A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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sebastian1988 (955 D)
05 Dec 11 UTC
new game - gunboat
0 replies
Venetia (1587 D)
05 Dec 11 UTC
1897 game
Come on, 2 more needed.
1 reply
fasces349 (1007 D)
04 Dec 11 UTC
Question about viking game
can fleets move to territories bordering water ways?
8 replies
The Ambassador (2267 D (B))
26 Sep 11 UTC
New variant idea - Pirate Diplomacy
Just had an conceptual idea that I'd love some feedback on: Pirate Diplomacy. Set in the Caribbean, I'm interested in what unique "twists" could be built into the game to make it interesting. Aggghhhrr, what do you think my buccaneers?
68 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
04 Dec 11 UTC
Players needed! Chaos full press

Please join :D
0 replies
tricky (1005 D)
03 Dec 11 UTC
Stupid question
If you save your orders and let the clock run down do your orders still count?
2 replies
ZombieControl (1014 D)
02 Dec 11 UTC
Players Needed, VIKINGS NEEDED!

Need 3 more players
3 replies
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
13 Nov 11 UTC
first game Classic - England vs Turkey.
54 replies
Adler (1490 D)
03 Dec 11 UTC
Why isn't this game progressing?
All have finalized except the cd country, so why the game doesn't progress to the new season?
2 replies
nekudza (1063 D)
03 Dec 11 UTC
To moderators - unpause request.
Please unpause game

It has been started in october and my opponent took a pause. Several times i asked him to unpause and several times he said he will do that in 2-3 days but never did. Last time he promised to unpause December the 1st. As he answers messages immediately, he is at site most time. Delaying the game for more then month is ridiculous. Please unpause.
0 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
01 Dec 11 UTC
Known World 901 Question
So I just noticed that the win condition (60a scs) for the map doesn't coincide with the rule box shown in the upper right hand corner of the map (55a scs). Is there a reason for this?
14 replies
Geofram (0 D)
03 Dec 11 UTC
A Tribute to Mr. Calhamer
Hello friends, I'm a moderator over at and I just wanted to take the time to let you know about a little project we're getting together to celebrate the creator of diplomacy's 80th birthday.
3 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
03 Dec 11 UTC
Players needed! Chaos full press

Full press chaos game starts in 3 days. We are short players so join if you are interested!
0 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
01 Dec 11 UTC
Chaos gunboat?
Just curious, would it be plausible to do a chaos gunboat? or would it be a stupid idea
9 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
02 Dec 11 UTC
Chaos game

Chaos game, 1 day phases, full press. Starts in 4 days so if you are interested, please join :D
0 replies
butterhead (1272 D)
01 Dec 11 UTC
This is why you don't drive under the influence!!!
3 replies
rl7040 (1064 D)
02 Dec 11 UTC
Open Game- Please Join!
There's an open American Empire game, and New York's left with 7 centers, 6 units and in relatively good condition.
1 reply
siemaskoIam (1057 D)
30 Nov 11 UTC
Can anyone tell me why this was not a tie?
I expected Russia and Austria to tie, but Russia won. Does anyone know the exact reason?
19 replies
airborne (970 D)
01 Dec 11 UTC
Army occupying Iceland!?
...Why does Norway start with an army in Iceland?
3 replies
Movement Bug in Known World 901
My fleet in Wales is unable to select Welsh Sea as a destination to move to despite it being clearly adjacent. Please fix quickly or I might be at a disadvantage in a current game. I am only able to select Wessex and Jorvik (wc) as destinations for the move order.
1 reply
Wolfman (1230 D)
27 Nov 11 UTC
New Viking Map
Wanted to play the new Viking map. 5 day phases to allow for people with busy schedules during the Holiday Season. If your in a rush to get a game played, please don't join. No one should be griped on because they want it to take the whole allotted time. Full press/20 point buy in. I personally will be busy during the next month. So please join if you have the patience to wait and play slowly.
2 replies
ezpickins (1717 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
El Mundial (Barcelona)
Our Paper Agency has decided to conduct an international Poll to gather a sample of those players interested in playing a Grey Press Only (Global Only) game in which the only form of communication would be press releases. Anyone interested?
9 replies
nekudza (1063 D)
30 Nov 11 UTC
Message in 'No in-game messaging' game
i'm playing 'No in-game messaging' and site reports i have unread global message. i have no ability to read it while icon 'new message' is hanging. it is annoying!
2 replies
President Eden (1588 D)
30 Nov 11 UTC
Need a game cancelled or drawn
Hello, mods! I'm in the midst of a Fall of the American Empire game which needs cancellation or drawing. We are stuck in that first-year-NMR-extension loop because we cannot find a replacement.
1 reply
Viking diplomacy
Hey guys, i have a bit more free time right now and this map looks pretty cool, so i wanted to get a game going.
1 reply
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
Growing concern with the respect and courtesy shown on this site...
I have always noticed that there have been one or two games that someone makes a complete @$$ of themselves and sinks to insults and degrading players character, and indeed I believe 99% of players, myself included, have done this at one point or another in their days as a player...
butterhead (1272 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
But It seems that lately the amount of these incidents has increased dramatically, and frankly it concerns me deeply. I believe something needs to be done to make some form of warning/punishment for those players.
Rancher (1109 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
hadn't really noticed this here, I see it at webdip a bit though ...
G-Man (2516 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
Yeah, we've got a player (Germany) hurling all kinds of insults and derogatory remarks at other players in this 1000 point game I'm in: . You can see it in the public press. And I completely agree with you Butterhead. There's no call for it, regardless of whether or not this player disagrees with the tactics of other players, and it diminishes the morale and quality of the game. It's also an eyesore and just plain tasteless.
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
just mute them, its here for a reason...

When I was 14 and 15 I use to be rude to my enemies and allies who stabbed me, trying as hard as possible to have a minumum of 2 swear words per sentence when talking to them, so I know what its like to insult and degrade players. However I have matured since then and, unless I am in a bad mood prior to the conversation I try to be as polite as possible.

This has made me consider that any player willing to insult and degrade is either a fan of chainsaw diplomacy or more importantly, the maturity levels I possessed (or lacked) back when I was 15.

We are (or at least most of us are) all adults or young adults, I think it is reasonable to expect us to behave as such.
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
@G-Man you should discuss ongoing games in the forums, but I recomend you mute Germany unless you need to talk to him.
G-Man (2516 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
Can't mute the public press, and if I could, I might miss an important message re: pause, draw... Point taken on discussing ongoing games. I press the 'post' button too fast sometimes. It would be nice if we could edit our posts.
So much uncalled for whining... He was fucking around with you guys in global, y'all took it way too seriously and started acting petulant (not finalizing retreats in a 7-day-phase but replying to global banter? really? choosing never to finalize just to spite someone else... really?) and now you're complaining on the forum. Come on, we've seen actual immature attacks and shit with people like Mythos. Let's not get it mixed up with playful stuff like this.

If I were in that game, I would appreciate the shit out of Germany for actually trying to make a week-long abomination enjoyable with global banter.

Part of maturity, in response to fasces, is to recognize when insults and degradation are thrown around in jest (mature) or not (immature), and to respond with indifference or reciprocated humor (mature) instead of trying to be as annoying as possible in-game by not finalizing out of spite (immature).
fasces349 (1007 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
You can mute a country, such in your case Germany, in which case anything he says from now on will not be shown unless you unmute him.

It was done in the above game, (note its webdip not vdip), in which case we got so fed up with France by the end of the second year we had all muted him and entered a 6-way alliance against him.

Once he was eliminated we took the 6-way draw, which was a shame given that before the alliance I was very confident that victory would be mine.
G-Man (2516 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
Thanks fasces.

@ President Eden: Some of us are finalizing moves, builds, and retreats as we always have. Others were not finalizing moves, builds, and retreats as they always have before Germany started insulting them. Some players asked nicely if we could speed things up. Two players asked Germany not to use derogatory remarks. Was I supposed to recognize that Germany calling people gay and making gay insinuations as if they were a bad thing was mature? No one deserves to be outright insulted even if they take the full period to finalize. And I mentioned this here because Butterhead thought it was important enough to start a post about it.
I don't like rude players. I sometimes troll the forums but I have kept reasonable in-game etiquette in all cases but one.
'Others were not finalizing moves, builds, and retreats as they always have before Germany started insulting them.'

Wow, really? He playfully suggested you guys finalize and started making fun of the fact that people with one forced retreat took the full 7 days to issue it.

'Two players asked Germany not to use derogatory remarks.'

Like what exactly?

'Was I supposed to recognize that Germany calling people gay and making gay insinuations as if they were a bad thing was mature?'

You read the insinuations entirely on your own, as best I can tell. He played off the fact that you guys took it as an insult.

'No one deserves to be outright insulted even if they take the full period to finalize.'

Good Lord, it's playful banter. An insult implies some intention to damage or harm. Playful banter carries no such intention.

'And I mentioned this here because Butterhead thought it was important enough to start a post about it.'

Again, and? You're still complaining on the forum because someone had the gall to joke around on global and make fun of people taking a week to finalize a forced retreat.
G-Man (2516 D)
22 Nov 11 UTC
Wow, very defensive and familiar with the game for someone who's not even playing in it PE.

And yeah, speed has been an issue since day one in this game. It's not the first time someone has taken the full phase for a retreat or a build.

France and Egypt asked Germany to stop using derogatory remarks like calling people douches, calling people gay, calling people asses, saying things like, "You likely have homosexual tendencies too, or wear your mommys clothes when she goes out," or "I think Italy is an assistant football coach at a major university...and Turkey just dropped the soap... again."

Maybe you think that's cool PE, but you should respect that there are many of us who don't find that kind of commentary entertaining. Germany signed up for a game with 7-day phases, and if some players want to take those full seven days for any type of phase, that's their right. I can understand the push to speed the game up, but that's not the way to go about it.
A five-minute skim of the global chatter was sufficient for that. And I'd hardly call myself defensive.

If speed's an issue, why would you exacerbate the issue for everyone out of spite to one player? (Not 'you' specifically, as I dunno who France is, but 'you' generally, as in any given person.)

I don't think it's cool, I said personally idgaf and I wouldn't give a fuck if it were me in the game being targeted by the comments. It's just a bunch of stupid jabs (I mean really, douche? ass? gay? what idiot still considers these quality putdowns?). The only reason I bothered to comment at all is because someone came to the forum about it and suggested that the community should adopt procedures to prohibit harmless banter in games, which I would certainly be opposed to doing.
G-Man (2516 D)
23 Nov 11 UTC
Personally, I can't speak for those who are holding back on readying their orders. I can tell you it's hard for those of us who are not holding back on readying our orders to ready sometimes, as we still need to diplomacize with those players who are taking their time.

It's not that we can't take the putdowns, it's that they're disrespectful of other players and no one should have to play in that environment. Games I've played in where no one has been constantly insulting the other players have taken on a more fun tone as well and been a real blast on the public and private message boards. This is dragging the morale down in this game, making everyone cranky, and actually working against speeding up the game, which Germany is pushing for, since players who are tired of being insulted by Germany are admittedly taking even longer than they admittedly need to, in retaliation for Germany's insults. Plus, there are many other ways to make the points that Germany is making without actually insulting anyone.
Well, no one's arguing that Germany's methods are efficient. :p I agree with the fact that he's doing it wrong, because his putdowns suck.

I would just hate for that game to be the impetus for legitimately enjoyable banter being banned from games is all. Otherwise I've no dog in the fight.
butterhead (1272 D)
23 Nov 11 UTC
There is a difference between legitimately enjoyable banter(which I believe Germany was INITIALLY attempting to do), and the kind of remarks he is making now, especially after France called him out. One would think that if it was "banter" than when someone announced that they took offense to such comments, Germany would be mature enough to stop and find another way to joke around, but instead he got even more rude and offensive. I do take offense to what the German player is saying, as I am sure other members of the game do(and have stated that they do)... therefore it IS an issue PE...
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
23 Nov 11 UTC
I don't see a problem. Nor do I see a problem with Germany's antics in aforesaid game. so +1 PresidentEden.
G-Man (2516 D)
23 Nov 11 UTC
Really Kaner? You think it's okay to insult other players and to ignore the other players when they tell you they're offended by your insults? Is it okay if Germany calls someone a nigger? A motherfucker? Do you just see the insults Germany uses as acceptable? As what's acceptable differs from person to person and some people may be just as offended by being called an ass or being told they wear a dress. I can tell you this kind of thing would not fly in many moderated forums around the web and that anyone who continued to carry on after others protested would be kicked out. I'm not saying Germany should be kicked out, but I agree with Butterhead's initial post.
RoxArt (1732 D)
23 Nov 11 UTC
you are all idiots, freaks, and **** *peeep peep peeep!!!! yes im serious, f*** you all and *** peeeeeep!

come on guys seriously, let the kids play ;)
G-Man (2516 D)
23 Nov 11 UTC
Bad standards Rox. You don't see players behaving like this in a chess tournament or at school. In fact they get kicked out or expelled for it if they won't control themselves. Why should this be acceptable in Diplomacy, it's certainly not like it's a necessary part of the game. If allowed to fester and grow, as it apparently has been lately, it will ultimately only lower the quality of players, quality of game banter, and reputation of the site as a premiere site for Diplomacy.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
23 Nov 11 UTC
Just throwing in my 2phone cents.

IMO, anything is fair in-game. This is Diplomacy, a game that people would lie, bribe, insult, and "cheat" in order to win. The game was made to encourage players to use every available means in order to win. If a player can make another player act rashly by insulting them, that's quite possibly good play.

That said, out of game is completely different. We are all members of this community and on the forums, we need to respect each other and others opinions or sour the whole community.

So, my solution: everyone needs to take a big chill pill in game and realize that people might not even mean what they say, but are just saying it to get you to do a certain action. If we all realize this, perhaps we can all remember its just a game too.

Side note: I doubt many players on here or webdip would call me an asshole or anything like that, yet I've insulted people intake for just the reason I outlined above. Does it mean I really mean those things? No, definitely not.
G-Man (2516 D)
23 Nov 11 UTC
I've said a lot, but I do want to comment on what you said Drano. I think that's a good point in general, but cheating isn't really condoned or allowed, just as injuring a player to win isn't either. And the advantage gained from a continuous barrage of insults and rude and crude banter is so negligible that I have to ask, is that really what you want to see in gameplay here? Can't insults also be handed out in a tasteful manner to achieve the same effect, like "Drano, you used to be a good player!," or, "Being Russia's lapdog has really made you make some poor decisions." Anyway, thanks for hearing me out.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
23 Nov 11 UTC
Gman- notice I said "cheat"in with quotes. What I mean by that is players would try to look at other players orders as they were being written in face to face diplomacy and stuff like that. All shady things, but within the rules.

As for insults, I agree. Mostly. Usually tasteful insults work, but sometimes you really want to make someone mad and attack you, possibly to let a hidden ally strike them while they're angry and so that they leave a good defensive position. There ARE times that direct, tasteless insults work. I'm nit saying all the time, or even most of the time, but there are definitely times.
butterhead (1272 D)
23 Nov 11 UTC
See I agree with a lot of what you are saying drano, except the targets of Germany's rants are those players that are nearing there deaths anyways, and have no major alliances. Italy, Turkey, and France.
"but are just saying it to get you to do a certain action. If we all realize this, perhaps we can all remember its just a game too."
This is what Germany's insults initially were meant to do, but people, myself included, took offense, and confronted him. instead of trying a different method, he began insulting them even more and now insults anyone who confronts him about it. France told him that if the insults continued, he would intentionally take the full phase, the OPPOSITE of what Germany wanted, so obviously the tactic failed... so why continue?
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
23 Nov 11 UTC
Who knows why he continues? We'll have to ask once we know who it is.

All I'm saying is that its a viable tactic and trying to ban it wouldn't be right. Of course, its also perfectly OK for people to be insulted and team up against the insulting person. Its a risky strategy.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
24 Nov 11 UTC
but sometimes the strategy works, although it tends to work more often when the insults are witty and humourous.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 Nov 11 UTC
I just called someone a shit-for-brains. But he called me a dickhead.
Thats because you prefer to throw games instead of forcing draws.
kaner406 (2088 D Mod (B))
29 Nov 11 UTC
Not always - I like to shake up my playing style from game to game. But yes there is a certain satisfaction in knowing it irks you.
So how often do you end up getting the "retard" play style?
Oh, and before you answer that, keep in mind the objective of this game is to "gain 18 supply centres, and if failing that, to obtain a draw" as stated by the rulebook. Then tell me how your playstyle tries to achieve that goal in any way, shape, or form.
RoxArt (1732 D)
29 Nov 11 UTC
Bad standards Rox. You don't see players behaving like this in a chess tournament or at school. <---
this is an online game, anonymousity.... just get used to it, press the mute button and chill ;)
and further like drano says sometime it works ;)
Don't worry people. I am not Germany in that game. :-)
Raro (1449 D)
29 Nov 11 UTC
we know, diplomat- 'cause you've never had more than 100 D. :)
Neil (957 D)
29 Nov 11 UTC
Oh snap.
G-Man (2516 D)
29 Nov 11 UTC
@ Rox: It may work once, but it becomes pointless when it is repeated over and over and over and over again, and has actually just been working against what Germany stated his intentions were here. It is also unnecessary in public press, as it is offending more than just the intended players. Plus, there are more clever and tactful ways to insult someone than to badger them repeatedly with juvenile-level name-calling. And again, is this what you want to engage in when you play Diplomacy? I know there are a lot of us that don't and would prefer the standards of gameplay be up to the level you find on other good sites (of all kinds) around the web.
Hey Raro, check my total points now. 142!
Raro (1449 D)
29 Nov 11 UTC
I know, it just fell off the toungue

38 replies
Grand Admiral Thrawn (1207 D)
27 Nov 11 UTC
3 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
29 Nov 11 UTC
live game right now 1 v 1 open slot
0 replies
ZombieControl (1014 D)
26 Nov 11 UTC
Haven Game! Need Players.
Need players for a Haven game. Anon, starting on Wednesday. 17 needed.
5 replies
Jonnikhan (1554 D)
28 Nov 11 UTC
Need some Players!
WWIV game, 20 pt bet -
Be brave, be bold, create stories to be told!
2 replies
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