3: start GvI.
Both ways you'll have games ending in 6-9 days and so the whole Tour 8-9 in weeks instead of 14. Five weeks difference is worth something (-36%, but players more committed).
12 weeks instead of 14, looks a joke (only -14% and an outcome less reliable, but players less committed).

I know I said since the start that only 6 Rounds is doable, but I assumed it for Matches longer than 5 games (including FGvRT).
However, although I disagree, I won't insist if this looks so important to you. Probably none of us knows exactly what he's saying: this will be an experiment anyway. Look at the current Tour. It started 18 weeks ago (May, 21) and we didn't completed Quartes yet.

BTW, fasces, can I please have your thoughts on "my proposals to KEEP the TOURNAMENT SHORT, FAST and ENJOYABLE for all" that I posted a dozen hours ago?
Gobbledydook (1083 D)
21 Sep 11 UTC
Response to King Guaroz:

1) Solution: Fasces may demand reasons for why there is slow play, particularly suspicious slowplay. It should be written into the rules that deliberate slow play is unacceptable and will result in penalties. There problem solved.
2) Fair point.
3) Fair point. But if we enforce No. 1, then that situation is not likely to happen at all. More often, someone can't win fast enough because say they are France slowly grinding towards St. Petersburg.
fasces349 (1007 D)
21 Sep 11 UTC
Actually Guaroz has a good point, also it will really force players to be commited. So maybe we add 1 more week for a test, to see if players can keep up.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
21 Sep 11 UTC
1) Fair solutions but, as you see, I like to keep things simple. So, writing into the rules about when, exactly, a slow play is "deliberate" and when it becomes "unacceptable" doesn't look so simple. We want that anyone, who can log in at least once a day, signs up for the Tourney. If he starts reading on the rulebook that his slow play may be judged as "unacceptable" according to some complicated rules (and/or discretionally by the Director), he could change his mind about joining.
Also setting fair penalties isn't so simple. And even if it was, the fairest penalty is never better than a game that has come to its natural conclusion. When a Match doesn't start due to a missing player, the arbitral score: bye=6 is fair, but it's not better than a Match actually played.
Further...It's a lot of work for fasces! Patrol all games, asking why a game is slow to both competitors...waiting for both replies...evaluate them...typing decisions...hearing complaints...It's not simple at all and it requires time to spend. Rules that involve the Director's discretion are heavy for the Director! I'd keep only the one about pauses: the Director usually grants them, unless the same player is asking too many pauses too close or too long, and Director suspects an abuse. That's why I want to hear from fasces about my proposals: it's his time!
2) ok
3) if France "can't win fast enough because is slowly grinding towards St.P", it means that Austria was able to stop him there and everywhere else. So Austria is not that bad, no? A draw in 1910 is fair, I think. Actually, since Austria starts with a little advantage, a draw is a good result for France. As in Chess a draw is a good result for Blacks. The player who's France in this game and who was able to fill the gap, probably in the other game as Austria would be able to keep the advantage or to increase it. So the set would end 3-1, that is the exact measure of the skill's difference. One player is stronger, but not that stronger.
Reading this story from the other point of view, it's: Austria wasn't so good to keep his advantage but was good enough to reject all assaults and to keep the game balanced for 10 years. Stop. We're talking about a game exceptionally long. Austria was not that bad. The Tour must go on. Force draw.
France did well filling the gap, but not so well to win, and gets 1. Austria did bad wasting his advantage, but not so bad to lose, and gets 1. The other 4 games of the Match will tell who's the stronger and how much. I'd bet on the player who was France here, hoping the draw was not just luck.
Guaroz (2030 D (B))
21 Sep 11 UTC
@fasces. Sorry for my bad english, but I'm not sure of what you was talking about in your last message. Could you please make clear your thoughts about:

1) Tournament-pacemaker rules. You've read several proposals. Some of them involve somewhat of your work and your time. Do you like any? Which ones? More proposals?
2) 6 or 7 Rounds?
3) Do the 5 games of a Match start simultaneously or when?

If you could answer, it would help us a lot closing some issues, updating the Summary and moving on the next issues.
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Sep 11 UTC
My main issue is with number 3. Players willing to devote time to 5 1v1's as well as continue playing in others (for fun) may be hard to come accross.

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90 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
20 Nov 11 UTC
semi live
one on one
3 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
20 Nov 11 UTC
Treaties Game
Anyone interested?
0 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
20 Nov 11 UTC
Is it just me?
Or have the stats disappeared?
3 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
19 Nov 11 UTC
World War IV Team Game improvement ideas
The interest in the World War IV Team Game is dying and the public press is being filled up with ranting, improvement ideas and calls for a draw. The calls for a draw are being drowned out so move your improvement ideas here please.
10 replies
gman314 (1016 D)
19 Nov 11 UTC
World War IV Team Game ranting thread
The ranting on the World War IV Team Game just keeps filling up the public press and calls for a draw are being drowned out because of it.
Move your ranting here please.
3 replies
BenGuin (1529 D)
19 Nov 11 UTC
join join join
0 replies
G-Man (2516 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
Ultimate Fantasy Breakdown
I've created this thread to discuss the Ultimate Fantasy game in the Fantasy World variant that just concluded.
2 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
19 Nov 11 UTC
replacement needed (sirijaya)
9 Supply Centres, 7 units. good position. Gunboat.
2 replies
whiskeyandfeet (719 D)
18 Nov 11 UTC
Players in War in 2020 - 3, we have a metagamer in our midst. There's no frigging way EE could have known to support Indian Ocean into Russia last round. This game is bogus, I move we cancel it.
4 replies
tricky (1005 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
Paragay in Karibik doesn't stand a chance to win because it can't ever build fleets. Thoughts?
12 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
17 Nov 11 UTC
Draw, Pauce, Cancel & CONCEDE?
it seems to me that sometimes a concede option could be handy; especially if one player is definitely going to win - For instance in Fall of the American Empire, civil war.
32 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
17 Nov 11 UTC
Need to Un-pause
Hello Oli, hate to bother you but gameID=4237 needs to be un-paused by the admin. Everyone is back and un-paused, yet the game is still paused.
3 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
not working grey press - oli help?
hi oli
this game was announced as grey press... now it has all press tabs (that should not be... ) + grey is not working?
4 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
Black Hole of Calcutta
for Colonial fans, no frills:
1 reply
Snake IV (1154 D)
16 Nov 11 UTC
"Live game" pilot Saturday 19/11, 19:00 London time
"Live game" is a game played like a FTF game but on the net, it only lasts an evening as has 10-15 min deadlines. We are some that want to get these games a regular practice, and this particular game is meant to try out the preconditions for that.
1 reply
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
16 Nov 11 UTC
anyone out there who paints miniatures?
Does the diplomacy hobby mix?
3 replies
kaug (1220 D)
10 Nov 11 UTC
USA map
Why does the USA need only 14 SCs to win?
46 replies
Rancher (1109 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
Tokugawa Bakufu
Sengoku Jidai, no frills:
0 replies
idealist (1107 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
new 1v1 games
links inside
4 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
15 Nov 11 UTC
Subjects Needed!
gameID=4363 Revolting!
gameID=4325 Something
gameID=4326 Else
0 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
12 Nov 11 UTC
Triage of Variants: Classic Map only! FOG GREY PRESS 1887
2 replies
ScubaSteve (1202 D)
14 Nov 11 UTC
Possible bug in Modern Diplomacy
I am trying to convoy an army from Wales to Holland. North Sea will not accept the otherwise valid convoy command.
2 replies
Hman125 (900 D)
10 Nov 11 UTC
8 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
10 Nov 11 UTC
rox is back for a new map :D ww20
pls join fast! :)
as i think its idiotic to play this map without messages i open one with... ;)
just 5 D to try...
9 replies
idealist (1107 D)
14 Nov 11 UTC
new 1v1 games
see inside for links
5 replies
mongoose998 (1344 D)
14 Nov 11 UTC
Economic game
join up
0 replies
RoxArt (1732 D)
12 Nov 11 UTC
kidding me? not more than 3 games!!!!?
ok sorry i dont know the new system cause i was of a bit but i think i should be able to join more than 3 games as i have proven enough affidability!!?
further i have 1 game running and joined 2 that are not even started and dont start maybe cause of not enough players and now i cannot join another game?
bullshit! :(
10 replies
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